INSIDE LEISURE Campus 2 ■ Music enthusiasts hat* the Classifieds 9 opportunity to get the blues in the Focus 10 new harmonici instruction class Leisure 7 being ottered through PAGE Opinion 4 the Division of Sports 5 Continuing Studies. 7 MONDAY • F e b ru a ry 11, 1991 • Yol. 2 0 • No, 2.1 The weekly newsjwper of Indiana I nivvrsify-Punhie limvrsity at Itvdianajxil is Students who miss Senate receives deadline risk losing aid ■ The Office of Financial Aid Students also miss out on obtaining v aid from the Perkins Grant, a federal offers assistance to students ' grant which is allocated through the on draft financial aid office. filling out request forms. "The deadline is of limited funds Higinhotham said By AMY MORRIS Staff \Mrter The Indiana Higher lit ore provided hy the state to of constitution Students missing the March I students in paying for tuition and fees, and are awarded on a need basis. financial aid deadline give up the what those people want to do. chance to receive funds from two of last year, more than 2.620 IUPUI ■ Student Senate learns ways "If you're charged with the the state's largest suppliers. students received stale grants totaling m«cc lhan $3.2 million. These awards responsibility of producing a document "Those who miss the deadline to revise its constitution and for a group or organization, that completely kwe out on Indiana Higher ranged from $200 to $ 1.300. "This is quite a sum of money to still meet the April deadline. document must be pertinent to their Education Grants and the Lilly desires." said Wilkins Endowment Grant,” said Kathy COW is currently working on a Higinbothani. assistant director. Office P leas* m AID, By AMY MORRIS revised edition of a constitution and of Scholarships and Financial Aid. P a « a 3 Staff Writer hopes to have it ratified by the April Board of Trustees meeting, said David Suggestions offered at a workshop Bent, president pro tern A chorus line last Thursday will help Student We'd like to be further along, but Government members clarify what in the nest two weeks we will be qualities a constitution should promote, back on track." said Lalich said Melisa Lalich. senator from the The constitution COW is currently School of Nursing drafting would shift responsibilities Lawrence P Wilkins, professor in back to the schools, and open the the School of Law. teaches a course channels of coni muiuc at ion. said Mike in legal drafting and offered students Wagoner, director of the Office of advice on how to put together a Student Activities. document that works and carries out A first draft of the constitution was their objectives. sent out to school student councils "1 think his input was very direct, and is being returned to COW with constructive and to the point. He helped suggestions and requested changes clarify some important points and "WeVve been going through and helped emphasize the importance of working on the changes as they come a good Bill of Rights," Lalich said. in," Benz said. Students listened and voiced their Although no time restraint has been opinions during the student leadership assigned for the schools to return the workshop sponsored by the Student draft. Benz said COW has faith in Government Committee of the Whole. the student councils. “A constitution should perform three "I think the whole university would simple things. It should define an like to see the constitution finished," organization, contain a bask structural he said. framework and provide stability,” One change the committee is revising Wilkins said. is Amendment Eight. He expUunetM ^k) the course of The amendment involves allowing writing a constitution, a student government must think about putting Ple as e se e SENATE, together a document that facilitates H f i l th e fts occur in bookstore ■ Three bookbags were stolen a report with police. The bookstore staff called IUPD, from the Cavanaugh Hall who had received a call from a student who had found Ray’s bag In a parking bookstore last Wednesday. lot near the dental school. The bag was missing $30 dollars and a pack By CHRIS RICKETT of cigarettes Staff Writer IUPD said theft of student belongings from the bookstore is rare, with only With some time to kill before class, five such incidents occurring in 1990. freshman Amy Ray went into the Jan* P«rt*rV)*#Tw/St*ff PMc^aphar "I would say that it happens, but bookstore last Wednesday evening it's not that frequent.” said Deputy From left, sophomore Jennifer Jonee, freshman John Schmitt and sophomores Tiffany Williams and Taaha Bunsoid taka advantage of a tunny to browse. Friday afternoon to dance on a railing at the entrance of Ball Residence Hall. Thar* are 285 students living In Bad. See related story P * e 10. Chief Larry Props! She came out with a Valentine's For four yean, Ball State University Day card and a big surprise. has utilized a claim-check system that The bookbog she had placed on lias not only eliminated (he problem, the shelf reserved for students’ Seminar educates men, women on rape, date rape belongings had been stolen but also jnhibtted theft of bookstore It is difficult to keep track of what property, said Karen Evans, bookstore belongs to whom, said Susan Hill, a director. ■ A panel of experts will address the familiar with college life about what rape is and Mulvey. bookstore employee who was working “A college campus has alway s been how serious it is.” said Susan Hancock, president Another nape was reported last Thursday and Mulvey at the time of the theft. an environment for theft.” said Evans. campus community on the emotional of the Greek Council said it appears to be an acquaintance rape. "We had a line and were busy," “This way. we're protected and so The seminar, which will take place from 7 to 9 “Many young students don't understand the concept said Hill, a freshman in Undergraduate are the students” medical and legal aspects of rape. p.m. in Lecture Hall. Room 102. will focus on of rape, especially date rape. This seminar is as Education. "People were coming and Ham Vogel, assistant director of informing students of what rape is and how it can much for men as it is for women." Hancock said. going." the IUPU1 bookstore, said that a system be prevented. To discuss information on the emotional, medical When Ray informed the bookstore similar to the one at BSU is a good Hancock, a .senior in the School of Science, said and legal aspects of rape and date rape, a panel of staff that her bag was missing, she idea, but due to the infrequency of she sees date and acquaintance rape as a problem experts will address the group and answer questions. found out she was not alone. the crime and lack of space in the Ropes and dale ropes continue to be a problem on on college campuses that needs to be addressed. Tropp. the keynote speaker, plans to address the “I told the clerks and they told me bookstore, students would still have college campuses, said Naomi Trapp, executive director "The Greek Council wants to start doing more group about reasons why date rape occurs and what that I was the third person to have to take that risk. that involves the campus community and this is of The Julian Center. can be done to prevent it. one stolen in the last 13 minutes,” "We can't allow customers to bring one way to get the campus involved in a positive In hopes of educating the campus community , "Date rgpe is not a recent happening, people -said Ray books into the store," said Vbgel. the Greek Council and the Max-Well program are way.” said Hancock. Although three bags ware stolen, "It's kind of a catch-22 situation," sponsoring a rape seminar on Tuesday. There have been four reported rapes that IUPD PtOOM SM RAPS. he added. "We hope to alert college students who aren't has responded to since January 1990, stud Chief John Ray was the only student who filed History Month festivities include gospel, flintiest The Black Student Union and Minority Student Services up at the Minority Student Services American history. The drnmaik office located in the basement of readings will be presented on Feb. sponsor campus events in celebration of Black History Month. University Library. 22. from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., in the The Black Student Union is Lecture Hall, Room 101. gospel choirs, and the interest just sponsoring (wo events. Other activities planned far the month hasn't been there for IUPU1. The The filmfest. which lakes place of February include purpose of the gospel fest is so that Saturday, at 2 p.m., in the Lecture • The RJ School of Nursing presents A variety of activities are planned IUPU1 will not be second to the other Hail. Room 101. will feature two films. "Blacks in Nursing: An Invisible for the IUPU1 community to celebrate schools,” Bedford said "The filmfest is geared toward the History,” on Friday at noon. Nursing Black History Month Students are taking pan in planning African-American students." said Sieve Building, Room 112, and Robert Bedford, director of Minority the event, "FUadi by nature, gifted Garrett, president of the BSU. • A lecture titled, "Silent Impact: Student Services, said as many as by the sp irtA V a Wed by God.” “However, the doors are always open African-American Art in Indiana." 900 people arc expected to attend a which features a dramatic preventauon if others would like to come," he wdl be presented by William E Taylor, Gospel Fest '91, which Bedford The gospel fest will take place on added lecturer in black art hutory at lUFLfl, originated in 1986.
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