,,. ,, , . ’... _. " ,.! . ¯ ¯ 7. ,i.. / The Franklin NEWS-RECORD Franklin’-sJOldest CommunityNewspaper SecondClass postageDald VOL.18,.NO. 29 TWOSECTIONS, 26 I’AU~ THURSDAY,JULY 19, 1973 Office_Lpnone725-3300 at s=rno,.t, NJ. cesta. I0 CENTSI’EF, COPY- S4.50 PEP, YEAR, Hooper Town. Resolution Is tieipated Tol ht .byAnits Susi active memberof FcoP, will be creasing our population by 25 per Delaware-RarttanCanal, Nine hearingsand I6 months usedto defendFranklin’s Master cent." presentlya Nationalas wellqs a havepassed since the battle Planfrom "zoning by varianceY’ Police chief RussellPfeiffer State HistoricalSite. Thecanal.. between residents of the Amongthe features of the has stated in past testimonyhis supplieswater to 46 communities Griggstownarea and Chester proposed ModelTown will be concernwithtraffieproblems in and is located in an area Hooper, a Hackensack 2,542 middle-incomeand upper- the area of the proposedproject, designatedas a floodplainby the developer, squared off, with middle-income,apartment units "Noneof the roads in that Departmentof Environmental Franklin’s boardof adjustment renting at about $200for one- general area would bear the Protection. as the referee. Tonightthe board bedroomunits and $250for two- traffic he has stated, "Whois The FCOPgroup also has expectsto resolvethe battle one bedroomunits. Parkingfor 3,813 go ng to fix and widen these contendedthat portionsof the wayor anotherin a publicvote on cars is plannedfor an expected roads?" Hooper apartments would be the proposed Hooper Model populationof 6,000 people. A TownshipHealth Officer John located within the flood area. Town,a :massive 2,500-unit shoppingcenter, a school, an Corinnestated over a year ago Accordingto enablingleb;islatioo garden apartment complex "olympicsize" swimmingpool that the location of the project passedby the N.J. State Senate aimedfor a 216-acretract on and two smaller pools, tennis next to the existing North and Assembly,municipalities CanalRoad and SuydamRoad in courts,shuffleboard Courts and a Brunswickwater treatment plant withdesignated flood areas have the tiny village of Griggstawn.childrens’ play area are also wouldbe a "potential nuisance until Februaryof 1974to pass Whetherthe variancefor the planned. factor." ordinances forbidding apartmentcomplex, to be located Costs for the entire complex Other factors cited by op. developmentof the flood areas¯ in whatis presentlyan R-A(rural havebeen estimated at about20’ ponentsto the projectinclude the Franklinhas not yet passedsuch - agricultural)zone is grantedor million.In past testimonyWalter proximityof the project to the an ordinance. denied, somebodywill probably Gehriche, attorney for Mr. sue, says boardof adjustment Hooper, has estimated the attorneyHerbert Silver. project would generate ap- Library Plans Rock "I have no doubtMr. Hooper proximately$15 million in tax wouldtake us to courtif he loses revenuefor the ~ownship. the’variance,"said Mr.Silver in Amongthe rationalescited for a brief interview Wednesdaythe Hooper project by its Program For Fans morning.Likewise, he expects proponentshave beenthe need membersof FCOP,the Franklin for housingfor personnelfrom Franklin Townshipwill be a (Creeque Alley, California "sumn~erfestival" on Thursday, Dreaminand I’ve Gota Feelin);- Citizensfor OrderlyPlanning, to Princeton and Rutgers ¯ July whenmusic lovers can take legal action if the apart- Universities, both within com- 26, CannedHeat (Rollin" andTum- MayorAttilio .Lattanzioinspec’fs the damageon his boom underbrush,the truck wasused to smashpiles of material bring a blanketor chairto the blin); HughMasekela (Bajabu]a truck, whichvandals used to destroyportions of his lumber ments get the nod from the mutingdistance of the project MunicipalBuilding parking lot beforefinally beingdriven into anothertruck. (Photo by Anita Susi} board¯ site, The ’Hoopertownpeople Bonke)., Jefferson Airplane yard. Dented,draped with poison ivy froma trip through The FCOPgroup came into havealso cited whatthey call a for three anda half hoursof free (High Flyin Bird and Today); . rock music sponsored by the andJanisJoplinwithBigBrother existencedirectly because of the middle-incomehousing shortage Franklin Hoopertown issue, hiring in this area as reason for the Public Library, the and the HoldingCompany (Ball Princeton attorney Thomas project. Franklin Parks and Recreation and Chain). Also, Erie Burden Jamiesonand various sewage The developershave claimed Department,and the Somerset and the Animals (Paint it Vandals Spree Destroys andplanning experts to present the presentagricultural use of CountyLibrary. ’ Black); The Who (My testimonyagainst themodelthe land in questionresults in "a Theeveningwillbeginat7withGeneration); CountryJoe and townpropesal before the beard of substantial tax loss for the a two-hourconcert of live rock the Fish (Section 43); Otis adjustment.Last Septemberthe township,"while they havesaid music’ by the Incredible K- Redding(~hake and I’ve Been ¯ citizens’group staged a country,the project, if constructed,would Williams Band. The Penn- Loving You Too Long); Jimi festivalwhichraised over $4,000 enhanceprooertv values in the sylvania group was formedin Hendrix (Wild Thing); Ravi New Mayor’s Lmnber Yarcl for their legal coffers.Volunteers 1970 and has been playing to Shankar(Ragu Bhimpalasi). area nrov’idestor’esand services college audiencesin the area Raindatewill be the following played bluegrass music, auc- tath’hreaandprovidewhatthey reportson the incidentwere not tinned off loads of hay, rented call a valuabletax ratable¯ provingto be a crowdpleaser at Thursday,August 2. The scene looked like the OnMonday night vandals broke not understandwhy the .police tractors, sold bakedgoods, and their performances.The band sandbox of an unusually into the warehouseof his lumber had not yet arrived and phoned yet availableto the press. Opponentsof the project, whichfeatures MikeKlapholt and destructivegiant child. Piles of company,located on Springfield Franklin Police Chief Russell ChiefPfeiffer askedthe mayor gave art and craft demon- include FCOP,the Franklin RogerWilliams on lead/rhythm Few Re ply e nderblock’’ Were"’ strewn if he thoughtthe vandalismwas’- strationsin an effort to preserveConservationClub.havestated in .,. AvenueoffRouta27,.stnleaboomPfeiffer. Police arrivedshortb; their peaceful village from guitar, Bob Milstone on base ........ ’ earelessly around, warehouse truck, and went on a wrecking ti~ereafter. Detectiveshowever politically motivated,but Mr. thepastthatiftheHooperprojectguitarandMeadFiddondrums. doorswereripped open, pipes spreewhichMayorLattanziosaysd d not arr ve at the sceneuntil Lattanzio feels the extent of. development, is granted,others will follow it in To complimenttheir sound,the Reader Poll werescattered like hugestraws vandalismin the area of his Thisyear the grouphopes to do the township. "puts me just about out of 12:45, Mr. Lattanziosaid with itagain, with alarger, more ¯ band uses Marshalland Hiwatt andtwo trucks, looking for all the .business." visible annoyance, lumberyard is too frequent to JamesMoise, amemberefthe amps, along with Gibsonand world like toys, weresmashed Thevandalisl’n was discovered supportsuch a theory. This in- organizedcountry.festival which ConservationClub, has stated in Fenderguitars and a doubleset ~ Police togetheratop a pile of dirt. b’y Mr.Lattanzio’s son Alfred at Fingerprintswere found on the cidentlMr. Lattanzio said, is the --- will raise morefunds for their the past that the projectwould be boomtruck used by the vandals, fourth one in whichhis trucks war chest. Fundsraised, ac- hke¯ "mowng. the entzre~ of chromedrums for brillianceon Franklinresidents seemto be This was the scene sadly about 7:30on Tuesdaymorning, cordingto Mrs. LeeBuilt(t, an stage, taking a summersiesta these surveyedby Attilio.Lattanzio,a The son called the Franklin said one detective. An in- have been vandalized. .p°pulationof BoundBrook, in- Thesecond hall" of the concert days. Only"five replies were long-timefifth wardcouncilman police and notified his father, vestigationis pending,reported "The last time I "was van- begins at 9 when the con- receivedfor a reader poll taken whohas served as Franklin’s whoarrived 20 minuteslater. Franklin police Wednesday dalizedhere,I didn’teven bother temporary music film "Men- last weekto see howresidents mayorfor less than three weeks. MayorLattansio said he could morning,although they said to reportit to the police," Mr. , terey Pop"will be shown.This .feel about a proposedSRO, or Lattanziosaid. "What’stim use? documentaryof the June 1967 SchoolResoorceDfficerprogram Nobodyis ever caught." Monterey California In- whichis beingconsidered by the Mr.Lattanzio conjectures that ternational Pop Festival was townshipBoard of Edueationaed theincidenttaokplaceaRer5:3O¯ ~..~:~=~’.~:~:~’~:’~-~,~,~, filmed using the cinemaverite the council, p.m. on Monday,whenthe yard ’ " technique,with critics callingit Threeparents replied saying was dosedfor the evening. He "another top documentarythat they favored the placing of a also suspectsit occurredduring records, comments on and police officer in a counseling the hoursbefore sunset, because !:i!¢HA revealspop music in action...", a positionin FranklinHigh School. of the deliberateextent ef the "lively and satistying time for Oneof them includedtwo smog damage. the faithful andalso fascinating pamphletsof a religious and Whatprobably happened, Mr. for the unfaithful,"(it) "provides"patrioticnature v;,ith their reply. Lattsnziosays,
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