The Potomac Hunt Races, a sporting and social event, will be Sunday, May 17, 2020. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. at 14401B Partnership Road, Poolesville. Held in the heart of Montgomery County’s horse country, the Potomac Hunt Races is an annual tradition, celebrating the sport of steeplechase racing. See www.potomachuntraces.com Newcomers & Community Guide 2019-2020 Requested in home 8-29-19 home in Requested Time sensitive material. material. sensitive Time Attention Postmaster: Postmaster: Attention ECR WSS ECR Postal Customer Postal permit #322 permit Easton, MD Easton, PAID U.S. Postage U.S. PRSRT STD PRSRT Photo by Natalie Hollis Photo August 28 - September 3, 2019 online at potomacalmanac.com Friedson Figures Councilmember Andrew Friedson Ensuring A Sustainable Fiscal Future By Andrew Friedson Montgomery County families and County Councilmember businesses. We have far more to District 1 do to enhance our business repu- tation. hese first nine months as This bill’s unanimous passage TDistrict 1’s County represents an important step in the Councilmember have right direction. been a tremendous thrill. My pri- Looking inward, I’ve been able mary focus continues to be provid- to use my background in fiscal and ing responsive and effective con- economic policy and restructuring stituent service, which is why I’ve public agencies at the state level focused on showing up wherever to hit the ground running, asking and whenever I can to hear di- tough questions, and pushing for rectly from you. increased transparency, account- Most often, we hear about the ability, and fiscal responsibility. everyday quality of life issues That’s why I spoke out during which are the lifeblood of local the budget process for long-term government. Maintaining that sustainability, including my strong high quality of life requires that we opposition to balancing the bud- look both outward, by growing a get with an $89.6 million diver- thriving private-sector economy, sion from the public employee and inward, with fiscally respon- health benefits trust. Using one- sible budgeting. time savings to fund ongoing ex- Looking outward, we need to penses is the definition of unsus- grow the tax base so we don’t con- tainable. Fulfilling health care ob- tinuously resort to raising tax ligations for our public servants rates. The first step to improving isn’t an option, it’s an obligation, our economic competitiveness is to and the $302.8 million in aggre- view employers as partners, not gate diversions over the past five just revenue generators. That’s years will only cost us significantly why my top legislative priority this more later. While we lost the vote year is a bill to require an Eco- during this budget season, the nomic Impact Statement on all public conversation led to a strong county legislation. Bill 10-19 en- commitment from my colleagues sures that we consider the full to look at strengthening our fiscal impact of everything we do at the policies moving forward. Council, not just on the County Fiscal responsibility shouldn’t be budget, but on the budgets of See Fiscal Future, Page 5 2 ❖ Potomac Almanac ❖ August 28 - September 3, 2019 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Newcomers & Community Guide Why I Love Potomac By Ginny Barnes C&O Canal National Park. Named for the Civil War complex created otomac has changed in the 40- there, it is considered a Best Natural Area plus years I’ve lived here in the with outstanding mature upland forest, PGlen, but not drastically like so palustrine wetlands, floodplain forest, at many other parts of Montgomery least nine species of rare, threatened, en- County. Rich in natural and cultural history, dangered and watchlist plants, a diversity it still maintains a semi-rural feel in keep- of wildlife, historic civil war ruins of Na- ing with our role as the transition from ur- tional significance, rock outcroppings and ban down county to the Agricultural Re- spectacular views of the Potomac River. serve on our NW border. It still looks like a Existing trails through Blockhouse Point village. Park are vestiges of a transportation system Because our Subregion Master Plan is that supplied materials and supplies to based on water quality protection and the troops stationed there. ecological resources required to ensure it, Winter is an excellent time to hike in we benefit from low density zoning, abun- Blockhouse. Several trails lead to bluffs dant tree canopy, rustic roads and streams overlooking the River, canal and towpath. that find their way to the Potomac River, With trees bare and a clear day, you can source of the public drinking water supply glimpse the foothills of the Blue Ridge for millions of residents. mountains and imagine why this piece of We are rich in park lands. First and fore- geography was so essential to protecting most, the C&O Canal National Historic Park nearby Washington DC during the Civil War. is a local treasure. The Great Falls is sort of For the last three years, on Jan. 1, I’ve our Grand Canyon. Certainly it is a natural joined a group of varied tree lovers from marvel enjoyed by thousands of visitors botanists and artists to landscape design- each year. The canal is a 19th century trans- ers who meet to start the New Year in this portation engineering feat allowing us ac- sacred place. The second year (2018) was cess to 184+ linear miles of walking or bik- a distinct challenge as the winter began ing from Georgetown to Cumberland along harshly and it was 13 degrees when we the towpath. Such a long riparian corridor started our hike. With the right clothes and supports abundant wildlife and diverse a sometimes brisk pace, the reward an hour habitats. In addition to the National Park, or so later of arriving to stand on white numerous tributary watersheds are Stream quartz outcroppings and look down on a Valley Parks with names like Muddy thin ribbon of canal and towpath unwind- Branch, Cabin John Creek, Watts and Piney ing below was uplifting. Reading a poem Photo by Nicole Deshazo by Nicole Photo Branch. They create the landscape of our or two aloud, listening to the river rush to- region. Potomac also has a few unique ward DC and breathing air created by a liv- parks that hold rare geologic wonders like ing forest is an excellent way to start any the Serpentine Barrens Conservation Park year. and River Road Shale Barrens. One of the largest County Conservation Ginny Barnes on the New Parks is the 630 acre+ Blockhouse Point Year’s Day walk a Block- Park on River Road which adjoins both the house Point hugging tree Muddy Branch Stream Valley Park and the friend, a Shagbark Hickory. About the Potomac Almanac As your local, weekly newspaper, the about personal milestones and community Local Media Connection LLC, serving the Potomac Almanac’s mission is to deliver the events, including births, engagements, wed- suburbs of Metropolitan Washington in local news you need, to help make sense of dings, anniversaries, awards and obituar- Northern Virginia and Potomac, Md. Keep in Touch what is happening in your community, to ies. 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