ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-Y0L. 14. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16. 1877. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. of the House THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS. The Democrats didn’t object The editorial departments cover admirably THE PRESS to the elector of lest their respective fields. _WANTS. _ alleged ineligible Illinois, Especially worthy of Published day (Sundays excepted) by the MISCELLANEOUS._ every the counting of his vote by the Senate might mention is the notice in the Easy Chair of Ladies Wanted. ADAMS. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., ^WATT FRIDAY MORNING, FEB, 16, 1877 make a precedent for the Commission. But Schtiemann’s reoent discovery of the tomb of Few respectable young ladies without homes Portland. A will find ami weekly how about their own counting of his vote? Agamemnon. At 109 Exchange St., steady employment 10 Constable for salary by at ! Portland, The applying Is it the less both Houses Edinburgh Review for January has been Terms : Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Tc feUd3t* 51 SPRING ST,. (City.) AND Every regular attache of the Press is furnished any significant when Dollars a Year if by the Leonard Scott m ■»' subscribers Seven paid in ad- THE_l»E0PLE with a Card certificate by Stanley T. unite in Publishing Coroner for Cumberland County, countersigned counting? republished vance. Wanted. Editor. Ail steamboat and hotel Compauy. Among its noticeable articles are _ 31 Pullen, railway, Once more we have marked down the balance of our 1-4 EXCHANGE STREET. ‘•The borrow, on ample security, ton thousand dol- managers will confer a favor upon u» by demanding Authorship of the Fourth Gospel. The THE MAINE *TATE TnE Louisiana case will doubtless be de- PRESS TOlars in ten with interest annually Service kinds a writer payable years of precepts of all specialty. Con- credentials ot every person claiming to represent our adduces both external and. internal evi- Thursday Morning at a $1000 payable in two years, and the balanco at the fidential services rendered in the cided this published every $2.50 advice given, and week, and next week we shall have dence that the Fourth je ir, if paid in aavaace a« $2.00 a year. rate of S1000 per annum. Address detection and arrest of criminals. Business attended journal. Gospel was written in Maine. to at all the final declaration of the Presidential re- fei3dtfBOX 978. Portland, hours. the apostolio age and by the Apostle John. Kates of Advertising: One inch of the space, janSdlt Rfeidcncr 38 Mtlbnurne 8t. We do not read anonymous letters and communl- sult. “The itself le igth of column, constitutes a WANTED 50 MEN. Gospel presents phenomena which “square The $1.50 week I ations. name and address of the writer are in first 75 FALL can per square cents AND WINTER CLOTHING be on one daily per or week; Railroad fares free to any part of Sew The explained only other of the af er. three insertions, oi less. $1.00; continuing '.II cases indispensaole, not necessarily tor publication moment Mr. Tilden’s cause was trans- every other day after first 50 cents England or Provinces Business light. WlVL H. following suppositions; either that the author week, MOTLEY” out as a guaranty oi good taith. ferred to a tribunal in which the bar’l o’ Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one Prom 825 to §50 a week to (he par- was an eye-witness of the scenes which he de- riglit We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- week. .$1 00; 50 cents per week after. a This time below the actual cost to maunfactnre as we must clear money could not be it was ties. Also piesent of §25 in Greenbacks ATTORNEY AT 1AW, used, lost, or that he was a Special Notices, one third additional. nications that are not used. scribes, writer in comparison and “Auction to the one who sens the mo t goods from our counters to make room for Spring Woods. Under head of “Amusements” with whom the greatest poets and writers of three insertions the 10th to the :10th of this month. Call OVER X. P. FARRINGTON'S, Political Notes. Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; Below we give a few of our prices, and those favoring us with a fietion sink or into “Mew Arctic less. <1.50. on or address with two S cent stamp- for “The American Warwick” is the way to significance;” Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State call will find that our entire stock is marked at the same low rates. The An SKinpl s and instructions. ROBI' SON & 180 New Recruit. refer to Lands;” account of the Austro Hungarian Press” (which has a large circulation in every part Middle Street. Judge Bradley, nowadays. jan5 dlf expedition of of'he State) for $1 00 per square for first CO., Perry’s Hotel, Portland, Me. The Democrats are wild with 1872-74. Toe author concludes by insertion, fe5 joy. They It is a characteristic revenge which the an 1 50 cents per square for each subsequent insertion. d2w questioning whether the discoveries made communications to have made another great are on by Address all conquest. Democrats wreaking Judge Bradley. such PORTLAND Men’s Worsted Suit WILLIAM mV expeditions are sufficiently important to PUBLISHING CO. $7,00 payson, The white flag floats for the secoud time call him “Joe.” They counterbalance the hardships aud over a privations - - this winter captured carpet-bag- for Richard Grant White’s LADIES- Young men's Cassimere Suit S.OO Happily nerves, eudured by those who undertake them; “Dis- BNTBBTA1NMKJNTS. ger. After Pinchbeck, Purman. Let the is out of Attorney-at-Law, he the country, for they do say there coveries at Esphesus.” This article begins work on. The Ladies who desire to employ their men’s Fine Cassimere Suit we good go R-publicau party are Congressmen who call it the Electoral with “some account of the earlier of WANTED.leisure hours at home at a beautiful stvle Young temples of 184 MIDDLE has no objections. It has much ado to Commission. the Fanny Marsh’s Theatre. French Embossed needle work. Send si amp direc- ST., Ephesian Artemis” and the City of Ephe- tend or call for **. *1 ----- envelope personally C.» iTfl sell lor 3.50 conceal its joy. One by one its rogues are The Chicago greenbackers have resolved sus, and describes some of 1084 shall febfi PORTLAND, ME. eodlm the discoveries made raISS MABSII. Circular, Washington street, Boston. S0lMParuaJereO88aDd j ja31 dim going over to the enemy. So far from im- that they “heartily rejoice over the election by Mr. Wood, in 1873. to the United States Senate of that J. B. S4NF0KD, peding their desertion it applauds the treach- honest Other articles are Turkey and Prussia; Life TO-NIGHT, House Wanted. and able statesman, David Davis.” which are sold all other dealers for $5.00 and $5.50, ery and seeks to speed the happy day when of the Earl of Shelburne; Lorenzo de Medici; A small without children a hy Attorney and Counsellor at family desire Law, If you can tell us of any way in which the Travels in rent in western ot the not a that are the Caucasus; Forel on the Ants of jj the part the city. House 33 rogues, untortunately tew, Still Waters Run contain from seven to nine School St., Boston, Mass. seven-spot can be made to take the Deep 1(ftilLmust rooms, having le't in its ranks will go over in a to the eight, Switzerland; Mediterranean Deltas; and The consiuerame direct ana do of body and the farce the sunngut, supplied witu debts, bankruptcy, <Jfcc., a speci- we Democrats here will be confident too.— Paston Letters. gas and good water, lleterence given. Address alty Funis remitted soon as collections are The rascals all find that A Black Pilot Overcoat for 5.00 COLLECTION Democracy. hospi- Morrison to a Box 1557. good made Also collects in and conn- Congressman lloneful St. Numbers 45 and 46 of the THE “L./* jan29dtt England foreign bauiu a ui an imperial quarto BONNIE FISH*WIFE. Pripa plitims nf imnrlnan Vialra uigouaabiuu v-ilj iciugc, anjlUUl Louis Democrat. Ailit.iitn sif /TmVifcf’o UhnVa. a -r---- sep28 d&wlY tor detected scoundrels. It is a Tho T'lo m noeof !rt DAr>*ADnntniinnn ...1. -—I If anted. strong argu- in Satuiday Matinee and Saturday Jiight, beauty of typographical execution are ia oo | Agents, both Male and Female, to sell our worth from $10 to $12. ment for the honesty of Madison Wells, in voted to give the seat of Mr. Platt of The Great Moral 11/1/ useful household articles. C. P. BABCOCK. Virginia respect iuferior to their predecessors. The 0 Drama, They will sell about the he to al most one can tact, only strong one, that has to Mr. Goode, fail to every house. An? sell them. We comprehend how it is illustrations are steel engravings after Gcpdo’s have agents that never sold anything before, making MODEL MAKER A JOBBER, not deserted to the Democratic party. Evi lhat an honest Tribunal can divide from exac'ly Cleopatra and Linton’s Volumnla. The four to five dollars per day and expenses. on the line. text he lacks the first instincts ot a party THE DRUNKARD! Please call and examine the goods, every housekeep- MANUFACTURER OF dently rascal. is carried through “The Two Noble er needs them and wants them We a Price to “If I can’t Kinsman," have large One All ! it is far from our to whip you, I know what I can — Watch and C While belittle and the latest To which all the Temperance Societies and their variety.
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