J S Battye Library of West Australian History Private Archives – Collection Listing MN 1740 Acc. 1457A, 1636A, 1707A, 1709A, 5099A, 5101A, 5103A, 5104A, 5112A, 5149A, 5159A, 5270A, 5356A, 5367A, 5415A, 5448A, 5449A, 5519A, 6116A, 7094A, 7306A, 7738A, 8587A, 8588A ERICKSON, Frederica (Rica) Lucy (nee SANDILANDS) 1908-2009 Dr Erickson is one of Western Australia's most renowned historians and authors. Born in 1908, she was educated in the goldfields and trained as a teacher. She married Sydney Erickson, a farmer, in 1936 and raised four children on the land. Publishing four books on botany, beginning in 1951, she later turned her hand to historical biographies. Her greatest undertaking by far, however, was the monumental five volume "Dictionary of Western Australians 1829 - 1914". She was awarded the OAM, an honorary Doctor of Literature from the University of Western Australia and was also West Australian Citizen of the Year. A copy of "The Misfortunes of Phoebe" is held at Battye B/MOR A copy of "A Life on the Ocean Waves" is held at Battye 910.45 BAY A copy of “The Brand on His Coat” is held at Battye B/994 BRA A copy of "Old Toodyay and Newcastle' is shelved at 994.12/TOO A copy of "The Victoria Plains" is shelved at 994.12/VIC A copy of "The Dempsters" is shelved at B/DEM The Papers The papers were donated to the Battye Library by Dr Erickson, June 1966 (1457A), June 1968 (1636A), March 1969 (1707A), April 1969 (1709A), 17 December 1991 (5099A), 28 March 1983 (5101A), 12 May 1992 (5103A), 28 March 1983 (5104A), 11 February 1983 (5112A), 2 February 1983 (5149A), 25 June 1999, (5159A), 7 June 2000 (5270A), 6 November 2000 (5356A), 1983 (5367A), 1997 (5415A), June 2000 (5448A), December 2003 (relating to the publication of A Life on the Ocean Wave : The Journals of Captain Bayly, 1824-1844, which were co-edited with Dr Pamela Statham.- Drew (6116A) and by the Esperance Bay Historical Society 23 February 2001 (5519A), and transferred to Private Archives from the Battye Rare Book stack on 19 April 2001, original donation date unknown. (5449A), by Lauder Scott-Rogers in 2008 (Acc. 7094A), transferred from Battye monographs (7306A), drafts of the Dictionary of Western Australians (7738A) Holdings = 1.83m Access The J S Battye Library provides access to original material. In some situations, this may not be possible and alternative formats such as microfilm, microfiche, typescripts or photocopies are supplied for researchers’ use. Where alternative formats are available, these must be used. MN 1740 1 Copyright SLWA 2002 J S Battye Library of West Australian History Private Archives – Collection Listing Copyright Restrictions The Commonwealth Copyright Act 1968 regulates copying of unpublished material. It is the user’s legal obligation to determine and satisfy copyright. Summary of Classes BIOGRAPHIES MANUSCRIPTS BOOKLETS MAPS BOTANICAL ARTWORKS NOTEBOOKS CARDS NOTES COMPUTER DISKS PAPERS CORRESPONDENCE PHOTOGRAPHS CURRICULUM VITAE REALIA DIARIES RECORDS DOCUMENTS REPORTS DRAFTS RESEARCH NOTES EXTRACTS SKETCHES FAMILY HISTORIES THESES FAMILY TREES TYPESCRIPTS FILES WRITINGS GENEALOGIES HISTORIES JOURNALS BIOGRAPHIES 5101A/1 n.d. Biographical study of William Burges. Author not stated 7094A [2008] Handwritten letter written in response to request 2p. for memories of Dr. Rogers of South Australia BOOKLETS 5101A/2 July 1959 “The City of Nedlands” – a short history 5101A/3 27 January 1964 Australia Day at Emu Point, Albany 5101A/4 April 1969 “Lake Karrinyup – as it was in the beginning” by Keith Barker 5101A/5 August 1971 “A directory of Wongan Hills” 5101A/6 1972 “Kings Park 1872 – 1972” 5101A/7 n.d. “The Old Depot – Claremont” MN 1740 2 Copyright SLWA 2002 J S Battye Library of West Australian History Private Archives – Collection Listing 5101A/8 n.d. Church of St George, Bluff Point 5101A/9 n.d. “York, the first inland town of WA” BOTANICAL ARTWORKS ORIGINAL NOTES ARTWORKS ARE ‘d’ denotes details additional to the main painting—mainly enlarged floral RESTRICTED and other features. ACCESS The date is that of painting; ‘-’ denotes a missing part, e.g. -.ix.58 = Sept. ACCESS TO 1958. DIGITISED [type specimen] indicates specimens used for the first botanical description IMAGES IS of a new species. AVAILABLE Most paintings are on sheets c. 20×30 cm. All are unframed. VIA SLWA Many paintings were used as the basis for a published colour plate CATALOGUE. (apparently re-drawn for this purpose), and others for line drawings. These are annotated ‘pub.’ USE THE CALL NUMBERS LISTED BELOW: 5448A/1 RESTRICTED Caladenia longiclavata d Youngs Siding 18.ix.33 - 003254D pub 5448A/2 Caladenia bicolor? d collected A.S.George -.ix.58 003255D 5448A /3 RESTRICTED Caladenia filamentosa d Bolgart 11.viii.34 003259D 5448A /4 RESTRICTED Caladenia radialis? d Wongan Hills A.S.George 003258D 30.viii.56 5448A /5 RESTR Caladenia patersonii var. longicauda d Youngs 003260D Siding 17.xi. 37 - pub. 5448A /6 RESTR Caladenia pectinata d Youngs Siding 22.ix.33 - 003261D pub. 5448A /7 RESTR Caladenia lobata portrait only (3 plants) Kendenup 003262D -.x.51 - pub. 5448A /8 RESTR Caladenia integra d Tunney 30.ix.30 - pub. 003263D 5448A /9 RESTR Caladenia barbarossa d Lake Matilda -.x.51 003265D 5448A/10 RESTR Caladenia doutchae d Wongan Hills A.S.George 003264D 30.viii.56 5448A /11 RESTR Caladenia cairnsiana d Bolgart 29.viii.34 003256D 5448A /12 RESTR Caladenia drummondii d Wongan Hills 10.vi.53 003257D [type specimen of Caladenia glossodiphylla Erickson] - pub. 5448A /13 RESTR Caladenia roei d Bolgart 11.ix.49 - pub. 003266D 5448A/14 RESTR Caladenia discoidea Bolgart 16.viii.36 - pub. 003267D 5448A /15 RESTR Caladenia reptans d Youngs Siding 15.viii.33 - 003268D pub. 5448A/16 RESTR Caladenia unita d Youngs Siding 3.x.33 003269D 5448A /17 RESTR Caladenia hirta d Bolgart 24.viii.34 - pub 003271D MN 1740 3 Copyright SLWA 2002 J S Battye Library of West Australian History Private Archives – Collection Listing 5448A /18 RESTR Caladenia paniculata d Youngs Siding 23.x.33 - 003272D pub. 5448A /19 RESTR Caladenia gemmata d Bolgart 29.viii.34 - pub. 003273D 5448A /20 RESTR Caladenia deformis d Youngs Siding 12.vii.33 003274D 5448A /21 RESTR Caladenia saccharata d Bolgart 4.ix.36 003428D 5448A /22 RESTR Caladenia aphylla d Youngs Siding 30.iii.33 - pub 003429D 5448A/23 RESTR Caladenia multiclavia d Wongan Hills -.ix.63 003430D 5448A /24 RESTR Caladenia sericea d Youngs Siding -.viii.33 - 003431D pub. 5448A /25 RESTR Caladenia menziesii d Bolgart 7.ix.34 003432D 5448A /26 RESTR Acianthus reniformis Youngs Siding 1.viii.33 - 003433D pub. 5448A /27 RESTR Pterostylis turfosa d Youngs Siding -.-.33 003434D 5448A /28 RESTR Pterostylis recurva d Kendenup 31.viii.33 - pub. 003435D 5448A /29 RESTR Pterostylis hamiltonii d Bolgart 7.vii.50 - pub. 003436D 5448A /30 RESTR Pterostylis constricta d Bolgart 17.vii.34 - pub. 003437D 5448A /31 RESTR Pterostylis sargentii d Bolgart 18.ix.36 - pub. 003459D 5448A /32 RESTR Pterostylis vittata d Youngs Siding 5.vi.33 - pub. 003460D 5448A /33 RESTR Pterostylis nana d Youngs Siding -.viii.33 003461D 5448A/34 RESTR Pterostylis mutica d Wongan Hills E. [Emma] 003462D George 30.viii.56 5448A/35 RESTR Caleana nigrita d Tunney 14.x.30 - pub. 003463D 5448A /36 RESTR Spiculaea ciliata portraits (2 plants) Mundaring 003464D E.[Emma] George 1950 - pub. 5448A /37 RESTR Drakea fitzgeraldii d no loc. A.George 12.x.5 003465D 5448A /38 RESTR Drakea glyptodon d Youngs Siding -.ix.32 - pub. 003466D 5448A /39 RESTR Calochilus robertsonii d Jandakot Alex George 003467D 28.x.56 5448A /40 RESTR Lyperanthus nigricans d Youngs Siding 5.viii.33 - 003468D pub. 5448A /41 RESTR Lyperanthus serratus d Youngs Siding 19.ix.33 - 003516D pub. 5448A /42 RESTR Eriochilus dilatatus d Youngs Siding -.iv.33 - pub. 003517D 5448A /43 RESTR Eriochilus scaber d Youngs Siding 12.vii.33 003518D 5448A /44 RESTR Leptoceras fimbriata d Youngs Siding 1.v.33 - 003519D pub. 5448A /45 RESTR Cryptostylis ovata d Youngs Siding 16.xii.33 - 003520D pub. 5448A/46 RESTR Diuris longifolia d Youngs Siding 14.ix.33 003521D 5448A /47 RESTR Diuris purdiei d S of Melville A.George 11.x.58 003522D 5448A /48 RESTR Diuris emarginata? d road to King River 23.i.51 003523D 5448A /49 RESTR Diuris filifolia d Bolgart 26.x.34 - pub. 003524D 5448A /50 RESTR Diuris carinata d Bolgart 23.ix.34 003525D 5448A /51 RESTR Diuris setacea d Youngs Siding 12.x.33 - pub. 003607D 5448A/52 RESTR Diuris laevis d Youngs Siding 16.ix.33 003608D 5448A /53 RESTR Gastrodia sesamoides portrait after Fitzgerald - 003609D pub. MN 1740 4 Copyright SLWA 2002 J S Battye Library of West Australian History Private Archives – Collection Listing 5448A/54 RESTR Gastrodia sesamoides d Hells Hole Denmark - 003610D .i.60 5448A /55 RESTR Calochilus robertsonii portrait ‘no details as yet’ - 003611D pub. 5448A /56 RESTR Elythranhera brunonis d Youngs Siding 5.x.33 - 003612D pub. 5448A /57 RESTR Glossodia emarginata d Youngs Siding 1.xi.33 003613D 5448A/58 RESTR Epiblema grandiflora d Youngs Siding 5.xii.33 - 003614D pub. 5448A /59 RESTR Thelymitra variegata d Youngs Siding 10.viii.33 - 003615D pub. 5448A /60 RESTR Thelymitra spiralis var. pulchella d Bolgart 003616D 20.viii.49 [type specimen] 5448A /61 RESTR Thelymitra spiralis var. pulchella d Bolgart 003617D 18.viii.34 [type specimen] 5448A /62 RESTR Thelymitra campanulata d Sth Stirlings -.x.51 003618D 5448A /63 RESTR Thelymitra crinita d. Cannington 12.x.52 003619D 5448A /64 RESTR Thelymitra aristata d Youngs Siding 25.x.33 003620D 5448A /65 RESTR Thelymitra fuscolutea d Albany 17.i.51 003621D 5448A /66 RESTR Thelymitra fuscolutea d Youngs Siding 18.xi.33 003622D 5448A /67 RESTR Thelymitra cucullata d Youngs Siding 11.xi.33 003623D 5448A /68 RESTR Thelymitra flexuosa d Youngs Siding 4.x.33 003624D 5448A /69 RESTR Thelymitra antennifera d Bolgart 21.viii.34 003625D 5448A/70 RESTR Thelymitra sketches of columns, mostly after Fitzgerald, some after Gardner, in pencil 5448A /71 RESTR Microtis alba d Denmark 14.i.51 on verso of 003626D previous item - pub.
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