1001 discos de música clásica que hay que escuchar antes de morir Pre-1700: 4.4. Anonymous - Carmina Burana (Clemencic Consort)rt) 5.5. Hildegard of Bingen - Antiphons (Sequentia Canticles of !cstasy) ".". #uillaume de $achaut - Ballades (!arly $usic Consort of %ondon &he Art of Courtlyly %o'e) .. rancesco %andini - Ballatas and Songs (Anonymous 4 &he Second Circle) *.*. #uillaume +ufay - $otets (Huelgas !nsem,le #emma %u) /./. Antoine Busnoys - $otets (Binchois Consort $issa %0homme arm1)) 23. ean de ceghem - Alma redemptoris mater (&he Clers0 #roup $issa $i-$i) 22.22. ohn Bro6ne - Sta,at mater (&allis Scholars $usic from the !ton Choir,oo) 27. osquin des 8re9 - $issa 8ange lingua (&allis Scholars) 2:. ohn &a'erner - &he ;estern ;ynde $ass (&allis Scholars) 24. <icolas #om,ert - $otets (Henry0s !ight !ight-8art Credo) 25. Crist=,al de $orales - $otets (!nsem,le 8lus >ltra $orales en &oledo) 2". Antonio de Ca,e9=n - +iferencias (Accentus !nsem,le &ientos y #losados) 2. &homas &allis - %amentations of eremiah (Hilliard !nsem,le) 2*. rlande de %assus - $otets (&he Cardinall0s $usic $issa Surge 8ropera) 2/. #io'anni 8ierluigi de 8alestrina - $issa 8apae $arcelli (&he Siteen Allegri $iserere) 73. &homas &allis - Spem in alium (Choir of ;inchester Cathedral) 72. &om?s %uis de @ictoria - magnum mysterium (@ictoria @oices and @iols $otets) 77. rancisco #uerrero - Battle $ass (;esterminster Cathedral Choir) 7:. Claudio $onte'erdi - $adrigals (&ragicomedia $adrigali Concertati)ti) 74. ;illiam Byrd - $y %adye <e'ells Boo (Christopher Hog6ood) 75. ;illiam Byrd - $asses (&he Cardinall0s $usic &he $asses) 7". Carlo #esualdo - $adrigals (%a @eneiana uarto li,ro de $adrigali) 7. ohn +o6land - %ute Songs (Charles +aniels +a'id $iller S6eet Stay A6hile)) 7*. #io'anni #a,rieli - Sacrae symphoniae (#a,rieli Consort and 8layers $usic for San occo) 7/. ohn ;il,ye - $adrigals (Consort of $usice &he Sil'er S6an) :3. rlando #i,,ons - Anthems (Choir of ;inchester Cathedral) :2. an 8ieters9oon S6eelinc - rgan ;ors ($asaai Su9ui 8salms from #ene'a) :7. ohn +o6land - %achrimae or Sea'en &eares (8arley of Dnstruments Complete ;orss for %uteE @ol. 4) ::. Claudio $onte'erdi - rfeo ($onte'erdi Choir %0rfeo) :4. #irolamo resco,aldi - Fey,oard ;ors (Sergio @artolo Fey,oard $usicE antasie Boo D) :5. Claudio $onte'erdi - @espers (&a'erner ConsortE Choirs 8layers @espro della Beata @ergine) :". &homas ;eeles - Anthems (Choir of ;inchester Cathedral Cathedral $usic) :. &homas Campion - Boos of Ayres (Ste'en icards +orothy %inell %ute Songs) :*. &homas &omins - Anthems (Choir of St. #eorge0s Chapel Cathedral $usic) :/. Claudio $onte'erdi - Com,attimento (%e Concert d0Astr1e) 43. ohn enins - antasias (ret6or &he $irrour and ;onder of his Age) 42. ;illiam %a6es - Consort Setts (8hantasm Consorts in our and i'e 8arts) 47. Heinrich SchGt9 - $usialische !equien (&he Siteen) 4:. #regorio Allegri - $iserere mei +eus (&allis Scholars $usic eatured on the South Ban Sho6) 44. Claudio $onte'erdi - Dl ritorno d0>lisse in patria (Concentus $usicus ;ien)) 45. Claudio $onte'erdi - %0incorona9ione di 8oppea (City of %ondon Baroque Sinfonia) 4". #iacomo Carissimi - ephte (#a,rieli Consort 8layers ephthah&he udgement f Solomononah) 4. Bar,ara Stro99i - Cantatas (!nsem,le $usica iorita Cantates) 4*. rancesco Ca'alli - %a Calisto ($aria Bayo $arcello %ippi) 4/. Heinrich SchGt9 - &he Christmas Story (#a,rieli Consort 8layers Christmas @espers) 53. +ietrich Butehude - rgan $usic (ulia Bro6n) 52. Heinrich Dgna9 ran9 Bi,er - $ystery Sonatas (Andre6 $an9eE ichard !garr Alison $c#illi'ray &he osary Sonatas) 57. Henry 8urcell - Anthems (Choir of <e6 CollegeE ford &he Complete Anthems and Ser'ices ") 5:. Henry 8urcell - Chacony in # minor (8arley of Dnstruments Ayres for the &heatre) 54. $ichel-ichard de %alande - #rand $otets (%es Arts lorissants &e +eum) 55. Henry 8urcell - antasias (ose Consort of @iols) 5". ohn Blo6 - @enus and Adonis (<e6 %ondon Consort @enus Adonis) 5. Henry 8urcell - +ido and Aeneas (Academy of Ancient $usic and Chorus +ido Aeneas) 5*. ean-Baptiste %ully - Armide (Collegium @ocale) 5/. Alessandro Scarlatti - Cantatas (&he Fing0s Consort Sal'e eginaI Cantatas $otets) "3. uan de ArauJo - +iit +ominus (! Cathedra $oonE Sun All &hings)s) "2. $arc-Antoine Charpentier - &e +eum (%es Arts lorissants) "7. Henry 8urcell - &he airy ueen (SchGt9 Choir of %ondon%ondon Classical 8layers) ":. Henry 8urcell - Come Ke Sons of ArtE A6ay (Choir of <e6 CollegeE ford&he Fing0s Consort) "4. Antonio Caldara - $addalena ai piedi di Cristo (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis rchestra) "5. 66.1700-1760: "5. Arcangelo Corelli - &6el'e Concerti #rossiE op. " (Branden,urg Consort) "". Antonio @i'aldi - #loriaE @ 5*/ (&a'erner Consort #loriaE $agnificat) ". ohann Se,astian Bach - 8reludesE antasiasE &occatas ugues (#erhard ;ein,erger rgan ;ors @ol. *) "*. ean-8hilippe ameau - 8iLces de cla'ecin (Christophe ousset) "/. #eorg 8hilipp &elemann - &rumpet Concerto in + maJor (<ilas !lund Art of the Baroque &rumpetE @ol. 2) 3. Antonio @i'aldi - Concerto for &6o &rumpets ($ar BennettE $ichael Harrison &re'or 8innoc $ad A,out @i'aldi) 2. Antonio @i'aldi - %0estro armonico (ederico #uglielmo Christopher Hog6ood) 7. Antonio @i'aldi - Sta,at mater (&he Fing0s Consort @i'aldi Sacred $usic) :. ranMois Couperin - &6enty-se'en rdres (Scott oss %0Dnt1grale de Cla'ecin au ChNteau d0Assas) 4. ohann Se,astian Bach - rgel,Gchlein (#erhard ;ein,erger rgan ;ors @ol. 7) 5. Antonio @i'aldi - uditha triumphans (&he Fing0s Consort) ". #eorge rideric Handel - ;ater $usic (!nglish Baroque Scholars) . $arin $arais - 8iLces de 'ioleE quatriLme li're (Cristophe Coin Christophe ousset Suitte d0un goOt 1tranger) *. ohann Se,astian Bach - @iolin Concertos (Collegium $usicum /3) /. ohann Se,astian Bach - Concerto for &6o @iolins (Hilary Hahn $argaret BatJer Bach Concertos) *3.ohann Se,astian Bach - rchestral Suites (Amsterdam Baroque rchestra Suites)s) *2. ohann Se,astian Bach - Si Suites for Solo Cello (&orleif &hed1en)n) *7. ohann Se,astian Bach - Sonatas 8artitas for Solo @iolin (achel 8odger Sonatas 8artitas @ol. :) *:. #eorge rideric Handel - Fey,oard Suites (Sophie Kates Harpsichord ;ors) *4. ohann Se,astian Bach - Branden,urg Concertos (Hano'er Band Branden,urg Concertos <os. 2-") *5. ohann Se,astian Bach - $agnificat (Collegium @ocale #ent Christmas Cantatas) *". ohann Se,astian Bach - #reat Cantatas (Collegium @ocale #ent ;einenE Flagen)n) *. ohann Se,astian Bach - St. ohn 8assion (ohn !liot #ardiner Christmas ratorioSt. $atthe6 8assion) **. #eorge rideric Handel - #uilio Cesare ($arc $ino6si) */. ohann Se,astian Bach - Si !nglish Suites (Christophe ousset Suites Anglaises) /3. #eorge rideric Handel - odelinda (Alan Curtis) /2. Antonio @i'aldi - &he our Seasons (Concerto Dtaliano %e uattro Stagioni) /7. ohann Se,astian Bach - Si @iolin Sonatas (Andre6 $an9eE ichard !garr aap ter %inden @iolin Sonatas) /:. ohann Se,astian Bach - Fey,oard 8artitas (#usta' %eonhardt " 8artitas) /4. ohann Se,astian Bach - $otets ($onte'erdi Choir $otets B@; 775-7:2) /5. ohann Se,astian Bach - St. $atthe6 8assion ($unich Bach Choir rchestra $atthPus 8assion) /". #eorge rideric Handel - Coronation Anthems (Fing0s College Choir) /. ohn #ay - &he Beggar0s pera (eremy Barlo6) /*. ohann Se,astian Bach - rench Suites (+a'itt $oroney) //. #eorg 8hilipp &elemann - 8aris uartets (#usta' %eonhardtE BartholdE Sigis6ald ;ieland FuJien 8aris uartets 2-27) 23233.3. #eorg 8hiliilipp &elemann - &afelmusi ($usica Antiqua FQln)n) 232.. ohann Se,astiaian Bach - Chriristmas ratorio (Collollegium Aureum ;eihnachtsoratorium) 237.. #eorge rideric Handel - Arioiodante ($arc $ino6si)i) 2323:.:. #eorge ridederic Handel - rgan Concertos (Branden,urg Cononsort)t) 234.. eean-8hililippe ameau - %es Dndes galantes (%es Arts lorissants)) 235. #io'anni Battista 8ergolesi - Sta,at mater ((r Helmut $Gller-BrGhl Sta,att $aterSal'e egina) 23".. ean-8hilippe ameau - Castor et 8ollu (%es Arts lorissants Castor 8ollu) 23.. #eorge rideric Handel - Serse ((e ;illilliam Christistie)e) 23*. ohann Se,astian Bach - Harpsichord Concertos (&he !nglish Consort Concertos) 23/.. #eorge rideric Handel - Concerti grossiE op. " (Academy of Ancient $usic) 223.. ohann Se,astistian Bach - &he ;ell-ll-&empered Cla'i'ier (#usta' %eonhardt +as ;ohltemperierte Fla'ier 2) 222.+omenico Scarlatti - Fey,oard Sonatas (BenJamin rith Complete Fey,oard Sonatas @ol. 5) 227. ohann Se,astian Bach - #old,erg @ariations (8ierre HantaR @ariations #old,erg) 22:.. #eorge ridederic Handel - $essiah (Clare Collelege Choirrei,urg Baroqueue rchestra) 224.. Carl 8hililipp !manuel Bach - Fey,oard Sonatas (Bo, 'an Asperen 8russiann Sonatas;Grttem,erg Sonatas) 225.. ohann Se,astistian Bach - A $usical fferining ($usica Antiqua FQln $usialialischeses pfer) 22".. #eorge rideric Handel - udas $acca,aeus (&he Fing0s Consort)t) 22.ohann Se,astian Bach - $ass in B minor ($onte'erdi Choir!nglish Baroque Soloists) 22*.. #eorge ridederic Handel - $usic for the oyal ire6ors (&he Fing0s Consortt $usic for the oyal ire6ors) 22/.. ohann Se,astiaian Bach - &he Art of ugue (+a'itt $oroneney +ie Funst der uge)e) 273.. #eorge ridederic Handel - &heodora (#a,rielieli Consort and 8layers) 272.. ;illilliam Boyce - !i!ight SymphoniesE op. 7 (Aradia !nsem,le)) 277. 112233.. 11776611--11880000:: 277.. oseph Haydn - Symphonies nos. "-* (Hano'er Band)d) 27:.. Christoph ;illilli,ald #luc - rfeo ed !uridice ($onte'e'erdi Choir)ir) 274. %eopold $o9art - &rumpet Concerto (Berlin 8hilharmonic rchestra #reat ecordings of the Century)
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