1001 Discos De Mãºsica Clã¡Sica Que Hay Que Escuchar Antes De Morir

1001 Discos De Mãºsica Clã¡Sica Que Hay Que Escuchar Antes De Morir

1001 discos de música clásica que hay que escuchar antes de morir Pre-1700: 4.4. Anonymous - Carmina Burana (Clemencic Consort)rt) 5.5. Hildegard of Bingen - Antiphons (Sequentia Canticles of !cstasy) ".". #uillaume de $achaut - Ballades (!arly $usic Consort of %ondon &he Art of Courtlyly %o'e) .. rancesco %andini - Ballatas and Songs (Anonymous 4 &he Second Circle) *.*. #uillaume +ufay - $otets (Huelgas !nsem,le #emma %u) /./. Antoine Busnoys - $otets (Binchois Consort $issa %0homme arm1)) 23. ean de ceghem - Alma redemptoris mater (&he Clers0 #roup $issa $i-$i) 22.22. ohn Bro6ne - Sta,at mater (&allis Scholars $usic from the !ton Choir,oo) 27. osquin des 8re9 - $issa 8ange lingua (&allis Scholars) 2:. ohn &a'erner - &he ;estern ;ynde $ass (&allis Scholars) 24. <icolas #om,ert - $otets (Henry0s !ight !ight-8art Credo) 25. Crist=,al de $orales - $otets (!nsem,le 8lus >ltra $orales en &oledo) 2". Antonio de Ca,e9=n - +iferencias (Accentus !nsem,le &ientos y #losados) 2. &homas &allis - %amentations of eremiah (Hilliard !nsem,le) 2*. rlande de %assus - $otets (&he Cardinall0s $usic $issa Surge 8ropera) 2/. #io'anni 8ierluigi de 8alestrina - $issa 8apae $arcelli (&he Siteen Allegri $iserere) 73. &homas &allis - Spem in alium (Choir of ;inchester Cathedral) 72. &om?s %uis de @ictoria - magnum mysterium (@ictoria @oices and @iols $otets) 77. rancisco #uerrero - Battle $ass (;esterminster Cathedral Choir) 7:. Claudio $onte'erdi - $adrigals (&ragicomedia $adrigali Concertati)ti) 74. ;illiam Byrd - $y %adye <e'ells Boo (Christopher Hog6ood) 75. ;illiam Byrd - $asses (&he Cardinall0s $usic &he $asses) 7". Carlo #esualdo - $adrigals (%a @eneiana uarto li,ro de $adrigali) 7. ohn +o6land - %ute Songs (Charles +aniels +a'id $iller S6eet Stay A6hile)) 7*. #io'anni #a,rieli - Sacrae symphoniae (#a,rieli Consort and 8layers $usic for San occo) 7/. ohn ;il,ye - $adrigals (Consort of $usice &he Sil'er S6an) :3. rlando #i,,ons - Anthems (Choir of ;inchester Cathedral) :2. an 8ieters9oon S6eelinc - rgan ;ors ($asaai Su9ui 8salms from #ene'a) :7. ohn +o6land - %achrimae or Sea'en &eares (8arley of Dnstruments Complete ;orss for %uteE @ol. 4) ::. Claudio $onte'erdi - rfeo ($onte'erdi Choir %0rfeo) :4. #irolamo resco,aldi - Fey,oard ;ors (Sergio @artolo Fey,oard $usicE antasie Boo D) :5. Claudio $onte'erdi - @espers (&a'erner ConsortE Choirs 8layers @espro della Beata @ergine) :". &homas ;eeles - Anthems (Choir of ;inchester Cathedral Cathedral $usic) :. &homas Campion - Boos of Ayres (Ste'en icards +orothy %inell %ute Songs) :*. &homas &omins - Anthems (Choir of St. #eorge0s Chapel Cathedral $usic) :/. Claudio $onte'erdi - Com,attimento (%e Concert d0Astr1e) 43. ohn enins - antasias (ret6or &he $irrour and ;onder of his Age) 42. ;illiam %a6es - Consort Setts (8hantasm Consorts in our and i'e 8arts) 47. Heinrich SchGt9 - $usialische !equien (&he Siteen) 4:. #regorio Allegri - $iserere mei +eus (&allis Scholars $usic eatured on the South Ban Sho6) 44. Claudio $onte'erdi - Dl ritorno d0>lisse in patria (Concentus $usicus ;ien)) 45. Claudio $onte'erdi - %0incorona9ione di 8oppea (City of %ondon Baroque Sinfonia) 4". #iacomo Carissimi - ephte (#a,rieli Consort 8layers ephthah&he udgement f Solomononah) 4. Bar,ara Stro99i - Cantatas (!nsem,le $usica iorita Cantates) 4*. rancesco Ca'alli - %a Calisto ($aria Bayo $arcello %ippi) 4/. Heinrich SchGt9 - &he Christmas Story (#a,rieli Consort 8layers Christmas @espers) 53. +ietrich Butehude - rgan $usic (ulia Bro6n) 52. Heinrich Dgna9 ran9 Bi,er - $ystery Sonatas (Andre6 $an9eE ichard !garr Alison $c#illi'ray &he osary Sonatas) 57. Henry 8urcell - Anthems (Choir of <e6 CollegeE ford &he Complete Anthems and Ser'ices ") 5:. Henry 8urcell - Chacony in # minor (8arley of Dnstruments Ayres for the &heatre) 54. $ichel-ichard de %alande - #rand $otets (%es Arts lorissants &e +eum) 55. Henry 8urcell - antasias (ose Consort of @iols) 5". ohn Blo6 - @enus and Adonis (<e6 %ondon Consort @enus Adonis) 5. Henry 8urcell - +ido and Aeneas (Academy of Ancient $usic and Chorus +ido Aeneas) 5*. ean-Baptiste %ully - Armide (Collegium @ocale) 5/. Alessandro Scarlatti - Cantatas (&he Fing0s Consort Sal'e eginaI Cantatas $otets) "3. uan de ArauJo - +iit +ominus (! Cathedra $oonE Sun All &hings)s) "2. $arc-Antoine Charpentier - &e +eum (%es Arts lorissants) "7. Henry 8urcell - &he airy ueen (SchGt9 Choir of %ondon%ondon Classical 8layers) ":. Henry 8urcell - Come Ke Sons of ArtE A6ay (Choir of <e6 CollegeE ford&he Fing0s Consort) "4. Antonio Caldara - $addalena ai piedi di Cristo (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis rchestra) "5. 66.1700-1760: "5. Arcangelo Corelli - &6el'e Concerti #rossiE op. " (Branden,urg Consort) "". Antonio @i'aldi - #loriaE @ 5*/ (&a'erner Consort #loriaE $agnificat) ". ohann Se,astian Bach - 8reludesE antasiasE &occatas ugues (#erhard ;ein,erger rgan ;ors @ol. *) "*. ean-8hilippe ameau - 8iLces de cla'ecin (Christophe ousset) "/. #eorg 8hilipp &elemann - &rumpet Concerto in + maJor (<ilas !lund Art of the Baroque &rumpetE @ol. 2) 3. Antonio @i'aldi - Concerto for &6o &rumpets ($ar BennettE $ichael Harrison &re'or 8innoc $ad A,out @i'aldi) 2. Antonio @i'aldi - %0estro armonico (ederico #uglielmo Christopher Hog6ood) 7. Antonio @i'aldi - Sta,at mater (&he Fing0s Consort @i'aldi Sacred $usic) :. ranMois Couperin - &6enty-se'en rdres (Scott oss %0Dnt1grale de Cla'ecin au ChNteau d0Assas) 4. ohann Se,astian Bach - rgel,Gchlein (#erhard ;ein,erger rgan ;ors @ol. 7) 5. Antonio @i'aldi - uditha triumphans (&he Fing0s Consort) ". #eorge rideric Handel - ;ater $usic (!nglish Baroque Scholars) . $arin $arais - 8iLces de 'ioleE quatriLme li're (Cristophe Coin Christophe ousset Suitte d0un goOt 1tranger) *. ohann Se,astian Bach - @iolin Concertos (Collegium $usicum /3) /. ohann Se,astian Bach - Concerto for &6o @iolins (Hilary Hahn $argaret BatJer Bach Concertos) *3.ohann Se,astian Bach - rchestral Suites (Amsterdam Baroque rchestra Suites)s) *2. ohann Se,astian Bach - Si Suites for Solo Cello (&orleif &hed1en)n) *7. ohann Se,astian Bach - Sonatas 8artitas for Solo @iolin (achel 8odger Sonatas 8artitas @ol. :) *:. #eorge rideric Handel - Fey,oard Suites (Sophie Kates Harpsichord ;ors) *4. ohann Se,astian Bach - Branden,urg Concertos (Hano'er Band Branden,urg Concertos <os. 2-") *5. ohann Se,astian Bach - $agnificat (Collegium @ocale #ent Christmas Cantatas) *". ohann Se,astian Bach - #reat Cantatas (Collegium @ocale #ent ;einenE Flagen)n) *. ohann Se,astian Bach - St. ohn 8assion (ohn !liot #ardiner Christmas ratorioSt. $atthe6 8assion) **. #eorge rideric Handel - #uilio Cesare ($arc $ino6si) */. ohann Se,astian Bach - Si !nglish Suites (Christophe ousset Suites Anglaises) /3. #eorge rideric Handel - odelinda (Alan Curtis) /2. Antonio @i'aldi - &he our Seasons (Concerto Dtaliano %e uattro Stagioni) /7. ohann Se,astian Bach - Si @iolin Sonatas (Andre6 $an9eE ichard !garr aap ter %inden @iolin Sonatas) /:. ohann Se,astian Bach - Fey,oard 8artitas (#usta' %eonhardt " 8artitas) /4. ohann Se,astian Bach - $otets ($onte'erdi Choir $otets B@; 775-7:2) /5. ohann Se,astian Bach - St. $atthe6 8assion ($unich Bach Choir rchestra $atthPus 8assion) /". #eorge rideric Handel - Coronation Anthems (Fing0s College Choir) /. ohn #ay - &he Beggar0s pera (eremy Barlo6) /*. ohann Se,astian Bach - rench Suites (+a'itt $oroney) //. #eorg 8hilipp &elemann - 8aris uartets (#usta' %eonhardtE BartholdE Sigis6ald ;ieland FuJien 8aris uartets 2-27) 23233.3. #eorg 8hiliilipp &elemann - &afelmusi ($usica Antiqua FQln)n) 232.. ohann Se,astiaian Bach - Chriristmas ratorio (Collollegium Aureum ;eihnachtsoratorium) 237.. #eorge rideric Handel - Arioiodante ($arc $ino6si)i) 2323:.:. #eorge ridederic Handel - rgan Concertos (Branden,urg Cononsort)t) 234.. eean-8hililippe ameau - %es Dndes galantes (%es Arts lorissants)) 235. #io'anni Battista 8ergolesi - Sta,at mater ((r Helmut $Gller-BrGhl Sta,att $aterSal'e egina) 23".. ean-8hilippe ameau - Castor et 8ollu (%es Arts lorissants Castor 8ollu) 23.. #eorge rideric Handel - Serse ((e ;illilliam Christistie)e) 23*. ohann Se,astian Bach - Harpsichord Concertos (&he !nglish Consort Concertos) 23/.. #eorge rideric Handel - Concerti grossiE op. " (Academy of Ancient $usic) 223.. ohann Se,astistian Bach - &he ;ell-ll-&empered Cla'i'ier (#usta' %eonhardt +as ;ohltemperierte Fla'ier 2) 222.+omenico Scarlatti - Fey,oard Sonatas (BenJamin rith Complete Fey,oard Sonatas @ol. 5) 227. ohann Se,astian Bach - #old,erg @ariations (8ierre HantaR @ariations #old,erg) 22:.. #eorge ridederic Handel - $essiah (Clare Collelege Choirrei,urg Baroqueue rchestra) 224.. Carl 8hililipp !manuel Bach - Fey,oard Sonatas (Bo, 'an Asperen 8russiann Sonatas;Grttem,erg Sonatas) 225.. ohann Se,astistian Bach - A $usical fferining ($usica Antiqua FQln $usialialischeses pfer) 22".. #eorge rideric Handel - udas $acca,aeus (&he Fing0s Consort)t) 22.ohann Se,astian Bach - $ass in B minor ($onte'erdi Choir!nglish Baroque Soloists) 22*.. #eorge ridederic Handel - $usic for the oyal ire6ors (&he Fing0s Consortt $usic for the oyal ire6ors) 22/.. ohann Se,astiaian Bach - &he Art of ugue (+a'itt $oroneney +ie Funst der uge)e) 273.. #eorge ridederic Handel - &heodora (#a,rielieli Consort and 8layers) 272.. ;illilliam Boyce - !i!ight SymphoniesE op. 7 (Aradia !nsem,le)) 277. 112233.. 11776611--11880000:: 277.. oseph Haydn - Symphonies nos. "-* (Hano'er Band)d) 27:.. Christoph ;illilli,ald #luc - rfeo ed !uridice ($onte'e'erdi Choir)ir) 274. %eopold $o9art - &rumpet Concerto (Berlin 8hilharmonic rchestra #reat ecordings of the Century)

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