- .v': ':; ■' ■ M''^'V,-''"' -'sk.- .K "^'S ' <V:V . .-VV -A V^\'V ' V '\ ■ V \ ' \ ■ A ',:.. \ ' ■ -■■ i ■ . ■ 1\ .'•'i 'e Dally ^ et PreM Run \ The W«ek anted Thp Weather • ■?- Jm uniy 14, IVTO . <■ Fair and cold again tonight with low In teena to about 90. Tomorraw pertly cloudy, ooiv- 15,890 tinued cold. High (n lOa. Manche»ler— 4 City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 134 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1970 (OlaMlfled Adverttalng on Page U ) PRICE TEN C E im Great Eclipse The Camera Doesn’t Lie, A Letdown Neither Does Little Boy House SOLANA BEACH, Calif. (AP) — Why was 6-year-old Mi­ For Many chael Klames an hour late for dinner? He was a hostage In a By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bank robbery, he told his grandmother. The powers of light and dark­ Two men, he explained, "took me by the hand and we ness waged a struggle high In went into the bank and stealed almost all their dollars and put the sky Saturday afternoon, and them In a pillow case.” His grandmother and guardian, Petra Stout, sent Michael Death of GI in Laos Battle light won out, to the disappoint­ ment of many In Connecticut. to bed with a scolding and told him he couldn’t ride his bike WASHINGTON The sun was shining brightly for the next two weeks. That would teach him to He, she said. But Michael hadn't told a whopper. 11 I The White HoUm haa ac­ In a clear blue sky when, right knowledged an Army cap­ on schedule, It' began to dls- The FBI agents and San Diego County sheriff's deputies r . api^ar. It was as If. a thick who showed up at Mrs. Stout's door late Friday had e picture tain was killed fighting cloud had gilded past, leavlnir of the boy. North Vietnamese guerril­ Just a fraction of sun exposed. It was snapped by a hidden camera as he was towed las in Laos but denied the But It wasn’t a, cloud. It was around by two refebera who took f8,600 that day from the Bank death was due to "ground the moon. And the fraction still of America branch in this seaside to\Vn 26 miles north of Sein combat operations-” exposed' made the difference, Diego. m The robbers are still at large. The boy’s unwilling part Capt. Joseph Bush was shoit to literally, between night and day. death Feb. 10, 1969, by North Darkest spots in Connecticut In the robbery was disclosed Sunday. Vietnamese troops. He returned '.a Michael was identified In the photo by neighbors. The (0) were New London and Norwich, the fire of enemy troops during where 97 per cent of the sun bank Is two blocks from his grandmother's home. H ear (O) The boy told officers he was riding his bike in a vacant the engagement at a compound < 0 > was covered. Bridgeport, New <0) Held when two men drove up and forced him into their car. on the edge of the Plain of Jars, ry Ooata. Britain, New Haven, Norwalk the White House said. «B 8h«w (0) and Stamford lost 96 per cent They took him to the bank, already closed for the day. itneu” Irene The men got In by stopping two women tellers outside and A White House official said 26 Uontgomerr. of the sun. In Hartford the other Americans have been moon covered 95 per cent. saying they had the boy’s brother and were going to WH him . i If they were not allowed In. killed or reported missing due At the moment of total eclipse Holding on to Michael—"They held my hand real tight," to hostile action In Laos. ^ for KiUlnr' on Nantucket Island in Massa­ ima home af- he said — the men stuffed the money into a pillow case and But Deputy Press Secretary ndeserved pri- chusetts, a brilliant white coro­ fled In a bank employe’s car, dropping Michael off at the field Gerald L. Warren maintained ■eu.'out to na—the turbulent, gaseous outer il share of hla where his bike was. Sunday President Nixon itanda itate from hla atmosphere of the sun—was vi­ "They told me to go right home or they’d kill me," he said. r by his statement that "no Amer­ ’. Burt Rey- sible around the sun, then a ouslas. Martin The boy picked up his bike and pedalled home. ican stationed in Laos has ever me Fleshette, dark circle. For those watching Mrs. Stout said she regretted not believing Michael’s story been killed in ground combat in Connecticut, the moon passed but “he does tell some tall tales sometimes.” operations." aerleaas (O) between the earth and the sun 1* <0) Bush’s death was "due to hos­ trtia Show <0> off-center, and the corona never tile actions," Warren said. ilrley Booth, was visible. I Paul Lynde. "He was not engaged in com­ I to Shadows turned from black to k Beport <0> grey, but were still shadows. In Cyprus bat operations . he was a mU- (C) Motorists expecting a much Itary attache,” Warren ex­ — Weather plained. "When the compound <0) darker spectacle turned their B <C) headlights on In Bridgeport, then was attacked by commandos, he ilves didn't need them. Eleven Held in Bid did take action, firing a gun. In uR.M.” '68. The street lights along the ex­ an attempt to protect other per­ 1st has Secret sons in the compound and in ■signed to him change at the Junction of Inter­ life. Wendell state 91 and 84 In Hartford did taking this action be exposed ichman, Carl go on , triggered by photo­ To Kill Makarios himself to enemy fire and was electric cells sensitive to light killed.’’ • Creek” '62. NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Po- “I believe the danger to the The controversy over Bush Stephen Hc- loss. But lights in downtown jjgg t<j<jay they have arrest- archbishop comes from else- imergue. Hartford remained off. developed after President NImni Skew 4ehnajr ed I'l young Greek Cypriots In where," he said. "I have said Friday In a formsd state­ (C) Store owners and shoppers In y,elr Investigation of the at- warned him about It but he re- )tt Show (O) Connecticut These three Laotian boys, wearing uniforms too large for them and holding ment that "No American sta­ paused and went tempt to assassinate President fuses to see It.’ tioned In Laos has ever been Iga on outelde to look up at the sun at Makarios Sunday by shooting American rifles nearly as tall as they are, are members of a garrison at the 13-Year~Olds Uaes —, D8AF He confirmed that police killed In ground combat opera­ and Sign on l : n p.m. down his helicopter. searched hla home Sunday outpost of Kalong, 20 miles from the Ho Chi Minh Trail. (AP Photofax) tions." leather — Me- Open spaces such as the New AU of those arrested are sup' morning but said he voluntarily itlea aad'Si^ Haven Green were mobbed with The American’s death was ^- porters of former Interior Min­ produced the revolvers for the Man Outpost ported Sunday In a copyright people .projecting sun light GeorgadJIs, two officers, explaining they ister Polycarpos KALONG, Laoe (AP) — story by freelance writer Don A. through pinholes onto sheets of Makarios' trusted strongman had been a personal gift from paper or gazing at the sun Twenty miles west of this out­ Schanche and distributed by the for eight years until the Greek Makarios. He added that later Writer Says Six A mericans post In the heart_ of_ the______ south-Los Angeles Times. Warren said through exposed film. Some military Junta forced him out In the Cyprus police chief arrived 1 risked permanent eye damage east Laotian panhandle is one of Hlxon was unaware of B u ^ ’s and apologized. He said the the main arteries of the Ho Chi death at the time he issued his Stevena, Dean by looking directly at the sun. Police said three other per- chief, C. Hassapls, "Immediate- They failed to see day turn Minh trail, the North Viet­ formal statement on U.8. In­ >mero, Parley sons were wanted. >y upbraided the two men for Killed in Ambushes in Laos volvement In Laoe. Oregg, and to night, but they did see a namese supply line to South R Makarios’ private helicopter cal»nS my home without au- By DON A. SCHANCHE Lao refugee village about 80 ground combat operations,” Vietnam. Schanche wrote that Bush was no the Brides show that won't be restaged un­ - - thorizatlon.” ’s WoiM (C> til 2024 A.D. was forced down by a hail of Copyright 1970, The Los Angeles miles south of Juong Soul on therefore, is Incorrect. A dirt track leading past the working with * a Laotian army eriiM Slyla Scientists believe they have machine-gun and rifle fire as It “I was greatly surprised when Times the night Bush died. Had I not Bush’s death was not the on­ Laotian army camp la Route 9, unit and a That artillery battal­ k Beport (0) been on hand early the next ly ground combat fatality In La­ <o> taken man’s finest record of a <>« Pa<J at Nicosia Pa- the government information of- Editor’s and Khe Sanh, one of the fa­ ion that had been airlifted in to I — Weather 1 ***” morning when Bush’s assistant, os, A half-dozen young Ameri- support a counterattdek on solar eclipse, but months of lace for a trip to a mountain tlce put out an official state- Schanche, a free-lance writer _ „ __ " _________________ _ mous battlefields In South Vlet- < 0 > a Negro sergeant who was call­ cans, working tor USAID and ^ Communist forces occupying e <0> peilnstaking work must be done monartery 36 miles to the south- ment on Sunday night announc vuits Laos frequently, was for the mass of raw data to be west.
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