United States Department of State Telephone Directory This customized report includes the following section(s): Office Symbols Directory 9/13/2021 Provided by Global Information Services, A/GIS Cover UNCLASSIFIED Office Symbols Department of State A/OPE/AP/EA Evaluation and Assistance Division A (Effective as of 08/05/2018) A Assistant Secretary for Administration A/OPE/AP/FA Federal Assistance Division (Effective as of 08/05/2018) A/EX Office of the Executive Director A/OPE/AP/PD Policy Division (Effective as of 08/05/2018) A/EX/CSM Collaborative Strategy and Management Division (Effective as of 12/01/2013) A/OPE/AQM Office of Acquisitions Management (Effective as of 08/05/2018) A/EX/FMD Financial Management Division (Effective as of 10/21/2012) A/OPE/OS Overseas Program Division (Discontinued as of 09/30/2018) A/EX/HRD Human Resources Division A/OPR Immediate Office of Deputy Assistant A/EX/ITS Information Technology Services Division Secretary for Operations (Immediate Office (Effective as of 06/05/2011) DAS for Operations) A/EX/ITS/BMS Business Management Solutions Branch A/OPR/SP Office of Support Planning (Effective as of 10/01/2018) A/OSDBU Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business A/EX/ITS/TO Technology Operations Branch (Effective as Utilization (Effective as of 10/21/2012) of 10/01/2018) A/PTS Presidential Travel Support (Effective as of A/EX/MGT Management and Planning Division 05/24/2009) A/EX/PAS Procurement and Administrative Services A/TSS/SMT Summit Division (Effective as of 06/05/2011) AES/EAP/SCA Office of East Asian Pacific and South A/EX/PAS/AS Administrative Service Branch (Effective as Central Asian Affairs (Effective as of of 06/05/2011) 04/26/2020) A/EX/PAS/PS Procurement Services Branch (Effective as AF Immediate Office of Assistant Secretary, of 06/05/2011) Deputy Assistant Secretary (3), and Special A/EX/WCF Working Capital Fund Division (Effective as Assistant of 10/01/2008) AF Staff Assistant (3) A/GIS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Office of AF Miscellaneous/Not Otherwise Classified Global Information Services (Effective as of (NOC) 05/10/2009) AF/C Office of Central African A/GIS/DIR Office of Directives Management (Effective Affairs—Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, as of 05/10/2009) Central African Empire, Congo (Brazzaville), A/GIS/IPS Office of Information Programs and Services Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, Sao (Effective as of 05/10/2009) Tome and Principe, and Zaire A/GIS/IPS/RL Requester Liaison Division (Effective as of AF/E Office of East African Affairs—BIOT, 05/10/2009) Comoros, Diego Garcia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, A/GIS/PRV The Privacy Staff (Effective as of Kenya, Malagasy Republic, Malawi, 08/14/2016) Mauritius, Republic of Madagascar, A/IES International Event Staff Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, A/LM Deputy Assistant Secretary for Logistics Uganda, and Zambia Management (Effective as of 10/21/2012) AF/ERA Office of Economic and Regional Affairs A/LM/ADV Managing Director Customer Advocate (Effective as of 08/30/2015) A/LM/OPS Office of Logistics Operations AF/EX Executive Director A/LM/PMP Office of Program Management and Policy AF/NEA/WHA AF-NEA-WHA Programs Division (Effective (Effective as of 10/21/2012) as of 11/07/2010) A/LM/PMP/LPD Logistics Professional Development Division AF/P Public Affairs Staff (Effective as of 09/15/2019) AF/PD/PA Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs A/LM/PMP/OF Overseas Fleet Division (Effective as of AF/RPS Office of Regional Peace and Security 02/12/2017) (Effective as of 06/07/2020) A/LM/PMP/PM Property Management Division (Effective as AF/S Office of Southern African of 06/30/2013) Affairs—Botswana, Lesotho, A/LM/POL Logistics Policy Unit (Effective as of Mozambique, Namibia (South West Africa), 09/15/2019) South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe A/MISC Miscellaneous/Not Otherwise Classified AF/SSS Office of Sudan and South Sudan (Effective (NOC) (Effective as of 02/19/2010) as of 05/12/2019) A/OEM Office of Emergency Management AF/W Office of West African Affairs—Benin, Burkina, Cabo Verde, Chad, Ghana, Guinea, A/OEM/DCP Diplomatic Continuity Program Division Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, (Effective as of 05/22/2011) Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra A/OEM/PPD Planning and Preparedness Division Leone, The Gambia, and Togo (Effective as of 05/22/2011) AIT/W American Institute in A/OPE Managing Director for the Office of the Taiwan—Washington Procurement Executive (Effective as of AM/NEA-SCA Near East & South & Central Asia 08/05/2018) Area Division (Effective as of 10/01/2009) A/OPE/AP Office of Acquisitions Policy (Effective as of AQM/BD/ASD Analysis, Systems, and Development Branch 08/05/2018) (Discontinued as of 09/30/2018) 9/13/2021 Office Symbols OS-1 UNCLASSIFIED AQM/BD/CM Contract Management Branch (Discontinued AVC/CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Preparatory as of 09/30/2018) Commission (Effective as of 10/01/2010) AQM/BD/QA Quality Assurance Branch (Discontinued as AVC/CWC US Rep to the Organization for the of 09/30/2018) Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (Effective AQM/BOD/ASD Analysis, Systems, and Development Branch as of 10/01/2010) (Effective as of 08/05/2018) AVC/ESA Office of Euro-Atlantic Security Affairs AQM/BOD/CM Contract Management Branch (Effective as (Effective as of 03/22/2015) of 08/05/2018) AVC/ESC Office of Emerging Security Challenges AQM/BOD/QA Quality Assurance Branch (Effective as of (Effective as of 03/22/2015) 08/05/2018) AVC/ESD Deputy Assistant Secretary for Emerging AQM/CECAS Critical Environment Contract Analytics Staff Security Challenges and Defense Policy (Effective as of 08/05/2018) (Effective as of 03/22/2015) AQM/DSC/SB Security Branch (Effective as of 08/05/2018) AVC/JCG U.S.
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