
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2011 No. 24 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was nearly half of the practicing engineers engineering to our children of all back- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- in our country eligible to retire over grounds. pore (Mrs. ELLMERS). the next few years, the central goal of I can attest to my own childhood ex- f Engineers Week, attracting new stu- periences with science and engineering dents to engineering careers, has never and how they captivated me. I remem- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO been more important. That is why edu- ber in high school at St. Ignatius my TEMPORE cating and inspiring America’s youth calculus and physics teachers, espe- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- about engineering and science needs to cially Father Thul and Father Fergus, fore the House the following commu- be a national priority. helped mold my childhood fascination nication from the Speaker: Engineers design and build all of our into an interest in engineering. These WASHINGTON, DC, everyday products, such as bridges, air- teachers, together with informal expe- February 15, 2011. planes, roads, computers, medical de- riences at places like the Museum of I hereby appoint the Honorable RENEE vices, cars and power plants, just to Science and Industry and even at ELLMERS to act as Speaker pro tempore on name a few. But engineering is more Brookfield Zoo, helped motivate me to this day. than that. Engineering is problem solv- pursue an undergraduate degree in me- JOHN A. BOEHNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ing. We have many problems to solve, chanical engineering from North- from our dependence on foreign oil to western University and a degree in en- f our crumbling infrastructure. And as a gineering economic systems from Stan- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE recent National Academies report ex- ford. One of the central goals of Na- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- plained, while only 4 percent of our Na- tional Engineers Week is to provide ant to the order of the House of Janu- tion’s workforce is composed of engi- this kind of inspiration for the next ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- neers and scientists, this group dis- generation of students. nize Members from lists submitted by proportionately creates jobs for the During Engineers Week in Chicago I the majority and minority leaders for other 96 percent. will be attending the Engineers Week morning-hour debate. America’s 2.5 million engineers have celebratory dinner, where they will The Chair will alternate recognition helped make our country great by solv- give the Washington Award to a pro- between the parties, with each party ing problems and turning dreams into fessor from Purdue University and will limited to 1 hour and each Member reality, and America’s future depends be honoring students who have made other than the majority and minority on them. Unfortunately, oftentimes contributions in engineering through leaders and the minority whip limited their contributions, though, go unno- the Future Cities projects. to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall ticed. National Engineers Week seeks I would like to encourage all of my debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. to fix this problem through events colleagues to cosponsor this resolution f aimed at educating youth and fostering and go home and find some Engineers public awareness of the vital contribu- Week celebrations that are going on HONORING OUR NATION’S ENGI- tions made by engineers to our quality and participate in them in your dis- NEERS DURING NATIONAL ENGI- of life and our economic prosperity. tricts. This is a great opportunity for NEERS WEEK Engineers Week promotes recogni- us to thank the engineers who have The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tion among parents, teachers, and stu- contributed so much to our country Chair recognizes the gentleman from dents of the importance of STEM edu- and inspire that next generation of en- Pennsylvania (Mr. LIPINSKI) for 5 min- cation and literacy. This year’s theme gineers that our country so terribly utes. is ‘‘Engineers Make a World of Dif- needs to solve the problems that face Mr. LIPINSKI. Madam Speaker, as ference: A Celebration of Engineer Vol- us today. one of only a handful of engineers in unteerism.’’ It recognizes the more f Congress, I am proud again to sponsor than 1 million hours annually that a resolution honoring our Nation’s en- America’s engineers contribute to pub- THE JAILS ARE FULL OF FOREIGN gineers during National Engineers lic service. CRIMINALS Week. This is my seventh year intro- The celebratory events include the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ducing this resolution, and it has a spe- Future City Competition, Introduce a Chair recognizes the gentleman from cial significance this year. Girl to Engineering Day, and Discover Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. Next week will mark the 60th anni- Engineering Family Day, which all im- Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, I versary of Engineers Week, and with part an appreciation of the wonders of bring you news from the war on our b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H797 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:56 Aug 19, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD11\RECFILES\H15FE1.REC H15FE1 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 15, 2011 third front, the southern border with b 1010 break at the end of last year under the Mexico. In 2003, Portillo-Saravia, an MS–13 guise of extending unemployment ben- Last Saturday, two American teen- gang member, was arrested and de- efits for many people who lost jobs agers were brutally shot and killed in ported to El Salvador. But since we through no fault of their own. Mexico in the Mexican border town of have open borders, the child rapist was But, my friends, you see, the rich Juarez, Mexico. That is right across able to sneak back into the United didn’t need another tax break—not the Rio Grande River from El Paso, States unnoticed and under the radar. now; not when their taxes are the low- Texas. On Thursday, drug cartels He was even arrested in November of est they’ve been since 1950, and a tax gunned down eight people at a bar in 2010, but rather than be held in jail for cut that added $800 billion to our def- Juarez. On Sunday, Homero Salcido, deportation, he was released back on icit over the next decade. In addition the head of security and intelligence to that, as part of the Recovery Act, for the state of Nuevo Leon in Mexico, the streets because no one was able to check his illegal status. And 1 month Congress enacted the largest tax cut in was shot in the head and his car was American history and Democrats pro- set ablaze. Nuevo Leon is close to the later, Salvador Portillo-Saravia raped an innocent 8-year-old girl in her own vided additional tax rebates for busi- U.S. border and once was considered nesses that provide their employees one of the safest towns in all of Mexico. home. This disgusting crime could have with health insurance. These murders are evidence that the Amidst these tremendous tax breaks been prevented if we secured our bor- narcoterrorists are continuing to ex- for the past 2 years, the Republicans ders, deported illegals that were in this pand their control with our neighbors are moving forward with a dangerous country, and kept them from return- to the south in Mexico. spending bill, one that continues to ing. Tell the parents of this 8-year-old There are portions of Mexico that are give rewards to the rich and literally girl, Madam Secretary, that our border under the control of the drug bandits, guts the initiatives most meaningful to crisis is just ‘‘mischaracterized.’’ Our and honest law enforcement is non- middle class families. Simply put, the system is flawed and Homeland Secu- existent. However, Secretary of Home- Republicans’ spending bill is irrespon- rity better understand that it is the land Security Janet Napolitano has sible and tone deaf to the needs of a duty of the Federal Government to pro- said that the situation on the border healing Nation. It cuts jobs, threatens tect the people of this Nation and quit has been ‘‘mischaracterized’’ by law- American innovation, and diminishes making excuses. makers for political reasons. investments in rebuilding America. It It’s way past time to put more Na- Well, the same can be said of Home- makes devastating cuts to education— tional Guard troops on the border. I land Security Director Napolitano. She reducing Pell Grants by $800 per stu- have introduced legislation to put mischaracterizes the border region, dent and kicking more than 200,000 10,000 National Guard troops on the claiming it is safe. This is either for children out of Head Start. It reduces political reasons or because she refuses southern border to be paid for by the the competitiveness of our workforce to admit the Federal Government is Federal Government but supervised by by slashing $1.6 billion in job training unwilling or incapable of securing the the four State Governors.
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