ÎSLAXO 1.ON0 IRUM3 ttBAl» ESTAT« TO I.0NO REA»^»»TATjtt. I4OÏW 1SÏ.AND RlUT, KSÏAÏ« Ï.OMI HÄLANN hKAl» ESTAT« LET ITOII BUSINESS PURPOSES TO LET «"Oil BUSINESS PURPOSES TO LET FOB BUSINESS PURPOSES TO UF.T POR BUSINESS ¡PURPOSES r?"* Choice North Shore Homes on Don't Wmt lEAUITFULLONGISLAND Don't Delay DoitNo BUY UND NOW Marbridge Building Gotham-National Bank before the big advance in Broadway and 34th Street Building value« that «hould come BROADWAY AT COLUMBUS CIRCLE A oríASnore B*rp»l*9% both Útil SHORE and Sew Hou***) trot* Douglas Manor.Do-ogl&ston with the great demand for NORTH to Flmblop homes and homealtes, Elwtrlc Service, 25 Minute« Port Washington* iacl*,*** CHOICE HOMES ï>IAORAM OK SIXTEENTH FLOOR Verr attractive «"olonlal f-Vroom SALE OR RENT PRICED LAND .n house: ni» bath; käs» i-anarr»; S LOWEST minut'3'' station. MISS HUGHES NEAR NEW YORK OH Wk PRICE $10>500 At tutton, tV-uslae.ton, U I*. 6-F Washburn & Co» feS! ^»f**« »SwS VfcwfcfWM.«i««««'?''« *t Tel, UTO mynitíc, is the "beat buy" for you it L'Ecluse, Tel. V»n<*K 8.VVI and .5 E. 40th St. S.S. WÜW-W«» &?«« «WH" (Mi your family» Plenty TTi ttfcfc 5 rt«<*\*o V.**T"Îw,,"i <J«r*wH A«**, «ni fcit({« of room to raise ittt 6b bb "".Worth lnïpe«"tl"K. v»-»*««rv «*«t* ¿.V«?.«?,. i*iw«« i«m& ^intvWff*. ~GREAT NECK everything tttt h««*». 7 r*«rtn.s» bath* lann» o\«oi\ «fit-*»* necessary. tit 6b bb eteolrio Sho<re Front Estate ifctt olsce; »team heat, llslits, «ri«u: -«a not be lattepcmtent? . porches, S-car «fauifl«»; plot Why bbbb Wo lar*** 15 ACRES Aer» iMntfi BsU TT\C* »1Í..«0i\ FOR of homes «and it" ! HiljlïO. variety 550 F««* SKore/ Fronl«*^ »age Ü& E.IIi3jJi, "), 0*C0NNELL charming locations no spot Barfoia Evtr Oö«sr«id %-ta& CITY LOT*$195*VW 9«5»U THOMAS Bi$*8»a» .-Hi S**« Miunnas«*», «T., I, in the vicinity of New York 1270 Torn«») $50 Card», (IS Vtr Month .sa y-êtr-" I, G, Wolf, Broadway Title» Onarauteed Tri. Reehrann 4S04. "TVJ. S*»*«'!*, compare* to the North Shore of T*l. «ft-U r»n». W Ore** Nock lilafcfc is Great Neck Special B&rj^ia! Long Island. Its wooded hills English bric* su«) atVr**k*> lw-x» -ft sloping on the north to the placid HEMPStEAD a'1 3«<x*ern «K**ms. -; ^«"3*« tiriprov«. or «riIJrïîï TOVKi RemodoUd farm* IA1NO ISLAND men1** «..sconü.-miiHv ftn<- Pl*"** fr*>nt.ontirta« water« of Long Island ¡Sound ru.Uïe, 14 room», 4 baths; New York .«: «jurare; price rev «H mllea from Greater to a and on varase, quartern, S aerea. Fina 42 minutes by electric express from 1rcm $4 ) to $2&,500 for i:nm<"-01s,;*.> picturesque harbor, nurohtua opportunity, l'erfoof. Station llL ssle. in pvory «floíall. Wlo**» SSÎ.OOO. Renn. .if (»rrat Neck. T.. 1, Ofrh-«'* the «outl) to.«the great central 3LAJDD » NICHOLS, l!> B. ft-ith Send for Map and Full Dutaik Open Sunilaj- plain of Long Island, long ago St. Paou-i ViMn 1115. O. L. Schwenke Land Co. HARVEY CRAW were »elected for locations for 877 Broadway New York JVew York's Most Accessible Office Building 5J2 Fifth Ah*-- Tel VanderMlt 404ÍI, homes of discern¬ JIEMPSTEAD OFFICE by persons 836 Fullon Ave., Xrnr E. 11. Station For tenants ment. To live on the North BAYSÎDE desiring exceptional ofñce space in a DOUGLAS MANOR Attraetlvo CoUae* for" sale; containing} building which !3 tho last word in modem «Shore of Long Island means 7 ro«iin.B, but h, hot, water hont; IMtta- fireproof and th«? North Shore burafh gas h'.'atc- av.«'. hiumlry In cel¬ where service is that you will enjoy water «sports, with a ene-cnr (ra¬ Á REAL COZY HOME construction, unexcelled, and lar, plot. iO.WOU, 0 large rooms, * tennis, «and ra**» of ahtnglo to match lh» houao; New California bungalow, v/hich contains class tenants. HART WELCH golf, polo motoring locnt*»«! in. ones of tho best, ssctloaa ot tile bath end laundry, latest improvements, only high All of these J. Üfe at Its Beat. «ayaliï-:. {IIO.OOO. hot water hoat, beautiful decoration« and «noasiaston. I.otur latead. .Country eloctrlc fixtures, oun parlor, screens and combined features can be had in the MARBRIDGE Telephon« ftivrald* 1811. J. WILSON DAYTON, awnings for porch and windows; nice plot, TeL l«il Bnyslde. lijiyaltk*. I>. I. lawn, shrubbery and fruit, cement walks BUILDING. Small and and driveway; 2-car garas» and chicken 28 to 30% saved fcj) securing eno of house. Phocio mornings between 3 and 10, Located in the strategic centre of New York City Phone GREAT NECK ONE onr fox exempt homes in Flushing. FLUSHING 1301 Freeport. Large Offices For Sale.one of the r>e«st «desifflK-d 10- Houses read's for occupancy or tuiil Colonial rooms, tilo baths, «tueco, 7 COLONIAL HOUSE ideal for . Executive Law rooni Coionial residence» »a beautiful to order. aleaplns porch; plot «¡0x100; Immédiat« OfEces, Firms, etc. TRICE $14.000. TO ORDER Kensington. Irrune«£at= «exxupaacy, ri>ANCINO Or «SAMS MADE BAST. possession. BUILT Write or Phon« About finished. Garden City, near station. ASK MR. HALLERAN, stories, frame; W rooms, 2 baths, elec- A Few Units Left of 300 to .* Richard Kehoe 2V4 hot water heat; 1,500 Square Feet trlo, tiled bath, .shower, at Great John W. Paris & Inc. Hdleran for two cara. Asking $23,000. Available May 1, 1921, Reasonable Rentals $0.00 Am Nock, N. Y. Son, Agency «raraKe 141 W. SSthSt. Tel. Pltzroy ««04.8608. «osbla«, JÍ. Y. Tel. Fîuahln« S5SS-OS74. REMMERS & COMPANY FT. UP Brooklyn. SAMUEL 3 813 Lewis Av., KRONSKY, Inc., ¦-== APARTMENTS TO LET Marbridge Bldg.J Broadway at 34th St. Tel. 772 Fitx QUEERS REAL ESTATE QUEENS REAL ESTATE VXrUBJaSEUEX* APARTMENTS TO LET I OOTTUBNISHEDQaeena Roy Queens I Full Commission to Brokers. ^ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION THE NEW SHOW YOUR FAMILY MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE .i..1.....¦ muí nn inn ¦w.m. Renting Office on Premises A Colony for Artistic People Garden Apartment Homes .o Telephone Columbus 1425 One Thousand Dollars AT 565 Park Avenue Jackson (Between 62nd & 63rd Sts.) for Your Opinion Heights East 35th St. 15 East 10th V/Jr THE METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COM¬ TENANT OWNERSHIP PLAN 145 St. PANY has approved loans to us for more than two are offering apartments in the aboye million dollars to build homes to relieve the housing 22 MINUTES FROM 42nd'ST. W ^- bauoWs for sale. THE FIRST THIRTY of these houses are situation. via Quwnsboro Subway now ready for occupancy in Norwood Gardens, a home Occupancy may be had October 1st, 1921 colony designed particularly for artistic people. THESE HOUSES REPRESENT the Hundred Dollars, for the second best 4 5 and 6 Room Apartments Apartments ranging from experience gained by twenty y»ars of Two Hundred Dollars, and for the THEY WERE DE¬ third best One Hundred Bollars. home-buil$tng. tvar- AND SUNDAY SIGNED bv Walter Hopkins, of POR THH NEXT TWENTY best de¬ OPEN DAILY 5 Rooms & Bath Price ren & Wetmore scriptions submitted we will pay to WB BELIEVE they are the most ar- Twenty Dollars each, making a total Open Evenings Until 9 o'Clock ttstlc the best planned end the best of One Thousand Dollar» which will built,' moderate priced houses in New be paid in c-.ish on the doclslon of 8 Rooms & 3 BatSis $9,600 to $35,000 York City. Chester Parish. Real Estate Editor of To reacrh Heights by most convenient route take these houses will The Nev York Tribune. Jackson WE BELIEVE that to on to professional people. TAKE DITMARS AVENUE train in Subway to Grand Central, transfer Queensboro Subway We shall be fleased to furnish information request WE BELIEVE that the beautiful gar¬ the Cjueonsboro subway from Grand to 25th St. Station. dens and artistic exteriors will be par- Central subway station to Grand Av¬ (Corona Line) (Ornee opposite Station.) ticu^rly appreciated by architects, enue station, a ride of 15 minutes, and Jnwvers. doctors, teachers, writers, and walk cast three minuten to the prop¬ the best element In the theatrical pro¬ erty; or fession. TAKE B, R. T. Broadway trains to The WE RELIEVE that the eight rooms, Queensboro Bridge Plaza and change Queensboro Corporation 340 Madison Ave. Tel. 6200 MurraV Hill with two private baths, the living lo Interborough Dltmars Avenue trains Manhattan Office Jackson Heights Office room 17'x20 feet, and the two-car to Grand. Avenue station, 15 minutes 50 E. 42d St., or Madison At. Opp. 25th St. Subway Station. ,.pMMri.lBIUimlllM.lllU.'l»lTOIII».M rarage will give them a home such as from Times Square. Telephone Murray HUI 7057 Telephone Newtown 2301. they have dreamed of. BY MOTOR from Queensboro Bridge, CONNECTICUT B1SAJL ESTATE LONG ISLAND KEAL ESTATE f« »NSEQUENTLY follow left branch of Elevated Road to One to Grand Avenue Btatlon, then turn WB HAVE DECIDED pay on Avenue to the i Thousand Dollars to the professional right Grand Norwood to Gardens houses on Seventh Avenue. CONNECTICUT REAL ESTATE 5 NEW HOUSES people of New York City, simply House.« open for Inspection daily, CONNECTICUT REAL ESTATE Homestead come and sf" these houses and send for Beautiful of them to be used including Sundays. Photographs, floor Just Ready Occupancy Choice Office Still Available us their opinion plans and particulars on re<iuest. ON SOUND Space in our advertisements. THE BROAD CON*. In Mosl Desirable Neighborhood With VOR THE BEST DESCRIPTION of RICKERT-BROWN REALTY CO., 52 WATER FRONT RESIDENCE at Sound GREENWICH, Splendid and submitted be- Vandcrbilt Ave.
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