'onty Vacation Hours Daily Relaxes .oup The College Library still be The Spartan Dully will go on ,loed both Saturdays during yap/11ton with the vela of gain wing 1.eatlon, but will be open utne Slate nest week, and to. p.m. awn 8 a.m. to !I Mondas- day's paper Is fast milli all -Waif hours will re - off 0' I ukho. Reg er 4.aster revess. vier ,u April 18. The nest bow.. I. out offices who), Au administrative will on Wednesday, April 20. atiatt Nionday-Friday. a open tan SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL, 47 .4111110 ** SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1960 NO. IV Vied by ti. out %tatitfir, aster Plan Lecturer Talks Tonight PE Awaits ASB Council Approves Revision; ,soa, Standio Ilr.ca A dd. dont pans fp n ex - versa s short., trips Senate Dr. Emil Witschi, national lec- Ile attended the State Univer- routs !nal Okay ladling, Calif turer for Sigma Xi and professor sity in Bern, Switzerland from lis NUKE JOHN-I/N. of zoology, embryology and endo- 1908 to 1911, and received his I Editor crinology at the State University Ph.D. at the University of Mu- I Student Council unanimously ap- to print the revision in full con- constitution which the council act- The master plan for higher education, in its latest form, is of Iowa, will speak at 7:30 tonight nich in 1913. proved the revised constitution text and give the students a chance ed upon. in S142 on "Sex Reversals in Ani- yesterday and voted to let the to study it. In other action, the council at, lie final jump away from approval this morning. Dr. Witschi has been a guest mals and student body have the final say on The revised constitution was the pointed Don French homecoming bill again is in the senate awaiting acceptance of changes in Man." professor at the University of Tu- Tile April 26-27 in a special election. only item of business at last committee chairman and officially assembly earlier this week. The talk, sponsored by the Col- ade in the lege lecture committee and the The general ASB election will week's meeting, which lasted for declared May 3 Founder's Day. A The senate is expected to approve the resised version of the campus chapter of Sigma Xi, will be held May 12-13. seven hours. Several points, major $20 request from proponents of also appropriated and minor, were discussed by the the Anne Frank Academy was lin without much discussion. explain the research now being The council necessary funds to buy a full page members and some ot these points turned down. The' 10-year master plan is designed as the framework for done on determiners of normal sex advertisement in the Spartan Daily were incorporated into the final Roger Johnson. senior represen- higher education development and naturally occur- 1 slifornia lathe, suggested that with the ad- future. ring or deliberate modification. Cent of political parties on campus expected to help channe EPIGENESIS n6ir1is for the immediate ' some consideration be given to the California colleges the Young Demos Dr, Witschi will tell about the .rough piessibility of primary eleetions. UTS college slit- theory of epigenesis, which state, Program erriow charge of Construction that development starts from a * * * nts now in high schools. 101 structureless cell and consists in bill passed the assembly I an Booth The the successive formation and addi- OP esday night, and went directly F tion of new parts that do not pre- Faces State Board Today the senate for concurrence in sitdown Strike exist in the fertilized. He will 4251 amendments. The senate or Voters bly contrast this with the view of pre- The $24 million, five-year $2 million; television facilities. earlier form of the bill an The two students working at the formation. construe ' program for San $500,000; Home Economics buil,' week. voting registration booth in front Hormones and other chemical Jose State will he proposed to ing remodeling, $500,000; seconu Vote ate The assembly voted 70-0 in ta- week the multi -story parking garage, $2,- of the Spartan bookstore this effectors, temperature and specific state board of education to- Students voting on the revised w) of the bill Tuesday, in spite are performing the service for metabolic conditions," according day. 500.000; infirmary, $675,000. efforts of Assemblyman constitution April 26-27 also will the more than one reason. to Dr. Witschi, "are some of the This winild carry the college's 1964-1965 as J. MacBride 1D-Sacra- be given a yes or no vote on a Primarily, as a project sponsored tools that have served in the ex- building program through 1966, For 1964-65 Faculty office ento) to change it. when SJS will have 16,600 full- by the San Jose State Young Dem- perimental manipulation of sex DR. EMIL WITSCHI building addition, $450,000; presi- proposal brought to Student Coun- was trying to pre- time students, according to the Maenride ocrats, they are trying to get peo- differentiation." ...on sex reversal dent's residence, $60,000. cil two weeks ago by TASC, a re the right of the state W- proposal. CE? ene ple "to get out and vote." But SWISS BORN laical party on campus. For 1963-66 Police-Military inton of architeeture to draw Switzerland-born The proposed appropriation does as an added incentive, the students Dr. Witschi bingen, Germany, in 1948-49 and Science building addition, $500,000. TASC proposed that the council up plans for any building intend- came to the U.S. in 1926 on fellow- not include $4,015,835 for con- are earning 10 cents for every Equipment. appropriations in- indicate sympathy and support to for California state colleges. ships to Yale university at the University of Paris last struction included in the 1960-61 name they register. and the clude $4.500,000 Negro demonstrators in their non- Month() main point aa yet un- year. He is a permanent delegate budget just passed by the legisla- between 1961 and University of Chicago. He became 1963 violent attempts to gain equal ser- In the senate. The booth will be set up today ture. for engineering equipment, rewired a member of the faculty of the to the International Congress of vice at public lunch counters. until 3 p.m. and tomorrow from 8 $630,000 next year for aeronautics The master plan, originally de- Iowa university in 1927 and a nat- Zoologists and is 'president of the CONSTRUCTION ITEMS "The constitution . does not to 10 am.; 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. and equipment and $1 million in 1963- by a legislative liaison corn- uralized citizen in 1933. American Society of Zoolgists. Major construction items in- provide Student Council with all - 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. 64 for equipment for a second tee of top California educators, chide: thority to commit the student body Approximately 300 persons had garage. constructed to separate state For 1961 -62. -Police and Military to stands on matters of national or registered at the campus booth by - - lees from the state board of Science building, $1,941,500: sec- international sienificance," said 2 p.m. yesterday. In addition to ucation. 'Treatment Man' Tells ond Science building, $4,700,000: Doyle Norman, head of a special students, members of the SJS fac- Saga SW Administration building additio- committee studying the TASC rrs- NO STATE COLLEGE PHI). ulty and staff have been regis- $500,000; Corporation Yard a ) : Conference solution. The plan also provided, in its tering, Bob Crittenden, YD presi- tion, $100,000; Cafeteria additi "The Student Council is corn - chest form, instructional terri- dent and deputy registrar, said Of Riot at Michigan Prison $900.000. of 15 students whose per- cries for each institution. State yesterday. Posed For 1962-63 Business building. Ends Tonight sonal prejudice and attitudes to- leges would not have been al- A "treatment man" must he an "The book shows the weaknesses Working with Crittenden is ward matters of national or inter- eel to expand their curricula to honest, law abiding citizen who is in the prison's administration," he i1.%,,.4,me,lit and pub- Louis Gray, also a member of the national significance will of neces- e doctoral level. Ph.D. degrees a con man's model and must have continued, stating the riot pre- lic relations will be discussed to- students were depu- 'Eve' sity, reflect the feeling of the en- old have been granted either by YD's. Both vailed fsokred night at 7:30 in Morris Dailey the ability to "out con the cons," because of employee short- Next FrNidayefxlietk,Fs, bv tire student body of blurt() stu- e University of California, pri- tized by the Santa Clara County auditorium as the concluding top- said Dr. Julian Roebuck, assistant ages and inadequate prison con- the senior class, will be shown dents, he continued. oe institutions, or state colleges Registrar's office. ies of the second annual Manage- professor of sociology, at yester- trols. April On the same ballot. SJS stu- conjunction with the University "Still more men than women ment Training conference. The day's book talk on William Wie- WARDEN FRUSTRATED -Three Faces of Eve," pre% i- dents will be asked to grant the California. have been signing up," Crittenden conference began Tuesday. gand's "Treatment Man." He explained that even the war- ously canceled because of film Student Council authority to take said. Generally, the Republican The three-night event is being COLLEGE BOARD The term "treatment man," Dr.
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