Credit if Yot Wish. Easy rem~ Of Pa~t~i range Without SjpringgAny Extra Charge. special The doings of the Big Furniture Store are always interesting, and this week e one of very interest to all home lovers, for we have now completed our N.E.COR.71!& ISsrN SN.E.COR.7TM ISTs.NR spring stocks and invite you to admire or criticise the new goods. ] aster, with its rsuujption of festilities, is less than a week away. and to enable you to get your HoME FURNISHERS house in proper shape we will offer many special values this week. 4 Jur- regular pries ale well known for their unrivaled lowness, so that any special reductions we make are all the more notew(>rthy. We would call your att ention to the quantity and excellence c if our stock of summer necessities. vhich will soon be wanted, and whir-h are better bought a little in advance. We have a simi ly superb collection of Baby Carriages and Go-Carts, a splendid assortmen t of new effects in Mattings, and the famous Leonard Cleanable VOL*" 6 in home their "R Refrigerators, for which we have obtained the sole agency, should be every .c>°x pcount of superiority. HELEONARD Gas Ranges and Gas Straw Mattings. Mattresses & Iedding- Stoves. CLEANABLE1S A pWRFECT REFRIGERATOR a ' *" /I *i~1 .While we carry the largest line of Go-Carts in this city, we will only quote prices for this week on tile. Thee te- abaoe has the f ll- It is lnm tin to lcok forward to hot weather. We must call your especial attention to our All kinds of Spring Beds. Pillows, Bolsters and woven side and lack. has green etnim-led gear, And it's Just as well to he prepared for it now immense assortient of attresses. Our mattress business is run on with steel ruhter-tireud wheels: has in-lependent as to wait till the blistering season is here. We e made-to-order plan. No matter how cheap Odd Dressers attachments for working either Imaek or dash. show a large assortment of Gas Ranges and sell you a.. article from this department, we In mahogany, maple, oak, etc. All grades at separated. and is a high-grade cart Hot Plates. and you will find our line complete Straw Matting. not take it from stock, but send it to the In every) ar. and te is This servienkae I.-ed Cnrriage. full izee atll O all prices, starting at $9.75. Presser similar partiul pricet and our irices low. In this it has become one of the ac- der clerk, and it is made up especially to we'lI uph. It:-red, has extra -eric.e'athe gear, city ur order. We offer a full-size Hair Mattress to cut. in high-grade flaked oak, extra large best stIee wheels nnd hasIns.u. 1s cepted rules that in the spring all heavy car- mirror and serpentine front, sets high off the p.ara.nl. should to r $6. a good Woreat Wire Mattress for $1.50 Got-aet-la one tif the more elasorate ons. al- well worth $(1.:.41. Ale" offer ime- ""We are the se.le Washington for the pets give place at id other articles in BRING YOUR floor so (ust cant collect-is a strictly high- not a one. IBody is mtsatled lited for the rle agents proportion. grade article. Is marked to sell though high-pricel qsaantity very low 1 i:Unons I I)NAlfi) ("IEANAlILE: ItEFitomit- Chamber Suite Chairs, in oak, mahogany, AT'ItESS ORDER TO US. price... $4 .50 nit green enameled. English gear, has Indepen- of .. ........................$4.25 A'le>R$. h1nt, everyv one of these refrigerators is white maple. elm. etc. We carry all grades, Cool, Clean, Straw Mat- for $53. Present dent attachments for back nail I' par the experiene of 21 years. It means taore from the heavy leather seat and back to the dash. This cart is only......... than we ean tell In an ad. like this, but send inexpensive diner in oak, with cane seat and for ourr alittle link. Clb C MOLD adyo wl braced back, for tings, lar a ret dalabout buying a adgood re- And we believe there is no firm "so well pre- Serviceable Solid tlak Chamber Stite. golden Beautifal with m.st X A Enameled Child's Crib. 2 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft., r. 'arriage. enh..rately frigerator. 95c. pared to serve you as we are. We offer Chafing Dish finished, dresser with landscape plate mirr' 3 woven Iwdy. of heavy a-rll and intrieate de IT IS A ('01.1) FACT that the Ieonard Rse- brasa trimmed and extravleE drawers. brass drop handles. Co,,mmttle has don- solid comfort .in a home. It makes no .............. sign., has gren enamled English gear, with Is almart the one on the market differ- ..."..... ...: $4.95 hle doors and large drawer. lied Is full size whee-l.: . jfrigerator only and e whether house or * rathiwr-fin-d ateel upholste.red in toelay whic-h ha. nost dlteriora tedl In quality to 1lattings New Fresh, ice you keep board. you will and tastily carved, and the suite is itne't id, after you buy one of these handy articles, E16_ quality .ilk damask. has elegant lace "=meat comupetition in price. Parlor and Library Tables in grent va- And guarantee that we have not a piece of at extra good value at.................... cover ,iu paramel. and is a egui- IT Is A l'1)L.I FA('T that the ruvale fhes Fancy i you always have the means at your hand lar riety. A Parlor Table, neatly polished, made auction or wrapper-stdanedl goods in our house. tc prepare a hot and whether it is for cleanliness are th~e simplest aund let evn- tasty lunch, nw $3.3a pre very strong and durable, really worth 75c. Our r use on a hot day or a cold evening, It is Best of ENAMELED IRON AND ALL- Choice design. solid three-piece Githlent fak s carriage. trivance for getting at every part of the re- price is only t e article in the grades nir- You don't have to lift out the whole Prices are 15, 22, 25, 28, right right place. We carry BRASS BEDSTEADIS. While ne do not han- Chamber Suite. lies terele't Freeih ple ......................... Sldfah 1. .rlglgleniu s frigerator. I and offer a t ._. iee box to clean it. styles, handsome die the cheapest grade of metal beds, we claim rot. handsome or: rladid carving o glaws standard .at .,IT IS A 'OI.D FACT that the Leonard air- 39c. 47 and . ie, nickel-plated, for only........ $..00 to give you the most value for your money. We and headtlsard. n elled top drawer. anid large 30, 35, 40, 45, is our ..tight loek 1s the best lock ever put on a re- rgat t 1ma h dratopndo- offer a heavy frame Baked Enamel Bed.. brass sized cominode. Thils regular Slid Oak idhrd.geaIden finish, plate glala Sc. per trimmed, a good woven-wire spring and a soft- $25 set. The present price is........... mirrr. Lras" drop handles. attple cul.tsard tom, thus aiding to preserve the food. yard, top mnattress for the very low price 'rnot. Y draw.' 4. handsome over- IT is A 0'411I0 FAI' that we sell these most Golden Quartered Oak China Closet, bent And if you wish us to tack your matting tpmtrsfothveylwpieof................................ $6.98 ladcarving, and a remral as as .fthers sell ends. carve-i top and heavy plate glass door and down on the floor value at ....................... j:excellent refrigeratoris cheap of best and Carpet Rugs. Immense Drive in . "_ tlw worthless kinals. sides. Is built stock, the price is J A lenuani' IHardwood Chest frr right. Without the mirror top. $14.75, and A large line of Made-up Rugs, in Tapestry, with mirror top. We Will Not Charge for russels, Axninsters. Velvets, etc. Just the Solid Oak Sideboard, has swell and two Glassware. -tieles to spread over your mattings or hard- top It use a Stove it doesr not 1 floors. All swell drawers, brass knobs and handles, we have care- you coal and just q$6.75. the Work, ood sizes, all prices. Smyrna All- drop Wishing to reduce this line, suit or is worn outt. don't that we $16.50. oot and other Rugs. Oilcloths anl Linoleum. large pattern French beveled plate, heavy over- overhauled the stock, with the result he- you. f..rget Provided you live in this city. and a elab- fully lave a large line fnm which to make your se- A Ieonatel ('leanable Refrigerator, See our assortment before placing your order. laid carvings very low. You will find our prices ott th.-.e gnsls 1- offer sas.:. with the orate sideboard. at the very low other firm in the Dsis- tion. We I. rang.. ad- price of far below those of any dittion of a handsome skirting *c.otmeetlig the A full line of Toilet Salts of all grades, colors ............$30.00 trict. Mlany of the lots are limilt.'d as to lega. Is band.m.mely trimmed and $9.00. frames ma- quantity. You had better ClIM3E QUICK. and a we a Dainty 3-piece Reception Suite, narratl. baker,. and decorations: offer full 9-piece Deco- Imitation Cut Water each.........3%e monfte'd, / rated Toilet Set. in an assortment of colors, hogany finish. covered with good, serviceable Glasscs, for ............................. 8.25 for only damask of excellent quality.
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