' DIRECTORY.] SURREY. W ..!LTON-ON-THAMES. 1535 ' Palmer James Herbert, china & glass Warner Geo. corn & seed dlr. High st "~files Algernon 0. Grove cottage dealer, Church street Waterer & Sons, auctioneers, & estate vlilligan Miss, Rosslyn lodge Parker Arthur, farmer, Crown farm office, High street .\filne Henry Ernest, Warrenhurst, Parsons Charles, glass & china &c. Watts Jsph. Jn. solicitor, Hawthorn lo Bridgewater road dealer, Bridge street . 1 Webb Francis J. architect & surveyor, Neal Rev.Jn.Sth.Holme,Bridgewatet' rd ParsonsEdward & Son, cabinet makers Cambridge house Noton Thomas, Florence villa & upholsterers, Church street WebbPrcy.Hy.solicitor &commissioner tPatton Mrs. Moorcroft Parsons Charles Stephen, fly proprietor for oaths & vestry clerk & clerk to Pearce William, Church road & coal merchant School Board, see Godfrey & Webb Pyke Charles· Bartar, Lynwood Pearman William James, The Anglers Wells Bros.fishmngrs.&poultrs.High st Reid A Ashley park • P.H. Riverside West Surrey Wa'ber Co. High street Robinson Vidal, The Green Peudleton William George, plumber &c, WheatleyBros.coach builder:'!, Church st Samuelson Harry, The Knoll, Bridge· Thames street Wheatley George, butcher, High street water road " Pennington Arthur,architect&surveyor, Wheatley Henry, hair dresser, stationer Scott James, The Litheys Church street · & news agent, Church street Shipton Thomas, Station road PerringWm.Arth.prof.of musc.Brdge.st Wheatley John, tailor. High street tSmith CharlesEdward J.P. Silvermere Pester James, dairyman, Chapel street WheatleyThos. Hatton,tailor,Churchst Somers-Smith Mrs. The Old cottage Peters Alice Maud Mary (Mrs.), beer Wheatley Richd. basket ma. Thames st Somers-Smith Robert Vernon, Burlea retailer, Church street Wilkins John, Weir hotel; first-class Stoop Frederick, West grove Phillips William George,inland revenue ac,eommodation for fishing & pleasure Sturdy Mrs. Hersbam road. 'f<l office, Churchfi~ld parties ; dining rooms & eJ.refully Terry Captain: Courtenay Forbesl, The Pitman Fanny Elizabeth (Mis;;), dress apppointed cuisine, Ri-verside (Postal Shrublands · maker, Thames street & telegraphic addr6:38, Sunbury,Mid~ Terrj' Ueutr.-Col. Tho:nas Henry Clarke Power Edward & Son, chemists & dlese:x:} t J.P. Em·tale druggists, High street Windsor & Sons, ironmcmgers, Bridge st Thompsab.Re?.Jas. L. [Baptist],Fernside Power Edward, dental instrument Wood Bros. coal dealer;;~ Chapel street Thompson Henry G. Parkside maker, Elmstead Woodroff Art;hur, ct>wkeeper Vaux Frederick Loring, Claremont cot PowerThos.Hy.L.D.S. dentist,Southwld Woodroff Chas.dairy,& corn dlr.High st Vigel'SA~tley, R1mleh, Burwood Pk. rd Price Bros. tricycle dealers, High street Wright George, tobacconist, High street Vi~ers Francis, Mole--hollse Pritchard Alfred, nurseryman, Apps et Harsh am. Weller W. G. Thistlecroft cottage Public Hall (W. Drewett, hon. sec. & Wellington (Elizabeth} Her Grace The' treasurer), High street [Letters marked thus t should be addressed Duchess of, Burr Hill park Purcell Charlotte (Mrs.), fancy reposi- •Cobha.m, Surrey.] Whitford George, Rodney villa tory, High street PRIVATE RESIDENTS, Whitford George, jun. Clifford villa Quarterman Mary (Miss), dress maker, Alderson Mrs. Melrose, Hersham road Williams William Saml. M.A. [curate], Bridge street Allan Mrs. Eddlewood Church road Quart.erman Thomas, boot& shoe maker, Alpe Mrs. Holly lo:lge Wright Rev. Howard, Mapperley cot­ Bridge street Askew Henry William, Burwood park tage, Bridgewater road Quinnell William,shopkpr. Hersham rd AylwardEdward Burcher, The Hut Yeowell Miss, Eastview Ratcliff Mark shoe maker, Hersham rd Barber Mrs. Burwood Park road 1 • Rawlings Thomas James, stationer & Blockey Sanders H. Brauksome, COlllii.BRClAL. printer, High street Egerton road Aldersou Jane (Mrs.), market gardener .' Reece Richard M.R.c.s. surgeon,& med- Brett Mrs. Surrey lodge Alderton Ellen {Mrs.}, baker •' ical officer & public vaccinator, Wal- Brooks Henry, Hersham lodge Ancient Order of Foresters, Dr. Living-" ton district, Chertsey union, Chu roh st BrownAlfd. Harvey,Mayfl.d. Hersham rd stone Lodge, 5356 (James Self, sec.)1 ReedChas.Jas.chimney sweeper,High st Brown Edward Alfred, Oakdene, Bur- Waterman's Arms • Riddick Emmeline (Miss), berlin wool wood Park road Atkins Isaac, fly proprietor, Church rd. dealer, Bridge street · Brown Mrs. Greenside Banks John Benj. size & whiting mer Rogers & Sons, butchers, Church street Campbell Charles James Napier, Wood- Barker George, beer retailr. 'fhe Green Rogers Alfred, auctioneer, land, house side, Burwood Park road ·. Barker William, shoe maker & estate agent, valuer & surveyor, Campbell Edward, Burwood lodge Bolton William, cowkeeper High street Cancellor Hy.Hollowdene,Burwd.Pk.rd Brown Wm. & Alfd. Quilders, The Green Rondeau Saml. J n. hair dresser, High st Chambers Ed wd. R'ldmill, Bridgewtr. Td Brown James, shopkeeper, Thistlecroft Rosewell Sedgewick, Old Manor House Chapple Aubrey Durant, Clevedon BryantJosiah, mrkt. gardnr. Orchard cot inn, Thames street . Chittenden Arthur, Station road Bundy John, boot & shoe maker Rosewell Sedgewick,boat builder & fish- Cooke SidneyM.Runton,Burwood Pk.rd Butt William, builder erman; well appointed boats let by Crouch Rev. Herbert Jason [Congrega- Cemetery (William Drewitt, clerk to tl::.e day, mm1-::h or scmson ; punts for t]IJllJ~.I], 'l'he Manse thP. !>mial board) anglers; private boats housed & var- tCushny Alexander, Pains hill *Chapple Aubrey Durant :r...R.c.P.Lon1. nished &c. ; Thames sand & ballast, tCushny Charles, Pains hill surgeon, Clevedon The Old Manor House inn, Thames st. tCushny Frank, Pains hill Coles J ames, builder · • & the Boat house Denny Charles, Weymouth lodge Cory John Henry, chemist Runnegar Thos. George P.H. Bridge st Dines Mrs. Woodside Cross Fredk.house steward to Her Grace Rushworth Norman L.R.C.P.LOnd. sur- tEllesmere Mary Louisa, Countess ·of, the Duchess (Eliz~beth) of. Wellington geon, Beechfield, Rydens road Burw:ood house Davis William, carman, Mole farm Savage Ernest, shopkeeper, Sunbury la Eyres John William, Kent villa Denyer Henry, market gardener Savage J. V. & Son, mineral water Fagan Rev. Wm. Feltrim M.A. Vicarage Doyle John, shopkeeper makers, High street Farley John, !<'ern villa Ewington Ishmael, plumber & gasfitter Sims Sophy (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Faulkner William, Yevey cottage Faulkner L. & Sons, engineers, iron Broughton villas Fisher T. Disney, Hersham road founders & iron fence manufacturers, Slade Wm. smith & whlwrght. Thames st Forge Chas. Richd. Alex. Burwoo:l cot hot water engineers & art metal Smith John, boot maker, Thames st Forge Percy, Station road ~ workers, Steam iron works Smith Samuel, Bear inn, Bridgestreet tFo:x: G. Louis, The Kennel Faulkner James, wire wol'ker · Stanley Benj. chimney swpr. Chapel st Frampton Albert Tom, Clovelly, Bur- Faulkner Laura (Mrs.), ironmonger Surrey Farmers' Supply Association tJ. wood Park road ' l<'aulkn'lr N ewburgh,practical machinist H. Bleek, manager), BriMe street Gibbons Mrs. Ingleside, St. George's hi & cycle maker, bicycle, tricycle & sew­ Stowe Isaac, fly proprietor, Bridge st Giffard Mrs. Claremont house ing machine agent; ~epairs executed ; Summerson Samuel, tailor, Church st GillespieJas. Ascotldg. Burwo'>dPk. rd sundries & fittings for machines, Tayler James, grocer, Bridge street Harris William, Station road The Green Thompson Wm.Iodgirig ho.2 Manor viis Havergal Lieut. Arthur, Fawley cot- Felgate Alfd.head gardener to HerGrace Thorn John, carpenter, Church street tage, Burwood Park road · the Duchess (Elizabeth) of Wellington Tingey Fredk. Edwd. habrdshr. High st Humby Charles, ~ose cottage FisherT.Disney,prof.ofmus.Hersham rd Tudgey Edward,nursel'yu1an, Rydens rd Ingram J oseph FowlerWalt.oilman & coal dlr. TheGreen Turner Ann (Mrs.), Ploq.gh inn Kesteven Mrs. Eastwood, Bridgewater rd Gosden Edward, market gardener Tyser Richd.. bakr.& confctnr. Thames st Kirke Robert, Ashley cot. Hersham rd Gosden George, dairyman, The Green Vidler John, greengrocer, Apps court Lawrence George Adams, Ramornie, Gosden H~nry, shoe maker Volunteer Fire Brigade. (R. Price, Burwood Park road Hammond Bros. confctnrs. Hersham rd superintendent), HigQ street Lii>ter Mrs. Oak lodge Hat'man Albert James, butcher Waiter Arthur Christ{>pher, collector of Lushington Edward Harbord .r.P. Haslett William, linen draper . rates, Church street • Brackenhurst house Hebburn George, timber dealer Walton-on-Thames & Weybridge Gas Malin John, Broad lane Hemmings LouisaHarriet(Mrs. ), Water- Co.(Wm. Wood,mangr.; S.Potier,sec) Meissner A.G.Aldenholme,Ellesmere rd man's Arms • .
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