08/22/2016 Page: 1 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show RESULTS PROVIDED BY KYSTATEFAIR.ORG 08/21/2016 Showbill: 1 Class: ASHA 00001 ASR Futurity Of KY- Weanling 17 shown Go: 1 27 entered Judge(s): Melissa Moore Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 1756 Walterway's Enchanted Evening Smith Lilly Larry Hartsock ASHA - 153146 2016 ASHA - 098262 Castlewood, VA ASHA - 1400 2 1209 Say Amen Walden Bullard A. E. Nelson ASHA - 127845 2016 ASHA - 106870 Santa Rosa, CA ASHA - 063383 3 415 Lady Hazelden J. Darrell Case Willowbank Farm ASHA - 153190 2016 ASHA - 96060 Simpsonville, KY ASHA - 1447 4 1308 I Tango Alone Matthew H. Shiflet Matthew H. Shiflet ASHA - 153171 2016 ASHA - 58355 Z Asheboro, NC ASHA - 58355 5 1515 Can't Stop The Feeling! Dr Paul Polster Dr Paul Polster ASHA - 1278115 2016 ASHA - 102581 Z Fish Creek , WI ASHA - 102581 6 342 Kite Park Bret C. Day Cavallo Ventures LLC ASHA - 153121 2016 ASHA - 83247 Lexington, KY ASHA - 108559 08/21/2016 Page: 1 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show 08/21/2016 Showbill: 2 Class: AHHS 20002 KY Co Fair Harness Pony CH 3 shown Go: 1 5 entered Judge(s): Melinda Moore Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 1415 Heartland Copper Illusion Helen Rich* Helen Rich AHHS - 27469 2011 AHHS - 9117 Odessa, FL AHHS - 9117 2 1364 Go Daddy Mary Gaylord McClean AHHS - 26744 2006 3 911 Silver Oak's Lucky Pierre Roger Sims Roger Sims AHHS - 27074 2010 Z Harrodsburg, KY 1st Judge: Melinda Place Moore 1 1415 2 1364 3 911 08/21/2016 Page: 2 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show 08/21/2016 Showbill: 3 Class: ASHA 00003 KY Eq Rider 17 Years Old & Under 9 shown Go: 1 12 entered Judge(s): Melissa Moore Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 95 CH-EQ La Zingara Kaeley Arterburn Todd and/or Kaeley Arterburn ASHA - 123457 LaGrange, KY ASHA - 123457 2 54 Rob New York Alayna Applegate Jim and Judy Carr ASHA - 119067 2007 ASHA - 125069 Greenfield Center, NY ASHA - 127640 3 7 My Christmas Eve Rose Marie Wheeler Cascade Stables &/or Barbe ASHA - 139720 2003 ASHA - 115116 Smith New Orleans, LA ASHA - 102992 4 62 American Fiddle Faddle Madelyn Gill 5 96 Harley Rally Gabbie Gardiner Norb Whitlock ASHA - 110563 2000 Prospect, KY ASHA - 128634 6 92 Elegant Silhouette Emily Winchell Gina Krein &/or Emily Winchell ASHA - 146121 2008 ASHA - 123629 Goshen, KY ASHA - 123629 7 89 The Blues Strutter Jordyn Isgrigg Dr. Nita &/or Jordyn Isgrigg ASHA - 124036 2010 ASHA - 109103 Mt Washington, KY ASHA - 109103 8 90 Auntie Bellum Macy Brangers Jason Brangers ASHA - 119431 Louisville, KY ASHA - APPLIED 1st Judge: Melissa Place Moore 1 95 2 54 3 7 4 62 5 96 08/21/2016 Page: 4 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show 08/21/2016 Showbill: 4 Class: ASHA 00004 KY Co Fair Fine Harness CH 5 shown Go: 1 6 entered Judge(s): James Nichols Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 1584 Battlefield Peter Palmer Carl T. Fischer Jr. ASHA - 119968 2007 ASHA - 054989 Louisville, KY ASHA - 000004 2 413 Slice Of Heaven J. Darrell Case Woodleigh Farm LLC ASHA - 124113 2011 ASHA - 96060 Oconomowoc, WI ASHA - 24803 3 1661 True Fortune Jimmy Robertson Frank &/or Iris James ASHA - 119139 2007 ASHA - 20131 Beavercreek, OH ASHA - 82630 4 1735 Best Show In Vegas Annika Bruggeworth**** Annika Bruggeworth**** ASHA - 124002 2011 ASHA - 87707 Mays Landing, NJ ASHA - 87707 5 1485 Big Time Dare Robert J. Hughes Michelle Moss Trowbridge ASHA - 146867 2008 Cox's Creek, KY ASHA - 121636 1st Judge: James Place Nichols 1 1584 2 413 3 1661 4 1735 5 1485 08/21/2016 Page: 5 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show 08/21/2016 Showbill: 6 Class: ASHA 00006 KY Co Fair 3-Gaited CH 7 shown Go: 1 7 entered Judge(s): Marsha Shepard Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 1540 Carolina's Inside Story Johanna Kapioltas Cirrus Stables LLC Or Johanna ASHA - 122153 2008 ASHA - 51826 Kapioltas Louisville, KY ASHA - 51826 2 1621 Roselane's Nite Show Leanne Asper Leanne and Diane Asper ASHA - 149094 2011 ASHA - 129188 Coeur D Alene, ID ASHA - 129188 3 1622 Wii Gerhardt Roos Wildstone Farm, Inc. And Barb ASHA - 148796 2010 ASHA - 118884 Christensen Chattaroy, WA ASHA - 308 4 949 Dice O Mighty Ethan Allen Roetman Patricia Misko ASHA - 123721 2011 Clio, MI ASHA - 80163 5 1823 Your Ride Has Arrived Alison Walker Stephen Edward Crabtree ASHA - 114968 2004 ASHA - 82499 Elizabethtown, KY ASHA - 2516 6 986 CH A Travelin' Man Cheryl* Friedman Cheryl* Friedman ASHA - 114736 2004 ASHA - 70302 Z Boca Raton, FL ASHA - 70302 7 1384 Nutter Butter Keith Harger Sally Groub Gayeski ASHA - 121619 2009 ASHA - 102686 Fort Myers, FL ASHA - 032138 1st Judge: Marsha Place Shepard 1 1540 2 1621 3 1622 4 949 5 1823 6 986 7 1384 08/21/2016 Page: 6 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show 08/21/2016 Showbill: 7 Class: AHHS 20007 KY Co Fair Roadster Pony CH 9 shown Go: 1 11 entered Judge(s): Nelson Green Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 1439 Regal's Prime Rate LF Ali DeGray Helen Rich* AHHS - 26238 2007 AHHS - 3574 Odessa, FL 2 1367 Regal's Lightning Strike LF Mary Gaylord McClean Golden Creek Farms, Inc*** AHHS - 24621 2004 Simpsonville, KY AHHS - 317 3 1412 Game Alexandria Wellington Nunley All Well Farm AHHS - 27516 2011 AHHS - 2733 Winston Salem, NC AHHS - 2733 4 1650 Heartland Flurry Jerry W. Cummins Jerry W. Cummins AHHS - 22142 2000 AHHS - 204 Z Nicholasville, KY AHHS - 204 5 559 No Doubt Shannon Ella Gary L. Crump, M.D. &/or Nancy AHHS - 25687 2007 Ann Trent, M.D. Louisville, KY AHHS - 10096 6 879 Heartland Aristocrat Matt Schuckert Terri McQuown Thomas AHHS - 27549 2011 AHHS - 7981 Elizabethtown, KY AHHS - 4142 7 938 Extremely Grand Design Lisa McMackin* Sherri Lisa McMackin AHHS - 26280 2008 Louisville, KY 8 393 Ranger Kelsey Morgan Julianna M. Wilson AHHS - 21744 1998 Smithfield, KY AHHS - 3080 1st Judge: Nelson Place Green 1 1439 2 1367 3 1412 4 1650 5 559 6 879 08/21/2016 Page: 8 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show 08/21/2016 Showbill: 8 Class: ASHA 00008 ASR Futurity Of KY- Yearlings 14 shown Go: 1 25 entered Judge(s): Melinda Moore Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 408 Petrichor J. Darrell Case Woodleigh Farm LLC ASHA - 126917 2015 ASHA - 96060 Oconomowoc, WI ASHA - 24803 2 1610 Caramel Popcorn Gerhardt Roos Debbie Ellis ASHA - 127353 2015 ASHA - 118884 Shelbyville, KY ASHA - 6870 3 1754 Walterway's Crack Me Up Smith Lilly Larry Hartsock ASHA - 127004 2015 ASHA - 098262 Castlewood, VA ASHA - 1400 4 1480 Supremacy's Wise Guy Pamela A. Specht Pamela A. Specht ASHA - 126989 2015 Z Fenton, MI 5 1617 Rose Arbor's Double Trouble Gerhardt Roos Rose Arbor Farm LLC ASHA - 127405 2015 ASHA - 118884 Lexington, KY ASHA - 062420 6 1804 Wild Will Paul* Cates ASHA - 126990 2015 ASHA - 37962 7 277 Altamount Ramon Gomez Blythewood Farms LLC ASHA - 127401 2015 Cleveland, TN ASHA - 120636 8 1210 Honor Code Walden Bullard A.E. Nelson ASHA - 127181 2015 ASHA - 106870 Santa Rosa, CA 1st Judge: Melinda Place Moore 1 408 2 1610 3 1754 4 1480 5 1617 6 1804 7 277 8 1210 08/21/2016 Page: 9 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show 08/21/2016 Showbill: 9 Class: ASHA 00009 KY Co Fair Roadster CH 6 shown Go: 1 6 entered Judge(s): Melissa Moore Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 631 Nothing Else Matters Judith A. McNeish Judith A. McNeish 2000 ASHA - 24739 Z Shelbyville, KY ASHA - 24739 2 1234 Cookie Monster Mitchell Devore DeVault Farms LLC 1998 South Pasadena, CA ASHA - 93892 Tammy J Devore LLC Sonora, KY 3 1662 Hot Lips Jimmy Robertson Karen F. Raque 2007 ASHA - 20131 Louisville, KY ASHA - 86134 4 629 Get Er Done Raymond Shively Raymond Shively 1999 ASHA - 589 Z Danville, KY ASHA - 589 5 1411 Fast Track GRS Holli Hayes Maureen Campbell 2005 Shelbyville, KY ASHA - 122161 6 1398 Hottestthingintown Joe Jenkins Beth And Joe Jenkins 2007 Harrodsburg, KY 1st Judge: Melissa Place Moore 1 631 2 1234 3 1662 4 629 5 1411 6 1398 08/21/2016 Page: 10 Kentucky Fair And Exposition Center Results by Class Report Show #081616 2016 World's Championship Horse Show 08/21/2016 Showbill: 11 Class: AHHS 20011 KY Co Fair Hackney Pony CH 2 shown Go: 1 3 entered Judge(s): James Nichols Place Back # Horse's Name Exhibitor's Name Owner(s) Horse Reg # Foal Year Exhib Assn # Rel 1 1371 Senator Tom Lowry Golden Creek Farms, Inc*** AHHS - 26791 2009 AHHS - 592 Simpsonville, KY AHHS - 317 2 1420 Heartland Infinity Sandra J.
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