International Standard @ 5428 ~~~ ~ INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION*MEXAYHAPOllHAR OPrAHM3AUHR Il0 CTAHAAPTH3AUMH.ORGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Greek alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange L-. Jeu de caractères grecs codés employé pour l’échange d5nformation bibliographique First edition - 1980-10-15 iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) ISO 5428:1980 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/000285cb-38d2-4912-a8b9- 283d3dd71b55/iso-5428-1980 - UDC 003.341 : 025.3 Ref. No. IS0 5428-1980 (El 8- Descriptors : documentation, data processing, bibliographic records, character sets, Greek characters. Price based on 6 pages Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council. International Standard IS0 5428 was developediTeh byS TTechnicalAN DCommitteeARD ISO/TC PR 46,E VIEW Documentation, and was circulated to the member( sbodiestan ind Mayar 1978.ds .iteh.ai) It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : ISO 5428:1980 Austria hHungaryttps://stan dards.iteh.ai/catalogSouth/standa Africa,rds/sist /0Rep.0028 of5c b-38d2-4912-a8b9- Belgium India 283d3ddSpain71b55 /iso-5428-1980 Brazil Israel Sweden Canada Italy Switzerland Czechoslovakia Japan United Kingdom Denmark Korea, Rep. of USA Egypt, Arab Rep. of Mexico USSR Finland Netherlands Yugoslavia France Poland Germany, F. R. Romania No member body expressed disapproval of the document. %' International Organization for Standardization, 1980 0 Printed in Switzerland --!!-- Standardiseringskommissionen =>13! i Sverige Datum Our date Beteckning Our file code U 1983-03-24 IS0/46/4 HandI agga re Handled by Ert datum Your dare Er beteckning Your file code IS0 Central Secretariat Att-n: Peter Jones cade,-pos tàrèx - ---- ___ CH41211 GENEVE 20, ~CHWEITZ I Addenda to IS0 5426 and 2428 t Dear Peter, On behalf of TC 46/SC 4, I am asking you to arrange the publishing of addenda to International Standards 5426, Extension of the Latin alphabet coded character set etc ., and 5428, Greek alphabet coded character set etc. The addenda, as you know, should contain the escape sequence codes relevant to each standard according to the following: For IS0 5426: When used as a G1 set: ESC 219 510 G2 2/10 510 iTeh STANDG3A RD PR2/11EV 510IE W (The set(st willand notar dbes .usediteh as.a ia) GO set.) ISOGO 5 42set:8:198 0ESC 218 513 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/stG1and ards/sist/000285219cb-3 8d5132-491 2-a8b9- 283d3dd71G2b5 5/iso-5428-1982/100 513 G3 2/11 513 Thank you for your kind cooperation. Sincerely , WbwMats Linder Ce 8 L SIS 4R CENTRALORGAW FOR STANDARDtSERlNGEh 1 SVERIGE SWEDISU MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIOYAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION tS0 Pos:aûress Besokmress Telefon Telegram Telex Ban kg,70 Posrgiro Posrai address O'f~ceaddress Telephone SIS Box 3295 Tegnergatan 11 hial 08 - 23 64 00 standerdls s-io366 STOCKHOLM STOCKHOLM in1 -4ê E 230400 etockholm 17453 si8 6 sic-9399 154151 - 5 iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) ISO 5428:1980 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/000285cb-38d2-4912-a8b9- 283d3dd71b55/iso-5428-1980 .-/ INTERNATIONAL STAN DARD IS05428-1980 (E) Greek alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange \- iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) 1 Scope and field of application 2 Implementation ISO 5428:1980 1.1 This International Standard contains a set of 73 graphic 2.1 The implementation of this coded character set in characters with their codedh trepresentations.tps://standards.ite hIt.a i/consistscatalog/s tofan daa rds/sisphysicalt/000285 cmediab-38d 2and-49 1for2- atransmission,8b9- taking into account the code table and a legend showing each graphic, its28 3use,d3d dand71b its55 /is,,-‘o- 54need28-1 9for80 error checking, is the subject of other IS0 publica- name. Explanatory notes are also included. tions. (See the annex.) 2.2 The implementation of this International Standard is in ’accordance with the provisions of IS0 2022 and is identified by 1.2 These characters, together with characters in the interna- the escape sequence ‘ ’ ”) tional reference version of IS0 646 (IS0 escape sequence ESC - 2/8 4/01, constitute a character set for the international inter- 2.3 The unassigned positions in the code table are not to be change of bibliographic citations, including their annotations, 0 utilized in the international exchange of bibliographic informa- in the Greek alphabet. tion. 1) To be completed later. 1 IS0 928-1980 (E) 3 Code table b2 5 6 I + NI OI alu IO 1 I 1 I + O iTeh STANDARD PREVIEWI 15( standards.iteh.ai) IO ISO 5428:1980 1 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/000285cb-38d2-4912-a8b9- I O6 283d3dd71b55/iso-5428-1980 1 17 I IC O8 19 IC 1 16 I O 1 1 11 I c O 12 I c 1 13 I 1 14 I O 1 1 15 I 2 IS0 5428-1980 (E) 4 Legend ~ Table Graphic Name Comments position 211 . Grave Prints over letter I 212 .. Acute Prints over letter 213 Diaeresis Prints over letter 214 Circumflex Prints over letter -9 215 Smooth breathing Prints over a small letter, before a capital letter d 216 Rough breathing Prints over a small letter, before a capital letter 217 t Iota subscriDt Prints under small letter ~~~ 310 Angle open quote 311 Angle close quote 312 Double open quote 313 Double close quote 314 Upper prime Follows letters used as numbers under 1 O00 315 I Lower prime Precedes letters used as numbers from 1 O00 311 1 iTehFull S stopTA (period)ND ARD PREVIAE raisedW period 311 5 9 Semicolon(sta ndards.iteh.ai) 411 A Alpha Capital letter 412 B Beta ISO 5428:1980 Capital letter 414 rht tps://standarGammads.iteh.a i/catalog/standards/sist/000285cb-38d2-Capital4912-a 8letterb9- 283d3dd71b55/iso-5428-1980 415 A Delta Capital letter 416 E Epsilon Capital letter Stigma Obsolete letter used as 6 (capital letter) 417 5 418 F Digamma Obsolete letter used as 6 (capital letter) 419 Z Zeta Capital letter 411 O H Eta Capital letter 411 1 O Theta Capital letter 411 2 I Iota Capital letter 411 3 K Kappa Capital letter 4/14 A Lambda Capital letter 411 5 M Mu Capital letter ~ 510 N Nu Capital letter 3 51 1 3 Xi Capital letter 512 O Omicron Capital letter 513 n Pi Capital letter 514 Kappa Obsolete letter used as 90 [capital cj letter (also written K')] 515 P Rho Capital letter 516 c Sigma Capital letter 518 'r Tau Capital letter 519 T Upsilon Capital letter 3 IS0 5428-1980 (E) Table Graphic Name Comments position 5/1 O cp Phi Capital letter 511 1 X Chi Capital letter 5/12 \k Psi Capital letter 5/13 R Omega Capital letter 5/14 a Sampi Obsolete letter used as 900 (capital letter 611 a Alpha Small letter 612 P Beta Small letter beginning the word 6 I3 B Beta Small letter middle of the word 614 Y Gamma Small letter 615 6 Delta Small letter 6f6 € Epsilon Small letter 617 F Stigma Obsolete character used as 6 (small letter) 618 F Digamma Obsolete character used as 6 (small letter) 6 I9 r Zeta Small letter 6/10 77 Eta Small letter 611 1 e Theta Small letter 611 2 1 iTIotaeh STANDARD PREVSmallIE letterW 6/13 K Kappa (standards.iteh.ai)Small letter 611 4 x Lambda Small letter 611 5 U Mu ISO 5428:1980 Small letter 710 V https://staNunda rds.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/000285cb-38Smalld2-49 letter12-a8 b9- 711 t Xi 283d3dd71b55/iso-5428-1980 Small letter 712 O Omicron Small letter 7 I3 77 Pi Small letter 714 F KoPPa Obsolete letter used as 90 (small letter) 715 P Rho Small letter 716 U Sigma Small letter form found at beginning or middle of words 717 c Sigma Small letter form found at end of words 718 7 Tau Small letter 719 u Upsilon Small letter 7/10 cp Phi Small letter 711 1 X Chi Small letter 7/12 iL Psi Small letter 7/13 w Omega Small letter 7/14 3 Sampi Obsolete letter used as 900 (small letter) 4 IS0 5428-1980 (E) 5 Explanatory notes 5.2 Diacritics and breathings Greek diacritics and breathings print before or over a character 5.1 Types of characters depending on whether the character is a capital letter or a small letter. Diacritics always precede the character which they a) Diacritics (for example grave accent, acute accent, modify. The iota subscript, however, prints under a small letter diaeresis, etc.). These characters are always used in con- and after a capital letter. Multiple diacritics are to be entered in junction with other characters and appear in column 2. the order in which they appear reading left to right or top to bottom. b) Alphabetic characters (for example alpha, beta, etc.). These characters appear in columns 4 to 7. c) Symbols (for example angle open quote, etc.). These characters appear in column 3. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) ISO 5428:1980 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/000285cb-38d2-4912-a8b9- 283d3dd71b55/iso-5428-1980 5 .
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