the UK’s most iconic living artist roMAnce And rivalry...IntrIgue And IntIMAcy... Lust And LyrIcIsM... bIogrAphy jacK VettrIAno obe born 1951, fIfe JAcK VettrIAno occupIes A unIque posItIon on the conteMporAry Art scene. consIdered by soMe to be courAgeous And by others outr Ageous, he Is soMethIng of A maverIcK fIgure who operAtes outsIde the estAbLIshMent, yet hIs worK Is coLLected by MoVIe stArs And prIced At sIx fIgures. he fIrst cAMe to pubLIc pro MInence At the royAL scottIsh AcAdeMy open exhIbItIon In 1989. out of nowhere, he erupted onto the scottIsh Art scene wIth A serIes of pAIntIngs, ALL of whIch were later soLd. Since then there have been seLL out exhIbItIons In edInburgh, London, hong Kong, JohAnnesburg And new yorK. In 2003, Jack Vettriano was awarded an Honorary doctorate from St Andrew’s University and an OBE for Services to the Visual Arts. In April 2004 ‘The Singing Butler’ was sold at Sotheby’s for in excess of £750,000, a record breaking price for a painting by a Scottish artist. In 2009, Vettriano was commissioned by the Yacht Club of Monaco to create a series of paintings to mark the centenary of their world famous yacht, Tuiga. The subsequent exhibition, ‘Homage a Tuiga‘, premiered in Monaco as part of Classic Yacht Week in September 2009, before touring to the UK in 2010. In March 2010, Days of Wine and Roses was opened by Scotland’s then First Minister the Rt Hon Alex Salmond SNP at the Kirkcaldy Museum, then transferred to London. Later that year, Sir Jackie Stewart presented Vettriano with the Great Scot of the Year Award which led to a Motion in Parliament calling for his contribution to Scottish culture to be recognised. In February 2011 it was announced that Vettriano’s self-portrait The Weight would be displayed at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Then in January 2012, menswear brand Stefano Ricci launched its Spring Summer 2012 collection entitled ‘Stefano Ricci - a tribute to Vettriano’, using images by the artist and photographic re-interpretations shot by Fredi Marcarini featuring clothes and accessories from the Ricci 2012 collection. This same year ‘The Singing Butler’ went on display at the Aberdeen Art Gallery as part of an exhibition entitled, ‘From Van Gogh to Vettriano’. Vettriano’s 2013/2014 Retrospective at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow attracted huge attention and cemented his status as one of the world’s most popular artists. With studios in Scotland, London and the south of France, he counts Jack Nicholson, Sir Alex Ferguson, Sir Tim Rice and Robbie Coltrane amongst his collectors. VettrIAno’s phenoMenAL success MAy be AttrIbuted to MAny thIngs, but perhAps h Is greAtest gIft Is the wAy he seeMs to be AbLe to LooK Into the lives And Motives of others wI thout making A MorAL JudgeMent, onLy making An AesthetIc one. the playwrIght And Art crItIc w.gordon sMIth descrIbed hIM As preAchIng “wItty, IronIc serMons About seductIon And betrAyAL… A spInner of webs, the wh Isperer of MysterIes, A Voyeur wIth hIs own KeyhoLe on LIfe, who sees ALL And Judges nothIng.” An ALternAtive reAson why we contInue to fInd VettrIAno so coMpeLLIng Is suMMed up by no VeLIst A.L.Kennedy when she sAys: “be cArefuL when you LooK At A VettrIAno – you will see whA t you wAnt to see. the pIctures will teLL you As Much About yourseLf As they do About the Art Ist And hIs fIgures…” nIght GEO METRY 16” x 20”, paper edition of 495, framed £1,695 dAYS of wIne And ROSES 17” x 20”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £795 gAMe on 16” x 20”, paper edition of 495, framed £2,750 on p ArAde 20” x 25”, paper edition of 250, framed £1,150 blades 20” x 25”, paper edition of 250, framed £995 blades II 16” x 20”, paper edition of 250, framed £795 hIs f AVourIte gI rL 16” x 20”, paper edition of 495, framed £1,150 dAncer In eMer ALd 20” x 25”, paper edition of 250, framed £1,250 bIrd on the wI re 20” x 23”, paper edition of 250, framed £1,750 beAutIfuL dre AMer 22” x 28”, paper edition of 495, framed £1,250 private d Ancer 16” x 20”, paper edition of 495, framed £1,695 pIncer M oVeMent 16” x 20”, paper edition of 495, framed £1,695 JUST ANOTHER d Ay 22” x 28”, paper edition of 495, framed £1,150 Long t IMe gone 17” x 20”, paper edition of 250, framed £1,250 her SECRET LI fe 16” x 20”, paper edition of 295, framed £1,695 nIght In the cI TY 16” x 20”, paper edition of 495, framed £1,150 dAnce Me TO the end of L oVe 13” x 12”, paper edition of 350, framed £995 scArLet r Ibbons 10” x 12”, paper edition of 150, framed £595 As pArt of the red roo M coLLectIon round MI dnIght 10” x 12”, paper edition of 150, framed £595 As pArt of the red roo M coLLectIon the gre At poet 10” x 12”, paper edition of 150, framed £595 As pArt of the red roo M coLLectIon deVotIon 10” x 12”, paper edition of 150, framed £595 As pArt of the red roo M coLLectIon heaven or heLL 10” x 12”, paper edition of 150, framed £595 As pArt of the red roo M coLLectIon sunshIne & chAMpAgne 9” x 11”, paper edition of 75, framed £395 As pArt of the tuI gA coLLectIon shIp of dreAMs 9” x 11”, paper edition of 75, framed £395 As pArt of the tuI gA coLLectIon beLow decK 9” x 11”, paper edition of 75, framed £395 As pArt of the tuI gA coLLectIon MAstheAd 9” x 11”, paper edition of 75, framed £395 As pArt of the tuI gA coLLectIon the red rooM coLLectIon edition of 150, £1,950 the red rooM coLLectIon foLIo coMprIses A coMpLete set of JAcK VettrIAno’s Most erotIc IMAges, pubLIshed for the fI rst tIMe As sIgned, LIMIted edItIon prInts. presented In A specIAL, LIMIted edItIon foil eMbossed foLIo, there Are five prInts wIth MAtchIng edItIon nuMbers. the tuIgA coLLectIon edition of 75, £1,595 the tuIgA coLLectIon box set wAs creAted As A hoMAge to the 100-ye Ar-oLd cLyde-built yAcht, tuIgA. the set co MprIses four sIgned LIMIted edItIon prInts, An orIgInAL ‘hoMAge A tuIgA’ exhIbItIon cAtALogue, A sIgned, frAMed copy of A specIAL gI ft prInt produced for the ‘ho MAge A tuIgA’ eVent In MonAco And A LIMIted edItIon dVd feAturIng An InterVIew wIth VettrIAno ALong wIth footAge of the set up And openIng of the M onAco exhIbItIon. despIte the Much dIscussed erotIcIsM whIch pervades so MAny of hIs pAIntIngs, there Is ALwAys thAt nArrAtive quALIty In VettrIAno’s worK, be It LIght or dArK, whIch suggests A pAst or A future, rAther thAn dweLLIng on the present. there Is often A sLIghtLy dreamlike detAchMent whIch cAn ALMost tIp oVer Into surreALIsM, And thIs dIstAnces It froM the reALItIes of the often proVocAtive tAbLeAux. whether the settIng Is the open brIghtness of A beAch on the cote d’Azur or the dArK IntIMAcy of A private rooM, It Is the suggestIon of roMAnce, of pAssIon, of ‘A hAppenIng’ thAt drAws us, perhAps AgAInst our better JudgMent, Into A worLd of heI ghtened senses where A story Is unfoLdIng thAt we cAn MAKe our own. JUST the w Ay I t I s 17” x 20”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £795 In thoughts of you 12” x 10”, paper edition of 350, f ramed £495 ALSO AVAILAbLe 25” x 20”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £795 wALtzers 10” x 12”, paper edition of 350, f ramed £495 eLEGY FOR A DE Ad Ad MIrAL 15” x 12”, paper edition of 350, f ramed £495 ALSO AVAILAbLe 25” x 20”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £795 blue blue 16” X 20”, Paper e dition of 250, Framed £955 the L ooK of L oVe 17” x 20”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £795 SCORCHED 13” x 14”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £495 the p IcnIc p Arty 15” x 12”, paper edition of 350, f ramed £495 ALSO AVAILAbLe 25” x 19”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £795 MAn of Mystery 16” x 20”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £795 tensIon t IMIng tr IuMph paper edition of 250 overall Image size 28” x 11” framed £795 ALSO AVAILAbLe canvas edition of 75 (suite of 3) Left & right 20” x 16”, c entre 24” x 19” framed suite £1,495 AFTERNOON re VerIe 13” x 14”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £495 mad dogs 15” X 12”, Paper e dition of 350, Framed £495 ALSO aVaILABLE 25” X 19”, Paper e dition of 250, Framed £955 the weI ght 12” x 14”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £495 PENDIne be Ach 30” x 15”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £895 the s IngIng butLer 15” x 12”, paper edition of 350, f ramed £495 ALSO AVAILAbLe 25” x 19”, paper edition of 250, f ramed £895 the sp Arrow And hA wK 25” x 20” paper edition of 250 framed £995 prIces Are correct As of 1st februAry 2016 And subJect to availability Jack Vettriano editions are published by Jack Vettriano p ublishing Limited “his images suggest stories, dark and hot happenings, complicated pasts and futures. they resonate beyond their burning moment.” A.L.Kennedy IntroductIon to JAcK VettrIAno’s 2013/2014 retrospective At the KelvingroVe Art Gallery And MuseuM In Gla sgow www.whitewallgalleries.com www.facebook.com/whitewallgalleries | www.twitter.com/wwgalleries.
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