Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-11-1977 Arbiter, April 11 Associated Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Bronco rodeo attracts .cowboys from Rockies Spanis'h campus to accept 30 Top collegiate cowboys and colorful, for fans, as any Applications for Boise State housed in Onate, a small town in deposit $100 to reserve a place cowgirls from twelve Rocky R.C.A. professional show", University's "Campus in the north of Spain near the in the program and pay the Mountain region colleges and says Hall. Spain" foreign studies program coastal city of Bilbao. balance by August 1. universities will ride for day. Ticket sales will begin Monday are now being accepted, accord- Costs for the year are $3,800, About 30 students will be money and league leading , April 11, at a series of ing to Dr. Pat.Bieter of the BSU which includes air fare, tuition, accepted, according to Bieter. .,' points April 22 and 23 when the locations around Treasure School of Education. room and board and some tours There is no language re- annual Buster Bronco Rodeo is Valley, those to be announced The studies abroad program, of the area. quirement to enter. the program, hosted by Boise State University later this week", he adds. about to enter its third year, is Prospective students must but students will get heavy at the Western Idaho Fair- doses of Basque or Spanish grounds. training, with classes from BSU Rodeo President Craig beginning to advanced level. Deveny (Dah- Vin-ce) says the Resident director position open Students will get the equiv- show is the seventh event in a alent of two years' language twelve-rodeo schedule hosted The Office of Student Residen- for the position of Resident position requires experience training because Onate is a by member schools in the Rocky tial Life is taking applications Director for 1977 -78. The with residence halls; supervi- small, isolated town where little Mountain league from January sory ability specifically in the English is spoken, according to through late May. , areas of the physical operation Bieter. , He says entries are already and management of a residence There will also be courses coming in from Brigham Young, Evans H.E. Week proclaims hall, and advising and counsel- offered in Basque and Spanish Utah State, Idaho State and the ing students; the ability to history. Tours of historical University of Utah, plus from Gov. Evans has proclaimed faculty taking part on these advise residence hall staffs and and cultural interest within the college cowboys and cowgirls at April 1 17 as Idaho Home o~ panals. student government structures; Basque country will be sched- Dixie, Snow, Southern Idaho, Economics Week. 2. The BSU Home Economics and an awareness of current uled throughout the year. Utah Tech and Weber State Home economics faculty and Dept. and the Vocational School trends in residence hall pro- Classes will start in early colleges. students are actively involved in Child Care Services are hosting gramming and the ability to September and end in May. acquainting others with the an open house on campus in implement these. Remunera- .Students will have three weeks BSU Club Advisor Bob Hall values and the many facets of their respective departments. tion is room and board plus for travel between semesters promises what he calls "one of home economics. According to Invitations have b~en extended approximately $5,000 for the and one week in the spring. the valley's best rodeo shows" Geraldine Johnson, Committee to area high school students. academic year. Applications are Students will be housed in for fans who buy tickets for one co-chairman, the week promises 3. S.H.E.A., the BSU Student now available from the Office of dormitories at the College of of the three shows during the to be informative and rewarding Home Economics Association, is Student Residential Life, Room San Lorenzo. The facilities have two-day run. Event times are for everyone. concentrating on promotion of 110, Administration Bldg., been rented from an order of Friday afternoon, Saturday II nutrition. They are going .to be Boise State University, 1910 Basque priests, who will also morning and Saturday evening Proposed activities include: selling nutritious snacks on University Drive, Boise, Idaho provide meals. • I for the finals. "College rodeo is 1. Panel discussions at area Monday, Tuesday and Wed- 83725. Applications must be in, Prospective students can get a fairly new development in high schools depicting what nesday (11, 12, and 13th) from by May I, 1977. Candidates are more information about the Treasure Valley ... we have club home economists do in their 10:30-12:30 at the Home Econ- not discriminated against on the program from Bieter, c/o BSU's members working on this one to respective areas. Dr. Scrimsher, omics Department in the Sci- basis of sex, national origin, School of Education, phone make it as well-produced and Dr. Swain, and Mrs. Eyre are ence Building. race, religion, or age. 385-1952. up fr nt ARBITER I April 11, 19n Active Women's Movement poet continues 'Flve Poets' series A Massachusetts poet who has . country for poetry readings and Magazine, and the Boise Public been active in ·the women's . lectures. Her appearance in Schools. movement since 1969 will be in Boise is sponsored by Boise The final poet in the series will Boise for two readings April State University's Department be Sandra McPherson of 13-14. Marge Piercy, fourth of English, Boise Gallery of Art, Portland. She will be in Boise poet in the "Five Poets" series, Observer. Books, Idaho Heritage May 3-4. will read Wednesday, April 13 at the Boise Gallery of Art and Thursday, April 14 at the Lookout room in the Boise State University Student Union Build- ing. Both readings will begin at 8 p.m. Inside . Piercy is the author of four fiction books, including the popular "Small Changes," which one reviewer said was the "first novel to depict heroines Campus News page 2 as well as casualties of the sex war." She has also written five Fifth Column page 4 poetry books and her poems Letters page 5 have appeared in over 100 Horoscope page 6 different publications. Of Piercy, a writer from Time Roving Reporter page 7 magazine said .. Anyone who Womanspace page 8 wants to learn what the revoluti- Entertainment. page 1~ on against the fat society is all Messenger Service page 13 about should read her novels." Marge Piercy, feminist poet, will be the fourth hi Boise's "Five Poets The poet presently lives in a Sports page 14 series. Piercy will give two readings of her work, April 13 at the Boise small town on Cape Cod. She Gallery of Art and April 14 at the BSU Lookout.' Both readings begin at spends about one third of her 8:00 pm. time. traveling around the Page 2 I ARBITER I Apri I 11, 19n campus news , Seven students. exchange The National Student Ex- the number of students some sachusetts-Amherst, Univ. of change (NSE) has accepted the institutions may receive and Montana, Univ. of Nevada-Las last applications for the Spring send. Wherever possible, stud- Vegas, Univ. of Nevada-Reno, mid semester for the 1977 -78 ents are placed at their Univ. of North Dakota, Univ. of exchange. The State Board of first-choice college or univer- Northern Colorado, Univ. of Education approved the pro- sity. Placements are confirmed. Oregon, Univ. of Southern gram in February of 1977, and during the conference, and Florida, Univ. of Utah, Univ. of BSU was accepted into the coordinators return home with Wisconsin-Green Bay and North National Exchange Consortium admissions I registration I Carolina State. as of March 1. housing materials for .the Seven students were placed at The NSE provides state out-going exchange students. various institutions around the college and university students The list of 35 schools involved United States at the Atlanta, with an opportunity to become in the program include: Bowling Georgia conference on March better acquainted with different Green State University, Cal 30. They are: Pam Kalbfleisch -- social and educational patterns State College-Bakersfield, Cal Rutgers; Kay Handlin .- Towson in other areas of the United State University-Chico, Kansas State at Baltimore, Maryland; States. A student may partici- \ State College, Illinois State Ken Ng -- Oregon State at pate in the Exchange program University, Indiana Univ. Corvallis, Oregon. Crystal Shaw for up to one academic year. Purdue Univ. at Fort Wayne, and Darlene Wethered have Student exchange agreem- Jackson State Univ., Montana both chosen to attend the ents for each academic year are State Univ., Moorhead State University Qj Maine at Fort negotiated at a placement Univ., Morgan State Univ., New Kent, Maine. Brenda Freeman conference where NSE coord- Mexico State Univ., Oregon and Tom Bridges will attend the inators come to the conference State Univ., Rutgers University University of Wisconsin at table prepared to make decis- in New Jersey, South Dakota Green Bay. ions on in-coming and out-going State Univ., State Univ. College BSU will also be welcoming exchange students. Placement at Buffalo, Towson State Col- students from I1Iinois State negotiations are governed by lege, William Paterson College University, Bowling Green, the plan of exchange, the of New Jersey, and Univ.
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