All Maine Matters Because All of Maine DOES Matter! Vol. 1, No. 7 July 2006 FREE Drop a Grain of Millet by Dr. Bill Reid A key reason I decided to run for the There is an old paradox by the ancient District 87 seat in the Maine Legisla- Greek philosopher Zeno the Eleatic, ture is the burden of laws, rules, taxes, called “The Millet Seed.” It goes like this: regulations, mandates and permits the If you drop a grain of millet you can’t legislature, and the bureaucracies re- hear a sound; drop a bushel sack and sponsible to it, impose upon us. Seven you will hear a resounding thump. The hundred new laws in the last legislature error made by those who are indifferent alone and more coming in future ses- to the problem of legal and regulator ex- sions. Load the whole set of our state’s cess is the same a man who assumes that statutes into a canoe and it would sink the bushel sack will be as soundless as straight down to the pickerel and perch the single seed. at bottom of the pond. Set them, along Logicians call this the “Fallacy of with the volumes and volumes of rules, Composition.” We commit it when we regulations and court decisions, onto a attach a property common to the mem- lobster boat and it will join the lobsters bers of a set to the set itself. A single, on the bottom of the bay. I begin to won- given, law or regulation seems harmless der how many laws it will take to sink or benign in itself, so people assume that the state. the whole mass must be equally inof- It should be obvious that this creates fensive. No millet seed makes a sound, an insurmountable obstacle to the in- therefore the set of seeds in the sack will dividual citizen who wishes to be law- make no sound when dropped. abiding. This ever-multiplying mass of I was talking with a lady the other laws makes compliance with them just day about a new law the governor had The steeple of the Millinocket Baptist Church towers over nearby houses. about impossible. How many people signed. It required that anytime a per- know just the latest fifty laws passed this son with a protection order tried to pur- legislature and signed by the governor? chase a firearm, the person protected by If Bill Gates Doesn’t Want the Money, I’ll Take It! If you don’t know them all, with their the court judgment must be notified. I By Tom DeWeese penalties—if any— for failure to com- expressed my doubts about the neces- ply, you are courting trouble and failing sity of the law because it seems pretty He might be a whiz at creating successful in a free market, Gates de- to do you duty as a citizen. clear it was duplicative, added yet more computer software, but beyond that, nied it all and turned his back on the We need people in Augusta who aim bureaucracy, more complication, more Bill Gates has proven time and again very free market principles that made to reduce, not increase, the number of chances for error, and most likely would that he hasn’t got a clue about why and his success possible. Instead Gates ad- laws in Maine. do no good. She argued that we should how a free market works. mitted the government had the moral One source of the problem is that the have it because might do some good, It He constantly teams up with anti- high ground in controlling the market individual legislator, regulator, and bu- wouldn’t be too difficult for the authori- free market types like the National place. reaucratic executive fails to see the prob- ties to carry it out, it seemed to be rea- Wildlife Federation (NWF) to produce Now comes this from the confused lem of excessive law as a whole. They sonable, and besides it didn’t seem do “educational” programs that misdi- mind of Bill Gates: Recently, Newsweek deal only in individual cases. Many any harm. rect unsuspecting children with politi- listed Gates as the world’s richest man, citizens react to new legislation from the Continued on page 4 cal propaganda. In 2002 he gave that ($50 billion). In response Gates said same narrow perspective. group $600,000 worth of software to “I wish I wasn’t. There is nothing good help the environmental radicals run that comes out of that.” their programs to block the drilling Nothing good comes from being of American oil. Apparently Gates successful and rich? I’ll bet his legions JOIN THE PAPER TRAIL (AND SAVE A TREE): IF YOU ARE doesn’t understand that we need oil to of employees would be unhappy to CONCERNED LIKE WE ARE, READ THIS PAPER, CIRCLE A create power to run computers. hear that. Apparently Gates fails to un- NUMBER, AND PASS IT ON TO A FRIEND. When the Justice Department filed derstand that it is only through success an anti-trust suit against Gates, rather and money that he is able to hire them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 than stand up in defense of his com- How would his wife and family feel to pany and openly defend his business learn that Bill Gates finds nothing good Taxpayer Bill of Rights: practices that made his company so Continued on page 4 An Independence Day Story We are also on the web at http://allmainematters.com By Bob Stone This Month’s Contents The mid-July sun was working dil- passed not fifty yards from the pa- igently, slowly burning off the damp trol of minutemen hidden on the Drop a Grain of Millet 1 fog settled in low over the tidal Ken- steep banks of the peaceful Kenne- Taxpayer Bill of Rights: An Independence Day Story 1 nebec. The tide was rushing in, near bec. Colonel Becker read the names If Bill Gates Doesn’t Want the Money, I’ll Take It! 1 high, and the small group of patriots to Captain Wibby as they passed. K.I.S.S. 2 “The ‘N.E.A’, home port Washing- huddled against the early morning The Token Conservative 2 chill. No one uttered a word. They ton, D.C. The ‘More Money Always’, Service Should Not Be a Hollow Concept 3 were listening. port looks like, Augusta, Maine. The “Here they come” whispered the ‘John Baldacci’, out of Bangor.” The The UN Takes One More Step Toward Global Government 4 diminutive leader, clearly the leader craggy Captain furiously scribbled Electability 4 of the group. Dressed in black, she the dictation down on a leather The Anti-Christs Live Among Us 5 crouched low behind a mossy fallen bound notebook. Freedom Fighters From All Eras 5 pine, five silver stars on her collar. “Jeepers! Look at the redcoats Chandler Woodcock And The Campaign To Come 6 “Everyone be quiet and hold your on deck!” whispered a young militia Needed Reforms: Alternate Incentives 6 man quite loudly. fire” she said. “Pass it on.” Profiles in Rural Maine: Millinocket 8 The masts could be seen first. “Not too loud, Sergeant Thumper” cautioned Major Fish. “It’s not like Risk Audit Project Begins 10 They quietly cut through the mist. Another Hidden Tax on Maine State Citizens 11 The fog swirled behind the masts we didn’t expect them coming in with the gold.” The Fleecing of Maine 12 in small eddies of grayish vapor. With a steely gaze, General Adams The Enemy of the People 12 Squawking gulls orbited nervously sized the magnificent gilded trim on over the ghostly square rigs. Discussion with Stu Kallgren, Maine Leaseholder’s Assn 11 the massive ships. “They are coming Soon the rest of the vessels could “Comprehensive” Sellout: Immigration, Senate, White House 13 with gold for the Tory Maine Media” Declaration of Independence 16 be discerned through the thicker she muttered. “Look at the report- layers of fog. They were magnificent ers and editors running out onto the Discussion with Stu Kallgren, Maine Leaseholder’s Assn 11 sailing vessels, sure enough. Ships dock, jumping and clapping. It looks Straight From Nana Beth’s Kitchen 6 of the line. The best taxpayer money like Christmas morning.” Letters to the Editor 14 could buy. Continued on page 5 Puzzle Page 7 The names could be read from Cartoon 7 the stern as the men-of-war Ask Alvina 11 Page 2 All Maine Matters - Because All of Maine DOES Matter! K.I.S.S. The Token Conservative By Bob Sanders By Jon Reisman On initial power up activation the De- with a philosophy of simplicity are swept The Governor’s Race, Part II coder Module senses ignition circuit re- up into the same euphoria of technical sistance and if this resistance is correct, overkill that is unavoidable in other ar- Last month, I predicted that Chandler Chandler and the GOP are not in favor the Decoder Module will send a Pulse eas, such as engine and transmission Woodcock would win the GOP primary of the nanny state, and there is nothing Width Modulated signal to the Power- control. The end result is vehicles that are with 39-40% of the vote, John Baldacci out of the mainstream in that conviction. train Control Module, and will also power extremely difficult to repair, you can read would have a tepid performance, and that If Woodcock is attacked for opposing up the Start Enable Relay.
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