~ht Volume Ll HARTFORD, CONN., NOVEMBER 4, 1953 No. 6 "Key Largo", Anderson's Thirteen Seniors Picked Thriller, Opens Tomorrow For '54 "Who's Who" Burroughs, Hadden Star; Cast of Twenty Support Anonymous Student- Faculty By PAUL TERRY Committee Made Nominations "Just so they wouldn't kill me ... I deserted, and left my friends to Thirteen members of the senior class have been selected for die . .."-Here are the words of a membership in Who' Who Among Students 1·n Ame1-ican Univer­ coward- a coward who is the leading sities and Colleges it was announced today. character of Maxwell Anderson's The men were selected by an anonymous student-administra­ famous play l{ey Largo, which the tion committe , on the basis of schol­ Jesters wm present tomorrow night arship, I adership, and participation at 8:15 in Alumni Hall. The play Facuity Letter in campus activities. Thos men se­ runs for five nights through next lected will have their biographies Tuesday. printed in this year's edition of the Key Largo is one of the foremost Answers Senate Last week the cont1·ove1·sy betwe n Who's Who publication, and will re­ plays w1·itten by Mr. Anderson, who the AFROTC and the student body ceive th b n fits of th placement bu­ ranks among America's outstanding culminated in a lette1· of sp cific reau of the organization. playwrights. His most famous work grievances w1-i.Uen by the enate to Li st Men Chosen was Winterset. Key Lar go was first the Faculty Committee on Adrninist?·a­ Tho e select dare: Winfield A. Car­ produced in 1939 in ew York, with tion. lough, William G. Godfr y, Richard A. Paul Muni playing the leading role. October 27th the Committee met in Hennigar, Richard L. Hirsch, Alfred J. The play has its genesis in the the office of the Dean to conside1· cmcl Ko ppel, James A. Leigh, James P. Spanish Civil War, and its drama answer the Senc~te's lette?-. The fol­ Log<rn, David 0. MacKenzie, Neil S. centers around a man who, by com­ lowing lette1·, which was 1·ead at the Mutschler, William S. N akaso, Fred­ mitting a cowardly act, considers last Senate meeting, is the Faculty erick H. Searles, Albert L. Smith, and himself damned. From Spain, the Committee's resolution of the Lewis G. Taft. action moves to Key Largo, Florida, A FROTC problem. Carlough, a m mber of Sigma Nu, where the remainder of the play takes Memorandum to: The S nate is presid nt of the Senior Class, 11 place. Subject: AFROTC member of Medusa, a senator, and a Playing the leading role will be The Facul ty Committ e on Admin­ memb r of both the socc r and la­ William Burroughs, and co-starring istration met on Tuesday afternoon, crosse teams. Bill Godfrey is the with him is Lynne Hadden. Oct. 27th, in the Office of the Dean to president of the Tnt rfraternity Coun­ Professor ichols stated that this Consider the Senate's communication cil, captain of the track team, and a play was the most ambitious under­ WILLIAM BURROUGHS, ' 54, who p lays the lead part of King McC loud, and LYNNE HADDEN of October 26th concerning ce1·tain memb r of the swimming team. He taking the Jesters have ever em­ who enacts the part of Alegre d ' Acala in a scene from the Jesters' presentation of Key phases of the AFROTC program. Mr. is an affiliate of St. Anthony Hall. barked upon in regard to technical Largo. The show opens tomorrow, and runs through next Tuesday. William Conn r was present to r p­ Hennigar, Hir·sch details and stage settings. The play Tripod Photo by Bill Richards resent the Senate. Dick Hennigar is a member of Me­ consists of two acts preceded by a A thorough discussion of each of dusa, and form rly was on the IFC. prologue, and the Jester stage crew the four points raised in the Senate's He was president of the class of 1954 has construed two complete sets for WRTC to Broadcast Amherst Alpha Theta ~ay Change letter resul ted in the following deci- during his freshman year, president the drama. Game, Field House Concert sions: of the Sophomore Dining Club, and Thirty colleges, preparatory schools, To Theta Chi; Bob Wood 1. Armistice Day Parade. head of the Campus Chest last year. and high schools have been invited to WRTC will broadcast the Trinity­ Early in the fall parade officials Hennigar is a member of Alpha Ch i attend the performances, which will Amherst football game this Satur day Makes Proposal to IFC contacted the Commanding Officer of Rho. Hirsch is editor-in-chief of the be given on five nights, November from Amherst, Mass. Tom Bolger and At a special meeting of the IFC the T rinity AFROTC with the re­ Tripod, is a member of Medusa, and 5-7, 9, and 10. All seats will be Pete Widmer will handle the play by Monday evening, Ro bert Wood, repre­ quest that the unit march in the the Sophomore Dining Club. He was reserved this year, but only until play details. Air time wi ll be at 1:45 senting Alpha Theta, submitted for Armistice Day Parade. Colonel president of. the class of. 1954 during 8:10 p.m. General admission is $1.00, and the game will start at 2 :00 . approval a petition that his organiza­ Hallam brought the matter to the his junior year, and is president of his and students may use their A.A. cards WRTC will also carry the Hartford tion be allowed to affiliate itself, as a attention of the Faculty and was fraternity, Theta Xi. to obtain their seats free of charge. Symphony Concert, which wi ll be held colony, with the Theta Chi national granted perm1sswn to participate Koeppel, Leigh The cast includes: Bill Burroughs Saturday night in the Co ll ege F ield fraternity. If Alpha Theta goes na­ without a dissenting voie, Whereupon Koeppel, ditor of the Ivy, was as King McCloud; Lynne Hadden as House. Bill Goodhart wi ll announce tional, Trinity will have eleven nation­ he officially accepted for the college. chairman of. the School Ring Commit­ (Continued on page 3) the program which begins at 8 p.m. al fraternities on its campus. Since the Faculty had approved tee during the past year. He former­ Wood E xplains Trinity's participation in the Armi­ ly managed both the swimming and (Continuecl on page 6) ( ontinued on page 6) Bob Wood explained that Alpha Theta had been carrying on corres­ DEAN BLASTS STUDENT pondence with Theta Chi for some time and that his organization had Faculty Rules on Air ROTC Gripes; CONDUCT; BAD TREND SEEN sufficiently fulfilled the requirements "A break down in college morale and respect for the college," said Dean of a TChi colony, which consist of ob­ Joseph C. Clarke in a recent interview, "is one thing I'm very much concerned taining the approval of the Inter-Fra­ Marching Issue Settled by Ballot with. The past few weekends have seemed to indicate a trend in this direc­ ternity Council and the college auth­ The college Faculty Committee on thority to excuse individuals from tion on the part of some undergraduates." orities, and also the approval of Trin­ Administration met last week to con­ formations if they believe that Weekend Rowdyism ------------------------------- ity by colonizing fraternity. sider a communication from the attendance would cause a hardship Senate concerning stated practices in to the individual. Dean Clarke was referring especi­ 111 Chapters Frosh Fall Dance in Hamlin the Air Force Reserve Officers Train­ The Senate stated that there is a ally to the weekend of the Colby game The representative from Alpha The­ ing program. feeling among the cadets of the corps and to that of the Soph Hop. During Will Follow Wes Game ta further explained Theta Chi was The Senate stated that participa­ against a marching performance at the former considerabl e damage was founded in 1856 at orwich University Realizing the need for Freshman tion of the AFROTC unit in the half-time of the Trinity-Wesleyan done and there were incidents such as in orwich, Vermont, and has 111 activities during the Wesleyan week­ Armistice Day Parade obliges stu­ football game. bottles being broken on the dri e-way chapters at colleges and universities end, the Freshman Executive Council dents to miss other classes, for some The Committee approved the sug­ of the Jacobs house, a student vehicle from coast to coast. Those schools in accordingly scheduled a dance Satur­ of which they must make up class gestion of Lt. Col. Phillip G. Hallam, blocking it so that the president cou ld­ ew England which have TChi chap­ day night, November 14. and laboratory work. Commander of the Air ROTC unit, n't get his car out and breaki ng of ters include Middlebury, UConn, M.I.T., The Committee recalled that the that in view of the Senate concern, win dows in the p re~ident's office. The dance, coupled with a buffet Worcester Tech., University of Maine, Faculty, without opposition, had this matter should be decided by a Property Damage dinner, is expected to begin about 8 :30. Colgate, Cornell, University of Penn., earlier approved participation of majority vote of the cadets. Cadet Ov er the course of the latter week­ The dinner will be about 7:00. En­ and the University of New Hampshire. Trinity's military unit with those of officers will be requested to conduct a end there were several cases that titled "The Freshman Fall Frolics," Bob Wood said that the constitution other Hartford military organizations secret ballot of the corps in the near could result in serious damage to the the function will be held in Hamlin of TChi embodied no barring clauses, on the occasion of one of the nation's future to decide whether the cadets college.
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