SOCIETY, THE SUNDAY STAB. WASHINGTON, T). C., APRIL 10. 1927-PART 2. SOCIETY. - 7 ¦ ¦ ! * Engagements to Wed “Roxy to Be Honor Guest 1 1udon They will be adinllleu upo* Engagement 1 I j presentation of their badges. TO WED PENNSYLVANIAN Formally Made Public Announced Musical numbers will 1 » rendered Society Notables Abandon Keystone “Radio Night*' by the Edgar Thomson Quartet, plo Mr. and Mrs. William M. F. Magraw Among the box holders for “radio neer broadcasters of station KDKA. hi Pittsburgh, announce the engagement of their night” Pennsylvania to East Pa. They hav\ pre- _____ of the Society, pared a varied program or clas. daughter. Marjorie Hlnman, to Mr. A. !vhl Fashionable Fifth Avenue be held in the large ballroom of ths and up-to-date pieces which should be S, Worthington Fralley, son of Col. Hot l Mayflower Wednesday evening, enjoyed by every Keystone'te present. and Mrs. Charles L. Frailey of this April 20. at 8:15 o’clock, will be the After the program there will be Secretary of the Treasury. A. W. Mel- dancing. Tickets for the meeting have city. wedding will take place In * New York Thoroughfare, Once Home of Exclusive The lon: Secretary of Labor and Ms. been sent out and those for Isltor* Jure. James J. Davip, Senator and Mrs. may be obtained from the secret*, rv Set, —Only One Mr. and Mrs. Magraw and their JSj Duvid A Reed, Senator-elect and Mrs. or at the hotel that night. Now Almost Deserted I Vnre, daughter have returned to their New William S. Representative and M 's. Thomas W. Phillips, jr.; Repre- Vanderbilt Remains. York home after spending the late S^kSL sentative and Mrs. Adam M. Wvant, Mrs. Coolidge Gives Aid Winter at Wardman Park Hotel. Miss Representative and Mrs. Samuel A. Magraw is a graduate of Dongan Kendall. Representative and Mrs. Wil- To O. E. S. Chapter Benefit Hail at Dongan Hill, Staten Island, liam Radford Coyle, Representative ffEW YORK, April 9.—Only one > I muda and plan to be among the early and attended Miss Spence’s School in and Mrs. Clyde Kelly. Mrs. John Mrs. Cool Mart 's name heads the ilst member of the Vanderbilt tamiiy that ¦ arrivals. New York. She was to have been a Crayke Simpson, Mrs. George Mesta, of patronnesses for the card party to Mrs. Chattin owned more houses on Fifth avenue * Within a few weeks the polo ramies debutante in New York next Winter. Wetherili. Col. and Mrs. be given by the home board of Co- formerly Miss Flora Herbert J. Slocum, Mrs. Robinson any other members of New will be galloping over the famous Her mother was lumbia Chapter No. 15, O. E. S., at than Hlnman, daughter of the late Mr. E. Downey and Mrs. Virginia White fields of Long Island, while the mem- Speel. Wardman Park, April 20. and Mrs. York society, now remains on the of set gather L. Hlnman of Columbus, Ohio. j bers the smart at coun- The guest fashionable thoroughfare, which rap- try places about Westbury to watch Mr. Frailey is a grandson of the of honor will be “Roxy” i j Dwight Davis, Mrs. W. E. Humphreys, time of the radio. He will tell something ; idly is giving way to Park avenue, the matches which have such a strong late Mr. A. S. Worthington, one j Mrs. W. C. Eustis. Mrs. Paul Chaun- attorney Washington. of his experiences In the radio game j International appeal. At present district of Mrs. Frank Cogswell, Mrs. Harry where the exclusive set is now liv- They will make their home in Wash- and his new adventure into th movie [ eey, i some of the most famous players are field. | | Oidding. Mrs. T, L. Moore, Mrs. W ing in apartment houses. Mrs. Wil- South, part ington. As has been the custom of the in the taking in matches society, the April meeting will be open f j Fisher, Mrs. Floyed Beasley. Mrs. W. *¦ liam K. Vanderbilt, 2d. has just sold to strengthen their games for the com- the ! MacKle. Mrs. Alexander GUI. Mrs. W. ing contests in the northland. These Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon Sei- to visiting delegates from Penn- famous residence at 666 Fifth sylvania the annual of E. Hearn and others are also on the her include W. Allston Flagg, Thomas bold have announced the engagement to convention ¦ Darling 4hH ifiPlwlij the Daughters of the American Revo- ' list. avenue, which adjoined that of her Hitchcock, Joseph of their daughter, Theodosia 1 E. Davis, Lewis T. George father-in-law. the late William K. Preston, Harold Godwin, A. Ludlow Seibold, to Mr. William Nel- JKf f j/jttk Vanderbilt, at 660 Fifth avenue. Both Kramer, jr.: S. A. Warner Baltazzi, son, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William |M&s&fc:i§2 these houses have been the scenes Holmes, George Nelson of Bala Cynwyd, Pa. Mm m f Artemas J. Denniston Lyon jpgg, j *¦ GOOD LOOKING SHOES THAT ARE COMFORTABLE in' the past of some of the most not- and Cornelius N. Bliss. Miss Seibold is a graduate of Central able entertainments held in the city. High School and George Washington It was in one of these houses the fa- J. Watson Webb, American interna- University and is a member of the mous Vanderbilt ball of more than 30 tional polo player and the only left- Chi Omega Fraternity and the Sphinx years ago was given and in the same handed player on America's teams, has Honor Society of'George Washington. reception was held accepted an invitation to act as judge While in college she was prominent /A. rv \* "ATALANTA" house that the _ following the wedding of Miss Con- of polo ponies at the Brooklyn Horse in athletics and after graduation was Tail Kid skin ‘s° fiuelo Vanderbilt to the Duke of Marl- Show, to be held on April 26 to 30 president of the Woman’s Tennis \ ' sw borough. at the Riding and Driving Club. It is League of the District for two years. f v MISS Black Kid Skin, $lO Other entertainmenjs of almost understood that Mr. Webb has his Miss is a granddaughter of DOROTHY EVNON, l Seibold \\ J equal given there. The mind on the possibility that the show late Gen. Edward Washburn hose engagement to Mr. Herbert E. $8.50 note have been the Gen, Flynn white f abric, last large function was the reception will reveal some exceptionally good Whitaker, chief of staff to is announced by her parents, v J polo ponies, Mr. and Eynon. following the wedding of Miss Con- which may be used in the George A. Custer during the Civil Mrs. William John auelo Vanderbilt to Ea*l E. T. Smith, tournament matches next Summer, War. and a niece of Louis Seibold «e year ago last .January. The late W. before the international matches. political and featurfe writer. K. Vanderbilt home at 660 Fifth ave- Many of the polo ponies which will Mr. Nelson is connected with the Mr. and Mrs. Murphy - J. J. nue, was torn down some months pass his critical eye have been used HHr m ¦ ¦ legal department of a railway and is ago and now Mrs. William K. Van- mainly for indoor polo playing. i located in Philadelphia. Give Surprise Party derbilt, 2d, lias sold her house and The wedding will take place about When the New' York rating season A surprise party was given Wednes- —Fits the Heel moved into an apartment at 660 Park the middle of June. the Arch opens with the meeting of -the Metro- day evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hugs avfenut. politan Jockey Club at Jamaica this L. Finch an- Murphy only Vanderbilt remaining on Mr. and Mrs. Charles of. Burleith in honor of Mr. The month, Harry Payne Whitney, well engagement of their and Mrs. E. the Avenue is Brig. Gen. Cornelius MISS THEODOSIA DARLING SEIBOLD. nounce the Thomas Broderick and O.Ktords have known sportsman, will head the list Her Mr. and George (Jordon Seibold, announce her engagement daughter, Edna Irene, to Mr. Charles their John and Thomas, whose Vanderbilt at Fifth avenue and Fifty- thoroughbreds parents, Mrs. sons. of nominations for en- to Mr. William George Nelson, jr., of Pennsylvania. C. Wolz, jr., the wedding to take home is in Swannanoa, N. C. a snug-fitting instep which first street, the twin house of his tered from his stables—lo 9 of the 1,264 CANTILEVER White, place June l- Among the guests were Mrs. John wonderful, aunt, Mrs. Henry which has entries. Mr. Whitney last year head- Wagner. provides a natural down. The old Vanderbilt Miss Rosa Wagner, Miss been torn ed the list of winning owners with his The engagement was announced Catherine Wagner, Wagner, support to “tired arches.” There is chateau Fifty-seventh and Fifty- to Benefit Holy Family Day Nursery Mr. John at horses. Card Party last week by Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. ji\; Mr. William Wagner, Mrs. John eighth streets, has gone, and others of road, Wellesley, no metal concealed in the sole. The 27 Morse of 16 Upland Broderick. Mr. Bowie Tharmond, Miss r the Vanderbilt family who have sold Gymnasium Benefit Party April Kath- - Convent Mass., of their daughter. Miss Margaret Broderick and Mr. and Mrs. shoe flexes with the toot, strength- . {u£) their houses are Mrs. Hamilton McK. benefit The annual card party for the Holy Townsend Morse, to Starr Webb, Authors Breakfast | A card party for the of the arine James T. Moran of Chevy Chase. The ening the arch muscles.
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