UNCLASSIFIED Departmentof Defense Officefor the AdministrativeReviewof the Detentionof Enemy Combatants at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 31 August 2006 TO : AL SHARAKH, ABDULHADIABDALLAHIBRAHIM SUBJECT: UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD IN THE CASE OF AL SHARAKH , ABDULHADI ABDALLAH IBRAHIM 1. An AdministrativeReviewBoard will be convened to review your case to determine if your continueddetentionis necessary. 2. The Administrative Review Boardwill conduct a comprehensivereview ofall reasonably available and relevantinformationregarding your case. At the conclusionofthis review the Boardwill make a recommendationto: ( 1) releaseyou to yourhome state; (2 ) transfer you to your home state, with conditions agreeduponby the United States andyour home state; or ( 3) continue your detentionunder United States control. 3. Thefollowingprimaryfactors favor continueddetention: a . Commitment 1. The detainee is one of three living sons in his family involved in fighting with the Arab Mujahedin 2. A senioral Qaidaoperativestated that the detainee'sfather came to Afghanistanfrom Saudi Arabia in2001for aboutone month. The senioralQaidaoperativestated hemetthe detainee'sfather at the al QaidaguesthouseinKabul, Afghanistan. 3. The detaineestatedthat he was engagedinbattle while inKabul. 4. The detainee admittedthat he was a committedmemberofthe Talibanregime, and that he was directedby his Sheik /ImamHmood al Uqla from a mosquein al Kasim , SaudiArabia, to travel to Afghanistanand assist the Taliban injihad against the NorthernAlliance. 5. SheikhHamudalUqqlawas a Saudimufti who issueda fatwa calling forjihad in Afghanistan. Al Uqqlacondoned the 11 September 2001, attacks against the UnitedStates, and he helped raise money for UsamabinLadenuntilal Uqqla’sdeathin SaudiArabia in 2001. 6. The detaineestatedthat a Sheik from his of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, also told himto travelto Afghanistanand assistthe Talibanintheir efforts. The detaineestatedthat the Sheik / Imanfrom the MasjidAbdullaalJabreen inRiyadh, SaudiArabia advisedhim that the jihad was for a goodcauseand that he shouldhelp the Talibaninthe name ofAllah. DMOExhibit 1 Page 1 of 5 UNCLASSIFIED 000360 ISN231 UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT: UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD INTHE CASE OF AL SHARAKH , ABDULHADI ABDALLAH IBRAHIM 7. The detaineestatedthat the war inAfghanistanbetweenthe NorthernAllianceand the Talibanwas politicalandthat he knew hehadanobligationto participateinjihad. 8. The detainee quoted el Hojerat verse, Sunnah chapters eight, nine, and ten as references for his obligation to participate injihad and also to justify killingothers inthe name ofAllah. 9. The detaineeclaimedthat it was his duty to assist the Talibaninpreservingthe correct form ofIslam . The detaineestatedfirmlythat the Talibanwerecorrectandthe Northern Allianceandits followerswerewrong. 10. The detainee stated that he would be rewarded for killing a Northern Alliance holdout. The detainee also stated that, ifhe were to die during the war , Allah would also reward him for his efforts b . Training 1. The detainee stated that he was able to participate intraining and the jihad . 2. The detainee statedthat while inKabulhe took a one-week urbanwarfare courserunby Libyans. The detaineestatedthat hereceivedinstructionon howto fire, breakdown, and reassembleAK -47s, PK machinegunsandrocket-propelledgrenadelaunchers. 3. The detainee stated that he didattend the Talibantraining camp namedalFarouq, locatedoutside Kabuland receivedweapons trainingon the Kalashnikov, the RPG, and the RussianPK 4. Al Farouq training camp was located near Kandahar. The training course consisted of marksmanship training and the assembly and disassembly of numerous weapons . Students received training on the AK -47, AKM , and PK machine gun , firing a total of 30 rounds in the sitting, kneeling, and standing positions and they familiarized themselves with the RPG - 7. 5. The detainee claimed he only carried and used the Kalashnikov during battle . 6. A senioral Qaidaoperativestated that he metthe detainee for the first time in Kabul during2000 or 2001 andstated that the detaineeattendedalFarouqcamp. 7. A senior al Qaida operative stated he met the detainee a second time in 2001 when the detainee paid for specialized instruction on conducting attacks from motorcycles and cars, which were tactics not included in their basic al Farouq training, from a former Khaldan instructor. 8. The Khaldancamp was located inKhowst, Afghanistan. Page2 of5 UNCLASSIFIED 000361 UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHECASEOFAL SHARAKH, ABDULHADI ABDALLAHIBRAHIM 9. A senioralQaidaoperativestated that training courses at Khaldanincluded, butwere notlimitedto, basic militarytraining, mortars, explosives, andfirst aid. 10. Ithas been stated that the detaineehadtrainingonthe useofmanpads, SA-7 , in December2000. c. Connections /Associations 1. The detainee acknowledgedtraveling to Afghanistan and his participation injihad with the Taliban. 2. The detaineeclaimedhe spent a week in Karachi, Pakistan, at the HotelDubai, and that hethen traveledto the Afghanborder and entered a village near Qandahar, Afghanistan. 3. The detaineeclaimedhe surrenderedhis passportto a Yemeniwho resided at the safe house inPakistanandthat aftertwo days the Yemenireturnedthe detainee's passport. The detaineenotedforgedstampshadbeenplaced into his passport. The detaineeclaimedhe does not know who actuallyfakedthe stamps, only that the Yemeni hadthe stamps placed into the detainee'spassport. 4. The detainee stated that a Yemeni ran the safe house in Kandahar Afghanistan. 5. The detainee stated that when the United States droppedbombs inKabul, Afghanistan, he and other Taliban membersfled to Jalalabad, Afghanistan. The detainee stated that he fled from Jalalabad to Tora Bora, Afghanistan, with a Kalashnikov and a Bandelarocontaining ammunition. The detainee stated that the overallplanwas to flee from Afghanistaninto Pakistan 6. The detainee stated that when he fled from Kabul, Afghanistan , he was accompanied by a Taliban leader. 7. The detainee was identified by another detainee one of the Arabs in the trenches at Bagram , Afghanistan. The other detainee also had the detainee's mobile and house telephone numbers with him . 8. The detaineeclaimedthat at the beginningofthe one-weekurbanwarfare course in Kabul Afghanistan, the TalibancommanderinBagram, Afghanistantook fromthe detaineea bagcontainingthe detainee'smoneyandhispersonalpossessions. 9. A senioralQaidaoperativeidentifiedthe detaineefroma photo as beingfrom Saudi Arabia. Page 3 of 5 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT : UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD INTHE CASE OF AL SHARAKH , ABDULHADI ABDALLAH IBRAHIM d . Intent 1. The detainee stated that he would still fight today ifthe reason was justified and he emphasized that he wanted to attend and participate injihad in Afghanistan . e. Other RelevantData 1. The detainee stated that he departed Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in July 2001 with 14,000 United States Dollars that he had received from his father, and flew to Karachi, Pakistan with a two-hour transit stop in Oman . 2. The detainee claimed that after he became illwithjaundice inAfghanistan, he left Afghanistan afteronly two days, returnedto Karachi, Pakistanand departed for Cairo, Egypt. The detainee claimed he was treated for jaundice inCairo and that the stayed inCairo for eight or nine months. 3. The detainee claimed that following his treatment for jaundice in Cairo, Egypt he departed for Tehran , Iran with a brief stopover in Oman . The detainee claimed that he was on his way from Oman to Tehran when he heard news of the 11 September 2001 attacks. After spending two days in Tehran , the detainee went by taxi to Herat, Afghanistan . The detainee stated that from Herat, he traveled to Kabul, Afghanistan and spent a total of three months in Afghanistan . 4. The detaineestatedthat hehasnevertraveledto or residedinEgypt. 5. The detainee identifiedthat the two stamps for Oman, showing that he arrivedinJune 2001and later departed Omanon 11 September2001, were fake (forged ), that the two stamps reflectinghe traveledto andfrom Egypt, and the one stamp reflectinghe departed Pakistanwere also faked ( forged . 6. The detainee stated that he, four Yemenis and five Pakistanis waited in the caves in Tora Bora, Afghanistanfora Pakistaninavigatorto arrive and guide the group into Pakistanto a safe houseor location where they would not be captured. 7. The detainee claimed that after approximately three months in Afghanistan he left Kabul Afghanistan and went to Jalalabad , Afghanistan and led up in a village in Pakistan where he was detained by Pakistani authorities . Page4 of 5 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT: UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD IN THE CASE OF AL SHARAKH , ABDULHADI ABDALLAH IBRAHIM 4. The followingprimaryfactors favor releaseor transfer: a. The detainee denied having any knowledge of the attacks in the United States prior to their execution on 11 September 2001 and also denied knowledge of any rumors or plans of future attacks on the United States or United States interests. b . The detainee denied undergoingurban warfare training. c. The detainee stated that he never engaged infighting while hiding inTora Bora, Afghanistan d. The detaineestatedthat, onceinPakistanhewanted to surrenderto Pakistanauthorities andultimatelybeturnedover to the SaudiEmbassy. The detaineestatedthat
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