![WST RN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3.30 P.M.]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
eut OF WST RN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.] [REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 5] PERTH FRIDAY, 29th JANUARY. [1.954. Entertainments Tax Act Amendment Act (No. 2) proclaim that the Entertainments Tax Assessment 1953. Act Amendment Act (No. 2), 1953, shall come in- PROCLAMATION to operation on the 1st day of February, 1954. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Given under my hand and the Public Seal of TO WIT, I Henry Gairdner, l<oight Cumniander of the Most the said State, at Perth, this 26th day of CHARLES HENRY Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint January, 1954. GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Mast Honoarahln Order Governor, of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent By His Excellency's Command, [L.S.] Order of the British Empire, Gnverxor in and over theStateof Western Australia annits J. T. TONKIN, Dependoncies in the Commonwealth of Australia. Acting Treasurer. Trsy. 1221/53. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the En- tertainments Tax Act Amendment Act (No. 2), Bank Holiday 1953, that the Act shall come into operation on a atNarrogin. day to be fixed by proclamation: Now therefore I, PROCLAMATION uVESTERN AUSTRALIA. By His Eocnllency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles the Governor, acting with advice and consent of TO WIT, I Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Most the Executive Council, do hereby proclaim that the CHARLES HENRY Distingoished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Entertainments Tax Act Amendment Act (No. 2), GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Moot Honourahie Order Gonernor. of the Bath, Cummunder of the Most Excellent 1953, shall come into operation on the 1st day of EL.S.] Order of the British Empire, Gonernor in and February, 1954. overthe State of Western Aostralia andits Degendnacieo in the Commonwealth of Australia. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the the said State, at Perth, this 26th day of fifth section of the Bank Holidays Act, 1884, I, the January, 1954. Governor of the said State, do by this my pro- By His Excellency's Command, day:clamation appoint the following special Bank Holi- J. T. TONKIN, Acting Treasurer. Date and Place. Wednesday, 24th February, 1954; Narrogin. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 26th day of January, 1954. By His Excellency's Command, Entertainments Tax Assessment Act Amendment G. FRASER, Act (No. 2), 1953. Chief Secretary. PROCLAMATION GOD SAVE THE QUEEN WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 1By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles TO WIT. Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Most CHARLES HENRY Distingaished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Native Administration Act, 1905-1947. GAIRDN ER, George, Companion of the Most Honourahle Order Reserve for Natives. Governor. of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent [L.S.1 Order of the BritishEmpire, Governorin and PROCLAMATION overtheState of WesternAuntralia andits WESTERN AUSTRALIA, ) By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Aontralia. TO WIT, I Henry Gairdnor, Knight Commander of the Most CHARLES HENRY Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Trsy. 1221/53. GAIRDPIER, George, Companion of the Moot Honourable Order Governor, of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the En- [L.S.] Order of the BritishEmpire, Governor in and tertainments Tax Assessment Act Amendment Act overtheState of Western Australia andits (No. 2), 1953, that the Act shall come into opera- Depnndencies in the Commonwealth of Australia. tion on a day to be fixed by proclamation: Now WHEREAS it is enacted by section 11 of the Native therefore I, the Governor, acting with the advice Administration Act,1905-1947(Reprinted)that and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby the Governor may, by Proclamation, declare any 112 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [29th January, 1954. Crown lands to be Reserves for Natives and abolish Corr.No. 3563/40That reserveNo.A22204 any reserve so declared; and whereas by Proclama- (Cockburn Sound Location 960) should vest in and tion issued under the Native Administration Act, be held by the Mandurah Road Board in trust for 1905-1947, and published in the Government Garette the purpose of Park Lands.i on the 13th day of March,1953,the Governor declared an area at Bunbury more particularly Corr. No. 1057/41That reserve No. 22283 (Cock- described as reserve No. 10056 and defined in the burn Sound Location 954) should vest in and be Schedule to such Proclamation, to be a Reserve for held by the Mandurah Road Board in trust for the Natives; and whereas it is now deemed desirable purpose of Park and Recreation.ff and expedient to abolish the said reserve: Now, Corr. No. 7062/04That reserve No. A9633 at thereforeI,the said Governor, acting with the Mandurah should vest in and be held by the Man- advice and consent of the Executive Council and durah Road Board in trust for the purpose of Re- in exercise of the power in that behalf conferred creation. by section 11 of the Native Administration Act, 1905-1947 (Reprinted), do hereby abolish the Re- Corr. No. 1695/02That reserve No. 14004 at serve for Natives as declared and described and Mandurah should vest in and be held by the Man- defined in the hereinbeforementioned Proclamation durah Road Board in trust for the purpose of published in the Government Garette on the 13th Recreation.** day of March, 1953, as aforesaid. Corr. No. 7/49----That reserve No. 23879 (Gabbin Given under my hand and the Public Seal of Lot 40) should vest in and be held by the Mount the said State, at Perth, this 12th day of Marshall Road Board in trust for the purpose of a January, 1954. Sheep Dip Site. By His Excellency's Command, Corr. No. 7924/00, V3That class "A" reserve No.4813(excluding Cockburn Sound Location (Sgd.) Wm. HEGNEY, 1717) at Point Walter should vest in and be held by Minister for Native Welfare. the Melville Road Board in trust for the purpose of GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Recreation.f t Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby direct that the beforemen- Kwinana Road District Act, 1953. tioned reserves shall vest in and be held by the abovernentioned Road Boards in trust for the afore- PROCLAMATION said purposes, subject nevertheless to the powers L.G. 3103/52. reserved to him by section 37 of the said Act. WESTERN AUSTRALIA,1 By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles TO WIT, J Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander ol the Most *The previous Order in Council issued under CHARLES HENRY Distingaished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Executive Council Minute No.2715,dated 20th GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order Governor. of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent December, 1939, is hereby superseded. [L.S.1 Order of theBritishEmpire, Gonernor in and oeertheStateof WesternAustraliaandIto tThe previous Order in Council issued under Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia. Executive Council Minute No. 4513 dated 15th WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the Kwinana December, 1915, is hereby superseded. Road District Act, 1953, that the Act shall come tThe previous Order in Council issued. under into operation on a date to be fixed by Proclama- Executive Council Minute No. 870 dated 13th May, tion: Now, therefore I, the Governor, acting with 1936, is hereby superseded. the advice and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby proclaim that the Kwinana Road Dis- §The previous Order in Council issued under trict Act, 1953, shall come into operation on the Executive Council Minute No. 2140 dated 24th 15th day of February, 1954. October, 1940, is hereby superseded. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of 5The previous Order in Council issued under the said State, at Perth, this 26th day Executive Council Minute No. 1706 dated 18th Sep- of January, 1954. tember, 1941, is hereby superseded. The previous Order in Council issued under By I-Us Excellency's Command, Executive Minute No, 387 dated 9th March, 1939, (Sgd.) G. FRASER, is hereby superseded. Minister for Local Government. **The previous Order in Council issued under GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Executive Council Minute No. 56 dated 10th Janu- ary, 1940, is hereby superseded. ttWith power to the said Melville Road Board AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the subject to the approval in writing of the Minister Executive Council Chamber, rt Perth, this 12th for Lands being first obtained, to lease the whole day of January, 1954, the followjng Orders in Coun- or any portion of the said reserve for any term not cil were authorised to be issued: exceeding ten (10) years from the date of the lease. Land Act, 1933-1950. R. H. DOIG, ORDER IN COUNCIL. Clerk of the Council. WHEREAS by section 33 of the Land Act, 1933- 1950, it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any reserve shall vest in and be held by any municipality, road board, or other person or persons Forests Act, 1918. to be named in the order in trust for the like or other public purposes to be specified in such order; ORDER IN COUNCIL. and whereas it is deemed expedient as follows: Forests File 627/33, Lands File 4085/26. Corr. No. 5584/06That reserveNo.10332at Mandurah should vest in and be held by the Man- WHEREAS by the Forests Act, 1918, it is provided durah Road Board in trust for the purpose ofa that the Governor may by Order in Council dedi- Landing Stage.e cate any Crown lands as State Forests within the meaning and for the purposes of that Act: Now, Corr.
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