ORDER OF WORSHIP AUGUST 5, 2018 ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (RED) Worship: 9:00 & 11:15 am | Live Broadcast: Frank 97.1 FM | Online Stream: www.cbpeedee.com/frank971 Prayer Focus: Those Affected by Natural Disasters GATHERING The people come together in the Lord’s Name. PARISH CONCERNS (The service of worship begins. The prelude is offered on behalf of the entire congregation. Quiet meditation and private prayers are encouraged.) OPENING VOLUNTARY ........................................................................ Paul Manz Hymn Prelude on “BUNESSAN” *CHIMING OF THE HOUR (*The asterisk signifies that all who are able to are invited to stand.) *GREETING Leader: Create in us clean hearts, O God, People: And renew a right spirit within us. Leader: Restore us to the joy of salvation, People: And uphold us with a willing spirit. *HYMN IN PROCESSION 145 .............................................................. BUNESSAN Morning Has Broken *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH 881 ............................................. The Apostles’ Creed *GLORIA PATRI 71 ..............................................................................GREATOREX COLLECT Almighty God, the Bread of Heaven and source of our life: Show us, we pray, your unspeakable mercy, that we may be set free from our sins and rescued from the punishments which for our sins we deserve. Give us always that which leads to eternal life; Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen. RITUAL OF FRIENDSHIP PROCLAMATION God’s word is shared. SOLO ................................................... William B. Bradbury, arr. Michael T. Smith Jesus Loves Me Jesus loves me, this I know; for the bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak; but He is strong. Jesus loves me, He will stay close beside me all the way. If I love Him when I die, He will lead me home on high. The bible tells me so. ORGAN INTERLUDE (All children are welcome to stay for the sermon and Holy Communion. However, children going to Children’s Church are dismissed during the organ interlude and may be picked up in room #145 or #147 after the service.) EPISTLE LESSON ..................................................................................John 6:24-35 Leader: The Word of the Lord! People: Thanks be to God! SERMON .........................................................................Rev. J. Derrick Cattenhead Bread of Life RESPONDING IN FAITH We respond to God’s word in worship. PRAYER IN RESPONSE OFFERTORY ...............................................Gabriel Fauré, trans. Daniel Pinkham Nocturne *DOXOLOGY 94...............................................................LASST UNS ERFREUEN Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow *PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING *HYMN 616 .................................................................................................HURSLEY Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION 12 THE LORD’S PRAYER (UMH 895) GIVING THE BREAD AND THE CUP (All who love Jesus, repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with God and one Prayer Focus: Those Affected by Natural Disasters another are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Please follow the ushers’ directions. You will come to one of the serving stations. Please open your hands when you are ready to receive Communion. Those who need gluten-free wafers should come to the center section and request this of the server. After you are served, you may pray at the altar and return to your seat when you are ready. Any who need to be served in the pew should contact an usher.) HYMNS DURING COMMUNION (sung by all at 11:15) 623 .................................................................................................... PENETENTIA Here, O My Lord, I See Thee 618 ...................................................................................LET US BREAK BREAD Let Us Break Bread Together PRAYER FOLLOWING COMMUNION SENDING FORTH We respond to God’s grace with our lives. *BENEDICTION *HYMN IN PROCESSION 545 .................................................................AURELIA The Church’s One Foundation *CLOSING VOLUNTARY.........................................................Grimoaldo Macchia Toccata on the Bells of Westminster ASSISTING IN WORSHIP Liturgists ........................................................................ Grace Timms, Rev. Meg Bryce Jiunnies Organist/Choir Director .................................................................................Dr. Donald J. Grice Preacher ...............................................................................................Rev. J. Derrick Cattenhead Director of Handbells/Choir Accompanist ............................................. Beverly S. Hazelwood Soloist .........................................................................................................................Sharyn Mapes Acolytes .......................................................................................... Adam Brown, Maggie Peebles Crucifers ...........................................................................................Keith Jones, Jennifer Peebles MUSIC NOTE In the 1970’s, pop singer Cat Stevens recorded the hymn Morning has Broken and it hit the top 40 charts. However, the tune BUNESSAN started life much earlier. A traditional Gaelic melody, it made its first hymnal appearance in the Irish Church Hymnal in 1919 with the nativity text Child in the Manger. The text Morning Has Broken was written by poet Eleanor Farjeon in 1931 in response to a request by Percy Dearmer, editor of Enlarged Songs of Praise, to write a short hymn on the theme of thanksgiving to the tune BUNESSAN. We hear Paul Manz’s setting of the tune as our opening voluntary and then sing the hymn at the outset of the service. .
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