jj-Ioulton’s Reputation—“ Cleanest Town in New England". Let’s Not Lose It This Spring-Clean Up AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF April 13, 1860 To AROOSTOOK COUNT) FOULTON TIMES December 27, 1916 HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1921 VOL. LXI No. 20 HIGHWAY COMMISSION CHINA RELIEF WORK PRICE-WILEY HOULTON RECEIVES Houlton is busy preparing a pro­ A wedding of interest to Houlton AND LEGISLATIVE ACTION AUTO LAWS TO GALA DAY FOR gram to raise money to assist the people where the bride is most SUNDAY PAPERS The Maine Highway Commission is H P p M E Y I D f 'i r n starving Chinese. popular, occurred Thursday morning For the first time in the history of now busily engaged in working out DEi Ltlll U livEii/ Mrs. Margaret Pennington, County at St. Mary’s church, when Miss SCHOOLCHILDREN Houlton, Sunday papers were receiv­ the details of putting into operation ; ______ chairman, called a meeting of some j Kathleen Wiley, daughter of Mr. and ed here at 5.30 p. m. and read the day of the provisions of the resolve passed by of the Houlton women at the Red ; Mrs. D. K. Wiley, Riverside street, publication, an innovation for Aroos­ the 80th Legislature for the con­ Instructions fro m A u g u sta Cross rooms and the following com-1 became the bride of Mr. Geo. F. Price An Interesting Program that took county. struction, maintenance and repairs of mittee was present: Mrs. Alexander j of Bangor. Rev. Fr. Silke performed This new venture as mentioned in road*, bridles and ferries, for which Which Will Benefit Cumming, chairman of the committee; the ceremony before a large number with Good Weather will the columns of this paper last week, the sum of $105,850 was appropriated from the Methodist church, Mrs. of friends. is due to the progressiveness of the for the fiscal year ending June 30, the Public Albin A. Stewart; Baptist church, Mrs. The young couple were attended by be a Success publishers of the Portland Express 1222 and $106,000 for the year ending George McNair; Congregationalist Miss Hazel Wiley, sister of the bride, Advertiser and their Sunday edition Secretary of State Frank W. Ball June 30, 1923. church, Mrs. Leigh Cleveland; Free and Francis X. Mooney of Bangor. A fine program has been arranged the Portland Sunday Telegram. in whose hands rests the responsibili­ The provision is also made that no Baptist church, Mrs. Harry Johson; j The wedding march was played" by \S°?„ lh« school pageant which These papers are received in Ban­ ty of the enforcement of the automo­ town shall receive its apportioned Catholic church, Miss Sarah Mulher- Miss Abbie Hogan, while M is s will take place on Wednesday, May gor at 9 a. m. and immediately they bile laws through the inspectors share of these appropriations until rin; Unitarian church, Mrs. T. V. Margaret Harrigan rendered a vocal 18, and will be known as Physical are taken by auto and distributed to whom he appoints, said Wednesday, it shall undertake to furnish without Doherty. | selection during the ceremony. Education Day. Each school with j all the towns on the Trunk line high- that just so far as it is physically pos­ ,, . , ,, . i ,, ' ... I other branches have been given a expense to the State all road material, It was voted to hold a supper in the j Following the ceremony a wedding 1 , ................ way coming via Island Falls, and after sible to enforce these laws, it will be including clay, gravel, sand and rock, near future, and Beatrice Cleveland j breakfast was served to a number of work and all units and schools are leaving Houlton they go to Woodstock done. Secretary Ball further said necessary for the improvements con­ was chosen chairman on waitresses; | the intimate friends of the bride. lined up for some good exhibition and while the car was late in getting that he is taking extra care in the se­ templated, and that each town shall Mrs. Charles P. Barnes on advertise-1 Mrs. Price is a graduate of H. H. S. work. The following well outlined here last Sunday, it is expected that lection of his inspectors and every assume and pay all damages arising ment, Posters, Boy Scouts, Tickets, i and Houlton Business College and ! program has been announced. Morn­ they will reach here in ordinary man has been and will be instructed from the taking of land or from the Camp Fire Girls, and Pathfinders. enjoys a large acquaintance. ing program will be as follows: weather about 3.30, and arrangements to follow out the law to the letter. J change of grade, drainage or align­ The date is Thursday, May 19, at Mr. Price is a valued employee of j 8.30 to 9 o clock will be taken up will be made to have them delivered "The astomobile traffic has grown ment deemed necessary by the High­ 5.30 to 7 p.m. at Watson Hall. This is a the Great Northern Paper Co. at | with Parade of school children and during the auto season to those who to great proportions in Maine,” said way Commission. worthy cause and should find a good Monticellc. They will reside in Houl- \ band t° the park. 9 to 9.15 a. m. wish to subscribe. Secretary of State Ball. The law provides that all expendi­ response especially as something to ton I address at the park by Dr. Augustus The work of getting this paper "I am telling every inspector that I tures from these appropriations shall eat will be furnished for money donat- \ Th young couple were the recipients j G- Thomas, State Superintendent of here has been in charge of Mr. C. B. be under the supervision of the High­ expect results from each one of them, ed. of many beautiful and usful gifts. Schools. 9.15 to 10.15 a. m. demonstra­ Sims who has been here at different w ay Commission and that any unex­ and in order that I may know what tion of games used in first six grades. times during the past three weeks each inspector is doing to improve pended balances shall be available DANGEROUS DAN MCGREW MANY MAINE MEN 10.15 to 10.25 a. m. mass gymnastics and who feels very much encouraged for use during the next fiscal period. the observance of the motor vehicle by Junior and Senior High Schools. for the first week as over 1000 copies The following sources of Income are laws in his territory, it will be neces­ IN A HUMOROUS TO ATTEND CAMP 10.30 to 11 a. m. Girls’ Athletic Con- were disposed of. sary hereafter for each to make a made available for the purposes of RECITAL HERE DEVENS IN AUGUST I tests 11 to 12 a. m. Boys’ Athletic The Portland Telegram is a Sunday this resolve: One-sixth of all the mill weekly report to my office covering An event that has long beer, look­ Contests. paper of which the publishers may tax highway fund, in accordance with in a general way the activities of the Under the direction of Harold R. ed forward to by Houlton people Afternoon program; Aroostook coun­ well feel proud of as it contains all the provisionns of Section 1, Chapter entire week. Robinson of Portland, State chairman has been arranged for Friday evening 1 ty Intel-scholastic Track and Field j the latest news t0 time ° f Public»- 212, Public Laws of 199; and in case "This report must furnish informa­ of the citizens’ military training May 20th, when 1st Lieut. “Dangerous ' Meet (Open to students in good sehol- tlon containing as well the usual of the adoption by the people of the tion as to the towns visited, as to the camps activities, the organization in Dan McGrew,” a veteran soldier and Maine is being completed and it is ex­ astic standing in any High School or comlc colored supplement which Constitutional amendment length of time spent in each place and . ___. v interests old as well as young. author will give his humorous recital pected that this State will send a large Academy in the County.) _ _ _ , , * « « the use of the proceeds of as to the general conditions in regard _ . , on ♦ o ~ ™ ion I Joe FurFuro, clerk at the Snell of his experiences and that of the number of enrolled candidates to the Track events: 1.30 to 2 p. m. 100 1 . „ Highway bonds for the con­ to motor vehicle traffic in each . , u ™ House is the man in charge of the other Maine boys who were overseas camp at Devens for a months’ train- yard dash; 2 p. m. to 2.30 p. m., TT x ® struction of State aid highways, one- town. with the 103rd Inf., at the Heywood quarter mile dash; 2.30 to 3 p. m. half del,ve/ y ,n Houlton’ to whom orderS ninth of said mill tax fund in ac­ “ The secretary will demand from ing next August. Chairman Robinson Theatre under the auspices of Chester mile dash, 3 to 3.30 p. m„ 220 yard may be glven' cordance with Section 2 of an act of each inspector courteous treatment of has divided the State into convenient Briggs Post No. 47 American Legion. dash. 3.30 to 4 p. m., 1 mile run. 4 1 . ^ , the 20th Legislature, entitled "An act the public in every instance. In the districts and has made several ap- His story is entitled “Shell Shock to Increase the mill tax highway fund performance of his duties, however, pointments of district chairmen, among ! t0 4 30 P- m- l mile relay (fou en j of Houlton have been drawn as a la Mademoiselle” and is called a them being the following: Roger j to a team each man on* \ ^ ^ ^ ^ Qf ^ TJ aad to provide for the method of its there must be no discrimination be­ riot of fun by those who have heard application." tween persons.
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