the Observer The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Volume 44 : Issue 55 Wednesday, November 18, 2009 ndsmcobserver.com ‘The only rules of the game’ Hesburgh reflects on student activism, 15-min. rule on 40th anniversary of ‘Notre Dame 10’ By JENN METZ in the Library named for him, Hesburgh described the News Writer protest fervor that swept across a nation at war in a Editor’s note: This is the foreign land and turned col- second installment in a four- lege campuses into battle- part series commemorating fields. the 40th anniversary of the Several of those students Notre Dame 10 and exploring came to him to “talk about the history of student the problems of the day,” he activism on campus. The first said — at times in the middle part introduced the Notre of the night. Dame 10 and their protest During the Vietnam War, efforts. Hesburgh said, about 250 col- lege and university presidents In the fall of 1969, then- left or were asked to leave University President Fr. office, one even suffering a Theodore Hesburgh’s office heart attack while being con- door was always open, it fronted by students. seems. Campuses transformed from reflective sanctuaries of Reflecting on the time of IAN GAVLICK/The Observer what he calls “the student University President Emeritus Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, in his library office, recalls the atmosphere revolution” in his new office see HESBURGH/page 6 at Notre Dame and other college campuses during a time of protests and activism in 1969. Former presidential candidate Huckabee hosts book signing tions with people across the said. “… I’ve got so much going By LAURA McCRYSTAL country. on between doing the Fox News News Writer “In a campaign the unfortu- show on the weekends and my nate fact is that you spend about commentaries three times a day Mike Huckabee’s appearance 75 percent of your time defend- five times a week on about 500 at the Hammes Notre Dame ing yourself against the attacks stations a day, my writing, Bookstore yesterday afternoon of your opponents and a little bit speaking … it’s hard to even to sign copies of his newest of time actually articulating find the time to think about it book, “A Simple Christmas,” your opinions on policy,” he right now.” marked the first time a politi- said. “And so the good thing When asked about the current cian has appeared at the about a book tour is people state of the Republican Party, Bookstore for a book signing, come out to a book signing Huckabee said its leaders “are Kristin Blitch, marketing man- because they want to read your finding their sea legs again to ager at the bookstore, said. book and most folks are very get back on track” by realizing Notre Dame, Huckabee said, is pleasant.” that something must be done to the only college or university on While he enjoys his book tour, fix national debt and spending. his current book tour. Huckabee also said he is “not “I’m more worried about the Huckabee, who served as gov- ruling anything out” in regards direction of the country than the ernor of Arkansas from 1996 to running for the presidency in Party,” he said. “The Party will until 2006 and ran in the 2012. eventually right itself and kind Republican Party primaries for “Well it is, I think, too far off. of find its way, but the one thing PAT COVENEY/The Observer the 2008 presidential election, I’m going to wait until after the I am encouraged by is that Former governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee held a said being on book tour allows midterm elections next year and book signing at the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore Tuesday. him to have friendly conversa- see where things stand,” he see HUCKABEE/page 4 OIT urges Facebook awareness Several items stolen from Dobbins said. to not “be a victim of social net- By JOSEPH McMAHON “There are a lot of people who working,” OIT organizational men’s residence hall Associate News Editor would like to find out what your communications analyst Lenette the residence hall. password is, find out more Votava said. Observer Staff Report NDSP is also investigating Social networking through about you in order to use those “We’re going to have posters Several items were stolen a case of indecent exposure Web sites such as Facebook has things to impersonate you,” he going up with social network from rooms in a men’s resi- in which a man exposed become a popular way to com- said. “There are a dozen differ- precautions people can take so dence hall on campus early himself to three women municate with friends, and it is ent things you should be aware that they stay safe and they are Sunday morning, according walking on Saint Mary’s Rd. no longer just college students of when using social networking aware of what can happen to to Dave Chapman, assistant at about 5:15 p.m. Saturday. who are taking advantage of the tools like Facebook.” them,” she said. director for Notre Dame The witnesses told police services offered by these sites. To help combat the risks Votava said one of the sim- Security Police (NDSP). the man was on a bicycle The explosion of online social posed by social networking, the plest ways to reduce one’s risk Chapman said three rooms and about 40 to 50 years networking, however, has also Office of Information Technology is to limit the personal informa- in the residence hall were old. exposed users to new identity (OIT) has launched a new cam- tion one posts on the Web site. targeted. No force was used Chapman said NDSP does theft risks, Director of paign that encourages Notre as the rooms were unlocked. not have new information on Information Security Gary Dame faculty, staff and students see OIT/page 9 Chapman did not disclose either case. INSIDE TODAY’S PAPER COR elects The Shirt president page 3 N Weekend calendar page 13 N Weiss leads women’s soccer in Tournament page 24 N Viewpoint page 10 page 2 The Observer N PAGE 2 Wednesday, November 18, 2009 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LIKE TO COME TO NOTRE DAME? Faking it There is a lot of faking at Notre Dame. Here at Notre Dame, you can fake understanding your philosophy professor. Mike Perez Beto Elizondo Alex Kimball Caroline Bates Cara Nozykowski Ben Ryan Here at Notre Dame, you can fake that you don’t mind the snow or the cold. You senior freshman freshman freshman freshman junior can fake obeying Morrissey Fisher Dillon Lewis Holy Cross O’Neill parietals, and you can fake agreeing with our sometimes “Kanye. He’s a “Nickelback “Taylor Swift. “Taylor Swift. “Wilco because “John Mayer unnaturally inflated controversial because I just Maybe she can Maybe she can they are because maybe football ranking. artist and it think it’d be sign the posters sign the posters awesome. Have he’ll bring Here at Notre would be a you heard their Dame, you can even pretty cool.” in my room.” in Alex’s room.” Jennifer fake going to Notre pretty sick music?” Aniston.” Dame. concert.” Gary Stearley Molly Sammon came to South Bend before the fall semes- Sports ter as a student at Writer Notre Dame’s law Have an idea for Question of the Day? E-mail [email protected] school. He moved into a house south of campus earlier this semester and found himself a pair of roommates to live with. He bought thou- IN BRIEF sands of dollars worth of textbooks. He walked around on campus. He had the H1N1 flu vaccines will be pass codes for different campus buildings. available to high risk groups, According to his roommates, he did including all students under homework in his room, studied court 24, today from 11 a.m. to 3 cases and wrote papers. He made himself p.m. in the Stepan Center. an ID card. He made friends with a pro- fessor who called him by name on cam- Johanna Fernandez, profes- pus in front of witnesses. Gary Stearley sor of history at Baruch was an excellent faker. College, will deliver a lecture His roommates found out their tenant’s today called “The Young actual identity when the three of them Lords and the Social and were sitting in the living room of their Structural Roots of Sixties house, watching the South Bend local Radicalism” from 4:30 to 6 news. The report on television revealed p.m. in room 210-214 in Stearley’s story to the unsuspecting own- McKenna Hall. The event is ers. sponsored by the Institute for Stearley told them he would turn him- Latino Studies. self in the next morning, but when they returned, Stearley had grabbed a few of A performance of Dance: his belongings and snuck out of the house Flamenco Vivo! will take just as Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in place tonight and Thursday at “Catch Me If you Can” might have done. 7 at the Decio Mainstage Among his leftover possessions, they Theater of the DeBartolo found ID cards from other colleges where Performing Arts Center. it was most likely that Stearley had com- TOM LA/The Observer Tickets can be purchased mitted similar acts. Further investigation A hawk is spotted killing and eating a squirrel in a tree on North Quad Tuesday online at performingarts.nd.edu of Stearley’s story led to the discovery that afternoon. he had been in legal trouble before for The film “Still Walking” will faking being a physician’s assistant in be shown Thursday at 6:30 Jacksonville, Florida.
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