Federal Communications Commission Pt. 22 good faith request by an entity seeking COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCEDURES to deploy a CIS in a correctional facil- 22.201 Paging geographic area authoriza- ity, a CMRS licensee must negotiate tions are subject to competitive bidding. toward a lease agreement. If, after a 45 22.203–22.211 [Reserved] day period, there is no agreement, CIS 22.213 Filing of Long-form applications. 22.215 [Reserved] providers seeking Special Temporary 22.217 Bidding credits for small businesses. Authority (STA) to operate in the ab- 22.221 Eligibility for partitioned licenses. sence of CMRS licensee consent may 22.223 Designated entities. file a request for STA with the Wireless 22.225 Certifications, disclosures, records Telecommunications Bureau (WTB), maintenance, and definitions. 22.227 Petitions to deny and limitations on accompanied by evidence dem- settlements. onstrating its good faith, and the 22.229 Designated entities. unreasonableness of the CMRS licens- ee’s actions, in negotiating an agree- Subpart C—Operational and Technical ment. The request must be served on Requirements the CMRS licensee no later than the OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS filing of the STA request, and the CMRS licensee may file a response 22.301 [Reserved] 22.303 [Reserved] with WTB, with a copy served on the 22.305 Operator and maintenance require- CIS provider at that time, within 10 ments. days of the filing of the STA request. If 22.307 Operation during emergency. WTB determines that the CIS provider 22.313 Station identification. has negotiated in good faith, yet the 22.321 [Reserved] 22.325 [Reserved] CMRS licensee has not negotiated in good faith, WTB may issue STA to the TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS entity seeking to deploy the CIS, not- 22.351 Channel assignment policy. withstanding lack of accompanying 22.352 Protection from interference. CMRS licensee consent. 22.353 Blanketing interference. (b) [Reserved] 22.355 Frequency tolerance. 22.357 Emission types. [82 FR 22761, May 18, 2017] 22.359 Emission limitations. 22.365 Antenna structures; air navigation safety. PART 22—PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES 22.377 Certification of transmitters. 22.379 RF exposure. Subpart A—Scope and Authority 22.383 In-building radiation systems. Sec. Subpart D [Reserved] 22.1 Basis and purpose. 22.3 [Reserved] Subpart E—Paging and Radiotelephone 22.5 Citizenship. Service 22.7 General eligibility. 22.501 Scope. 22.9 Operation of certificated signal boost- 22.503 Paging geographic area authoriza- ers. tions. 22.99 Definitions. 22.507 Number of transmitters per station. 22.509 Procedures for mutually exclusive ap- Subpart B—Licensing Requirements and plications in the Paging and Radio- Procedures telephone Service. 22.511 Construction period for the Paging APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS and Radiotelephone Service. 22.513 Partitioning and disaggregation. 22.107 General application requirements. 22.515 Permissible communications paths. 22.131 Procedures for mutually exclusive ap- 22.527 Signal boosters. plications. 22.529 Application requirements for the 22.143 Construction prior to grant of appli- Paging and Radiotelephone Service. cation. 22.150 Standard pre-filing technical coordi- PAGING OPERATION nation procedure. 22.531 Channels for paging operation. 22.165 Additional transmitters for existing 22.535 Effective radiated power limits. systems. 22.537 Technical channel assignment cri- 22.169 International coordination. teria. 35 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:08 Nov 30, 2020 Jkt 250215 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V2.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Pt. 22 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) 22.559 Paging application requirements. CONVENTIONAL RURAL RADIOTELEPHONE STATIONS ONE-WAY OR TWO-WAY MOBILE OPERATION 22.721 Geographic area authorizations. 22.561 Channels for one-way or two-way mo- 22.723 Secondary site-by-site authoriza- bile operation. tions. 22.565 Transmitting power limits. 22.725 Channels for conventional rural ra- 22.567 Technical channel assignment cri- diotelephone stations and basic exchange teria. telephone radio systems. 22.571 Responsibility for mobile stations. 22.727 Power limits for conventional rural 22.573 Use of base transmitters as repeaters. radiotelephone transmitters. 22.575 Use of mobile channel for remote con- 22.731 Emission limitations. trol of station functions. 22.733 Priority of service. 22.737 Temporary fixed stations. 22.579 Operation of mobile transmitters across U.S.-Canada border. BASIC EXCHANGE TELEPHONE RADIO SYSTEMS 22.589 One-way or two-way application re- quirements. 22.757 Channels for basic exchange tele- phone radio systems. POINT-TO-POINT OPERATION 22.759 Power limit for BETRS. 22.591 Channels for point-to-point oper- Subpart G—Air-Ground Radiotelephone ation. Service 22.593 Effective radiated power limits. 22.601 Existing microwave stations licensed 22.801 Scope. under this part. GENERAL AVIATION AIR-GROUND STATIONS 22.602 Transition of the 2110–2130 and 2160– 2180 MHz channels to emerging tech- 22.805 Channels for general aviation air- nologies. ground service. 22.603 488–494 MHz fixed service in Hawaii. 22.807 General aviation air-ground station application requirements. POINT-TO-MULTIPOINT OPERATION 22.809 Transmitting power limits. 22.813 Technical channel pair assignment 22.621 Channels for point-to-multipoint op- criteria. eration. 22.815 Construction period for general avia- 22.623 System configuration. tion ground stations. 22.625 Transmitter locations. 22.817 Additional channel policies. 22.627 Effective radiated power limits. COMMERCIAL AVIATION AIR-GROUND SYSTEMS 470–512 MHZ TRUNKED MOBILE OPERATION 22.853 Eligibility to hold interest in licenses 22.651 470–512 MHz channels for trunked mo- limited to 3 MHz of spectrum. bile operation. 22.857 Frequency bands. 22.653 Eligibility. 22.859 Incumbent commercial aviation air- 22.657 Transmitter locations. ground systems. 22.659 Effective radiated power limits. 22.861 Emission limitations. 22.863 Frequency stability. Subpart F—Rural Radiotelephone Service 22.867 Effective radiated power limits. 22.873 Construction requirements for com- 22.701 Scope. mercial aviation air-ground systems. 22.702 Eligibility. 22.877 Unacceptable interference to part 90 22.703 Separate rural subscriber station au- non-cellular 800 MHz licensees from com- thorization not required. mercial aviation air-ground systems. 22.705 Rural radiotelephone system configu- 22.878 Obligation to abate unacceptable in- ration. terference. 22.879 Interference resolution procedures. 22.709 Rural radiotelephone service applica- 22.880 Information exchange. tion requirements. 22.881 Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service 22.711 Provision of information to appli- subject to competitive bidding. cants. 22.882 Designated entities. 22.713 Construction period for rural radio- telephone stations. Subpart H—Cellular Radiotelephone 22.715 Technical channel assignment cri- Service teria for rural radiotelephone stations. 22.717 Procedure for mutually exclusive ap- 22.900 Scope. plications in the Rural Radiotelephone 22.901 Cellular service requirements and Service. limitations. 22.719 Additional channel policy for rural 22.905 Channels for cellular service. radiotelephone stations. 22.907 Coordination of channel usage. 36 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:08 Nov 30, 2020 Jkt 250215 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V2.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Federal Communications Commission § 22.5 22.909 Cellular markets. Subpart A—Scope and Authority 22.911 Cellular geographic service area. 22.912 Service area boundary extensions. § 22.1 Basis and purpose. 22.913 Effective radiated power limits. 22.917 Emission limitations for cellular This section contains a concise gen- equipment. eral statement of the basis and purpose 22.921 [Reserved] of the rules in this part, pursuant to 5 22.923 Cellular system configuration. U.S.C. 553(c). 22.925 Prohibition on airborne operation of (a) Basis. These rules are issued pur- cellular telephones. suant to the Communications Act of 22.927–22.943 [Reserved] 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151 et. seq. 22.946 Construction period for Unserved (b) Purpose. The purpose of these Area authorizations. rules is to establish the requirements 22.948 Geographic partitioning and spec- and conditions under which radio sta- trum disaggregation; spectrum leasing. tions may be licensed and used in the 22.949 Unserved Area licensing; minimum Public Mobile Services. coverage requirements. 22.950 Provision of service in the Gulf of [59 FR 59507, Nov. 17, 1994, as amended at 70 Mexico Service Area (GMSA). FR 19307, Apr. 13, 2005] 22.951 [Reserved] 22.953 Content and form of applications for § 22.3 [Reserved] Cellular Unserved Area authorizations. 22.955–22.957 [Reserved] § 22.5 Citizenship. 22.959 Rules governing processing of appli- The rules in this section implement cations for initial systems. section 310 of the Communications Act 22.960 Cellular operations in the Chambers, of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. § 310), in TX CMA (CMA672–A). regard to the citizenship of licensees in 22.961 Cellular licenses subject to competi- the Public Mobile Services. tive bidding. (a) Foreign governments. The FCC will 22.962–22.969 [Reserved] not grant an authorization in the Pub- 22.970 Unacceptable interference to part 90 non-cellular 800 MHz licensees from cel- lic Mobile Services to any foreign gov- lular radiotelephone or part 90–800 MHz ernment or any representative thereof. cellular systems. (b) Alien ownership or control. The 22.971 Obligation to abate unacceptable in- FCC will not grant an authorization in terference. the Public Mobile Services to: 22.972 Interference resolution procedures. (1) Any alien or the representative of 22.973 Information exchange. any alien; 22.983 Field strength limit. (2) Any corporation organized under the laws of any foreign government; Subpart I—Offshore Radiotelephone (3) Any corporation of which more Service than one-fifth of the capital stock is 22.1001 Scope. owned of record or voted by aliens or 22.1003 Eligibility. their representatives or by a foreign 22.1005 Priority of service. government or representative thereof, 22.1007 Channels for offshore radiotelephone or by any corporation organized under systems.
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