OBSERVER Vol. 98 No. 21 March 8, 1991 Page 1 Emergency Forum Meeting Condemns Blum’s Actions [David Wojnarowicz] Tom Hickerson SJB Guidelines Heavily Debated at Forum Meeting Tom Hickerson Dear President Andrea J. Stein Page 2 Library Acquisitions Program Off to a Big Start Melinda Loges Questions Arise Over Party Registration Tanya Panin Computer Center Returns to Henderson Christie Searing Page 3 Stress? Take a Deep Breath Angela Jancius Suicide: A Problem of Isolation and Frustration Kristan Hutchison Page 4 What is This? Bard Campus Relatively Graffiti-free Rebekah Klein “Leave Your Politics at the Door” Tatiana Prowell War Over, But Grief Still Here Greg Giaccio Mental Health System Under Fire Greg Giaccio Page 5 Soviet Studies Club Invites Former Yugoslav Dissident Spandex’s Return ZZYZX (Dave Steinberg) Classifieds and Personals Page 6 Poem of the Week Deaf Falcon’s Screech Rahman Hucker “Timothy the Transvestite Troll” You will probably never rent this movie Matt J. Lee and David Draper Page 7 The cross-country trip that began the sixties Jonathan Miller Page 8 Fencers Take All in Open Tournament Angela Jancius The Week in Sports Page 10 Outlook From the Editor’s Sanctum No One is Above the Law Jason Van Driesche Save Starving Children Greg Giaccio Page 11 Letters The Correct Manifesto Greg Giaccio Answers About the Election Process Lisa Sanger Page 12 Calendar Non-profit Org. U. S. Postage PAID Permit No.1 Bard Annandale-on-Hudson College's You cravvl around underneath houses, Arts, News, you hear things. & Sports Weekly -Alf E111ergency Forutn nteeting condetnns Blutn's actions by Tom Hickerson exhibit," The Bard Observer, Feb. 22). Before the resolution was intro­ The emergency Forum held last duced, a number of its supporters, Thursday, February 28th, brought to including Erin Law, ChristineGobbo, light controversy concerning artist Amy O'Hara, Nina DiNatale and David Wojnarowicz's work, Tuna, Katherine Moog, circulated a peti­ which appeared in the Edith C. Blum tion· which condemned Weintraub Art Institute's show "Art What Thou specifically. It also demanded that Eat: ImagE!SofFood in American Art." the Blum Gallery participate in the A resolution was passed, condemn­ nationwide event, Day Without Art, ingthe actions taken during the open­ ·in the future and sponsor a show ing days of the show at the New York dealing with lesbian and gay issues. Historical Society, with the addition After a meetirig with Weintraub the of one friendly amendment. afternoon before the ~mergency Fo­ The emergency Forum was held ih rum, Lisa Sanger, Dave Rolf and Erin response to the rehanging of Tuna by Law redrafted the original· resolu­ curator Linda Weintraub against the tion, which was similar to the peti­ artist's wishes. Wojnarowicz, who is tion, removing references to issues suffering from AIDS, requested that resolved at the meeting. his piece be taken down after learn­ After the forum was called to or­ Blum Gallery has agreed to participate in the Day Without Art and has formed a ing that his work appeared in the der, Law waived the right to explain "working groupn for gay and lesbian issues. same show as that of artist Mark the resolution in order to yield time Kostabi, who had made several for questions. She and others ex­ Weintraub had explained 'that she gize for her actions. She explained she ordered that the piece homophob~c comments in the June plained at that time why the resolu­ would apologize to Wojnarowicz for that, before 1989 issue of Vanity Fair (see "Contro­ tion had been changed. any "personal pain'' she may have be. rehung, she had consulted with versy rages over former Blum During the afternoon meeting, caused, but that she could not a polo- continued on page 10 SJB Guidelines heavily debated at Forum meeting by Tom Hickerson also established the definition of constitution exactly." "How I rule in a case hinges on what Several parts to a revision to the violation of confidentiality, equating Several objections were made to I hear, on what I think. If people guidelines of the Student Judiciary a breach of confidentiality with "a specific points in the revisions as well. would ask me why I voted the way I Board were voted in, while other parts violation of college social rules, with One included the withholding of vot­ did, I would be jeopardizing the were not carried at the Forum meet­ disciplinary sanctions to be deter­ ing patterns of the SJB members on confidentiality [of the case]." ProfE!S­ ing on March 5. The revision, drafted mined by the SJB." specific cases, which indicate how sor and SJB member Peter Dolan also by SJB Chair Amy Rogers, took up "The SJB has problems with the members voted on ~pecific cases. added, ''To function effectively as a the entire meeting in debate over guidelines that the Forum does not "If you can't take the criticism [for board, [we shouldn't] have to defend several points that it raised. know," said Rogers. "Duetothesmall voting a certain way1, you have no or discuss our vote." SJB member The SJB revisions were brought nature of the college and the way right to be elected," said Christine Nina DiNatale said, ''We should be about by a recent sexual assault case rumors spread ... violation of' confi­ Gobbo. "I need to have a sense of confident about how we vote. We are the SJB handled. Normally, the Sex­ dence [is a paramount concern}." what [the SJB] is doing," said David a small board that decide matters of ual Harassment Board would handle However, Rogers and the SJB were Rolf. "When I elect a person ·to the great importance." the case, but the event occured two severelycriticizedfornotadheringto SJB, I want to know what they're Another part of the resolutions that and a half years ago and the SHB can the rules set forth in the constitution. doing; I think it's fair." was criticized was the proposed only handle cases lE!Ss than six months "[Rogers) has already admitted that Donna Ford, the administrator method of punishing members who old. A sentence of suspension was the SJB have been operating outside currently serving on the SJB, replied violated confidence. Amendments suggested for the accused student, the constitution," said Forum Treas­ but only four members of the board urer Matt}. Lee. "They have taken the voted for the suspension while three rules set forth in the constitution and .,._,v_,...,,... ar Mr. President: voted against. [believe they can] mold it to the way they see fit ... the SJB operates under by Andrea J. Stein This created some confusion among jil;:~~!!!:liJ,... David the members of the SJB, since recent invisible guidelines." I write this the day your announcement that the Gulf War has of the votes on suspension had always been Stein burg added, '1rregardless reached its conclusion, assuming of course that Saddam Hussein and his voted requjred to be unanimous by Rogers. fact that [therE!Solution] is being forces maintain a cease fire and meet the conditions set forth by you and However, it was pointed out by on, these rules have been u:;ed before by the United Nations. Although I have yet to be wholly convinced that the Rogers that unanimous decisions for the vote was taken, which is a breach war is genuinely over, for the moment, I am relieved that the violence has conduct." suspensions were not clearly stipu­ of proper ended, and that the majority of the predictions regarding the length and de­ lated in the constitution and that, SJB member Greg Donovan complexity of this war have proved quite exaggerated. I now have a new "Our according to the constitution, a nor­ fended the SJB' s actions, saying fear, however. mal majority vote would uphold the job is to make the constitution While bombs were being dropped and guns being fired, more and more ruling of suspension. work. .. the SJB is worried about very Americans were up in arms (no pun intended) about our military actions, The resolution clarified this point explicit terms. We operate from the if not our presence itself, in the Persian Gulf. There were questions as to the what's up. by requiring that votes for suspen­ rules and find the spirit of justification and justness of the war, questions which I believe were not sion or expulsion be unanimous. It We don't ne~d to follow the continued on page 11 ....' Questions arise over party registration by Tanya Panin point her friends,and consulted some Ebner decided to secretly move the members of the Central Committee party to Seymour in her attempt to A party at Seymour last Friday, as to what she should do. Secretary "rile up" the administration. But she February22 was apparently unregis­ of the Forum Lisa Sanger and Stu­ now regrets disregarding adminis­ tered. Shannon Ebner, who spon­ dent Life Chair Olivier te Boekhorst trative policy because she admits, '1 sored the event, said that it was origi­ decided to call the Dean of Students, didn't know what I was getting into." nally scheduled to occur at Robbins, Shelley Morgan. Because of the legal drinking age of but eventually wasn't registered Sariger asked Morgan to clarify the New York State, all events must be because she failed to complete the reasons the party could not go on, registered in case something happens paperwork on time. She cited a and if a non-alcoholic dance party during a party. ''The college could misunderstanding about some terms could occur instead in Robbins. have gotten in a lot of trouble," she of the Social Eve.nt Registration Form, According to Sanger, Morgan reiter­ says "and lost money if someone got issued by Beth Frumkin, as reason ated what Frumkin had told Ebner hurt.
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