y m \/ ALICE ARM AND ANYOX, BRITISH COLUMBIA V All the Mining $2.50 a Year News of the Alice Arm and Northern Anyox. $2.75 to B. C. Coast THE HERALD all other points. The Herald Brings Results to Advertisers VOL. 4, NO. 44 ALICE ABM, B. C, SATURDAY, MAT 9, 1925 5 cents each. Mine Club's CarnivalAnyox Rifle Associa­ Two Ore Shipments Football Season OpensAlice Arm Logging Dance Was Big tion Re-organize From Esperanza In Anyox Camps Operating to Affair First Shoot is Organized Outlook at the Mine is Good Mine and Smelter Draw 0-0 Capacity Will Operate All Season Melodians Make a Hit The Annual General Meeting of The Esperanza mine made an­ What promises to be the most The logging camp of Eric Carl­ the Anyox Rifle Association, was other shipment of low grade ore to successful season in the history of Another brilliant suooess for the son is now operating full blast, held in the Recreation Hall, on Anyox last week, when eighty tons football in Anyox, was opened Mine Club was recorded on Mon­ and fifty men are employed. The May 1st. was loaded on a scow and shipped Tuesday evening, when the Mine day evening, when the boys enter­ first train load of logs was brought The officers elected for the en­ to Anyox smelter. On Monday and Smelter teams opposed each tained a huge gathering at their out of the woods on Wednesday, suing year were: Hon-President, 176 sacks of high grade ore was other. A good crowd of enthusi­ "May Day Carnival Dance." and a steady stream has been com­ J. B. Haffner; President, L. F. loaded on the Cardena for treat­ astic supporters of both teams Novelty was the keynote of the ing out during the balance of the Champion; Range Captain, Geo. ment at Anyox. were out to witness the tussle, and affair, reflected in all details, the week. The logs taken out now Warwick; Secretary-Treasurer, Prospects at the mine for future they were treated to a good dis­ decorative scheme of the hall being are at the extreme north end of G. E. Lace; Executive Committee, shipments are exceedingly bright, play of football. While it was the symbolic of the Spirit of Carnival, the Abbotsford Logging • Co's J. Pottinger, D. Cavalier, and the states N. Fraser, who with C. Lee, first game of the season, the boys and recalling the famous May Day limits, and is over one mile from above mentioned officers. have a lease on the property. De­ went along in mid-season form celebration of our younger days. the camp. The next move will be Mr. L. F. Champion, presented tails, however, would not be given playing clean football, at all times. From a background of green, towards the Illiance river. three buttons, gold, silver and for publication at this time, but The game finished a scoreless bright colors radiated from all It is estimated that enough bronze, to be worn by the three from reliable sources, it is said that draw, which is a fair indication of directions, centering upon a giant timber is available to operate this members who put up the best the Esperanza has a big surprise the play, although both sides came May-pole, that completely covered season, and it is possible that other scores in open competition each in store. within an ace of scoring on more the rear wall of the hall. The week. Mr. J. J. Beckett, the re­ than one occasion, the smelter timber will be taken over, which scent of the open forest was in the tiring president, who is very team netting the ball twice, but will guarantee operations for an­ atmosphere, caused by masses of keen ou rifle shooting has offered to Surprise Birthday Party at both goals were disallowed. Play­ other year or two. fir and cedar branches, that had put up three medals, gold, silver Anyox ers new to the game in Anyox, An overflow of water from the been gathered from Hastings Arm, and bronze, for the three best showed up well on both teams, as Kitsault river, is commencing to and placed in artistic arrangement aggregate scores for the season. A very pleasant evening was did also the old standbys, who still impede operations, and this mat­ around the walls. From these a Both competitions subject to rules spent at the home of Mrs, C. E. have a kick or two left in them. ter is being taken in hand. One whimsical effect. was produced by to be laid down and passed by the Leslie, when a number of her The game was ably handled by dam and perhaps more will be con­ strings of roses entwined among committee. friends surprised her with a birth­ Referee Evans, who held the play structed to turn the overflow and the branches. Tbe balcony was a day party. During the evening keep it from flooding the flats at Following are the scores made in hand at all times. \ picture long to be remembered, and Mrs. Leslie was presented with a the north end. on the range, on May 3rd. The class of football displayed ii ' the Club's reputation for decora­ gold wrist watch, and her numer­ B. 0. Cutler 178 this game compares favorably with J. O. Trethewey commenced to tive ability gained another notch - .-Oeo. Lace 178 ous friends wish herKnany happy senior teams in the big towns pull logs out of the woods this up the ladder of fame. Thus the Mrs. W. A. McTaggart 166 . returns. south, and deserves the whole week. He has around 15 men em­ spirit of the affair immediately D. Cavalier 163 hearted support of the people of ployed, which makes over 60 men caught the dancers, from their W.Adams 162 Geo. B. Warwick 161 Anyox, especially by their attend­ now living at the camp. entrance into the hall, until the L. P. Champion 149 ance at the games. last strains of the home waltz had ANYOX NOTES The new government road is in J.J.Beckett 130 The teams lined up as follows: died out. Yet, perhaps the happi­ Miss B. Champion 71 excellent condition for walking Smelter: goal; Leake, Backs est surprise of the evening, was Miss Champion shot at one target ; and a visit to the spar tree of Eric Mr. J. M. Pinder-Moss, of Prince Wardrope, McConachie. H. Backs: the success of the Mine Club's Carlson is well worth the time Rupert, was an arrival in town on Mitchell, Buntain, J. Kirkland. own orchestra. Now firmly spent. The ease and swiftness in Anyox Port Shipping Thursday. Forwards: Dewar, Matheson, established, and known as "The handling the big sticks is a source Powell, Campbell, S. Kirkland. Melodians" the boys handled the Mrs. Eokley of the Mine, left on of wonder to those not acquainted Keeps Busy Mine: Goal; Halverson. Backs: programme in a manner worthy Thursday's boat, on an extended with up-to-date logging methods. S. Stewart, Rynn, H. Backs: of old timers, introducing many of S. S. Griffco arrived from the vacation in the south. Gilmore, Anderson, Cane. For­ the very newest numbers, together south on Sunday morning, with Mr. V. Cruickshank was a pass­ wards: Hunter, Jacques, Bob Alice Arm Tennis Club with an old favorite once in a 1500 tons of coking coal, 2,000 enger south on Thursday, for Van Stewart, Peters, Jack. while, that was played just at the cases of powder and 100 tons Hold Meeting couver. Referee: J. Evans. right time. Encores were numer­ general freight. ous, many of the dances being re­ Dick Bredenburg, well known in A meeting of the members of S. S. Mogul arrived from Stew­ peated for the fourth and fifth Alice Ann and Anyox, left on the Alice Arm Tennis Club was art 8 a.m. on Sunday, with 3,000 Mr. J. Graham Returns With time. Congratulations came from Monday for the Cassiar country, held in the Anglican Church last tons of Premier ore and concen­ Bride to Alice Arm From all sides, not the least pleasing be­ where he will have charge of a Saturday evening. President Al. trates. She loaded 250 tons of ing from the leader of the Elks' road tractor for the government, New Zealand Falconer was chairman. copper here and left for Tacoma at Orchestra, who, having danced during road building operations. The financial position of the 2 p.m. Mr. Jack Graham, an old resi­ every number, came up and per­ Club was reviewed. Owing to the S. S. Marmion, towing the soow J. A. Stephens, district govern­ dent of Alice Arm, and well sonally voiced his pleasure at the heavy expense entailed this year in Pioneer, left for Stewart at 7 p.m. ment engineer, left on Monday for known in the northern coast newly formed orchestra up on the preparing the court, it was decid­ on Monday. the Cassiar country in connection towns, arrived home on Thursday ed that the following membership hill. with the departmental work. He from a six month's trip to New The Griffco left for Stewart 8 fees would be charged: Adults Friends from the beach were will be absent a month. Zealand, accompanied hf a bride. p.m. on Wednesday, calling at $10.00, Children $2.50 for a sea­ present iu large numbers. The wedding was solemnized at Maple Bay with powder. Miss Eileen Stephens, of Prince sons ticket. Visiting members to Auckland, New Zealand, on Tues­ Rupert, arrived in town last Mon be charged $1.00 per week.
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