PLANETARIAN Journal of the International Planetarium Society Vol. 26, No.3, September 1997 Articles 5 Projections from Gallatin .................................................... Gary Likert 10 How Thinking Goes Wrong ....................................... Michael Shermer 17 Astronomy Link - A Beginning ........................................ Jim Manning 21 14th International Planetarium Conference ................................ IPS'98 Features 26 Opening the Dome .............................................................. Jon U. Bell 29 Planetarium Memories .........., .................................. Kenneth E. Perkins 31 Planetechnica: Shoestring Wire Management ......... Richard McColman 34 Forum ................................................................................. Steve Tidey 39 Book Reviews .................................................................. April S. Whitt 45 Mobile News Network ...................................................... Sue Reynolds 47 ',X/hat's New ...................................................................... Jim Manning 51 Gibbous Gazette ......................................................... Christine Shupla 53 Regional Roundup ............................................................ Lars Broman 58 President's Message ....................................................... Thomas Kraupe 62 Jane's Corner .................................................................... Jane Hastings " l1,c ZKPJ ;'\' jalltastic ... It IJrojec/x Ih e 11/ 0 0 1/ phases wilh (l rea/ism I 'lel 'a kllew Iw .'is ihle ;11 a plalletarium. l Is .wllIller sh e opells lip Ih e .~ k)' 11111£'1, beller for III tl1l)' .\'/lldellis. I dOl/ 't have to 1I'0r,)' about poillliug Ollt Sirius. all(/ 1I(1I1iug IIlI(f l /i e cla .~s flllable (() see ",/t al I 'm PO ;U(;Uf.: to . .. •J ;/11 lJ eaber. IJira lur Robel" II. j O/I1I .WJII P/a ll elllrill lll l.llkew()(}(/. C% rtul" ln~lallC'tI in ktli:r:-on Count) SdlOUI Di..,tr1ct", Rohl..'TI 1-1 . John ... on Planetariulll in 19lJ5. the ZKPJ Skyma~ll'r projector from Zci ....... hOI!'> exceeded Jim Beaber· ... C'xpectation:.. J)c ... igncd (0 fit new or exi:.ling dome :-.i/(" of 1610 36 fccLlhe Z KPJ i:-. small in diIl1CIl!'>iu lls. btl! vcr:-.a­ tile in performance. II :. ~\;lrtkld will projC'cl 0\ cr 7000 :-'\<1["'''' and can be cu\101ll (ksigncd 10 (,1I"'- IO lller speci fication..;. Control desk and (,.'()m pUl er aut()1l1:lliotl an: pan of Ih ... ba:-.ic ..;y:-.I ... Ill . The ZKP3· Quality performance. Compact & versat ile. For morl' information ahout the S k~ ' nHls t e r ZKPJ. the Star master Z ~ II'. or Uninrsa ri um ~ I V III l',1I1 P(,<lrl Reill y at ~EILER 1-800-726-8805. I N S TFlUIVIE NT Zeiss. Seeillg is Believillg. 170 E Kirkham Ave , St. LOUIS, MO 63119. N ew Orlean s Sales Office:1-BOO-726-BB05 Fax:504- 764- 7665 em ail:[email protected] Planetarian. USN 0090-3213) SOciety. ©1997, International Planetarium SOciety, Inc., authors are opinions are not ne<:es~>artly ctarium Society. its officers, or agents. ad,rert1s{:m(~nt:s, rurlnC)UI1lCeXnexlts, material does not endorsement agents. The Editor welcomes items for consideration for pUI::lUc:atlon. Se tern "Guidelines for Contributors" on page 56 this issue Editor reserves the right to edit any manuscript to suit this pulbli(~atiion E Hansen Planetarium 15 South State Street Salt Lake Utah USA 801-531-4949 (1) 801-531-4948 fax two years annual renewal one year L ................. " ..... LJ ....... r-, •• Planetarium P.O. Box 1480 Jon U. Bell )llen1:r.u! the Koc:nes:ter, New York 14603 USA Lars Broman Available from: Charlene Oukes Jane G. 1-1..,. ",1-,;-.-. ri''''' Jane's \,;c.rnler IPS Back Publications ""'-~-'V"JJ'"'''''' ................... AU.'L4Ar-, ... Planetarium P.O. Box 1480 J:{Q(:he~;ter, New York 14603 USA Jim .......................... ,.£"> A cumulative index of major articles that have What's New r\r<L:>'",-,>rI in the Planetarian from the first issue through the current issue is available on paper Kenneth Perkins Planetarium Memories ($12 ppd) or disk ($5 ppd) from the Exec. Editor. Intern onal Plane o W de e: h su site.unc.e ps Vol. Plane tar ian President Execu.tive Secr@~tacrv Historlan/Photo~A.rchivist ThornasVV. Kraupe Lee Ann Hennig. Planetari'um John Hare EuroPlaNet @ imagicX Thomas Jefferson High School Ash F.nb·r..... ri"'p'" Rumfordstr. 41 6560 Braddock Road 3602 VVest D-80469 Muenchen (Munich) Alexandria. Virginia 22312 USA Bradenton, Florida 34205 USA Gennany (1) 703-750-8380 (1) 941-746-3522 +49 89 21031531 (1) 703-750-5010 fax (1) 941-750-9497 fax +49 89 21031532 fax [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer and Membership Pu.blications Chair President Elect Ch.air April VVhitt Dale Smith Shawn Laatsch Fernbank Science Center Planetarium Arthur Storer Planetarium 156 Heaton Park Drive NE Physics & Astronomy Dept. 600 Dares Beach Road Atlanta. Georgia 30307 USA Bowling Green State University Prince Frederick, MD 20678 (1) 404-378-4314 ext 221 Bowling Green. OH 43403 USA USA (1) 404-370-1336 fax (1) 419-372-8666 (1) 410-535-7339 april. whitt@fernbankedu (1) 419-372-9938 fax [email protected] [email protected] Elections Committee Chairman 1998 Conference Chair Steven Mitch Past President Undine Concannon Benedum Natural Science Jim Manning Planetarium Administrator Center Taylor Planetarium London Planetarium Oglebay Park Museum of the Rockies Marylebone Road Wheeling, VVV 26003 USA Bozeman Montana 59717 USA London NW 1 5LR (1) 304-243-4034 (1) 406-994-6874 England (1) 304-243-4110 fax (1) 406-994-2682 fax (44) 171-486-1121 72467.2051 @compuserve.com [email protected] (44) 171-465-0862 fax conference: June 28 - July 2 I .. Association of French-Speaking (81) 3-3396-4391 RtUlsian P~metalriu:m$ As:!ilo<~:i.a·Uon Planetariums pumeUU'lwn Association (81) 3-3396-4393 fax Zinaida P. Sitkova Agnes Acker Dennis Simopoulos [email protected] No'vr!o:rod Planetarium Planetarium Strasbourg Eugenides Planetarium Polsl1ycllinsky SYezd 5-A Universite Louis Pasteur Syngrou Avenue-Amfithea Middle Atlantic Planetarium Society Nmrf1.Drod.603 Rue de L'Observatoire Athens. Greece Laura Deines 6700 Strasbourg. France (30) 1-941-1181 Southworth Planetarium fax 33-388 212042 (30) 1-941-7372 fax PO Box 9300 33-388 212045 fax [email protected]. Portland. Maine 04104-9300 (1) 207-780-4249 Southeastern P1l;lne,taE~iuJn Assoc. of Mexican Planetariums Great Lakes Planetarium Assoc. (l) 207-780-4051 fax John Hare Ignacio Castro Pinal Susan Reynolds [email protected] Ash VntF'Tnri'''PQ Museo Technologico C.F.E. Onondaga-Cortland -Madison 3602 West Apartado Postal 18-816 B.O.C.E.S. Planetarium Nordic Planetarium Association Bradenton, Florida 34205 CP 11870 Mexico City. D.F. Mexico P.O. Box 4774 Lars Broman 941-746-3522 (52) 55-16-13-57 Syracuse. New York 13221 USA Broman Planetarium 941-750-9497 fax (52) 55-16-55-20 fax (1) 315-433-2671 Ostra 1 (1) 315-433-1530 fax 3-791 71 Sweden British Assoc. of Planetariums [email protected] (46) 2310 177 Southwestern AsS04ciatioin Undine Concannon (46) 2310 137 (fax) Planetariums London Planetarium Great Plains Planetarium Assoc. [email protected] Marlybone Road April Whitten. Business Mgr. London NWI 5LR. England Mallory Kountze Planetarium 200 52nd St. (44) 171-487-0227 60th & Dodge Streets Oklahoma OK (44) 171-465-0862 fax Omaha. Nebraska 68182 USA Pacific Planetarium Assolclati(l~n (1) work (1) 402-554-2510 Jon Elvert (1) 405-424-5106 fax Canadian Council of Science (1) 402-554-3100 Lane ESD Planetarium wayne. [email protected] Centres [email protected] 2300 Leo Harris John Dickenson. Managing Director Eugene. Oregon USA Uknmian Pla,netalriUlm.$ Pacific Science Centre Italian Planetaria's Friends Assoc. (1) 541-461-8227 Dr. Alexander Lenin 1100 Chestnut St. Loris Ramponi (1) 541-687-6459 fax !{elJut)lic:aA Planetarium Vancouver. BC V6J 3J9 Canada National Archive of Planetaria [email protected] Krasnoarmeiskaia 604-738-7817 ex 234 c/o Centro studi e ncerche Serafmo http://www.efn.org/-esd-p1f/ Kiev 252 005, Ukraine 604-736-5665 fax Zani 227-51-66 [email protected] via Bosca 24. CP 104 Mountain Planetarium 227-51-43 fax 25066 Lumezzane (Brescia), Italy Council of German Planetariums (39) 30 298 3686 John R. Peterson. RMPA President Prof.Dr. Dieter B. Herrmann (39) 30370 1048 fax EI Paso ISD Planetarium Zeiss-Grossplanetarium Berlin 6531 Boeing Dr. Prenzlauer Allee 80 Planetarium Society El Paso. Texas 79925 USA D-10405 Berlin. Germany ltoh (1) 915-779-4316 +49-30-42184512 Suginami Science Education Center 0) 915-779-4098 fax +49-30-4251252 fax 3-3-13 Shimizu. Suginami-ku. [email protected] Tokyo 167 Japan Produced at the Griffith Observatory, Los aLAI........... '"', California tp://w 4 • • • motions of the heavens. J I I I I Theater of the Fantastic. That's how I char­ finally decided that Christmas 1996 was the acterize what has come to pass in a strange time. The dome described below was circular chamber behind a barn and other than the Star Theater toy of pla,nerarLUIJ(l, I had nothing with which to fantastic memory - of dreams out generate even test star images. One of the to touch me instead of the other way I had worried about was a around. After 30 years of dreaming ... and larj~e-€m(mgh hole in the southern pole to Home Planetarium Association members get a light assembly in. I had no eXl:>erien<:e worldwide me I can do this I metal. My father-in-law suggested have done it, my friends. I have created my the solution that was very simple: a cone own world, no, my own little universe. It is built. The thing is done. I have you to thank. I lay tonight in a darkened room! Mozart After 30 years of /:!I'''",',;::jWlli''Ill plays dreamily as the multi-hued sky above members worldwide telling me I can sports a blaZing, hazed yellow sun. As the friends. I have created my own music swells, this vision disappears, to be replaced by a fantastic A town faintly on the northern horizon, with shaped grinding stone on an electric drm phosphorescent barns and farmland to the shaft.
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