lletin THE ORDER OF THE FOUNDERS AND PATRIOTS OF AMERICA Vol. LXXXVI, No. 1 Spring 2012 Whole No. L88 Founders of Early American Families Second Revised Edition by Meredith B. Colket, Jr. Revision Editor - Keith M. Sheldon published The original 370-page edition of Founders of Early American Families, 3,300 male in t975,was sold out rapidly. lt contained historical information about some 1657' heads of families who emigrated to the 13 original colonies from 1607 to was The Revised Edition of 468 pages, published in 1985, also sold out, about reprinted in 1993 and has been out of print since 1999. lt featured data on of America' 4,400 emigrants - plus a history of The Order of the Founders and Patriots of where eligibility requirements, a roster of current members, an interesting discussion residences that e.ily coionists came from, illustrations of prominent colonists and early genealogical may be visited today, data on Coats of Arms and a valuable guide to further resea rch. names The new Second Revised Edition of 491' pages contains 90 more Founder plus all of the Founder family data in the 1985 Edition, a roster of current members' Order' Governors, General Officers and a list of all past Governors General of the to Family historians and genealogists will find this book an invaluable addition their library. lt is priced at s35.00. includins shippine and handling' Please use the form below or place your order online at www'FoundersPatriots'org Founders Book c/o John Bourne 31.649 Shaker Blvd Pepper Pike OH 44t24-5t56 Please forward copies of the Second Revised Edition' Enclosed is my check for $- made payable to "Founders Book" NAME ADDRESS CITY sTATE_zlP %lbtin Spring 2012 Vol. LXXXVI, No. L Journal of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America The Bulletin, published semi-annually by: The General Court of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America Subscriptions: Corurururs Non-members are 510 per year Associates are prepaid by annual dues. Governor General's Message 4 Editorial Deadlines: 116th General Court 6 February L5'h for the Spring issue August 15'h for the Fall issue New Associates 10 Articles, poetry, activity reports Necrology tI and photographs from Associates are welcome. JQA FounO.Oon 72 13 Please send editorial materials to: Merchandise Stephen P. Shaw News from the Societies !7 PO Box77 Cheste[ CT 06412 Visiti ng Ancestra I Homes 26 ste p h e n @ wh o isth eo I d guy. co m Officers of the Order 28 Send changes of address to: DanielWarren Officers of the Societies 29 1512 Steuben Road Gloucester Point, VA 23062 dwarrenmd @cox.net www. Fou ndersPatriots.org Dear Fellow Associates our heritage it would seem to follow that we should cherish our neighbors' personal liberty ln an essay presented to the Annual Meeting as much as we do our own. This is the faith of of the New York Society OFPA in 1968, Burleigh our Declaration of lndependence. lt is implicit Cushing Rodick, noted, that "as men and in our Bill of Rights, and explicit in our oath of Associates of our Order, we are representative national allegiance. of a colorful age, who should never forget Sir Walter Raleigh, who was our real founder and Second: This means that no national group whose spirit still dwells among us." Raleigh should be permitted to use its powers in such established the first English settlement at a way as to subvert the liberties of any other Roanoke 1584. We know that he was a valiant group. fighter for English and against the Spanish Armada in 1588. Far in advance of his age, Third: One of the bases of our Anglo-American he pleaded for representative government, culture is our Christian heritage, lt was the faith separation of church and state and universal of Raleigh and Roger Williams and Jefferson suffrage. ln his opposition to the Stuart army and Lincoln" he was also a humanistic philosopher, After his long confinement in the Tower of London, he "Fourth: The study of our Anglo-American was finally informed that the day had been set heritage should always make us conscious of for his execution. He replied: "The world itself the fact that history is the study of that other' is but a large prison from which some are daily living whom we call the dead, and that nothing called for execution." in the past is alien to' him who would seek to understand how the present came to be what And in his jail cell, before his execution, he it is. wrote in his bible: Last of all: lf we are to be artists in human Even such is Time that takes in trust' relations, and I imagine that is the great art of Our youth, ourjoys, our all we have, life, doubtless we should never wholly despair And pays us but with age and dust, of our human condition and the way it evolves. Who in the dark and silent grave "ln the moral world we are ourselves the light When we have wandered all our waYs bearers, and the cosmic process is in us made Shuts up the story of our daYs; flesh. For a brief space it is granted to us, if we But from this earth, this grave, this dust, will, to enlighten the darkness that surrounds My God shall raise me uP, I trust. our path. As in the ancient torch race, which seemed to Lucretius to be the symbol of all Finally, Mr, Rodick stated, "it seems to me life, we press forward, torch in hand, along that we should ask ourselves how we may be the course. Soon from behind comes the worthy of our great Anglo-American heritage. runner who will outpace us. All our skill lies in He suggested the following: giving into his hand the living torch, bright and unflickering, as we ourselves disappear in the First: To the extent that we profess faith in darkness. 4 Soon our Order will meet for General Court in patriots, The sources of the wood are from Chicago. We suspect it will be similar to, and as those sites still alive and vibrant. May all who successful as was, the SUCCESS OF THE FIRST wield this gavel feel the summation of history ANNUAL DINNER OF THE ORDER as reported that he holds in his hand. in the New York Times of !897, where it was reported that 'A Very Large Attendance of ln May, this gavel will call the Chicago General Prominent Men held the first annual banquet Court to Orde[ and it will be passed over to the ofthe Order ofthe Founders and Patriots next in line to receive the highest position of of America, given at the Hotel Manhattan. honor of our Order. The banquet hall of the hotel was filled to its utmost capacity, More than 200 persons, Leadership is fleeting. Leadership's duty is members of the Order and their guests, sat to pass our torch, with respect, to the next down to one of the most elegant and elaborate generation of those who voluntarily accept dinners ever given in this citY". the Offices of responsibility. Such gentlemanly conduct is the rightful expectation of those The Organizing Committee of Associates, newly elected. preparing for the May 2012 General Court in Chicago, are to be congratulated for their It is the hope of this officer that the spirit of Sir Dutiful acceptance of responsibility. Walter Raleigh, the admonitions of Mr, Rodick, ("to be worthy of our great Anglo-American At an earlier General Court, past Governor heritage "), the enthusiasm of that very first General Burk O. Barker; unveiled the gavel that OFPA Annual Dinner in New York City and now "Presides" over all official General Order the enduring symbolism of our Order's Gavel Leadership assemblies. will rest as gently and fit as well with today's Associates as has it has done in the past. He told how he had worked pieces of historic wood into the case and gavel, now in use Lastly, it is an honor to express great by Governors General. He said "l think it is a appreciation to those Officers and Gentlemen worthy instrument to call my fellow associates who have so graciously supported the efforts of to order, this group of patriots who share such General Officers. a treasured heritage. Like the associates called to order, this gavel and case embodies all of the With kindest regards, strict elements of "belonging." The gavel itself Tommy dates from the period when our forefathers Thomas M. Leland, MD, PhD were. as John Quincy Adams decreed, the real Governor Genera I 2OL0-2012 pioneers. The case containing the gavel came from the period of time of the shot heard 'round the world. The crosses inlaid in the top ofthe case are representative ofthat period of time and place where great leaders came to unburden themselves of the travail. It is to be hoped that our associates are living embodiment of all things held dear by all true Exposition of 1893. Chicago was the center of mobster action (including Al Capone) during the "Roaring Twenties." Then the Century of Progress World's Fair of L933-1934 celebrated the city's centennial. Despite being founded more than 200 years after the landing of the Mayflower (1620) and the Winthrop Fleet (1"630), Chicago has plenty of interesting history of its own to be explored. The General Court Committee looks forward to providing a memorable visit for all who attend. The historic and centrally-located Union League Club will be the site of the 116th General Established in 1879, the Union League Club is Court when it convenes in Chicago, lllinois, on located in the heart of downtown Chicago, five Friday, May 25,20L2.
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