81651 PRINTED BY HAMPSHIRE PRINTING SERVICES 01962 870099 81651 PRINTED BY HAMPSHIRE PRINTING SERVICES leaflet. unable to accept any responsibility for accident or loss resulting from the information within this this within information the from resulting loss or accident for responsibility any accept to unable Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this leaflet, Hampshire County Council is is Council County Hampshire leaflet, this of preparation the in taken been has care every Whilst Small Grants Scheme. The routes described have been put forward by the Parish Council. Council. Parish the by forward put been have described routes The Scheme. Grants Small Disclaimer: Published by Denmead Parish Council, Hampshire County Council through the the through Council County Hampshire Council, Parish Denmead by Published Disclaimer: located in the region of Poitou-Charentes, France. Poitou-Charentes, of region the in located OS Explorer Map No.119 covers this area this covers No.119 Map Explorer OS Denmead is twinned with St Georges Le Baillargeaux, Baillargeaux, Le Georges St with twinned is Denmead above number or visit www.hants.gov.uk/countryside visit or number above than the already mild south Hampshire region. Hampshire south mild already the than please contact Hampshire County Council on the the on Council County Hampshire contact please also enjoys a climate of non-extremes even more variable variable more even non-extremes of climate a enjoys also For further information on access to the countryside countryside the to access on information further For Sitting within the meteorologists’ “Solent bowl”, Denmead Denmead bowl”, “Solent meteorologists’ the within Sitting 0845 603 5636 603 0845 Centre Information holdings but with established stabling and riding facilities. facilities. riding and stabling established with but holdings Hampshire County Council County Hampshire village remains surrounded by agricultural mostly mixed mixed mostly agricultural by surrounded remains village National Park to the north and east. For the most part the the part most the For east. and north the to Park National www.hants.gov.uk/maps/paths of Bere to the south and west and the South Downs Downs South the and west and south the to Bere of Rights of Way Maps on-line: on-line: Maps Way of Rights proximity to significant remnants of the historic Forest Forest historic the of remnants significant to proximity Cycling in Hampshire: www.hants.gov.uk/cycling Hampshire: in Cycling many of the benefits of a post-rural community with its its with community post-rural a of benefits the of many education and community facilities as well as retaining retaining as well as facilities community and education Walking in Hampshire: www.hants.gov.uk/walking Hampshire: in Walking valued aspects of modern urban living including health, health, including living urban modern of aspects valued Countryside Information Countryside The village could be said to encompass many of the most most the of many encompass to said be could village The out recently. out upgrade to the adjacent Church Hall has also been carried carried been also has Hall Church adjacent the to upgrade plus your normal cost to send a text. a send to cost normal your plus to accommodate a growing congregation, and a major major a and congregation, growing a accommodate to a space and then the bus service number. It costs 25p, 25p, costs It number. service bus the then and space a window surrounds. The church was extended in the 1990s 1990s the in extended was church The surrounds. window specific bus service text the bus stop code followed by by followed code stop bus the text service bus specific is constructed of flint with brick quoins and Bath stone stone Bath and quoins brick with flint of constructed is times of the next 3 buses from that stop. To pick a a pick To stop. that from buses 3 next the of times The parish possesses a parish church, “All Saints” which which Saints” “All church, parish a possesses parish The txt4times – Text the bus stop code to 84268 to get get to 84268 to code stop bus the Text – txt4times close as it became filled with more modern properties. properties. modern more with filled became it as close an hour, Mon-Sat daytime Mon-Sat hour, an and Barn Green. It has become more densely packed and and packed densely more become has It Green. Barn and 45/45A to Waterlooville and on to Portsmouth twice twice Portsmouth to on and Waterlooville to 45/45A hamlets of Worlds End, Furzeley, Anmore, Denmead Mill Mill Denmead Anmore, Furzeley, End, Worlds of hamlets www.firstgroup.com was once a widely dispersed village which included the the included which village dispersed widely a once was 3353 9286 023 Services Bus First the new parish of All Saints, Denmead in 1880. Denmead Denmead 1880. in Denmead Saints, All of parish new the Denmead achieved its own identity with the creation of of creation the with identity own its achieved Denmead www.traveline.info www.traveline.info Originally part of the ecclesiastical parish of Hambledon, Hambledon, of parish ecclesiastical the of part Originally 2233 200 0871 Traveline traces of this period can still be found. be still can period this of traces Public Transport Public Its roots as a village stretch back to the Middle Ages and and Ages Middle the to back stretch village a as roots Its levels of increase in the future. future. the in increase of levels www.denmeadparishcouncil.co.uk continuing development pressures, retain more moderate moderate more retain pressures, development continuing has increased sharply in recent years but should, despite despite should, but years recent in sharply increased has Waterlooville PO7 6LU PO7 Waterlooville E Denmead The population, currently standing at approximately 7000, 7000, approximately at standing currently population, The Denmead, and is part of the City of Winchester district. district. Winchester of City the of part is and xploring Lane, School Hambledon Parish. It is some 1215 hectares (4000 acres) acres) (4000 hectares 1215 some is It Parish. Hambledon T The Old School, Old The created in 1932 from the lower southern end of of end southern lower the from 1932 in created he civil parish of Denmead, in its current form, was was form, current its in Denmead, of parish civil he Denmead Parish Council, Parish Denmead Welcome to Denmead to Welcome Parish/Town Council (and further copies of this leaflet) this of copies further (and Council Parish/Town Useful Contacts Useful Enjoying the countryside Using local paths Maintaining rights of way Hampshire boasts an extremely rich and diverse Many rights of way cross private land, and we ask you countryside and an extensive network of public paths to bear this in mind by keeping to the path and being which provide a range of opportunities for enjoying the responsible when using them. There are four types, as Hampshire County Council: great outdoors. Rights of way are linear routes, often shown on the map key; please check which paths you are ancient trackways through deep countryside;paths on therebulls) are certain (including entitled to use (for example, cyclists cannot use footpaths). • Ensures that rights of over 3,000 miles of these in Hampshire. The map in this • Should not keep dangerous animals Wheelchairs, pushchairs and dogs are allowed on all types way are not obstructed leaflet may also show access to other areas of land, such as • Should not plough paths at field edges of right of way. Any permissive paths or areas marked are • Maintains the surface in a commons, woodland, recreation grounds or conservation not rights of way, but the landowner has given permission deter use of them of use deter fit condition for its areas, and your Parish Council may know of guided for the public to use them. • Should not obstruct paths or intended use walks or events. Many people will be able to reach the To ensure that the countryside is protected for future countryside within a few hundred yards of home and the • Maintain most stiles and gates • Maintains some bridges generations be sure to: plants, trees and views along the same paths often change or planting crops crops planting or • Signposts and waymarks dramatically through the seasons. We hope that this • Be safe – wear suitable clothing and shoes and • Reinstate paths across fields after ploughing paths leaflet will encourage you to explore and enjoy your local take care when crossing roads countryside. vegetation overhanging • Authorises stiles and • Plan ahead and follow any signs • Keep back side growth and gates • Leave gates and property as you find them and • Consider other people • Keeps the definitive map Landowners: take your litter home up to date • Protect plants and animals • Keep dogs under close control • Keep dogs under close control• Protect plants and animals date to up take your litter home home litter your take Landowners: map • Keeps the definitive find them and you • Consider other people • Leave gates and property as gates • Keep back side growth and signs any • Plan ahead and follow countryside. • Authorises stiles and overhanging vegetation leaflet will encourage you to explore and enjoy your local local your enjoy and explore to you encourage will leaflet take care when crossing roads crossing when care take paths • Reinstate paths across fields after ploughing dramatically through the seasons. We hope that this this that hope We seasons. the through dramatically • Be safe – wear suitable clothing and shoes and • Signposts and waymarks or planting crops plants, trees and views along the same paths often change change often paths same the along views and trees plants, generations be sure to: to: sure be generations countryside within a few hundred yards of home and the the and home of yards hundred few a within countryside • Maintains some bridges • Maintain most stiles and gates To ensure that the countryside is protected for future future for protected is countryside the that ensure To walks or events.
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