Initial Environmental Examination Document Stage: Draft Project Number: 41603-024 May 2017 IND: Bihar Urban Development Investment Program — Bhagalpur Water Supply Phase 2 (BWSP2) Subproject Prepared by Urban Development and Housing Department, Government of Bihar for the Asian Development Bank. This draft initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 8 May 2017) Currency Unit = INR INR1.00 = $ 0.0155 $1.00 = INR 64.32 ABBREVIATIONS ADB — Asian Development Bank AP — affected person ASI — Archaeological Survey of India BOQ — bill of quantity BPL — below poverty line BSPCB — Bihar State Pollution Control Board BUDIP — Bihar Urban Development Investment Program BUIDCo — Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation BMC — Bihar Municipal Corporation CBO — community-based organization CBD — central business district CDTA — Capacity Development Technical Assistance CSD — cutter section dredger CTE — Consent to Establish CTO — Consent to Operate CGWB — Central Ground Water Board CPCB — Central Pollution Control Board CPHEEO — Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering CWR — cleaOrganizationr water re servoir DBO — design build and operate DFO — Divisional Forest Officer DLAO — District Land Acquisition Officer DSC — design and supervision consultant EAC — Expert Appraisal Committee EARF — environmental assessment and review framework EIA — environmental impact assessment EMP — environmental management plan EMS — environmental monitoring specialist EPA — Environmental Protection Agency ESMC — Environment and Social Management Coordinator ESZ — eco-sensitive zone GoB — Government of Bihar GRC — grievance redress committee GRM — grievance redress mechanism GSHAP — Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program H&S — health and safety IR — involuntary resettlement IEE — initial environmental examination IEC — information education and communication IWAI — Inland Waterways Authority of India JNNURM — Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission LAA — Land Acquisition Act MFF — multitranche financing facility MoEFCC — Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change NAAQS — National Ambient Air Quality Standards NGO — nongovernment organization NRRP — National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy NRW — nonrevenue water O&M — operation and maintenance OHSA — Occupational Health and Safety Administration OHT — overhead tank PHED — Public Health Engineering Department PIU — project implementation unit PMC — project management consultant PMU — project management unit RF — resettlement framework RCCF — Regional Chief Conservator of Forest SEIAA — State Environment Impact Assessment Authority SEP — site environment plan STP — sewage treatment plant UDHDSewe — Urban Development and Housing Department VGDS — Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary WEIGHTS AND MEASURES lakh – 100 thousand = 100,000 crore – 100 lakhs = 10,000,000 µg/m3 – micrograms per cubic meter km – kilometer lpd – liters per day m – meter m3/s – cubic meters per second mg/l – milligrams per liter MLD – million liters per day mm – millimeter ppm – parts per million NOTES In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. INR and “Rs.” refer to Indian rupees TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background 1 B. Project Proponents 1 C. Purpose of this Report 2 II. POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 4 A. ADB Policy 4 B. National Laws 5 C. International Treaties and Relevance to the Project 14 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 15 A. Existing Condition 15 B. On-going Works under BWSP1 20 C. Proposed Project 21 D. Implementation Schedule 34 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 48 A. Physical Conditions 48 B. Biologocial Conditions 76 C. Socio-economic Conditions 90 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 94 A. Review of Past Environmental Assessment and Related Studies 94 B. Integration with Planning and Design 95 C. Assessment of Impacts 95 D. Pre-construction Impacts and Mitigation Measures 97 E. Anticipated Construction Impacts and Mitigation Measures 103 F. Post-Construction Impacts and Mitigation Measures 140 G. Anticipated O&M Impacts and Mitigation Measures 140 H. Proposed Project 2 Activities in Support of the VGDS Management Plan 147 I. Cumulative Impact Assessment 148 VI. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 150 A. ADB Disclosure Policy 150 B. Project Stakeholders 150 C. Methodology Adopted for Stakeholder Consultations 151 D. Records of Consultations 152 E. Future Consultation and Disclosure and Community Involvement 165 VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 166 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 169 A. Responsibilities for EMP Implementation 170 B. Institutional Capacity Building 174 C. Environmental Management Plan 176 D. Summary of Site- and Activity-Specific Plans as per EMP 230 E. Environmental Monitoring Program 231 F. Environmental Management and Monitoring Cost 237 G. Monitoring and Reporting 240 IX. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 241 APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist 244 Appendix 2: Relevant Pages of Minutes of Meeting of Eco-Sensitive Zone Expert Committee, MoEFCC 252 Appendix 3: Environmental Quality Standards (Ambient Air, Air Emission, Effluent, Receiving Water Body, Drinking Water) 256 Appendix 4: Standards for Noise 260 Appendix 5: No Objection Certificate from Forest Department and Wildlife Department, Government of Bihar 263 Appendix 6: No Objection Certificate from Inland Waterways Authority of India 267 Appendix 7: Photo Illustration of Project Components 269 Appendix 8: River Water and Ground Water Quality of Bhagalpur 271 Appendix 9: Hydrological Studies Conducted Duing PPTA and CDTA 274 Appendix 10: Declaration of VGDS 285 Appendix 11: Biodiversity Study in 2011 286 Appendix 12: Biodiversity Study in 2014 309 Appendix 13: Biodiversity Study in 2016 320 Appendix 14: Underwater Noise Impacts Modeling 336 Appendix 15: Gangentic Dolphin Sighting Survery Report 363 Appendix 16: Summary of Consultations 365 Appendix 17: Draft VGDS Management Plan 373 Appendix 18: Minutes of Meeting with Divisional Forest Officer and Conservator of Forest 425 Appendix 19: Sample Grievance Registration Form 429 Appendix 20: Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report Template 431 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. On 1 March 2012 the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the multitranche financing facility (MFF) for the Bihar Urban Development Investment Program (BUDIP), or the Investment Program, for an aggregate amount not exceeding $200 million. The BUDIP supports the Government of India’s strategy to provide sustainable urban infrastructure and services leading to better quality of life for people in two cities in Bihar, Bhagalpur and Gaya. BUDIP will improve and expand the water and sewerage infrastructure in the two cities, and help its urban local bodies, infrastructure owners, to ensure discipline and structures for operations that result in sustainable operation and maintenance. 2. One tranche has been approved to date under BUDIP the $65 million (Project 1) that was approved on 13 April 2012 and became effective on 6 June 2013. There is only one civil works contract - the Bhagalpur Water Supply Project Phase 1 (BWSP1) design-build-operate contract, which was awarded on 11 July 2014 and is currently ongoing. Project 2 will include physical investments in water supply improvement in Bhagalpur and Gaya, and non-physical investments to continue supporting project implementation and reforms in these two cities. 3. Proposed project. Bhagalpur Water Supply Project Phase 2 (BWSP2) under Project 2 will include development of a bulk water supply system in Bhagalpur town. It will include construction of (i) water intake to abstract water from Ganges River at the rate of 135 – 140 MLD, (ii) water treatment plant (WTP) with capacity of 90 MLD, and (iii) transmission mains. BWSP2 is needed because the present water supply system is inadequate for the needs of the growing population. The population of Bhagalpur town as per 2011 census is 400,146. The population of the town has been projected for the design year 2047 as 766,000 and water demand as 130 MLD. The capacity of water production from existing three WTPs even after all rehabilitation works proposed under Phase 1 and all tube wells will not be more than 28.3 MLD. Accordingly, it is essential to go for augmentation of water production to provide for water demand for design year 2047. Phase 2, therefore provides for producing balance demand of water. 4. The subproject sites are in the built-up area of Bhagalpur city and are generally flat. While the Bihar region is classified as prone to earthquakes, cyclones and floods, historically the only recorded incidents in Bhagalpur are some water logging and flash flooding in the Barari water works (risks and hazards addressed in the rehabilitation of Barari WTP under Phase 1). Trees, vegetation (mostly shrubs and grasses), and animals in the subproject area are those commonly found in urban areas. The subproject sites are not located in agricultural lands. The subproject sites are not located in or near any historically,
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