INFOSCAN After Shock An uncontained engine failure began an in-flight drama to save Qantas Flight 32. BY RICK DARBY BOOKS “The huge Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine was destroyed. The extent of damage was Epic Fail unprecedented in Airbus’s history. Two heavy QF 32 chunks tore through the wing, traveling at De Crespigny, Richard. Sydney, Australia: Pan Macmillan Australia, approximately two times the speed of sound. 2012. 358 pp. Photographs, appendixes. The fan blades and chunks acted like the ex- n Nov. 4, 2010, and the following day, plosive core of a hand grenade, ripping wing jaws dropped all over the world as facts panels into shrapnel that sprayed like mis- Oof the accident involving Qantas Flight sile fragments over the fuselage as far as the 32 — QF32 — became known. The near disaster massive tail sections. One chunk also ripped and its successful resolution were the stuff of through the aircraft’s belly, severing hundreds compelling drama. of wires. The flight began when Richard Champion “Over 600 wires were cut, causing almost de Crespigny, a Qantas captain and pilot-in- every aircraft system to become degraded. ... command of QF32, signed for Nancy-Bird- The hydraulics, electrics, brakes, fuel, flight Walton, an Airbus A380, the world’s largest control and landing gear systems were all passenger aircraft. The doors were closed compromised.” and the airplane was now “his.” Four minutes Understandably, many readers could be after a routine takeoff from Changi Airport tempted to skip directly to the later chapters de- in Singapore, headed for Sydney with 469 scribing the accident and the efforts of the flight people aboard, the no. 2 engine (left inboard) crew to return the airplane safely to Changi was ruptured by an explosive failure while the while the cabin crew worked to calm passengers airplane was climbing through 7,400 ft. De and prepare for a possible evacuation. Crespigny describes what happened immedi- But if they skip earlier chapters, readers will ately afterward: miss something important. The biographical 54 | FLIGHT SAFETY FOUNDATION | AEROSAFETYWORLD | AUGUST 2012 INFOSCAN background de Crespigny relates played an im- for every checklist, rather than just relying on portant part in the story; it made him the man computer displays.” he is and contributed to his ability as a team When, as a Qantas pilot, he transitioned leader in the cockpit when every action was from the Boeing 747 to the Airbus A330 — the critical and so many lives were at risk. aircraft he flew before the A380 — he had a De Crespigny came by his aristocratic huge task of knowledge replacement: “I went name from noble Huguenot ancestors in the through all the manuals, and I phoned engineers reign of French King Louis XIV in the 17th and I questioned designers and talked to test century. That family’s mansion survives, up pilots until I fully understood what I was about ‘There was shock the road from Omaha Beach of Normandy to take control of.” invasion fame. Several of his ancestors were Shortly after 1000 local time on Nov. 4, around me as the distinguished in various ways, including during QF32’s climbout, two booming noises other pilots waited eccentricity. The Rev. Heaton de Crespigny startled the flight crew and shook the airplane. fought a pistol duel in 1828 (“he was later De Crespigny selected “altitude hold” and pulled for me to speak.’ defrocked and died in the Australian gold back the thrust levers. He soon realized that the fields”). In 1883, Sir Claude de Crespigny autothrust system had failed. tried to travel from England to France in a “There was shock around me as the other balloon, found himself at 17,000 ft, decided pilots waited for me to speak,” he says. “With discretion was the better part of valor and the aircraft flying straight and level, and at a crash landed in Holland. He also became the constant speed, I now focused on the engine assistant executioner for the English county and warning display, the top display in the of Essex. middle of the instrument panel. Engine [no.] Richard de Crespigny’s account of his young 2 looked very sick. All of the [indications] self suggests he was something of a “Wright for thrust, temperature and pressures were brothers” type, fascinated with mechanical replaced with crosses telling us that there was devices from an early age. He learned to rebuild no data to display. It appeared that all the sen- a motorbike or car engine and start it working sors had been blown off that engine. This was a again. “The time bashing around on those bikes catastrophic failure.” and fixing them gave me a respect for ma- As bad as the situation was — and de chinery that I took into my aviation career,” de Crespigny did not yet know how bad — the air- Crespigny says. plane could fly and was controllable in cruise. It’s a long way from a bike to an A380 with The captain was fortunate to have four four engines each normally producing 70,000 lb other pilots in the cockpit for task sharing: First (31,752 kg) maximum thrust, 52 flight control Officer Matthew Hicks; Second Officer Mark surfaces, 16 wheels, and fly-by-wire systems. Johnson; and two check pilots, Capt. David Still, it’s likely that de Crespigny’s keenness to Evans and Capt. Harry Wubben. understand the workings of equipment was a Fuel was available to fly a holding pattern, positive factor when he met the supreme test of assess the situation and plan the landing. But his flying career. even plentiful fuel turned out to be a mixed “I have to learn the machine from the blessing, because the jettison valves and pumps ground up, not from the buttons and check- were inoperable. There was no way to dump lists down,” he says. “I don’t like controlling fuel, which would necessitate a seriously over- machinery I don’t fully understand … . I need weight landing. to understand the philosophy of how the The Airbus’s electronic centralized aircraft machine is designed and assembled so I can monitoring (ECAM) system tells the pilots understand the limits and standard operat- what is wrong and presents checklists designed ing procedures. I have to know the purpose to deal with it. “The ECAM checklists started FLIGHTSAFETY.ORG | AEROSAFETYWORLD | AUGUST 2012 | 55 INFOSCAN with engines, hydraulics, flight controls, then suspenseful story. The book fills in details that fuel, each of them with a series of fixes we had news reports could not convey at the time, not to perform to see if we could get the problem only of technical issues but about crew resource under control,” de Crespigny says. “The explo- management. sions had obviously started a fire and disabled The cabin crewmembers, headed by an engine, which we’d shut down, hopefully customer service manager Michael von Reth, containing or extinguishing the fire. But the prepared for an emergency evacuation while, By the time the fix for the fire in engine [no.] 2 was only the perhaps more difficult under the circumstanc- beginning of it: engines [nos.] 1, 3 and 4 were es, calming and reassuring the passengers. flight was an hour degraded in different forms, the fuel system This involved identifying any passengers who was in a total mess, the hydraulics and electrics showed signs of losing control, which could old, the ECAM had and pneumatics were plundered, and even our have initiated contagious panic throughout identified about 100 flight controls were compromised.” the back of the plane. Von Reth had to give By the time the flight was an hour old, the special care to a few passengers, but only significant faults ECAM had identified about 100 significant a few. faults and checklists. QF32 shows occasional signs of hasty prep- and checklists. De Crespigny says, “The aircraft was so aration, such as some repeated information. injured, and so many of the 250,000 sensors But with a series of events of such complexity, were complaining, that I had reached the limit even that may help the reader understand the of my ability to absorb them all. The ECAM big picture. De Crespigny mentions the awards threw up so many failures, degradations and the crew received, including the Flight Safety checklists — especially in the fuel system — Foundation Professionalism Award. “This that I could not evaluate all the interactions last award is remarkable because it included and consequences of the cascading failures. I Michael von Reth in the citation, the first time just wasn’t confident how much of the aircraft a cabin crewmember had ever been recognized we had left.” in the FSF’s 65-year history,” he says. Actually, The turning point came, he says, when he the Foundation has given a different award, for decided to concentrate on what was working. heroism, to several cabin crewmembers includ- As everyone knows, the landing involved no ing Richard DeMary, the lead flight attendant injuries, but that wasn’t the end of the ordeal; who risked his life to help rescue passengers leaking fuel in the vicinity of brakes heated to from the burning cabin of USAir Flight 1016 500 degrees C (932 degrees F) by the land- following a crash in 1994. ing speed and overweight condition created a In any case, there was indeed plenty fire hazard that prevented the passengers and of credit to go around. As for Richard de crew from exiting the plane. It was another Crespigny, he sums up the attitude that helped 52 minutes before disembarkation was judged him in his role during the emergency: “I’m safe and the first passenger descended the old school in this respect: On board, I believe airstairs.
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