Report for theYear 197 6 Deutsche Bank Aklicngesellscl~aft Contents Agenda for the Ordinary General Meeting ........................ 5 Supervisory Board .......................................... 7 Advisory Board ............................................ 8 Board of Managing Directors .................................. 9 Managers ................................................ 10 Deutsche Bank at a glance .................................. 11 Report of the Board of Managing Directors EconomicSurvey ........................................... 13 Our Bank's Business ........................................ 29 Our Staff ................................................ 43 Notes on the Statement of Accounts for the Year .................. 51 Growth of Capital and Reserves ................................ 65 Report of the Supervisory Board .............................. 67 Statement of Accounts for 1976 Balance Sheet ............................................ 70 Profit and Loss Account ...................................... 72 The Growth of the Balance Sheet from January 1. 1952 to December 31. 1976 .................................... 74 Report of the Group for 1976 Report of the Group ........................................ 79 Consolidated Balance Sheet .................................. 94 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account .......................... 98 Appendices List of Deutsche Bank's invcstments in subsidiaries and associated companies ........................ 103 Security issuing. other syndicate transactions and listings on the stock exchange .......................... 107 Regional Advisory Councils .................................. 113 List of branches ........................................... 133 Holdings in German banks .................................... 140 Our bases throughout the world .............................. 141 Agenda for the Ordinary General Meeting to be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 11, 1977 in the Beethovensaal of the Liederhalle, Berliner Platz 1, stuttgart. 1. Presentation of the established Statement of Accounts and the Reports of the Board of Managing Directors and Supervisory Board for the 1976 financial year. Presentation of the Consolidated Statement of Accounts and the Rcport of the Group for the 1976 financial year. 2. Resolution on thc appropriation of profits. 3. Ratification of the acts of management of the Board of Managing Directors for the 1976 financial year. 4. Ratification of the acts of rnanagement of the Supervisory Board for the 1976 financial year. 5. Election of the auditor for the 1977 financial year 6. Bond issue with subscription rights and conditional share capital 1. Authorised share capital. Change at the top Board of Managing Directors of Deut- sche Batik in 1949 upon cornpletion of sche Bank for 25 years and has worked his legal studies. In spring 1965 he was 1976 saw great changes at Deutsche for our bank for over 40 years. In 1967 appointed Deputy Mernber, and in 1967 Bank. Following the Ordinary General Ulrich was appointed - together with full Mernber of the Board of Managing Meeting on May 18 there was a change Dr. Karl Klasen - Spokesman of the Dircctors. In 1975 the Federal Associa- at the top, both in the Supervisory Board of Managing Directors. Frorn tion of Gerrnan Banks elected hin] as its Board and in the Board of Managing 1970 he had been the sole Spokesman President, as successor to Alwin Directors. Hermann J. Abc, Chairman of of the bank. Münchrneyer. the Supervisory Board since 1967, and Along with Franz Heinrich Ulrich, Dr. After studying economics, Dr. Wilfried Franz Heinrich Ulrich, Spokesman of Hans Feith also retired. The Ordinary Guth worked with what was then the the Board of Managing Directors since General Meeting elected hirn to the Su- Bank deutscher Länder and its succes- 1967, retired from their positions. pervisor~Board. Dr. Fcith had been ac- sor the Deutsche Bundesbank. Via the The Supervisory Board and the Board tive with Deutsche Bank since 1939 and International Monetary Fund and the of Managing Directors of Deutsche was norninated as a Mernber of the Reconstruction Loan Corporation he Bank elected Herrnann J. Abs as Hono- Board of Managing Directors in 1959. entered the Board of Managing Direc- rary President of the bank. This nomi- He was responsible rnainly for stock tors of Deutsche Bank at the beginning nation is in worthy recognition of his rnarket and securities business. of 1968, becoming responsible for for- forty years of service for Deutsche Bank The new Spokesmen unanirnously eign business, especially international as Member and then Spokesmati of the elected by the Board of Managing issuing business. Board of Managing Directors and Chair- Directors on April 5 are Dr. F. Wilhelm Dr. Guth belongs to a number of inter- man of the Supervisory Board. Christians and Dr. Wilfried Guth. national bodies involved primarily in Franz Heinrich Ulrich was elected to Deutsche Bank had once again opted development questions and econornic succeed hirn as Chairrnari of the Super- for a "doiible" solution. cooperation. visory Board. He was a Mernber of the Dr. F. Wilhelm Christians entered Deut- Honorary President Hermatin J. Abs, Frankfurt (Main) (from May 18, 1976) Supervisory Board Hermann J. Abs, Frankfurt (Main), Cha~rrnan Alfred Kistenrnacher, Hamburg* (up to May 18, 1976) (up to May 18,1976) Deutsche Bank AG Franz Heinrich Ulrich, Düsseldorf, Chairman Werner Leo, Dusseldorf* (up to May 18, 1976) (from May 18, 1976) Dcutsche Bank AG Dipl.-lng. Dr.-lng. E. h. Helniut Meysenburg, Esseri Hans L. Merkle, Stuttgart, Deputy C17air1nan Chairmari of tlie Managenient of Robcrt Bosch GrnliH Josef Pfaff, Cologne* (froni May 18, 1976) Deutsctie Bank AG Heinz Osterwind, Frankfurt (Mairi), Deputy Chairman Dr. h. C. Herbert Quaridt, Bad Homburg V d Höhe Industrialist, Chairman of the Board of Managing Dircctors of VARTA AG Ottmar Baumgärtner, Frankfurt (Main)* (up to May 18, 1976) Dcutsche Bank AG Konrad Reeb, Munich* (frorn May 18, 1976) Deutsche Bank AG Professor Dr. J. R. M. Vati der) Brink, Arnsterdam Marion Schardt, Essen* (from May 18, 1976) Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AKZO N. V. Deutsche Bati k AG Bernhard Drewitz, Berlin* (up to May 18, 1976) Käthe Schmitz-Karhoff, Cologne* (up to May 18, 1976) Bcrliiier Disconto Bank AG Deutsche Bank AG Dr. Peter von Siemens, Munich Manfred Emcke, Hambiirg (up to May 18, 1976) Chairinan of the Supervisory Board of Sieriiens AG Busincssiiiaii Gisela Toffling, Hamburg* (from May 18, 1976) Dr. Helmut Fabricius, Weinheim (Bergstrasse) Dcutsclie Batik AG Chairman of the Partners' Comniittee of Freudentierg 8, Co Dipl.-Kfm. Gunter Vogelsang, Düsseldorf Dr. Hans Feith, Frankfurt (Maiti) (frorn May 18, 1976) Lothar Wacker, Cologne* (from May 18, 1976) Deutsche Bank AG Dr. Friedrich Karl Flick, Düsseldorf-Oberkassel Partner and Manaying Director of Friedrich Flick KG Dr. Siegfried Weber, Hamburg * (up to May 18, 1976) Jutta Freundt, Berliri* (from May 18, 1976) Hannelore Winter, Düsseldorf Berliner Disconto Batik AG Hoiisewife Gerhard Zietsch, MannheimA Jörg A. Henle, Duisburg Deutsche Bank AG Partiicr arid Managing Director of Klöckrier & Co. Dr.-lng. E. h. Heinz P. Kemper, Düsseldorf Horiorary President of VEBA AG ' electcd ß y lhe staff Advisory Board Professor Dr. Kurt Hansen, Leverkusen, Paul Hofmeister, Hamburg (up to May 18, 1976) Chairman lup to Md y 18, 1976) Chairman of the Supervisory Board Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bayer AG of Norddeutsche Affinerie Dr. Ing. Dipl.-lng. Günther Klätte, Essen Otto Wolff von Arnerongen, Cologne, (frorn May 18, 1976) Chairman from May 18, 1976 Member of the Board of Managing Directors Chairman of thr: Board of Managing Directors of Rheiriiscli-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk AG of Otto Wolff AG Reinhard Mohn, Gütersloh (frorn May 18, 1976) Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors Dr. Wolfgang Schieren, Munich, of Bertelsmarin AG Deputy Chairman from May 18, 1976 Chairman of ttie Board of Managing Directors of Allianz Versicherungs-AG Dr. Heribald Närger, Munich Member of the Board of Managing Directors of Sieriiens AG Wilfrid Baurngartner, Paris Horiorary President of Rh6ne-Pouletic S.A Dr. Egon Overbeck, Düsseldorf Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Manriesmann AG Rudolf von Bennigsen-Foerder, Düsseldorf Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of VEBA AG Professor Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Seefelder, Ludwigshafen (Rhein) (frorn May 18, 1976) Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors Dr. Horst Brandt, Frankfurt (Main) of BASF AG Deputy Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft AEG-TELEFUNKEN Professor Dr. phil. nat., Dr.-lng. E. h., Dr. rer. nat. h. C. Bernhard Timrn, Ludwigshafen (Rhein) (up to May 18, 1976) Professor Dr. Dipl.-Chern. Herbert Grünewald, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BASF AG Leverkusen (frorn May 18,1976) Chairmari of the Board of Managing Directors of BAYER AG Casimir Prinz Wittgenstein, Frankfurt (Main) Deputy Chairman of thc Board of Managing Directors of Metallgesellschaft AG Dr. Ing. Dr. rer. nat. h. C. Konrad Henkel, Düsseldorf (from May 18, 1976) Professor Dr. Joachim Zahn, Stuttgart-Untertürkheim Partner and Chairman of the Management Chairman of the Board of Managitig Directors of Henkel KGaA of Daimler-Benz AG Board of Managing Directors Horst Burgard F. Wilhelm Christians Robert Ehret Hans Feith (up to May 18, 1976) Wilfried Guth Alfred Herrhausen Eckart van Hooven Andreas Kleffel Hans Leibkutcch Klaus Mertin Hans-Otto Thierbach Franz Heinrich
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