SPORTS LOCAL Dynamic LC has Mustangs ready No. 1 for playoffs nursing Nixon has averaged 95.5 points per game over the last six contests, program plays PSJA North Tuesday Page B1 in Texas Page A3 MONDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2020 $1.00 On $52M bond, city secures low interest rate Allows for financing of Manadas announce that for the first ny. 15 years this debt will have a The project is being fi- Creek Sewer Plant, a longtime 0% interest rate, and for nanced through the Texas priority of Utilities Department the following 15 years it will Water Development Board, have a 0.315% interest rate. which approved the loan in “The rates we were able December. Jasso said that By Julia Wallace the Manadas Creek Sewer to secure were just phe- the cost differential if they LAREDO MORNING TIMES Plant, which once con- nomenal and unlike any- were to have gone out for a structed, will phase out the thing we’ve seen,” said bond in the open market is Laredo City Council last aged Zacate Wastewater Tony Jasso, representing about $29 million. week signed off on borrow- Treatment Plant. the city’s financial adviser Utilities Director Riazul ing $52 million to finance City staff was excited to Estrada Hinojosa & Compa- Bond continues on A10 Jorge A. Vela /Laredo Morning Times Senate candidate Annie “Mama” Garcia displays the medication she was able to buy in Nuevo Laredo. Student comes home US senate for miniature parade candidate visits Laredo on foot By Jorge A. Vela Spain we did not go bank- LAREDO MORNING TIMES rupt, and I am very appre- ciative of their government As election day nears, providing a million and a candidates throughout the half dollars in treatment,” state of Texas have been Garcia said. “So,I started a running around to get the nonprofit organization. I vote out. Annie “Mama” became ‘Mama’ from that Garcia literally ran to Lare- experience … and since do this week and stopped have worked in trying to for a visit to meet voters. showcase why this coun- Garcia is an outspoken, try’s healthcare sucks and no-holds-barred individual can be changed.” who is running her cam- She pointed out that the paign by being her own high cost of medicine, mouthpiece. With few cam- which included even sim- paign donations she is trav- ple medication such as lice eling throughout the state treatment that she needed on foot. She is one of 12 can- for her daughter, costs be- didates vying to win the tween $300 and $500. Her Democratic nomination for family and other friends in the Senate seat that is cur- her daughter’s school also rently held by incumbent did not have the money. Republican Sen. John During her Garcia Cornyn. crossed to Nuevo Laredo in “I don’t make sense as a an effort to find cheaper candidate because I don’t medicine and prove a point have the money, but at the on how the price of phar- same time if I had the mon- maceuticals in the United ey,I would fit right up there States is astronomically with the rest of them as I am higher. She made a point as Cuate Santos /Laredo Morning Times alawyer, trilingual, I have she found the very medi- Second grade students at Col. Santos Benavides Elementary had an opportunity to show off their miniature lived in multiple countries cine that she needed for her floats as they participated in a Youth Parade, resembling the WBCA Youth Parade, inside the school, and I know how to talk pret- daughter at just $3.50 in Thursday. Among the participants were current student, Natalia Aileen Santos, representing the United ty,” Garcia said. “However, I Mexico and not the $500 States as an Abrazo Child and former student Ryan Joshua Sciaraffa, as Chief Sacred Warrior for the am not that candidate as I they were charging her in Princess Pocahontas Council. did not get to run, but rath- Texas. er decided to get the filing “I want the same thing Colonel Santos Benavides Elementary students visited by court royalty fee of $5,000 and run.” that I found in Spain.I don’t Considering her lack of want parents to fear taking By Jorge A. Vela Chief Sacred Warrior — al- “It’s a great honor as my cluding even as chief, such fundraising or notoriety, their children to the ER or LAREDO MORNING TIMES so known as Ryan Joshua family has been in it for a as Joseph Sciaraffa in 2007, she points out that as sena- have to wait until their in- Sciaraffa when he is not re- while now and it is just Kristina Davila in 2007, Ser- tor she would care about surance changes so they n Thursday, presenting royalty — was amazing,” Sciaraffa said. gio “Red” Velasquez in 2009 taking the money out of have to wait for the new de- students at present at the event as well “It’s a very memorable year as chief, and Trey Sciaraffa politics, bringing true com- ductible to be of consider- Colonel with Stacy Allison Lanier, and all the stuff we have in 2012. prehensive immigration re- ation,” Garcia said. “I do Santos Be- who is the 2020 Princess Po- done is cool, and all the As for Princess Pocahon- form to the forefront and not want people to pay at navides cahontas. They paraded events are fun and nice.” tas, she also stated that she having a real debate about the point of service (or) suf- Owere treat- throughout the halls of the Sciaraffa is the fifth mem- enjoyed the event and her healthcare, which is one of fer due to preexisting con- ed not just to a miniature pa- elementary school. For Scia- ber of his family to be a part experience as royalty dur- her major concerns. ditions. And everybody is rade performed by second raffa, the occasion hit closer of the royal court as in the ing the month-long journey “My daughter was born covered and included.” graders but also to a visit to home as he is a former past his family members to the Anheuser-Busch with a heart defect in Spain. For Garcia, providing from court royalty as well. student of the school. have been members, in- Parade continues on A10 Because it happened in Senate continues on A10 TODAY’S WEATHER INDEX LOTTO HIGH LOW LOCAL A3,5 OBITS A8 COMICS B4-5 There are no lottery drawings on Sunday. OPINION A4 OIL & GAS A9 CLASS B7-8 81 55 TIEMPO A6-7 SPORTS B1-3,6-7 138th year, No. 256, 34 pages Daily Roundup Monday, February 24, 2020 | PAGE A2 | LAREDO MORNING TIMES CALENDAR AROUND THE NATION TODAY IN HISTORY TUESDAY, FEB. 25 ASSOCIATED PRESS Today is Monday, Feb. 24, the 55th United Methodist Men’s Shrove day of 2020. There are 311 days left in Tuesday Pancake Supper from 6 the year. p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at 1220 McClel- Today's Highlight in History: land Ave. All you can eat pancakes, On Feb. 24, 1989, a state funeral was held in Japan for Emperor Hirohi- syrup, butter, bacon and sausage, to, who had died the month before at with a choice of coffee, orange age 87. juice, milk or lemonade. Public is On this date: In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII issued an invited. Free will donations accept- edict outlining his calendar reforms. ed. Proceeds are used to support (The Gregorian Calendar is the calen- the church’s mission projects. dar in general use today.) In 1803, in its Marbury v. Madison decision, the Supreme Court estab- THURSDAY, FEB. 27 lished judicial review of the constitu- tionality of statutes. Villa San Agustin De Laredo In 1864, the first Union prisoners Genealogical Society Meeting arrived at the Confederates' An- and Presentation at 3 p.m., Joe A dersonville prison camp in Georgia. Guerra Public Library- Second In 1868, the U.S. House of Repre- Floor. Guest speaker for this event sentatives impeached President Andrew Johnson by a vote of 126-47 is Joe Arciniega presenting "Visit following his attempted dismissal of With A Maker Of Texas: Jose Miguel Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton; De Arciniega." For more informa- Johnson was later acquitted by the Mercedes Blackehart /AP Senate. tion, call Sylvia Reash at (956) In 1981, a jury in White Plains, New 763-1810. In this Saturday afternoon photo "Mad" Mike Hughes’ rocket takes off, with what appears to York, found Jean Harris guilty of sec- be a parachute tearing off during its launch near Barstow, Calif. ond-degree murder in the fatal shoot- ing of "Scarsdale Diet" author Dr. SATURDAY, FEB. 29 Herman Tarnower. (Sentenced to 15 years to life in prison, Harris was WBCA President’s Cup Golf FLAT EARTHER DIES IN granted clemency by New York Gov. Tournament Sponsered by Van- Mario Cuomo in December 1992.) tage Bank from 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 In 1996, Cuba downed two small p.m. Laredo County Club. The event American planes operated by the is offering one last chance to cele- ROCKET CRASH group Brothers to the Rescue that it claimed were violating Cuban air- brate the Father of our Country space; all four pilots were killed. with red, white, blue and green. In 2008, Cuba's parliament named Tournament admission is $225 per ASSOCIATED PRESS held the Guinness world record for "longest Raul Castro president, ending nearly 50 years of rule by his brother Fidel. player and will consist of individual limousine ramp jump," for jumping103 feet Ten years ago: Testifying before stroke medal play.
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