PART III] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 1021(1) ISLAMABAD, MONDAY, MAY 27, 2019 PART III Other Notifications, Orders, etc. GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CABINET SECRETARIAT (Cabinet Division) NOTIFICATION Islamabad, the 14th May, 2019 No. 1/1/2018-Award-I.—The President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been pleased to confer Pakistan Civil Awards on the following Pakistani and Foreign nationals dignitaries during the investiture ceremony held on 23rd March, 2019:— 1021(1-24) Price : Rs. 6.00 [825(2018)/Ex. Gaz.] 1021(2) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 [PART III S.No. Name and Address Field I NISHAN-I-IMTIAZ 1. Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan, Public Service Chairman, Chairman/Board of Directors, Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN), 8-Aga Khan Road, F-6/4, Islamabad. Domicile: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2. Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani, Public Service Chairman, Hashoo Group & Company, Hashoo House, House No. 1, Street No. 62, Sector F-6/3, Islamabad. Domicile: Sindh II. HILAL-I-PAKISTAN 3. Mr. Seishiro ETO, Services to Pakistan 1st Building, Room No.1101, 2-2-1, Nigata-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Countary: Japan 4. Mr. Xu Shaoshi, Services to Pakistan NDRC, 38.S. Yuetan Street, Beijing, China. Country: China 5. Mr. Ismail Kahraman, Services to Pakistan Turkiye Buyuk Millet, Meclisi 27, Basani Turkey. Country: Turkey PART III] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 1021(3) III. HILAL-I-IMTIAZ 6. Mr. Zaheer Ayub Baig, Health and Medical Physics Chairman, PNRA, PNRA HQs, Mauve Area, Sector G-8/1, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 7. Mr. Ghulam Asghar, Science(Physics) House No.18, Street No.143, Sector G-13/4, Islamabad. Domicile: Islamabad 8. Prof. Dr. Tasawar Hayat, Science (Mathematics) Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 9. Mr. Wasim Akram, Sports (Cricket) 13-C, Suit No.4, 2" Floor, Bismillah Apartment, Zamzama, Karachi. Domicile: Punjab 10. Mr. Waqar Younis, Sports (Cricket) House No.136, Street No.11, Cavalry Ground, Lahore. Domicile: Punjab 11. Prof. Dr. Recep Akdag, Services to Pakistan Sakhbahce konutiari 30, Sok. C Blok No.4, Bestepe, Ankara, Turkey. Country: Turkey 1021(4) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 [PART III 12. Prof. Dr. Michael Jansen, Services to Pakistan GUTech University of Technology, Muscat, Halban Sultanate of Oman. Country: Germany 13. Prof. Abdul Bari Khan, Public Service Chief Executive Officer, The Indus Health Network, Metropolis Pride, Apartment No.B-3, Plot No.40-G, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Off Dr. Mehmood Hussain Road, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh IV. HILAL-I-QUAID-I-AZAM 14. Mr. Kong Xuanyou, Services to Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, No.2, Chaoyangmen nandajie, Chaoyang, District Beijing 100701, China. 15. Mr. Wang Xiaotao, Services to Pakistan China International Development Cooperation Agency, (CIDCA), No.2, Yuetan North Street, Xicheng, District Beijing, 100037 China. 16. Ms. Hu Xiaolian, Services to Pakistan THE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF CHINA, No.30, FuXing Mennei Street, XiCheng, District Beijing, 100031 China. PART III] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 1021(5) V. SITARA-I-PAKISTAN 17. Ms. Wajiha Haris, Services to Pakistan Street Erou lancu Nicolae, 12-26, Vila 16, Voluntari, Ilfov, Romania. Countary: Romania 18. Mr. Mohammad Ilyas Khan, Services to Pakistan CEO & Managing Director, Tamimi Global Group, P.O. Box No.172, Dammam 31411, Saudi Arabia. Domicile: AJ&K 19. Mr. Long Yuxiang Services to Pakistan F-17, Tower B, Lan Bao International Center, No.3, Xi Da Wang Lu, Chaoyang, District Beijing, 100026 China. Country: China 20. Ms. Lin Yi, Services to Pakistan Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, No.1, Taijichang Street, Docheng, District Beijing 100740, China. Country: China VI SITARA-I-SHUJA’AT 21. Mr. Muhammad Idrees Shaheed, Gallantry (Posthumous) House No.F-40, Browry Road, Wandat Colony, 2nd Stop, Quetta. Domicile: Balochistan 1021(6) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 [PART III 22. Nawabzada Mir Siraj Khan Raisani Gallantry Shaheed, (Posthumous) Raisani House, Raisani Road, Quetta. Domicile: Balochistan 23. Mr. Asad Ali, Gallantry Deputy Director, Intelligence Bureau, 25-Bhopal House, Old Clifton, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 24. Engineer Miraj Ahmed Umrani Gallantry Shaheed, (Posthumous) House No.8, Cantonment Board Colony, Opposite I.G. Police Office Balochistan, Quetta. Domicile: Balochistan VII. SITARA-I-IMTIAZ 25. Mr. Muhammad Arshad, Engineering(Mechanical) Director, SPF, PAEC, P. O. Box No.1611, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 26. Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, Science(Chemistry) Director General(IA), Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, PAEC HQ, Pak. Secretariat, Opposite ‘IC’Block, P. O. Box No. 1114, Islamabad. Domicile: Sindh PART III] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 1021(7) 27. Dr. Syed Muhammad Kamran Majeed, Medical(Urology) KRL Hospital, 25 Aiwan-i-Sanat-o- Tijarat, Sector G-9/1, Islamabad. Domicile: Islamabad 28. Dr. Muhammad Zafar-Uz-Zaman, Science (Chemistry) Deputy Director General(CD), NESCOM, Plot No.94, Sector H-11/4, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 29. Lt. Col.(R) Manzoor Ahmad (late), Mechanical and Production (Posthumous) Engineering House No.25, Street No.15, Sector ‘C’, DHA, Phase-II, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 30. Dr. Shahid Ahmed Sami, Health (Cardiac Surgeon) Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 31. Dr. Pervaiz A. Chaudhry, Health (Cardiac Surgeon Village & Post Office Bhurchh, Tehsil Kharian District Gnjrat. Domicile: Punjab 32. Dr. Prof. ® M. Lateef Chaudhry, Health (Ophthalmologist) 13-B, Ahmed Block, New Garden Town, Lahore. Domicile: Punjab 1021(8) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 [PART III 33. Dr. Inayatullah Padhiar, Medicine Institute of Surgery and Medicine (ISM Hospital), 2nd Floor, Room No.210, Garden Road, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 34. Mr. Kaleemullah Lashari, Archeology/ Culture 3-C, Sunset Lane, Phase-II Exten., D.H.A., Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 35. Mr. Muhammad Ahmed Shah, Art & Culture D-314, Navy Housing Scheme, Clifton, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 36. Mr. Sajjad Ali, Arts(Singing) CNN Building No.2, Dubai Media City, Dubai, U.A.E. Domicile: Sindh 37. Mr. Munir Hussain (late), Arts (Play Back Singing) (Posthumous) 483-Abbas Block, Mustafa Town, Wandat Road, Lahore. Domicile: Punjab 38. Ms. Babra Sharif, Arts (Film Acting) 48-B/II, Gulberg-III, M. M. Alam Road, Lahore. Domicile: Punjab PART III] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 1021(9) 39. Mr. Kamil Khan Mumtaz, Architect 18-A, Street ‘C’, Upper Mall Scheme, Lahore. Domicile: Punjab 40. Mr. Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi, Arts(Singing) 233/2, C-Block, DHA, Phase-5, Lahore. Domicile: Punjab 41. Prof. Sahibzada Hameedullah (late), Literature (Posthumous), Sahibzada Katabghar, Band Road, Pishin Balochistan. Domicile: Balochistan 42. Mr. Yasir Shah, Sports (Cricket) Village Gohati, Mohallah Saeedabad, Mahmoodabad Road, District Swabi. Domicile: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 43. Prof. Dr. Shamim Ahmed Sheikh, Services to Pakistan 2445, Erin Centre Blvd, Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 5B3, Canada. Country: Canada 44. Dr. Asif M. Rehman, Services to Pakistan 225 Route 106, Oyster Bay Road, Muttontown, NY 11753, USA. Country: USA 1021(10) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 [PART III 45. Dr. Zia ul Hasan, Services to Pakistan Northwest Clinic, Dubai, U.A.E. Country: U.A.E. 46. Mr. Steven John Burian, Services to Pakistan 1386, Gilmer Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84105, USA. Country: USA 47. Dr. James A. Tebbe, Services to Pakistan House No.1, Forman Christian College, Ferozepur Road, Lahore. Country: USA 48. Mr. Luo Ronghuai, Service to Pakistan C/O CATIC Local Office, House No.6, Street No.61, Sector F-6/3, Islamabad. Country: China 49. Khawaja Masood Akhtar, Public Service Chief Executive, Forward Sports(Private) Limited, Addah Sahowala, Wazir Abad Road, Sialkot. Domicile: Punjab 50. Syed Abu Ahmad Akif, Public Service House No.12-G, School Road, Sector F-6/3, Islamabad. Domicile: Sindh PART III] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 1021(11) 51. Pir Muhammad Diwan, Public Service Chief Executive Officer, Gatron Industries Limited, G&T Tower, 18- Beaumont Road, Civil Lines-10, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 52. Mr. Bashir Ahmed Polani, Public Service Chairman & Founder, Saylani Welfare International Trust, Bahadurabad, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 53. Mr. Samar Ali Khan, Public Service E-23, 2nd Zamzama Commercial Lane, DHA-V, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 54. Mr. Iqbal Ali Lakhani, Public Service House No.129, Khayaban-e-Hafiz, Phase-VI, DHA, Clifton Cantt., Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 55. Mr. Aqeel Karim Dhedhi, Public Service House No.83/II, Khayaban-e-Hafiz, Phase-VI, DHA, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 56. Mr. Muhammad Yunus Tabba, Public Service Chairman, Lucky Cement Limited, 6-A, Muhammad Ali Housing Society, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 1021(12) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 [PART III 57. Ms. Saima Shahbaz Malik, Public Service 35, Khayaban-e-Jabal, Phase-V, D.H.A., Karachi. Domicile: Sindh 58. Ms. Nilofer Saeed, Public Service 44/2, Street No.20, Khayaban-e-Mujahid„ Phase-V, DHA, Karachi. Domicile: Sindh VIII. PRESIDENT’S AWARD FOR PRIDE OF PERFORMANCE 59. Mr. Hamid Mahmood, Engineering(Civil) Adviser to Member(Engineering), Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, PAEC HQ., ‘N’ Block, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 60. Mr. Muhammad Saeed Ur Rehman, Engineering(Nuclear) Member(Power), Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 61. Mr. Muhammad Shahid Saleem, Metallurgical Engineering Director General, and Materials Science CPC Project, Sakhi Sarwar Road, D.G. Khan. Domicile: Punjab PART III] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MAY 27, 2019 1021(13) 62. Mr. Arshad Ali, Metallurgical Engineering Chief Engineer, and Materials Science Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box No.1723, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 63. Dr. Salma Khanam, Science(Physics) Deputy Chief Scientist, DTD, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Box no.1331, Islamabad. Domicile: Punjab 64. Mr. Vaqar Akhtar, Engineering(Mechanical) Director, KRL B&C, Dr. A.Q. Khan Research Laboratories, Kahuta.
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