'"~----~-.------~~----~--~--- If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. U.S. Department ofJustice Federal Bureau ofInvestigation 99 Facts about the FBI ;') "c Questions and Answers I" o . {}," .~------~P'~'~-----------'~------------~--------------------------------------__________________________________________ ~~. __ ~ __________________ ... !,:~ 7: ~: \1 ~ ! .. , .• ': (~f;:' 1 {' ) I I \ j 99 FACTS 1 1 A~OUT :1 i! :1 THEtBI QUESTIONS'& ANSWERS D I i 1 WHEN WAS THE FBI FOUNDED? In 1908 Attorney General Charles Bonaparte I directed that Department of Justice investi­ gations be hand led by a small group of spe­ I cial investigators. This group was formed as i I the HBureau of Investigation" and/ in 1935/ I i ~ the present name of Federa I Bureau of Inves­ a> '0 >.- I .c:a>::0 Cd ,!!: ............ (1) Q)tH tigation was designated by Congress. s c E.... E rn'5 a> H 0 (j) a> e~m= a> 0. -CO(/) .c ~ a: (/) "") '0a>c ,2 ~ _E (/) ~ () ....a> .c:til '5 2 WHO IS THE HEAD OF THE FBI? ,~'5. 0 :g ~ 0- ~oco Cii a> a> a>.... ,- ';:: 0 .... Wi II iam H. Webster was sworn in as Di rector .... ooCij a> '~ E (/)s:'OZ Cij a> a> on February 23, 1978. Director Webster was a> a> til .~ '0 a> E (/) iii 00 >.>c.c: >. ;:+:: _"'-cu .... '0 a> (/) United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth (/)(/) O°Cl)&f- 0 ::J::J til (/) .... C (/) "")"") 0 a> x'C°(/) ..... a: Circuit before hi s appointment by the Presi­ a> ,_.c: a> a> "") 00 0:3 .- () _CI) a> dent to head the FBI. Prior to his service e- ~c..tIl,g - Z a>::J 0"": 0 a: ::J,-a> 0. i0 a> a> on the appellate bench/ he was United States E;7 '0 0>:5 ..... (/) ,2 :5 t:(/) e.5_o :c en tile o.cuoc :::I '0 Di stri ct Judge for the Eastern Di strict of a> "") a> a.=Cl)tIl ~.5 a> ,2 -0 '0"': CC :::I Cii ,- CI) Mi ssouri. .0 c,~:g ~ '0 C J!lc (/):;::: a> o.c: ° 0 :::IS: ·m CI) - 0. ..... 'E 0 0 :::lZ .c§a>_ 0. ';:: (/)'_ ..... til .....a> () til Cij til '0 WHAT IS JUDGE WEBSTER'S BACKGROUND? .c: N -'- o· _ca>o,- c = :::I -c 3 53~Ea> ~I Judge Webster saw servi ce in World War II E ..... :::I.c: e 00"'" o.a> ~ :::1 ..... 0- !l and then graduated from Amherst College. In go-c53 • ~.c: Ii -Cc(/)(/)a> .... - 1949, he earned a Juri s Doctor degree from (/)~:c~,g ~'O .- .......... a. CJ) t::c .c:a>cCl):::I Washington University School of Law in St. I- 0.._ ..... "") i! .~ Loui s. As a I ieutenant in the United States \ Naval Reserve, he al so served in the Korean 1 Conflict. Privote law practice preceded the States, willing and available to serve in any new Director's appointment as United States part of the United States or Puerto Rico. Attorney for the Eastern Oi stri ct of Mi ssouri Th("y mu st have reached thei r 23rd but not in 1960. 35th bi rthday on th e date of entry on duty. Another requirement is that they be in ex­ 4 HOW IS THE DIRECTOR OF THE FBI cellent physi cal condition. Appl i cants must APPOINTED TO HIS OFFiCE? possess either a I aw degree with a minimum Legislation enacted in June, 1968, provides of 2 years of resi dent undergraduate college that the Director of the FBI shall be appoint­ work or a 4-year accounting degree. In ad­ ed by the Presi dent wi th the advi ce and con­ dition, the FBI considers applicants pos­ sent of the Senate. sessing a 4-year resident college degree wi~h fluency in a language for which the Bur·gau has a need, or 3 years of experience of a 5 WHAT GUIDELINES WERE USED IN SETTING professional, executive, complex investi­ UP THE FBI AS A CAREER SERVICE? gative, or other specialized nature. Appli­ J. Edgar Hoover accepted his initial appoint­ cants who have a master' ~ or doctoral de­ ment in 1924 from Har Ian Fiske Stone, then gree in a physi cal science, or a bachelor's Attorney Genera I, wi th the understandi ng that degree plus 3 years' scientific experience in FBI positions would be filled on the basis of a physical science ma}' also be considered. obi lity and character without political inter­ ference, and performance and~chievement 8 WHAT OTHER JOBS would be the requirements for promotion with­ ARE THERE in the organization. IN THE FBI? 6 WHAT SAFEGUARDS ARE THERE AGAINST ABUSES OF AUTHORITY BY THE FBI AND ITS DIRECTOR? The FBI's activities and operations are under constant scrutiny and review by the Attorney General, committees of Congre.ss, the Office of Management and Budget, the courts, and the Nation's press. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS : H 7 WHAT ARE THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE FBI SPECIAL AGENT POSITION? The investigative work in the FBI is per­ Applicants must be citizens of the United formed by Special Agents, but there are many \ '" 2 3 ~-------.... ------------------------------------------------~---.~--------.~ .. 'j : I , ! ! t , ,I j! other jobs of a SUpport nature which are organi zed into ten divi sions, each headed by vital to the Bureau's operations. The secre­ an Assi stant Director who is accountable to tary, typist, file clerk, computer programmer the Director for all matters within his sphere fingerprint exam iner, laboratory techni ci an I I of operations. radio maintenance technician, and recep~ tionist are only a few of the numerous positions filled by noninvestigative per­ I WHAT KIND OF TRA!NING DO FBI AGENTS r 13 sonnel. RECEIVE? i II All FBI Agents must compl ete an intensive course at the FBI Academy, located on the 9 APPROXIMATELY HOVtf MANY PEOPLE ARE EMPLOYED BY THE FBI? United St~tes Marine Corps Base at Quantico, I Virgini a. It is a tough and demanding train­ The FBI has over 19,000 employees. About ing period in which the new Agent receives 7,800 of these are Special Agents. instruction in such areas as constitutional law, Federal criminal procedure, collection 10 DOES THE FBI EMPLOY WOMEN AS SPECIAL and preservation of evidence, investigative AGENTS? techniques, scientific crime detection, fire­ Yes. arms, and defensive tactics. Periodically throughout an Agent's career he or she wi II receive refresher training designed to keep 11 ARE THERE BLACK SPECIAL AGENTS? him or her up to date on the I atest procedures Yes. FBI Director William H. Webster has and techn; ques of their profession. stated, ItSubstantial representation of mi­ norities and females in our ranks is right and just. Moreover, it is sound from an 14 WHY IS LAW A DESIRABLE EDUCATIONAL operations standpoint; we must represent QUALIFICATION FOR THE SPECIAL AGENT POSITION? all .our citizens in order to gain the coop­ eratIon necessary in our investigations." In addition to having a knowledge of a sus­ pect's rights and the applicability of Federal law to a given situation, FBI Agents must, 12 HOW MANY FIELD OFFICES DOES THE FBI during the course of a criminal investigation, HA VE AND WHAT IS THE ORGANIZATION_ collect evidence which is legally admissible Al STRUCTURE? to prove the guilt of the criminal. A legal The FBI has 59 field offices located in education provides training in analyzing a major cities throughout the United States set of facts and applying laws and regula­ and in San Juan, Puerto Ri co. Each, with ti ons to them. the exception of the New York Office which is headed by an Assistant Director is under the direct supervision of a Special' Agent in 15 WHY IS ACCOUNTING AN ALTERNATE Charge, who in turn is supervised and re­ EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION FOR THE ceives directions from headquarters in SPECIAL AGENT POSITION? Washington, D. C. Headquarters itself is Accounting is an alternate educational rea 4 5 (7 1 quirement because investigations of many 18 HOW OFTEN ARE SPECIAL AGENTS matters under the jurisdiction of the FBI , I ROTATED IN TH'EIR ASSIGNMENTS? such as bank embezzlements, frauds against I There are no specific tours of duty. Special the Government; tort claims, Renegotiation Agent assignments are ba'sed upon the needs Act cases, and other white-collar crimes re­ of the Bureau, and Agents must be ava; lable qu ire expert know ledge of account i ng prac­ tices and procedures. at any time for general or special assign­ ment anywhere in the United States or its territories. 16 IF SOMEONE CLAIMS TO BE AN FBI AGENT, HOW CAN ONE POSITIVELY IDENTIFY HIM OR HER AS SUCH? 19 IS THE FBI CONSIDERED A CAREER SER­ VICE? Each Special Agent carries a commission card which identifies him or her as a Special Yes. Forty-three percent of the Special A­ gents have ten years or more of servi ceo FBI JURISDICTION 20 WHAT ARE THE PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF THE FBI AND ITS AGENTS? The FBI investigates violations of certain Federal statutes and collects evidence in cases in whi ch the United States is or may be an interested party. The FBI performs other Agent of the FBI and which bears the Agent's duties specifically imposed by law or Presi­ name, signature, and photograph. Each Agent dential directive and conducts a number of is also issued a gold FBI badge in the shape servi ce activities for other law enforcement of a shield surmounted by an eagle. agencies. 17 HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO OPERATE THEN THE FBI DOES NOT INVESTIGATE THE FBI? 21 ALL VIOLATIONS OF FEDERAL AND Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 1978 a­ CONSTITUTIONAL LAW? mounted to $553,954,000.
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