550 THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 14, 1860. Constable in the Metropolitan Police Force, E. Division, COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT but from December, 1858, absent from duty on sick DEBTORS. leave. Thomas Saunders, of No. 1, Printing-house-lane, Bridge- street, Blackfriars, in the city of London, Joiner and The llth day of February, 1860. Undertaker. ORDERS have been made, vesting in the Pro- On Wednesday the 29th February, 1860, at half visional Assignee the Estates and Effects of the past Ten o'Clock, before Mr. Commissioner following Persons: Murphy. Robert Hunt, of No. 37, Old Castle-street (back of Shore- On their own Petitions. ditch Church,) Bethnal-green, Middlesex, Chair Maker. John Bremner, late of No. 27, Crown-street, Hammersmith, William Glover, formerly of No. 5, Cursitor-street, Chan- Middlesex, Manufacturer of Shirts, Collars, Belts, and cery-lane, then of No. 16, Half Moon-crescent, Caledo- Braces, at No. 39, AJdermanbury, London.—In the nian-road, Islington, then of Nos. 2 and 3, Little Moor- Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. fields, City, then of No. 36, Wilton-square, Islington, all Jemima Lyall, late of No. 23, Beckford-row, Walworth- in Middlesex, then of Sussex Cottage, Camberwell, road, Surrey, -wife of Walter Lyal), of No. 23, Beckford- Surrey, then of No. 2, Paul-street, Finsbury. then of No. row aforesaid, Linen Draper.—In the Gaol of Surrey. 4, Grange-place, Hoxton, then of No. 90, Nichol's- Thomas Snell, late of No. 5. Bowling Green-street, Ken- square, Hackney-road, all in Middlesex, and now of No. nington-park, Surrey, Cabriolet Proprietor, having stables 40, Amelia-street, Wai worth-road, Newington, Surrey, at Harleyford Mews, Kennington Park aforesaid.—In the Law Writer. Gaol of Surrey. William Creed, of Neal's-yard, Queen-street, St. Giles's, Henry Charles Rudolphns Lorenz, late of FFampfeldt, Wei- previously of the Bull and Gate Yard, Holborn, both in don Lodjre, Lawne Park, Sydenham, Kent, and of No. Middlesex, before then of No. 42, London-road, South- 18, Austin Friars, London, Foreign and General Mer- wark, Surrey, during the whole time Mattress and Bed- chant.—In the Gaol of Surrey. stead Maker, and Furniture Dealer, and formerly resi- Joseph Ellis, late of No. 8, Church-street, Manor-place, ding with his father Patrick Creed, at No. 112, London- Walworth, Surrey, Nightman, Carman, and Gravel road aforesaid, Mattress Maker and Furniture Dealer, Dealer.—In the Gaol of Surrey. maintained and employed by him there as a Salesman. William Brinkley, late of No. 2, Croft-street, Chilton- Charles William Brown, formerly of No. 3, Catherine- street, Deptford-road, Rotherhithe, Surrey, Foreman to a place, then of No. 25, Wickham-terrace, both in the Builder.—In the Gaol of Surrey. Lewisham-road, then of No. 14, Mordan-grove, Green- Abraham Callo, late of No. 28, Shepherd-street, Spitalfields, wich, all in Kent, and next and now of Elm Cottage, Middlesex, Journeyman Cigar Dealer.—In the Debtors' Wanstead, Essex, Clerk in Deptford Dockyard. Prison for London and Middlesex. George Harris, formerly of the High-street, Staines, Mid- Joseph Smith, late of No. 24, St. Paul's-road, Newington, dlesex, House Agent, and Manager of the West Middle- Surrey, out of business.—In the Gaol of Surrey. sex Trade Protection Society, afterwards of the High- Joseph William Orchard, late of Percival-street, Clerken- street, Eghani. Surrey, House Agent, and Manager of well, Middlesex, Jeweller and General Dealer.—In the the Mechanic's Institute at Egham, then of the High- Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. street, Staines aforesaid, House Agent and Beer Retailer, Mathew John Madigan, late of the Feathers, Sroney-street, and now of Egham Hythe, Egham aforesaid, Musician. Borough, Surrey, Beer-shop Keeper.—In the Gaol of Sarah Bray, Widow, formerly of No. 100, Lambeth-walk, Surrey. Lambeth, Milliner, then of No. 6, Little Bland-street, Joseph James Reynolds, late of No. 40, High-street, Croy- Dover-road, Southwark, Surrey, in no employment, then don, Surrey, Stock and Sharebroker.—In the Queen's of No. 26, and now of No. 33, Esher-street, Kennington- Prison. lane, all in Surrey, in no employment, during the whole John Pym, late of No. 2, Globe Terrace, Forest-lane, Strat- time holding leasehold premises at No. 73, East-street, ford, Essex, Agent to a Colonial Bank.—In the Debtors' Marj lebone, Middlesex, and letting same. Prison for London and Middlesex. Thomas Macknight. of No. 22, Lambeth-road, Surrey, John Beynon, late of No. 2, Mount Fort-street, White- formerly of No. 1, Lancaster-road, Notting-hill, then of chapel, Middlesex, out of business.—In the Debtors' No. 47. Norland-square, then of No. 17, and afterwards Prison for London and Middlesex. of No. 39, Devous'iire-hill, Hampstead, next of Clay- Thomas Corbett, late of No. 7, Union-place, Cbnrch-street, brook Villa; West Fulhaun, then of No. 3. Stratheden- Lambeth, Surrey, and at same time renting arches Nos. terrace, Hammersmith, all in Middlesex, then of Royal 172 and 173, of the South Western Railway, Builder.— House, Havdey-square. Margate, Kent, and then of No. In the Gaol of Surrey. 22, Bloomsbury-street, Russell-square, Middlesex, during Alfred Thomas Hamlet, late of No. 2, York-road, Lambeth, the whole time an Author. Surrey, Labourer.—In the Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. William Chittenden, late of No. 89, Bishopsgate-street On Thursday the 1st March, 1860, at half Without, London. Milliner.—In the Debtors' Prison for past Ten o'Clock, before Mr. Commissioner London and Middlesex. Murphy. John Massie, late of No. 20, Ernest-street, Grange-road, Bermondsey, Surrey, out of business.—In the Gaol of William Bundock, of No. 2, Brook-street, Upper Clapton, Surrey. Middlesex, Bricklayer and Plasterer. Charles Housefield, late of No. 36, Lisle-street, Leicester- John Rowland Robinson, formerly of No. 81, Great Col- square, Middlesex, Manager to the Proprietor of lege-street, Camden-town, Watch and Clock Maker and La Presse de Londres Newspaper.—In the Queen's • ^ Jeweller, then of No. 13, Canal-terrace, Camden-town, Prison. out of business, and now of No. 19|, Adam's-row, Hamp- John Hicks the elder, late of Turnham Green, Middlesex, stead-road, all in Middlesex, \Vatch and Clock Maker Market Gardener and Dealer in Vegetables.—In the and Jeweller. Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. Abraham Davis, late of No. 12, Wood-street, Spitalfields, N.B.—1. Any creditor may attend and give Middlesex, Hawker of Clothes and Dealer in Miscel- evidence and produce witnesses. Opposition can laneous Articles.—In the Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. only be made by the Creditor in person, or by Charles Clode, late of No. 2, Dock-street, East Smithfield, Counsel appearing: for him. Middlesex, Chemist and Druggist, trading as Lawrence and Co., Consulting Surgeons.—In the Debtors' Prison . 2. The petition and schedule, and all books, for London and Middlesex. papers, and writings filed, will be produced by tiic Samuel Perry, late of Hadley Dairy, Hadley, Middlesex, proper Officer for inspection and examination until Cowkeeper and Dairyman.—In the Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. two clear days before the hearing'. Robert Surman, iate of South End, Garsington, Oxford, Licensed Retailer of Beer, Farmer and Butcher.—In the 3. Creditors' assignee may be chosen according Debtors' Prison for London and Middlesex. to the Statute. Henry Allen, late of Biddenden, Kent, Journeyman Miller. —In the Gaol of Maidstone. 4. Persons indebted to the said Insolvent Ralph Bowes, late of High-streei, Milton,-next-Sitting- Debtors respectively, or having any of their eik-cts, bourne, Kent, Builder.—In the Gaol of Maidstoue. are to pay and deliver the same to the Official Henry Fuliagar, late of No. 6, Beaver-place, Ashford, f Kent, Labourer.—In the Gaol of Maidstone. Assignee being the Provisional Assignee of th< Herbert James Ring, late of High-street, Strood, Kent, Court, at the said Court and to ac other person. Boat Builder.—la the Gaol of Maidstone..
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