The Awards of Science: Beyond the Nobel Prfze. Part 2. The Wfnners and Their Most-Cited Papers Number 50 December 10, 1984 In part one of this essay, 1we provided ty Lasker winners have won the Nobel— a list of 52 prizes described as “non- 39 of them before and 1 after winning the Nobel” awards. The reason for choosing Nobel, S according to Alice Fordyce, di- this term was somewhat tongue-in- rector, Albert Lasker Medical Research cheek. The Nobel Prize has attained Awards. such a position of prestige with both Another award that has often antici- scientists and the general public that pated the Nobel is the Gairdner Founda- other scientific awards seem to pale in tion Award. Sally-Anne Hrica, execu- comparison. This generalization is con- tive director, Gairdner Foundation, firmed by the public’s attitude toward notes that 27 Gairdner winners went on Nobel Prize winners. Like movie stars, to win the Nobel, while 2 received the Nobelists are often idolized and consult- Gairdner after the Nobel.G Recently, the ed by the press on topics for which they John Scott Award7 of Philadelphia was have little training. Nobelist Rosalyn given to Georges J.F. Kohler, Basel In- Yalow,z Veterans Administration Re- stitute of Immunology, and Cesar Mil- search Center, Bronx, New York, whose stein, Medical Research Council’s Labo- name is almost synonymous with radio- ratory, Cambridge. This selection was immunoassay, notes, “The Nobel Prize made almost a year before the Nobel gives you the opportunity to make a fool Prize announcements. of yourself in public. ”a In the first part of this study, we iden- Although the Nobel is the most covet- tified the names and sponsors of more ed and visible scienttilc award, hundreds than 50 non-Nobel awards. The individ- of other prestigious awards recognize uals who received these as well as three excellence in science. Several of these, other awards are discussed below. One including the Fields Medal in mathemat- of these additional prizes is the Ernest- ics and the Holger Crafoord Prizes in Jung-Preis fur Medizin, awarded annual- mathematics, astronomy, biological sci- ly since 1976 by Ernest Jung Stiftung in ence, geological science, and arthritis Hamburg, Federal Republic of Ger- research, are in a sense “Nobels” for many. This prize carries an honorarium fields the Nobel does not honor. Others of 100,000 to 300,000 DM ($42,000 to are what Harriet Zuckerman, Columbia $126,000) for pioneering research that University, New York, terms “premoni- has been translated into clinical prac- tory prizes,” which gauge their success tice. The Passano Award for medical re- by the extent to which they anticipate search is administered by the Passano the Nobel.’r The Lasker Awards are Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland. This probably the best-known example. For- annual prize has been awarded since CURRENl CONTENTSQO 4964 by 1S10 405 1945 and is accompanied by a cash prize alphabetized by the name of the award. of $15,000. The Badenwerk Foundation It includes each recipient’s most-cited and University of Karlsruhe, Federal paper during the period from 1961 to Republic of Germany, jointly sponsor 1983 and the number of citations to it. the triennial Heinrich Hertz Preis. That Bibliographic and address information is prize was first awarded in 1975 and in- provided for each paper. The research cludes an honorarium of 50,000 DM front for which each paper is a core doc- ($21 ,Ooo) for scientific and technical ument is also identified where applica- achievements in the generation, distri- ble. A research front is established by bution, and application of electricity. identifying a group of current papers Two awards listed in part one, the that collectively cite a cluster of earlier Premio National de Ciencias (Colombia) core papers in a specialty. Fif ty-one of and the King Faisal International Prize the award winners’ papers proved to be for Science, are not discussed here. We core papers for 1981, 1982, and 1983 Sci- were unable to locate the organization ence Citation Index@ (SCP ) research that awards the first of these prizes, and fronts. Code numbers for seven papers the King Faisal Prize was not awarded in that were identified in 1981 and 1982 1983. Also, the two Lasker Awards and ISI/BIOMEDm research fronts, but not the three Gairdner Foundation Awards in SCZ fronts, are also listed. in Table 2 were each treated as single In assembling the data, we had initial- awards in part one. ly identified papers for which the prize The awards discussed in this essay are winners were the first authors. However, only a few of the many prizes that recog- we asked all 94 winners to verify that nize scientific excellence. There has the papers we had identified were their been an incredible proliferation of scien- most relevant or significant. Of the 76 tific awards. To establish a practical authors who replied, 58 agreed that the limit for the essay, we set an arbitrary most-cited papers were their most im- threshold. We have only included those portant. Some authors directed us to awards that bestow an honorarium of at other papers on which they were not the least $15,000. Although a fairly exhaus- primary authors. Nineteen of these pa- tive search was conducted, we may have pers were more highly cited than those inadvertently omitted some awards. We we had first identified. So we included intend to follow up with additional them instead of earlier choices. We also reports on less remunerative, but per- added to the list those papers that 39 haps even more prestigious, awards. An authors considered to be more impor- alphabetic list of the 1982 award winners tant than their most-cited works. These appears in Table 1. appear after the author’s most-cited When a prize was not awarded in paper, which is always first in Table 2. 1982, we included the recipient for the Unfortunately, 18 authors did not re- nearest year. Our cutoff point for inclu- spond to our letters. They have been de- sion in this study was June 1983. We then noted by a plus ( + ) sign in Table 2. corresponded with all 94 winners. This The Humboldt Prize for Senior US proved to be a mammoth task and ex- Scientists was awarded to 58 individuals plains the delay in reporting the results. in 1982. The award, which was estab- Following each author’s name in Table 1 lished in 1972 by Winy Brandt, then is a number (or numbers) that identifies Chancellor of the Federal Republic of the relevant prize (or prizes). Table 2 is Germany, was created to honor Ameri- (34984 by lSl@ CURRENTCONTENTS@ 406 Table I: An alphabetic list of non-Nobel award A B winners and the award(s) they won. A = winner’s name. B = award number (see Table 2). Nirenberg, Louis ‘1 Okamoto, Shunzo 12 A B Patz, Amalf 48 Paul, William E. w Amelinckx, Severin 44 Perl, MartinL. 55 Anderson, Herbert L, 11 Peskin, Charles S. 32 Angst, Jules 38 Peters, Wallace 27 Arnold, Vladimir 1, 7 Pimentel, George C. 55 Ashton, Norman 48 Polanyi, John C. 55 Ashwell, Gilbert 13 Potter, Michael 8 Atiyah, Michael F. 10 Puech, Paul 42 Axe], Richard 53 Robinson, JuIia B. 32 Becker, Erwin-Winy 20 Roelofs, Wendell L. 55 Berry, R. Stephen 32 Rowland, F. Sherwood 51 Bishop, J, Michael 29,39 Sarrdorfy, Camille 46 Black, James W. 55 Sieh, Kerry E. 37 Blobel, Gunter 13,31 Siminovitch, Louis 15 Brady, Roscoe O. 30 Skipper, Howard E, 26 Braun, Annin C, 41 Snyder, Solomon H, 55 Brown, Michael S. 18 Spiegelman, Sol 10 Burkitt, Dennis P. 2,36 Stevenson, George T, 16 Buaae, Ewald W. 4 Trmegawa, Susuma 21 Carlsson, Amid 13 Trouet, Andre 45 Castor, Cecil W, 5 Umezawa, SumiO 12 Varmus, Harold E, Changeux, Jean-Pierre 55 29,39 Chantrenne, Hubert 44 Verstraete, Marc 47 Weinberg, Alvin M. Clarke, Arthur C. 35 17 Cohen, Stanley 49 Weissmann, Charles 19 Westheimer, Frank H. DeLuca, Hector F, 9 6,54 Whitney, Hassler Desty, D.H. 34 55 Widdowsmr, Elsie M. Dober-ty, Peter C. 8 3 Wigler, Michael H. Efron, Bradley 32 1 Wrighton, Mark S. E1-Shazly, Khalid A, 28 32 Epstein, Michael A, 2 Zinkemagel, Rolf M. 8 Erikson, Raymond L. 29 Felten, David L. 32 can scientists with international reputa- Gallo, Robert C, 29 Garwin, Richard L. 56 tions who have promoted the inter- Ghuysen, Jean-Mane 47 change of ideas between German and Goldstein, Joseph L, 18 Hanafuaa, Hidesaburo 29 American researchers and research in- Homrsfield, Godfrey N, 14 stitutions. For obvious reasons of space Howell, David S. 5 and time, we could not list or contact the Hubbert, M. King 52 Hughes, John 43 58 recipients, but we feel that this award Janssen, Paul A.J. 13 deserves mention in this essay. Johnston, Harold S. 51 An asterisk in Table 2 indicates the 13 Julesz, Bela 32 Kissmeyer-NieLsen, Flemming 24 papers that have been discussed in Cita- Kosterlitz, Hans W, 43 tion Classic ‘“ commentaries. The issue, Krein, Mark G, 55 Laurens, Paul 42 year, and edition of Current Contents@ Lederman, Leon M. 55 in which each author’s commentary ap- Levy, Ronald G. 16 peared follows the reference, after Lower, Richard R. 25 Mayer, Marrfred M. 13 which is given the author’s institution. If McCarty, Daniel J. 5 a paper appeared in ISI”’s study of the McCIintock, Barbara 21,33,41 Meyer, Paul-Andre 40 1,000 authors most cited from 1965 to Molina, Mario J. 51 1978,s a dagger (t) follows the author’s Nachbhr, Leopoldo 22 name.
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