Geoturystyka 4 (18) 2009: 35-44 The oil and ozokerite mine in Boryslav and historical monuments of petroleum and salt industries in the vicinity of Boryslav (Ukrainian Fore-Carpathian region) Kopalnia ropy naftowej i wosku ziemnego w Borysławiu oraz pamiątki przemysłu naftowego i solnego w okolicy Borysławia (ukraińskie Podkarpacie) Andrzej B. Radwański The Museum of Folk Architecture in Sanok, Traugutt Street 3, 38-500 Sanok, present address: The Administrative District in Sanok, e-mail: [email protected] The Society of Tourist Guides “Karpaty”, Rynek Street 1, 38-500 Sanok, e-mail: [email protected] Treść: Rejon Borysławia, w którym pierwsze złoże odkryto pod Poland Boryslav koniec ΧIΧ wieku, stał się w owym czasie jednym z najwięk- szych zagłębi naftowych na świecie. Jest on położony na SW od Czech Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk Drohobycza i obejmuje miejscowości Borysław – Tustanowice – Republic Slovakia Mraźnica – Bania Kotowska, o bogatej i długiej historii związanej Uzhgorod z istniejącym tu od XII w. przemysłem solnym. Rozwój działalno- Mukachevo Hungary Ukraine ści wydobywczej wiąże się z wprowadzeniem przez Kanadyjczyka Romania Williama MacGarvey’a metody kanadyjskiej wiercenia otworów poszukiwawczych ropy naftowej. Przełomową datą był rok 1893, kiedy rozpoczął on wiercenia w Borysławiu, a następnie, w roku 1895, w Tustanowicach. Odkrycie złoża ropy naftowej w Bory- sławiu zapoczątkowało „złoty wiek” podkarpackiego przemysłu Abstract: The Boryslav region was one of the world largest pe- naftowego, a jego odkrywcom zapewniło fortunę. Pod względem troleum basins, discovered in the second half of the 19th century. geologicznym rejon Borysławia położony jest na obszarze wystę- Situated southwest from Drohobych, it includes several locali- powania trzech karpackich jednostek strukturalnych: skibowej ties: Boryslav – Tustanovychi – Mraznytsa – Banya Kotyvska (ukraińska nazwa jednostki skolskiej), borysławsko-pokuckiej with their rich and long history of brine and salt industry dating i samborskiej (ukraińska nazwa jednostki stebnickiej). Jednostka back to the 12th century. Rapid development of mining activity borysławsko-pokucka jest podstawową strukturą roponośną has commenced with the implementation of the new, Canadian w Karpatach ukraińskich, w której uformowały się wieloho- method of drilling for oil by the Canadian MacGarvey Company. ryzontowe złoża ropy naftowej, w tym największe z nich – Bo- The decisive date in the activity of the MacGarvey Company was rysław. Mamy tu złoża ozokerytu w mioceńskich, solonośnych 1893 when exploration drilling for oil commenced in Boryslav and warstwach worotyszczańskich. Drohobycz, miasto przez wieki then, in 1895, in Tustanovychi. Discovery of an oilfield in Boryslav żyjące z handlu solą, w ΧIΧ wieku zaczął gwałtownie rozwijać was the beginning of the “golden age” of the oil industry in the się w cieniu Borysławia, stając się zapleczem dla przemysłu Fore-Carpathian region and many people amassed fortunes. From naftowego. Truskawiec to wielkie uzdrowisko, posiadające wiele the geological point of view, the Boryslav region covers the three wód mineralnych, towarzyszących złożom ropy naftowej, w tym Carpathian structural units: Skyba (Skole), Boryslav−Pokuttya słynną „Naftusię”. Innym interesującym miejscem jest Urycz – and Sambir (Stebnik). The Boryslav−Pokuttya Unit is the main miejscowość, do której wyjeżdżali kuracjusze wypoczywający oil reservoir in the Ukrainian Carpathians with multi-layered w Truskawcu by podziwiać piękne ostańce skalne (piaskowce oilfields, including the largest one – Boryslav. In this region ozo- jamneńskie) oraz ruiny zamku Tustań. Borysław i jego okolice kerite deposits are also known, hosted in the salt-bearing Lower był w tych czasach największym obszarem naftowym na ziemiach Miocene Vorotyscha Beds. The city of Drohobych has become polskich. Z miejscem tym jest związana działalność Stanisława famous for its long tradition of salt trade. In the 19th century the Szczepanowskiego (1846-1900), pioniera przemysłu naftowego period of rapid development started when the oil industry flouris- i rzecznika uprzemysłowienia Galicji. hed in the vicinity, although the town was still in the shadow of Słowa kluczowe: Borysław, szlak geoturystyczny, Truskawiec, Boryslav. The city of Truskavets, the famous health resort, has Drohobycz, ozokeryt, ropa naftowa, woda mineralna Naftusia, several mineral waters, also related to the oilfields, including the Beskidy Skolskie, Karpaty ukraińskie famous “Naftusia” spring. Another interesting site is Urych – the place where patients from the Truskavets resort travelled in order Introduction to admire scenic crags of the Yamna Sandstones and ruins of the Tustan Castle. The region of Boryslav and its surroundings was In the geographical subdivision Boryslav is situated at the site of the most effective petroleum exploitation in the territory the external, northern margin of the Carpathian arc, in the of Poland in the past. This place is connected with the activity of foreland of the Beskidy Mts. (Kondracki, 1978), at the con- Stanisław Szczepanowski (1846-1900), pioneer of oil industry and fluence of the Ratochyna and Tysmenytsa rivers. The Tys- industrialization of the Galicia province. Key words: Boryslav, geotourist trail, Truskavets, Drohobych, menytsa River is the right-bank tributary of the Bystrytsa ozokerite, Naftusia mineral water, the Skole Beskid, the Ukrainian River, which in turn, is tributary of the Dnister River Carpathians (Fig. 1). 35 The oil and ozokerite mine in Boryslav and historical monuments of petroleum and salt industries in the vicinity of Boryslav r Dniste Kraków Sambor L`viv Khyriv Stara Sil’ Side Chukva Nahirne Vienna Staryi Budapest a rytsi Sambor Selets’ yst B Stupnytsia Beograd Bucharest Busovys’ko Volia Lishnia Blazhivs’ka Urizh Nakhuyovichi V DROHOBYCH e Pidbuzh r k h Yasenytsia n Strilky Sil`na Popeli ’ Opaka Hubiche Modrych Stebnyk o d Bania Kotivska Volanka n Turie B i Boryslav e s s t Mraz`nytsia Truskavets’ e k r Tustanovytsi y s D ’ Skhidnytsia n d Staryi i Rozluch Isai k st y Kropyvnyk er i Novyi 932 Kropyvnyk Yasenytsia Urych Oriv Turka S t r Maydan y i Verkhne Stryi Syn’ovydne Il’nyk Krushel’nytsia Fig. 2. Ozokerite mine and oil shafts at Potok, a part of Boryslav oil P P San a Korchyn r a and ozokerite field. Postcard edited in 1904 • Kopalnia ozokerytu O sh Borynia k L 1268 a pir i szyby naftowe na Potoku, część pola roponośnego i ozokerytowego A Skole O N D Borysław. Pocztówka wydana w 1904 r Yavoriv Korostiv Komarnyky 10 5 0 10 20 km Tysovets Uzhok Brief history of discovery of Boryslav oil Outer part of the Carpathian Foredeep main road and ozokerite field Inner part of the Carpathian Foredeep secondary road The second half of the 19th century was the time of The Carpathians another road rapid economic development of the Fore-Carpathian region. margin of the Carpathians railway The “rock oil”, known and used by the local population for Sambir (Stebnik) Unit region capital many years, soon became the source of wealth. The refined Boryslav-Pokuttya Unit another locality fuel obtained by distillation of “rock oil” made for the first Skiba (Skole) Unit locality mentioned time by Ignacy Łukasiewicz together with Jan Zeh at the in the text Sub-Silesian Unit “Golden Star” pharmacy in Lviv, and the construction of 1268 height point (m) state border a new oil lamp provided opportunities for modern illumi- Fig. 1. Geological sketch map, after Kotarba (2009), over the topo- nation, much better than traditional candles. The lamp was graphical map of the surroundings of Boryslav, after Krukar (2004) constructed by Adam Bratkowski, a tinsmith from Lviv, • Szkic geologiczny wg Kotarby (2009) na tle mapy topograficznej according to ideas and instructions given by Ignacy Łuka- okolic Borysławia, wg Krukara (2004) siewicz. Such lamps were used for the first time in the public hospital in Lviv, at night of July 31, 1853, during the The Boryslav region is one of the oldest petroleum basins in urgent surgery which saved life of local proprietor Włady- the world. Oil fields with natural gas were discovered in the se- sław Cholecki (Sozański, ed., 1996). Since that event, “oil cond half of the 19th century, near the Boryslav-Tustanovychi- fever” commenced in the Fore-Carpathian region. At the Mraznytsa-Banya Kotyvska road (Jawor & Kruczek, 1994). beginning, the oil industry did not generate large profits. Moreover, in the vicinity ozokerite (popular name – “earth wax”) The evolution from a homemade activity to industrial was mined (Fig. 2). Before the discovery of rich oil fields, Borys- operations took quite a long time. However, the quickly lav and Tustanovychi (with nearby Ponerla and Volyanka) were growing demand for new lamps and new fuel, and the in- neighboring villages located southwest of Drohobych, the begin- terest of western investors in exploitation of oil transformed nings of which date back to the 14th century (Lenartowicz, 1998). the agricultural Fore-Carpathian region into the oil distri- For small, mountain villages the discovery of oilfields was ct. Mining activity has included the vast area from Gorli- like entering the new epoch. The view of Boryslav oil distri- ce in the west to Sloboda in the east. First excavations from ct from the time before World War II was presented by Gą- which oil was produced were ”cellars” dug wells – small, siorowski (1935). He wrote: ”Boryslav the Great…. This is an shallow shafts equipped with windlass and pail. The “cel- area 4 km wide (along Banya
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