![Annual Report 1 INACA Annual Report 2019 Foreword](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
2019 INACA Annual Report 1 INACA Annual Report 2019 Foreword Industri penerbangan hingga penghujung 2019, The aviation industry until the end of 2019, diwarnai dengan berbagai tantangan yang was marked by various challenges that berdampak pada aspek operasional dan impacted the operational aspects and profitabilitas perusahaan. profitability of the company. Berbagai isu tak sedap seakan tak pernah surut, Various unpleasant issues seemed never to mulai dari kecelakaan pesawat Boeing 737 recede, from the Boeing 737 Max plane Max, hingga kebangkrutan puluhan maskapai crash, to the bankruptcy of dozens of world penerbangan dunia. airlines. Berdasarkan data International Air Transport Based on data from the International Air Association (IATA), secara global telah terjadi Transport Association (IATA), globally there has penurunan penumpang sebesar 3% dan kargo been a decline in passengers by 3% and 5% dibandingkan 2018. cargo 5% compared to 2018. Lesunya industri penerbangan pada 2019 The sluggish aviation industry in 2019 not only bukan hanya terjadi di luar negeri, namun juga happens abroad, but also afflicts Indonesian menimpa maskapai penerbangan nasional. airlines. Tekanan yang dihadapi operator penerbangan The pressure faced by national aviation nasional semakin bertambah akibat terjadinya operators is increasing due to natural bencana alam, khususnya kabut asap akibat disasters, especially the haze due to the Karhutla pada bulan Agustus-Oktober 2019. Forestry and Fire in August-October 2019. Kondisi tersebut berdampak pada lumpuhnya This condition has an impact on the paralysis operasional penerbangan, khususnya di of flight operations, especially in Kalimantan wilayah Kalimantan dan Sumatera. and Sumatra. Isu lainnya yang mengemuka adalah soal tiket Other issues raised are about expensive mahal dan penerapan bagasi berbayar. tickets and the application of paid baggage. Pada tahun 2019, beberapa maskapai In 2019, several airlines will raise ticket prices penerbangan menaikan harga tiket dan and apply paid baggage to maintain the menerapkan bagasi berbayar demi menjaga company's existence. eksistensi perusahaannya. Namun hal ini However, this was responded negatively by direspon negatif oleh pengguna jasa, sehingga service users, so the number of passengers jumlah penumpang anjlok hingga 30 persen. dropped by 30 percent. Perum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan The Indonesian Aviation Navigation Service Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia (LPPNPI) atau Provider or Airnav Indonesia recorded a Airnav Indonesia mencatat adanya penurunan decrease in domestic flight movements of up pergerakan penerbangan domestik hingga to 17.5% and international flights down by 17,5% dan penerbangan internasional turun 0.1% during 2019. 0,1% sepanjang 2019. Good fortune apparently has not yet sided Nasib baik rupanya belum berpihak pada with the national aviation industry, including industri penerbangan nasional, termasuk juga airlines throughout the world. maskapai penerbangan di seluruh dunia. Chairman Secretary General Denon Prawiraatmadja Bayu Sutanto INACA Annual Report 2019 2 01 Foreword Source: freegreatpicture.com 03 Economic Trends 05 Tourism Trends 07 Aviation Trends 13 Traffic Results 21 Market Shares 23 Operation Performances 25 Charter Flights 28 Fleet 2019 29 List of Schedule Airline 29 List of Non Schedule Airline 31 INACA Activities 2019 32 Financial Statements 2019 34 INACA Members & Organizational Structure 2019 3 INACA Annual Report 2019 Economic Trends Dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir, In the past 5 years, Indonesia's economic pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia terus growth has continued to increase by an mengalami peningkatan rata-rata 5,03 persen. average of 5.03 percent. Pada tahun 2019, ekonomi Indonesia melandai In 2019, Indonesia's economy will slow down dan hanya mampu tumbuh sebesar 5,02 and will only be able to grow by 5.02 percent, persen, atau sedikit lebih rendah dibanding or slightly lower than 2018 which amounted to 2018 yang sebesar 5,17 persen. 5.17 percent. Menurut Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), penurunan According to the Central Statistics Agency, the tersebut disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan sektor decline was caused by the weakening growth industri pengolahan yang mengalami in the manufacturing sector. pelemahan. Seperti diketahui sektor industri It is well known that the manufacturing sector pengolahan memiliki peran tertinggi dalam has the highest role in the Indonesian ekonomi Indonesia. economy. Tak hanya industri pengolahan, tiga sektor Not only the manufacturing industry, three yang memiliki kontribusi besar pada ekonomi sectors that have a large contribution to the Indonesia yaitu perdagangan, pertanian, dan Indonesian economy, namely trade, konstruksi juga mengalami penurunan. agriculture, and construction also declined. Sedangkan kontribusi dari sektor transportasi While the contribution from the transportation dan pergudangan secara total mengalami and warehousing sector in total increased 6.4 kenaikan 6,4 persen. Namun khusus sektor percent. But specifically the air transportation angkutan udara turun sebesar 9,8 persen. sector fell by 9.8 percent. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia 2015-2019 5.20% 5.17% 5.15% 5.10% 5.07% 5.05% 5.03% 5.02% 5.00% Avg Growth 4.95% 5.03% 4.90% 4.88% 4.85% 4.80% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Source: BPS INACA Annual Report 2019 4 Economic Trends Ekonomi Indonesia kedepan diharapkan mampu tumbuh lebih tinggi, dimana salah satu faktor pendorongnya adalah bonus demografi Indonesia mulai 2020 Indonesia's economy is expected to be able to grow higher in the future, which is one of the driving factors is Indonesia's demographic bonus starting 2020 Source: searchengineland.com 5 INACA Annual Report 2019 Tourism Trends Jumlah kunjungan wisatawan dari The number of tourist arrivals from foreign mancanegara (wisman) terus mengalami countries continues to experience growth from pertumbuhan dari tahun ke tahun. year to year. Rata-rata pertumbuhan sepanjang 5 tahun The average growth over the last 5 years terakhir mencapai sebesar 13,6 persen. reached 13.6 percent. Pada 2019, jumlah wisatawan mancanegara In 2019, the number of foreign tourists entering yang masuk ke Indonesia mencapai 16,1 juta Indonesia reached 16.1 million people. orang. Of the 16.1 million foreign tourists, as many as Dari 16,1 juta wisman tersebut, sebanyak 9,83 9.83 million came using air transportation. juta datang menggunakan transportasi udara. The country of origin of the highest number of Negara asal wisatawan mancanegara tertinggi foreign tourists came from Malaysia, which berasal dari Malaysia yang mencapai 2,98 juta reached 2.98 million people or grew 19.1 orang atau tumbuh 19,1 persen dibandingkan percent compared to 2018. tahun 2018. While the airport that experienced the highest Sedangkan bandar udara yang mengalami growth when receiving foreign tourists visiting pertumbuhan tertinggi saat menerima Indonesia was Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, kedatangan wisman ke Indonesia adalah Makassar, South Sulawesi, which increased by bandar udara Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar, 25.8 percent. yang meningkat sebesar 25,8 persen. The tourism sector is the government's Sektor pariwisata menjadi perhatian concern, because through this sector it is faster pemerintah, karena melalui sektor ini lebih to bring in foreign exchange, open jobs, cepat untuk mendatangkan devisa, membuka attract investment, and increase local lapangan kerja, menarik investasi, dan economic growth. meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal. The development of tourism areas is also to Pembangunan kawasan pariwisata juga untuk reduce inter-regional imbalances. memperkecil ketimbangan antar-daerah. Wisatawan Mancanegara 2015-2019 (Juta Orang) 16.1 16.0 15.8 15.0 14.0 14.0 Avg Growth 13.0 13.6% 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.4 10.0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Source: BPS INACA Annual Report 2019 6 Tourism Trends Kawasan Asia khususnya Malaysia masih The Asian region, especially Malaysia, is still the merupakan negara asal wisman terbesar, largest country of origin of foreign tourists, disusul China, Singapore dan negara tetangga followed by China, Singapore and the kawasan Oceania yaitu Australia. neighboring country of the Oceania region, Potensi wisman yang perlu untuk lebih Australia. dikembangkan adalah turis asal India yang The potential for foreign tourists who need to meningkat 10,4 persen dibandingkan tahun be further developed are tourists from India 2018. which increased 10.4 percent compared to Potensi wisman lainnya yang perlu ditingkatkan 2018. Other potential tourists who need to be adalah wisman asal USA, United Kingdom, increased are tourists from the USA, United Japan dan South Korea. Kingdom, Japan and South Korea. 7 INACA Annual Report 2019 Aviation Trends Networks & Routes Domestic Jaringan dan rute penerbangan domestik terus Domestic flight network and routes continue to mengalami peningkatan. Sepanjang 2019, ijin increase. During 2019, there were 444 rute domestik sebanyak 444 rute, atau domestic route permits, or 38 more than the bertambah 38 rute dibanding periode previous period. sebelumnya. Dari jumlah kota yang terhubung From the number of cities that are connected juga bertambah 7 kota menjadi 145 kota. also increased by 7 cities to 145 cities. Namun pertumbuhan jaringan dan rute However, the growth of these networks and tersebut tidak didukung oleh meningkatnya routes is not supported by increased capacity kapasitas yang ditawarkan oleh maskapai offered by airlines, coupled with lower Seat penerbangan, ditambah turunnya tingkat SLF, Load Factor levels, so that
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