' jy !iiV."-i(i--H!llrm4i'iuI*i"i''i,''V' 11 m Eill:E'H:^';'i;'1rli'. ^u^lj ^ornby '^angton. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2013 witii funding from University of Toronto littp://arcliive.org/details/pedigreesofcountOOfost PEDIGREES aT' >: OF LAjgl^ASHIRE FAMILIES. PEDIGREES THE COUNTY FAMILIES ENGLAND COMPILED BY JOSEPH FOSTER AND AUTHENTICATED BY THE MEMBERS OF EACH FAMILY THE HERALDIC ILLUSTRATIONS BY J. FORBES-NIXON VOL. I—LANGASHIRE LONDON PRINTED FOR THE COMPILER BY HEAD, HOLE AND CO. FARRINGDON STREET AND PATERNOSTER ROW '1873 \ \u Si LIST OF PEDIGREES. ^>- The names in small type refer to families introduced into the Pedigrees, the second name being the Pedigree in which the former appears thus, Alderson will be found on reference to the Westbye Pedigree. ABRAHAM, uf Svvakthmour Hall. BENSON, OF Stang End. AINSWORTH, OF Plesslmgton, now of Siiovvley. Benson—Sandys. BIGLAND, OF Bigland AINSWORTH, OF Spotland. Hall. Birch—Heywood. Alderson—Westbye. BIRKET, OF Birket Houses. Allanson—Marton. Birket—Sandys. Allin—Ashhurst. BIRLEY, OF Lancashire. AXDERTON, of Euxton. BLACKBURNE, of Hale. Browsholme. Anstis— Parker, of Bland— Mosley. Argles Chorley. — BLUNDELL, of Crosby. Arkwright—Keiiyon. WELD-BLUNDELL, of Ince Blundell Hall. Armitstead—Hay worth. Boehm—De Trafford. Armytage—Starkie. Booth—Cooper, Farington. Ashawe — Radclyffe. BOURNE. OF Hackinsall. Ashton — Kenyon. Bowdon — Butler- Bo vvdon. , ASHHURST, of Waterstock. Braddyll—Gale. ASHTON, of LANCASHIRtC. BRADSHAW-ISHERWOOD, of Marplf^ Hall. ASKEW, of Conishead Priory and Pallinsburn. BRAITHWAITE, of High Wkav. ASSHETON, of Ashton-undek-Lyne, Middleton, Leaver, Down- BR.ANCKER, OF Bispham Hall. ham and Cuerdale. BRIDGEMAN, of Great Lever. Assheton— Hulton, Egerton. Bray—Sandys. Atchison— Birket, Sandys. Brereton— Egerton. Atherton-— Legh. Broke—Glazebrook. Atkinson—Chorley, Crossley, Nowell. Brougham—Cropper. BACKHOUSE, of Kellet. BROWN, OF Richmond Hill. Bacon—Starkie. Brownlow— Egerton. Bain—Sandys. BuUer— Patten. Bamford— Blackburne. BUTLER-BOWDON, of Pleasington Hall. Bankes—Holme. Butler—EUetson. Barkworth—Braithwaite. Butterworth —Mosley. BARTON, OF Stapleton Park, and Caldy Manor. Byrnand—Trappes. Barttelol— Fairbairn. CARDWEI.L. of Ellerbeck. BAZLEY, OF Tolmers. Carr—Standish. BATEMAN-CHAMPAIN, of Halton Park. - Carrick—Backhouse. Bateman—Fairbairn, Wilbraham. Carryer—Parker of Browsholme. Bateson—Lloyd. Cayley—Ford. Bayley — Bigland, Mosley. CHADWICK, of Chadwick, Healey, &c. Becconsall— Farington. CHADWICK, OF High Bank. Bellairs— Bradshaw-lsherwood. Cholmondeley— Nowell. Bence —Starkie. CHORLEY, OF Chorley. Benison—Westbye. Clerk—Greene. List of Pedigrees. CLIFTON, OF Clifton and Lvtiiam. Giddy—Sandys. Clinton—De Hoghton. Gilbert—Sandys. CLOWES, OF Broughton Hall. GLAZEBROOK, of Glazebrook. Cockbum—Peel. GALE, OF Bardsea Hall. Cockerton— Birket. GLADSTONE, of Court Hey. Cockle—Egerton. Gough—Wilson. Coldwell—Thicknesse. Gower—Egerton. COOPER, OF BOLTON-LE-MOORS. GRAY, OF Crompton Fold. Copley — Hulton. Graeme—Lloyd. COULTHART, OF Ashton-under-Lynf.. Grant—Chadwick, of High Bank. Cowell —Askew. GREENE, OF Slyne. CROPPER, OF BiCKERSTAFFE. Greenwood— Holden. CROSS, OF Red Scar and Cottam. GREGGE-HOPWOOD, of Hopwood. CROSSE, OF Crosse Hall, Shaw Hill. Grenfell— Molyneux. CROSSLEY, of Crossley, otherwise Scaitcliffe. GRIMSHAW, OF Pendle Forest. Cropper—Cooper. GRIMSH.A.W, now LOMAX, of Clayton Hall. Crowther—Mosley. Grosvenor - Egerton. Crawford—Wood. HARGREAVES, of Broad Oak. CUNLIFFE, OF Cunliffe and Whycollar. Hall—Standish. Halsall—Clifton. Curwen—Gale. Hamilton, Duke of Gerard. Cust—Egerton. — Hanmer Kenyon. Dampier—Crossley. — Hare—Stanley. Davies—Sandys. Hargreaves—Ormerod. DAWES, OF Shawe Place. Harrington—Radclyffe. Dicconson—Clifton. Harrop— Hulton. Dilke Trafford. -De Harvey— Feilden. DUCKWORTH, of Orchard Leigh Park. Hayes— Ford, Grimshaw, of Pendle. DUGDALE, OF Wroxall Abbey. HAYWORTH, OF Hayworth, Highercroft, Parkhead, ani EGERTON, of Lancashire and Cheshire. Dunscar. Eccleston—Clifton. Hastings— Clifton. Eckersley—Farington. Hayman—Westbye. Ecroyd— Backhouse. Headley, Lord—De Hoghton. Egerton—Hulton. Heald—De Trafford. ELLETSON, of Parrox Hall. Heber—Nowell. EARLE, of Allerton Tower. Heron—Ford. Earle—Rawlinson. HESKETH, OF Rufford. Elliot—Fogge-Elliot. Hesketh— Rawlinson. English—Abraham. HEYWOOD, OF Little Lever. Erneys—Molyneux. Heywood—Grimshaw, of Clayton. Errington—Stanley. Hill— Kenyon, Sandys. Ethelston— Peel. Hobart—Mosley. ENTWISLE, of Entwisle and Foxholes. Hobson— Fogge-Elliot. Hodgkin Backhouse. Eyles—Egerton. — FAIRBAIRN, of Ardwick. HOLDEN, OF HOLDEN. Falconer—Wilbraham. DE HOGHTON, of Hoghton Tower. Fanshawe—Cardwell. Holden—Shuttleworth. FARINGTON, of Farington, Worden, and Ribbleton. HOLME, now BANKES, of Winstanlev. FEILDEN, OF WiTTON and P'eniscowles. Hopwood—Gregge-Hopwood. FILDES, OF Manchester. HORNBY, of Dalton. Fleetwood— Rawlinson. HORNBY, OF Ribby Hall. Horner Lloyd. Fleming—Stanley. — Fletcher— Whitaker. Horton—Starkie. Flower— Marton. Houghton— Hayworth. Howarth— Kenyon. FOGGE-ELLIOT, OF Elvet Hill. Howson—Cropper. Fogg—Fogge-Elliot. Hughes—Stanley. FORD, OF FORDE Grene. Hulme—Holme. Foster— Birket, Sandys. HULTON, OF Hulton Park ; and FORMBY, OF FoRMBY. HULTON-HARROP, of Bardsley. Fox—Backhouse. Hume—Egerton. Fyfe—Elletson. Hungate—Weld. GERARD, OF Bryn. Ikin—Crosse. Gardom—Westbye. Isherwood— Bradshaw-Islierwood. Gascoigne—Weld. JACSON, of Barton. Gawthrop—Birket. Jodrell— Phillips. Gee—Kenyon. Johnstone—Coulthart. List of Pedigrees. Jones—Cropper, Heywood, Hornby, of Ribby. PEARSON, of Storrs Hall. KENYON, OF Gkkdington, P^lint, and Peel Hall. Pearson — Fildes. Lister-Knye—Cunliffe. Pease—Wilson. King— Backhouse. PEEL, OF Peele Fold. Lake-- Gerard. Peppard— Blundell of Crosby. L.VNGTON, OF Pkeston and Broughton Tower, afterwards of Perceval—Gregge-Hopwood, Kenyon. KiRKHAM. Percy— Nowell. Lawson—Gerard. Perfect—Sandys. Lawton—Crosse. PHILIPS, OF THE Heath House, &c. Leatham—Fairbairn. Pickford —Gregge-Hopwood, Kenyon. Le Fleming—Stanley. POWELL, of Brandlesome H.\ll. LEGH, of Lyme Hall. Pimlot— Bradshaw-Isherwood. Legh—Crosse. Preston— Hulton. Lever— Hulton. Priestley—Lloyd. LEYLAND, of the Gra.nge, Hindley. Priestman—Backhouse. Lindow— Rawlinson. Pulleine—Askew. Lindesay—Sandys. RADCLYFFE, of Foxdenton, Lister (Lord Ribblesdale)— Parker of Cuerdale, Hulton. Ralph —Westbye. Lister-Kaye—Cunliffe. Ramsay—^Entwisle. LLOYD, of Strancally Castle ; and Ramsden—Westbye. LLOYD, OF Stockton Hall. RATHBONE, of Greenbank. Lloyd — Bradshaw-Ishenvood. RAWLINSON, OF Greenhead and Gkaythwaite. Lloyd Graeme—Lloyd. RAWSTORNE, OF Penwortham and Hutton. LOMAX, see Grimshaw, of Clayton. Readshaw— Morley. Longbottom—Fildes. Richardson—Backhouse. Lonsdall— E'ormby. Riddell—Weld. Lopes— Patten. Roberts—Whitaker. Lorraine —Gerard. Robinson—Nowell. Lumsdane—Sandys. RYLANDS, OF Warrington. Lyell—Lloyd. OF Graythwaite. McGuffie—Coulthart. SANDYS, McKinnon—Entwisle. SAUNDERS, OF Wennington Ham.. Mainwaring—Gerard. THORNTON, of Kirkland Hall. Majendie—Da Hoghton. Sandwith— Hargreaves, Markland—Entwisle. Saunders—-Morley. Marriott—Radclyffe. Savory— Braithwaite. MARTON, of Capernwray. Sawyer— Mosley. IVIcMICKING, of Elmhurst. Scarborough—Parker of Cuerden. Scarlett—Ormerod. Matheson—Cropper. Scarsgill—Cunliffe. Maxwell—Butler-Bowdon. Segar—Grimshaw of Clayton. Maynard—Mosley. Sherson—Nowell. Maze—Blackbume. of Counties Mazine SHUTTLEWORTH, Lancaster, York, Dukha.m, —Rawlinson and Derby. Milne—Chadwick of High Bank. Shuttleworth— Birket, Grimshaw of Clayton, Westbye, and De Mitford—Kenyon. Hoghton. Mohun Gerard. — Sidebottom—Radclyffe. MOLESWORTH, of Rochdale. Simpson—Bridgeman. MOLYNEUX, Earl of Sefton. SKELTON, Family of Molyneux—Clifton. Slaney—Kenyon. MORLEY, originally 'OF Morley and Winnington, Co. Lan- SMETHURST, of Chorley and Rookwood. caster, and now of Beamsley and Marrick, Co. York. Smith—Parker of Browsholme. MOSLEY, of Rolleston and Ancoats. Southwell—De Trafford. Moubray —Marton. STANDISH, of Standish Hall ; and Mounsey— Backhouse. STANDISH, of Du.xbury Park. Murray—Askew. STANLEY, FAMH.Y of Wewby-Wilson— Birket, Sandys. Stanley—Blundell of Ince, Formby. NOWELL, of Read, now of Netherside. STARKIE, of Huntroyde and Ashton. Nowell—Whitaker. Starkie—Whitaker. Noye—Sandys. Steel—Skelton. ORMEROD, of Tyldesley. Stephenson—Standish. Owen— Bigland, Cunliffe. Stevenson—Dawes. PARKER, OF Browsholme and Alkincoats. Stonehewer— Kenyon PARKER, of Cuerden and Extwisle. Strickland—Standish Studdy Cropper. WILSON-PATTEN, of Bank Hall. — Styles— Egerton. Payne—Chadwick of High^Bank. Sykes—-Egerton. List of Pedigrees. Tarleton— Parker of Cuerden. WHITEHEAD, of Uplands Hall and Forton. Tatton—Egerton. Whitaker—Nowell. Taylor—Crossley. Whitmore—Mosley. THICKNESSE, of Beech Hill. Widdrington—Jacson, Weld. Thomson —Coulthart. WILBRAHAM, of Delamere House, Latham House, and Rode Thring—Cardvvell. Hall. Thursby—Ormerod. WILSON, of High Wray. TOWNELEY, of Towneley. Willan- Birket, Sandys. TIPPINGE, OF Bolton. Williamson—Skelton. Tomkins—Sandys. Willink—Cropper. Towneley—Standish. Willis—Earle. Birket, Patten, Sandys. DE TRAFFORD, of Traffokd ; and Wilson— Morley, TRAFFORD, of Wroxham Hall. Winn—De Hoghton. TRAPPES, OF Stanley House. Winthrope— Lloyd. Trappes—Grimshaw of Clayton. Withington—Cardwell. WALMESLEY, of Sholley and Westwood Hall. WOOD, of Singleton Lodge. Walker—Chorley. Wood—Skelton. Walton—Fogge-ElUot. Woodcock—Holme. Watt—Chorley. Worsley—Westbye. Warburton—Egerton Wotton—Nowell. Weekes—Ashton. Wright— Butler-Bowdon. WELD, of
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