![Title Items-In-Nicaragua](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 54 Date 12/06/2006 Time 2:11:32PM S-0882-0002-17-00001 Expanded Number S-0882-0002-17-00001 Title items-in-Nicaragua Date Created 04/04/1967 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0882-0002: Correspondence Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: with Heads of State, Governments, Permanent Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit s 1967 Excellency, I bava the honour, OB "behalf of Secretary-General U fhant who is abroad, to refer to your letter to him of April k, 1967, extending an invitation to him in the name of the President of Nicaragua, General Anastasio Somoaa, to attend the inaugural ceremonies in Jfenagua o» 8fey 1, 1967, I nave conveyed this invitation to the Secretary-General and have been instructed by hid to make this reply to your letter. fhe 0ecretary-General very much appreciates this gracious invitation and wishes you to convey his great appreciation to the President* He regrets very much his inability to accept the invita- tion for the reason that the Special Session of the Seneral Assembly will "be underway at that time, requiring hie constant presence here. Moreover, as a matter "both of principle and practice, the Seeretftry- Seneral as a rule foregoes acceptance of invitations to functions of an essentially domestic political nature* Accept, Hxcellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. Balph £* Bunche Under-Seeretsry Excellency 9r» Uuilletmo Seputy ^Permanent Repreeentative of Micaragua to the United Setiocs Rockefeller Center 1^70 Avenue of the Americas, Suite I8l8 Sew Yorkj H.Y, lOQS^ MISION PERMANENTE DE NICARAGUA ANTE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS April 4-, 1967 Excellency: In the name of the President of Nicaragua, General Anastasio Somoza, I have the Honour of extending to you a very special invitation to attend the ceremonies of his inauguration that will take place in Managua on May 1, 196?. Several heads of state, many foreign minis- ters and over two score of delegations from the free world are expected; however my Government will consider your atten dance as a very special privilege, since this will be the first time that a Secretary General of the United Nations visits Central America. In view of the remarkable development of our Common Market and its ties with the United Nations deve_ lopment programs, and to the fact that all the Presidents of Central American Republics will be presents, I can assure you, Excellency, that your presence in Managua will be profoundly effective and will florish in good will and higher regard for the United Nations in Central America. Allow me to enclose the schedule of the cere- monies for the Inauguration, and to assure to you that I will be delighted to make the pertinent arrangements for the trans portation and lodging for Your Excellency, Assistants and en- tourage at your earliest convenience. Sir, I know how busy you are but I trust that at least the people of Nicaragua may re- joice with your presence from April the 30th to May the 2nd. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration and appreciation. Lang or !ermanent Representative His Excellency U Thant Secretary General of the United Nations New York., N.Y. MISION PERMANENTE DE NICARAGUA ANTE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS PE.QGRAMA OFICIAL DE LA TCMA DE POSES ION DEL GENERAL ANASTASIO SOMOZA D. Domingo 30 de Abril de 1967 10 A.M. Visita de los Jefes de las Misiones Especiales al Sefior Doctor Alfonso Ortega Urbina, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, para la entrega de las copias de estilo de sus Cartas Credenciales, con toda la Misi6*n, en la Sede de la Cancillerfa. Traje de Calle. 4 P.M. Entrega de las Cartas Credenciales al SeKor Doctor Lorenzo Guerrero, Presidente de la Repdblica por los Excelentfsimos SeSores Jefes en Misi6*n Especial, en Casa Presidencial, con toda la ,Misi6"n. Traje de Calle oscuro. 7 P.M. A 9 P.M. Recepcidn ofrecida por el Sefior Ministro de Relaciones Exterio- res y Sefiora de Ortega Urbina, en honor de las Honorables Misio- nes e invitados especiales y de sus distinguidas seHoras esposast Nejapa Country Club - Traje oscuro. Lunes lo. de Mayo de 1967 TRASMISION DEL M&NDG PRESIDENCIAL 8 A.M. Llegada al Estadio Nacional de los Sefiores Miembros del Con- greso Nacional, Corte Suprema de Justicia, Tribunal Supremo Electoral, Ministros y Vice Ministros de Estado, Estado Mayor de la Guardia Nacional e invitados especiales. 8:30 AM Llegada del SeKor Presidente del Congreso Nacional. 8:40 AM a,- Llegada de las Honorables Misiones Especiales. b.- Apertura de la Sesi6"n Solemne del Congreso Nacional. c.- Llegada del Sefior Presidente del Tribunal Supremo Electoral. d.~ Llegada del SeSor Presidente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia. e.- Llegada del SeSor Presidente de la Repu"blica. Himno Nacional - 21 Caflonazos. f.- Llegada del Seffor Presidente Electo. g.- El Sefior Presidente de la ReptSblica entrega la Banda Presidencial al SeHor Presidente del Congreso Nacional. h.- El Sefior Presidente del Congreso Nacional, toma la Prome- sa de Ley al Sefior Presidente Electo, General de Division don Anastasio Somoza Debayle, imponiendole la Banda Presi- dencial. Himno Nacional - 21 Caflonazos. continda-4 MISION PERMANENTE DE NICARAGUA ANTE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS i.- Lectura y firraa del Acta. j«- Los SefEores Vice Presidentes, Doctor Francisco Urcuyo MaliaRo e Ingeniero Alfonso Gallejas Deshon, rinde la promesa de Ley. 1.- El SeKor Presidente de la Repdblica, General de Division don Anastasio Somoza Debayle, lee su Mensaje, m.- Parada Militar. n.~ El Seftor Presidente de la Repdblica se retira. Himno .Nacional - Traje Blanco de Ceremonias y Miniaturas. Militares: Traje Blanco. Las llonorables Misiones Especiales seran recibidas por el SeKor Presidente de la Repdblica y Seffora de Somoza, quienes estara"n acompaffados por los Seftores Vice Presidentes y seftoras de Urcuyo Maliano y Callejas Deshon, en Casa Presidencial. Traje Blanco de Ceremonia, 8 P.M. Recepcidn ofrecida por el Seffor Presidente de la Repdblica y Seffora de Somoza en honor de las Honorables Misiones e Invitados Especiales, de sus distinguidas seiforas esposas y de la Sociedad Hicaraguense, en el Palacio Hacional. Traje Smoking negro - SeJIoras: Corto Fiesta Popular en la Plaza de la Repdblica. Martes 2 de Mayo de 1967 11 A.M. Paseo por las Isletas del Gran Lago de Nicaragua y Almuerzo ofre- cido por el Seffor Presidente de la Repdblica y SeSora de Soiaoza. Traje: Sport Asistira*n solamente las Misiones Especiales, Presidentes de los Poderes del Estado, Ministros, Estado Mayor de la Guardia Nacional e Invitados Especiales, con sefloras Punto de Reunidn: Embarcadero Piedras Pintadas. CEREMONIAL UNOFFICIAL, TRANSLATION 22 July 1970 Dear Mr. Ambassador, I would be grateful if you could have the enclosed letter transmitted to His Excellency General Anastasio Somoza Debayle, Constitutional President of the Republic of Nicaragua, a copy of which I enclose for your information. Yours sincerely, V" 22 •.& 4alio 46 1970 Sefior ' lucho le sgradeeerxa si tmvlera a Mesa tra&sndilr al General toasfeaslo Sosioea Debacle, Pr'esldojrt,® tie la Espublica de JJicarag«a9 la ccsaunicacidn acljunta, de la cnj^. aeospaRo copia a tltuLo infoiraativo. ^e salada fhant ScBor Dr. fSuillermo Sevilla-Sacasa Exferaordlnario y ant© las SacionegL Unidas Gmtffir1 of the MeKleSs* ^dte de Julio de 1970 de ©st« afto para caleb^ar el ds la faad&ei&j de X& 0^g4aaisaei& Sseiablea General appofe^ la ;p0saL%ci«Sn 24W per Eisdio 4« Jla cual dseidid que se eeleb3?ars. 24 d0 oetiifesn© d« 3J70 eon, la fiassa & la <3e tm docirassito o d,osftase»to© ^iiaes, y e^sras^ la jMTd posibla d® Jef ea de Estado o en el t|u© aaTiS » los '©@Meemos Kiesbros eSL £1 de abril 19 F ^. 24 4e oct«b?e9 y qse Ql iaSiaei» die Jef^s de a de Sicas-agism ante las a M ateaei^a la, deelsion <Je la ileemlJiea Clm@f@l a$€ cams sal nota a los @@h£@mo0 aobre «l tesaa menoioiiado y u@ aeog^r^os o«ss ©3. i^ror bssiepUeito su m •« las /tostetaoio Constitucion£tl de la DRAFT 17 July 1970 etter from the Secretary-General to the President of Nicaragua Dear Mr. President, • V«n~ &-**-—=> As jteu/know, the United Nations General Assembly will be c^~-n.s\f-f'>^->-.- . ^ . , . , . ., osgatae^flg a commemorative session in October this year in observance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Organization. The General Assembly last year adopted resolution 2499 A (XXIV) by a which it decided that ihR commemorative session of the General Assembly should be held, culminating on 24 October 1970 with the signing and/or adoption of a final document or documents, and expressed the hope that as many Heads of State or Government as possible would be able to participate in the commemorative session. In a note which I sent to Member Governments on 8 April 1970 it was suggested that this period might be tentatively scheduled in the period 19 to 24 October, to be adjusted according to developments &epeftding~on- the number of Heads of State or Government who might attend. I had a conversation with His'• , Permanent Representative of Nicaragua to the United Nations, on this subject the other day. I should like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the decision of the General Assembly,/ .a s well as my note to governmentr-v, •,..<? s on the above-mentioned/, *xy ..' •• • ;. s• u•' !-*fethLd like~te state that you will-be most welcome to; oomo t<r the t- commemorative session.
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