IIIIII IIIIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111 US009441253B2 c12) United States Patent (IO) Patent No.: US 9,441,253 B2 San et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep.13,2016 (54) METABOLIC TRANSISTOR IN BACTERIA 114/13027 (2013.01); C12Y 205/01001 (2013.01); C12Y 205/01032 (2013.01); C12Y (71) Applicant: William Marsh Rice University, 205/01093 (2013.01); C12Y 305/01022 Houston, TX (US) (2013.01); C12Y 305/99002 (2013.01); C12Y 401/01024 (2013.01); C12Y 602/01011 (72) Inventors: Ka-Yiu San, Houston, TX (US); (2013.01); Y02E 50/17 (2013.01); Y02P 20/52 George N. Bennett, Houston, TX (US); (2015.11) Hui Wu, Houston, TX (US) (58) Field of Classification Search CPC .................................. C12P 7/56; C12N 15/70 (73) Assignee: William Marsh Rice University, Houston, TX (US) USPC .................... 435/108, 111, 115, 116, 252.33 See application file for complete search history. 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U.S. Patent Sep.13,2016 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9,441,253 B2 glucose Competitor competes with Product for carbon / /.... / Cofactor Product Competitor FIG. 2A glucose Add Diverting l Geneswhlch use cofactor, thus reducing C J and increasing P Cofactor,, Product )~ Competitor FIG. 2B e• 00 • PPO.,..__..., ... ./-:::._,.._; .. /~ idi PP(),....___.,,/--......__"{""/ ~ CH3 i CH, ~ D'l'lAPP '--..,__ /__.___..--- '- IPP ~ D:H-\.PPx\ /,.- 1 ~ /n'Pxl 1 =~ ( ,~ \- PPO,,_~,-"'"'"Y:,-,,,_,,-_,,,o-,/ , ;.,pll ppo___ //'~~ 1-- _,,,. t_-- -- .... ,, ~~ r~ ~_!~ 1 t rJJ ('D c':1-[_. cu, UL, (H3 '? , GPP. I .... i.,py· '\ /~::-.._':"hI-l ~ j/ ~ ,/ ... - [f ] -----------,,,, N \ ,, ',.,:/ 0.... \ / ,'>H uhiA O'I 7 : \ hpgt' 4-HB cH3 CH, (-.'H-~ c'lI::: \ CO,H L " L, - J, , , L " \ < c£!1_.......- ''.:::,,.,. ... -....,,-" ·---~""....- ',.... ,,. ... ~,, -..._.,.......- ''.::: .... ,, ... l}PP /),"- \ rJJ (:;;<_;pp C02H Q -,+ ...... ;;:--]t--:,~/ ..... ~~~r'~J ~--1, 1 ('D=­ /l, OH CH3 ~ ('D.... mM ~ 1t,r:1f'-./_,.,.~,r<1' il J ub;x, ul,il> ~ CO.:•~/ l 0 OH t...... CH3 ~ CH{ .... G-4-HB -....J (~)t"/"~r/J; H Oll CH, Lyc:-opene 111 uhif:, uh;,:; Abbreviation: idi, IPP isornerase: ispA, geranyl/farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase; ispB, octaprenyl diphosphate synthase; ubiA, 4-hydroxybenzoate octaprenyltransfcrnse; OH ubiD, decarboxylase catalyzing the decarboxylation of 4-hydroxy-3-ociaprenyl­ t'-.1d)_, ____ ,.. ....,-l, .,.,.. .. CJ-£~ d benzoate; uhiX, similar as ubiD, decarboxylase catalyzing the decarboxylation of 4- r.,;_ }.,[e{))L,tJi>./""~,(J~ n hydroxy-3-octaprcnyl-bcnzoate; ubiE, C-methyltransfcrase; ubiG, 0-methyltransfcrase; \C C>H CH_.., r, crrE, gcranylgeranyl diphosphatc synthase; crtB, phytoene synthase; crtl, phytoene ~ dcsaturase; lepgr, gcranyl diphosphatc:4-hydroxyben7oate 3-geranyltransfcrase. TPP, Ubiquinonc Q8 ~ 'N"""' UI w FIG. 3 =N U.S. Patent Sep.13,2016 Sheet 4 of 7 US 9,441,253 B2 pAC-LYC FIG.4 U.S. Patent Sep.13,2016 Sheet 5 of 7 US 9,441,253 B2 Ptrc pTrc-lePGT AmpR FIG. SA pBlePGT .. /Mind Ill CmR FIG. SB e• 00 • ~ ~ ~ Total QS in nmole/mg DCW ~ =~ 2.0 iii Total Coenzyme QB (Q8 + Total QB in nmole/mg DCW rJJ ('D Na adduct (Na)) 11:1 Total Coenzyme Q8 (Q8 + Na '? 10_00 adduct {Na)) .... 1.5 ~ s s ~ C 0 N <.) 1.00 0 u bO ...
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