INDEX Page references in italics refer to photos and illustrations. Aarons, Slim, 218 Aquidneck Island, 11 Academy of Music, 39 Architectural Heritage of Newport, Adams, Richard C., 171 Rhode Island, The (Preservation Adams, Thelma, 261 Society), 178 adultery, by socialites, 78 Armstrong, Louis, 191 “After Holbein” (Wharton), 96 Arnold, Benedict (Rhode Island Aitken, Annie Laurie, 241 governor), 28 Aitken, Russell, 241 Arthur, Chester A., 204 Alfred of Auersperg, 240–241 Art of Placemaking: Interpreting Aloha, 108 Community through Public Art Alva, 74 and Design, The (Fleming), 265 America, 199COPYRIGHTEDassistant MATERIAL butlers, 57 American Revolution, 13–17, 24, 171, Astor, Caroline Schermerhorn, 32–35, 189–190 33, 95–96 American Weekly, 160, 161, 177 Alva Vanderbilt and, 42–43 America’s Cup, 199–200, 202, Beechwood home of, 36–37 244–245, 268, 272 Empress Eugénie diamond and, Amory, Cleveland, 181, 207–208, 140, 143 224–225 gardens of, 105 Annandale Farm, 211, 216, 258 image of, 78, 79 295 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229595 99/2/09/2/09 44:19:10:19:10 PPMM 296 Index Astor, Caroline Schermerhorn “Battle Hymn of the Republic, The” (continued) (Howe), 29 Lehr and, 89 Bazaar Book of Decorum, The, 31 McAllister and, 78 beaches “Newport Four Hundred” and, 36, bathhouses, 69 159, 206 Easton’s Beach, 20, 25, 105–106 servants of, 57, 58, 63–64 privatization and, 26–27, 70, 230 Astor, Carrie, 42–43, 132 swimming costumes for, 20, 27, 71 Astor, Emily, 34, 71 See also Bailey’s Beach Astor, John Jacob, 34 Beacon Hill, 108, 125–127, 266 Astor, John Jacob IV, 102 Beard, Peter, 221–224 Astor, John Jacob VI, 138, 138–144, Beaulieu, 147–148 142, 224–225 “beautiful people” sketch (Bouché), Astor, Madeleine Force, 102–103, 139 193 Astor, Mary Jacqueline “Jackie,” 224 Beechwood, 25, 36–37 Astor, Vincent, 139 public access to, 254, 276 Astor, William, 144 servants of, 63–64 Astor, William Backhouse, Jr., 32, 34 See also Astor, Caroline Astor, William Waldorf, 37 Schermerhorn Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley, Jr., Belcourt, 81 186–188 as Belcourt Castle, 248–249 Auchincloss, Janet (daughter), Oliver Belmont and, 46, 50 213–216 Bell, Alexander Graham, 38 Auchincloss, Janet (mother), 186–188, Belle Brittan Here and There, 22 214 Bellevue Avenue, 2–4, 8, 24–25, Auersperg, Annie-Laurie, 241 36–37, 239. See also individual Australia II, 244–245 names of “cottages” Austria-Hungary, 118 Bellevue (hotel), 19 Avalon, 184, 258–259 Bellevue Terrace, 107–108 Bells, 2 Bailey, Joseph, 24 Belmont, Alva Smith Vanderbilt, Bailey’s Beach, 4, 25, 69, 97, 147 39–43, 40, 49, 54, 88, 131, 163 Cushing-Beard wedding and, autobiography plans of, 121–123 221–222 Caroline Astor and, 95, 96 “daybreak swimming” and, 111 chef of, 57 Pells at, 203 divorce from Vanderbilt, 79–81 Rhode Island Supreme Court deci- in Europe, 97 sion (1968), 228 hair dye routine of, 76–77 Tiffany Ball and, 194 Lehr and, 89 Baker, Winthrop, 263–264 Marble House built by, 46, 47, Baldrige, Letitia, 5, 192–198 47–48 Bard, John, 150 Marble House Chinese tea garden Barry, Dan, 278 of, 106 Baskt, M. Charles, 281 Newport Social Strategy Board and, bathhouses, 69 83–84 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229696 99/2/09/2/09 44:19:10:19:10 PPMM Index 297 reaction to World War I, 118 Brown, Mrs. John Carter, 171 servants of, 57 Brown, Nicholas, 153 Belmont, Oliver, 38, 97 Bruen Villa, 107, 157 Belcourt built by, 46, 50 Bruguiere, Daisy Post Van Alen, 5, marriage to Alva Vanderbilt, 79, 81 200, 207, 208, 214, 225, 226 marriage to Sara Whiting, 131 children of, 135, 183–184 Bennett, James Gordon, 72, 74, 205 Vanderbilt inheritance of, 150–151 Bernstein, Leonard, 181 World War II fundraising by, 153 Bertrand, John, 245 Bruguiere, Louis, 184 Berwind, E. J., 38, 49–51, 62, 105 Buchanan, T. Wiley, 228 Berwind, Julia, 153, 159, 209 Budlong, Jessie, 133–135, 171 Biltmore Hotel (New York City), 156 Budlong, John, 134 blackout drills, 154 Budlong, Milton, 133–135, 171 “Blood Alley,” 234 Budlong, Milton, Jr., 134 Blue Bird, The (Maeterlinck), 109 bundling (bondle), 15 Blue Dolphin, 204, 223 Burke’s Peerage, 101 Blue Garden, 112 Burrill, Eleanor (French), 124–125, Bonaparte, Jerome Napoleon, 164 133 book collections, private, 31 Buster (cockapoo), 279 Bouché, René, 202–203 butlers, 56–57, 60, 61 “beautiful people” sketch by, 193 Newport Jazz Festival sketch by, Cage, Nicolas, 260–261 180 calling cards, 31–32 Tennis Week sketch by, 201 Camelot Gardens, 250 Bourget, Paul, 51 Candy, Henry “Sugar,” 72 Bradley, Edson, 168 Capote, Truman, 4–5, 222, 280 Brayton, Alice, 129, 137, 208–209, Carey Mansion, 257 236 Carnegie, Andrew, 252, 255 Brayton, Edward, 129 Carnegie Abbey, 254–255 Brayton, Thomas, 125, 128, 129 Carolus-Duran, Charles Émile, 35 Bready, Cheryl, 275–279 Carpenter, Ralph, 256 Bready, Rick, 269, 273–278 Carrère and Hastings, 251 Breakers, 1, 48 Carriera, Joseph, 128, 129 The Breakers Ball, 189–192 cars, “motoring” and, 93–94 Cornelius Vanderbilt II and, 48–49 Castello delle Regine, 271 public access to, 178, 236 Castle Hill (hotel), 239 Sirkis photo, 205, 206 Castles, 148–150 during World War II, 152 Caswell-Massey, 8 Brenton Cove, 152 Caterpillar Brigade, 156 Brittan, Belle, 22–23 Catholic Diocese of Providence, 169 Brown, Angela, 153 Chace, Judy, 250–251 Brown, Carter, 153 Chamber of Commerce (Newport), Brown, John Carter, 138 262–263 Brown, John Nicholas, 153, 234, 268 Champlin, Lawrence W., 171 Brown, John P., 171 Champ Soleil, 169, 241 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229797 99/2/09/2/09 44:19:10:19:10 PPMM 298 Index Chanler Hotel, 263 Common Beach, 70 Chanlers, John Winthrop, 175 Comstock Lode, 66 Charles, Marion “Oatsie,” 226, 238 Condé Nast, 271 Charles II, King of England, 70 Condon, Eddie, 183 Château de Blois (New York City), 42 Confessions of a Social Secretary Chateau-sur-Mer, 25, 207, 236 (Lowe), 120–121 chauffeurs, 60, 226–227 Conner, Dennis, 244 chefs, 57, 61–62 “conspicuous consumption,” 55 Chetwood, 139 Coogan, Harriet Gardiner, 99–102, Chicago Daily Tribune, 79–80 154–157, 161 Chicago Tribune, 64 Coogan, James, 99, 155 Chorley, Kenneth, 173–174 Coogan, Jay, 157 Civil War, 29, 40–41 Coogan, Jessie, 101, 156 Claiborne Pell Bridge, 234, 234–235, cooks, 57 261 Coronet, 270–271 Clambake Club, 74–75, 147, 187, 267 “cottages” Clarendon Court, 240–242, 246 anterooms of, 59 Clayton, Jack, 238 “cottage wars” and, 44–54 Clews, Bamboo, 98–99 early real estate and, 18, 19–20, Clews, Elsie, 71 23–25 Clews, Henry, Jr., 97–99, 100, 132 map of (1933), 146 Clews, Henry, Sr., 71, 97 public access to, 1, 178, 209–210, Clews family, 171 236, 254, 276 Cliff Lawn, 175–176 rented for weddings, 250 Cliffside Inn, 263–264 sales of, in 1940s, 162–169 Cliffside (Turner home), 115–116, 176 seasonal opening of, 8–10 Cliff Walk, 26–27, 230 “Vanderbuilding,” 44, 50 “climbers,” 32 as “white elephants,” 92–93 clothing. See wardrobe See also individual names of “cot- clubs, 69–75, 125 tages” de Savary and, 252–255 Cottrell, Pamela, 147 Eileen Slocum on, 281 Covell, William King, 171 in 1990s, 266–267 Cowsill, Bud, 227–228 O’Neill and, 255 Cowsills, 227–228 T. Suffern Tailer and, 127–129, 134 Crawford, Caroline, 109 See also individual names of clubs Crevecouer, Clemont, 14 Codman, Martha, 172, 264 Croker, Richard, 99 Codman, Ogden, Jr., 264 Cromwell, James, 229 Cohen, Earle, 244 Crosby, Bing, 191 Coletti-Perucca, Gertrude Gretsch, Crossways, 53, 82–83, 84, 103, 163 224 servants of, 61 colonial era, in Newport, 11–17 used for U.S. Navy personnel, 205 Colonial Williamsburg, 173–174 See also Fish, Marion “Mamie” coming-out parties, 85–86, 101, 187, Graves Anthon 213–216 Crowley, Paul W., 246 commissions, 63, 90 Curry, R. W., 53 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229898 99/2/09/2/09 44:19:10:19:10 PPMM Index 299 Curtis, Charlotte, 212–214, 220 Eileen Slocum and John Jacob Cushing, Fred, 217 Astor VI engagement, 138–144 Cushing, Grafton, 99 Mdivani “princes” and, 135–137 Cushing, Howard, 217 Dockery, Joe, 271 Cushing, Howard G., 217 “dollar princesses,” 80 Cushing, Howard Gardener, 98–99, Dooley (E. J. Berwind’s butler), 62 100, 217 Douglas, Barclay, 216 Cushing, Mary “Minnie,” 217, Downbeat, 182, 183 217–219, 220–224 downstairs maids, 59 Cushing, Thomas, 217 dowries, 80–81 Cushing family, 171, 204 Drexel, Elizabeth (Lehr), 90–91 Cutler, Judy Goffman, 254 Drexel, Mr. and Mrs. John, III, 215 Cutler, Laurence, 254 Drexel, Noreen, 198 Duchin, Peter, 222 “dancing by the mile,” 110–111 Dugan, Danny, 197 Dark Shadows, 242, 257 Duke, Doris, 229, 229–232, 236–237, Davis, Deborah 247–248 Party of the Century: The Fabulous Dunlap, Charles E., 209 Story of Truman Capote and His Black and White Ball, 4–5, 280 Easton’s Beach, 20, 25, 105–106 Strapless: John Singer Sargent and Easton’s Point, 74–75 the Fall of Madame X, 4 “egosexia,” 176–177 Davis, Meyer, 181, 190, 215 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 184, 204, “daybreak swimming,” 111 210–211 de Barril, Maria, 58–59, 96 Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 225 debutantes Elliot, Maude Howe, 159 coming-out parties for, 85–86, 101, Elms, 1, 49–51, 60, 153, 209–210 187, 213–216 engineers, 60 “dancing by the mile” by, 110–111 “English” attitude, 60–61 See also individual names of debu- etiquette, 4–6, 5–6, 12, 14–15, 30–32 tantes Eugénie, Empress of France, 140, 143 Decoration of Houses, The (Wharton, Evening, 261 Codman), 264 Evitts, Eric Henry, 225–226 de la Renta, Oscar, 218–219, 222 excursionists, 20, 68.
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