HHoottlliinnee NNootteess IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiiooonnnaaallll AdddvvvIIIeeennnnnntttttteeeiiiisssrrrtttnnn Maaatttiiiiuuuooosssnnniiiicccaaaiiiiaaalll nnn Asss Adddvvvssseeesssnnnoooccctttiiiiiiiaaaisssttttttiiiiooo nnnMuuusssiiiiccciiiiaaannnsss Assssssoooccciiiiaaatttiiiiooonnn OOaakkwwoooodd UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessiiddeenntt’’ss SSpprriinngg MMeessssaaggee SSeettss SSttaaggee ffoorr NNeeww MMuussiiccaall CCoommppoossiittiioonn Michele Solomon Public Relations, Oakwood University he Oakwood University Church dramatically narrated by OU alumnus what inspired such a soul-stirring sanctuary was packed to Timothy Allston and was written by composition with family members, capacity on Sabbath, April 18, OU music department adjunct friends, and guests who had traveled Twhen President Delbert Baker professor and piano accompanist to OU’s campus that Sabbath to hear delivered an inspiring Spring Message Adriana Perera as part of her Master’s the first official public performance of entitled, “Simon of Cyrene – the composition. It was Crossing Point.” The sermon inspired, she said, by a private focused on how life events that moment spent with family one seem at the time to be evening at the foot of the interruptions or disruptions to Monument to Service, an 8-foot our daily routines can become bronze statue in the center the signal incident that saves Oakwood’s Centennial Square our very lives. that depicts Simon of Cyrene It offered a close-up of the assisting Jesus with the cross. encounter that Simon of Cyrene, The statue, which was sculpted a black man from North Africa, by Alan Collins and dedicated had with Jesus when he was in the fall of 2006, evoked such called on to assist the Savior deep feelings of appreciation for with the cross after He had the biblical account of Simon’s fallen beneath its weight on His personal encounter with Jesus way to Calvary—a divine on the way to His crucifixion interruption that became the that it became the theme of her crossing point in Simon’s life. Master’s thesis on Negro spirituals. r. Baker’s 20-minute sermonette provided the erera, who is the daughter Dbackdrop for the Passion of missionary parents, oratorio that was to follow. Pdrizzled snippets of Negro It was truly the icing on the cake, Simon of Cyrene Oakwood University spirituals throughout this new Alan Collins, sculptor performed by the Aeolians, the composition. Having lived in Oakwood University Wind Ensemble, thesis on Negro spirituals. It received South America and Spain during her and the Belmont University two standing ovations and called childhood and adolescence, she was (Nashville, Tenn.) Chamber many a handkerchief out of obscurity. always fascinated by spirituals. Ensemble, and conducted by Aeolians When asked why she chose this director, Jason Max Ferdinand. The t a private luncheon reception musical genre as the subject of her elaborate musical composition, held later that afternoon, Perera thesis, she responded, “It is a very entitled Crossing Over , was Ashared a few thoughts about special music, and has been translated Summer/Autumn 2009 HHHHHHoooooottttttlllllliiiiiinnnnnneeeeee President's Message guiding force in bringing many of the people. There is still much to be done. projects of our group to fruition. The Although histories of North American financial assistance and support she Colleges have been written up to the and her husband contributed made it beginning of the 21 st Century, time possible for IAMA to continue keeps marching on. Our future needs through the past quarter century. to continue being archived, and there Without her leadership there were are colleges in other countries whose several times when our organization music histories need to be written. I would probably have been disbanded. am sure there are still other musicians Dan Shultz has been at the heart who need to be included in the of IAMA from its conception. He has biographies. Is your biography there? authored and/or edited all of our How about your teachers, students, or C. Lynn Wheeler publications. He has sleuthed out colleagues? For more than twenty-five years information concerning the histories of We all need to feel a now we Adventist musicians have our colleges that would easily have responsibility for our organization. I been keeping in contact with each been lost forever by visiting for hours would encourage you to write an other through IAMA. Much has with people who either remembered or article to be included in Notes , or a been accomplished with job knew where to find information. It is biography of someone who has been postings, our website, IAMA impossible to imagine how many inadvertently omitted. Or maybe you Hotline, Notes , and the histories of hours he has spent in the researching have an idea about something you our North American Adventist and writing of biographies. His would like IAMA to do - please share colleges and other aspects of remarkable skills have also made it it with us. And almost all of us could Adventist music. These possible for all of this information to contribute a few dollars extra beyond accomplishments are due primarily be collected on our website. In many our dues to help with expenses. By all to the efforts of two people - Elsie ways Dan IS IAMA! of us becoming involved, IAMA can Buck and Dan Shultz. The concern, though, is that an continue being an important voice Elsie served as our president organization cannot be totally within our church. for seventeen years. She has been a dependent upon only a couple of C. Lynn Wheeler fruition. The financial assistance accomplished.CONTENTS Although histories of Oakwood University & Simon of Cyrene 1 SDA Music Programs 5 Walker Memorial Academy Steel Band 3 IAMA Biography Project 6 SDA College/University Enrollment 4 A Childhood Odyssey 7 Washington Adventist University 5 IAMA Bulletin Board 8 IAMA LOGO IAMA's Logo, created in a few seconds with the quick movements of a writer's quill, Is a cluster of notes from Beethoven's sketchings for Symphony No. 9. Hotline Notes A summary of news provided by the IAMA Hotline , a service of the International Adventist Musicians Association. Additional information: IAMA, Box 476, College Place, WA 99324 Dan Shultz Editor 2 HHHHHHoooooottttttlllllliiiiiinnnnnneeeeee OOaakkwwoooodd . persevered and gained access to second language. With the support into about 300 different languages. many of the original musical of Oakwood Music Department There’s something about how each manuscripts. chair Audley Chambers, Ph.D., of these spirituals has its own Aeolians conductor Justin Max story. I think God has somehow fter diligent prayer and Ferdinand, and vice president for protected that music. ” study, Perera took on the Academic Affairs John Anderson, However, when she shared the Afour-month challenge of Ph.D., what has resulted is a subject of her thesis with her writing the musical score that moving contribution to the music graduate professor at Belmont would trace the steps of Jesus on arena that will surely find its University, he didn’t like the topic. the Via Dolorosa, all the way to rightful place among the annals of “He felt I didn’t have enough of a Calvary. It took another month, inspired compositions. background,” she explained. But Perera said, to write the lyrics for the gifted Uruguayan composer the composition in English, her WWWWaaaallllkkkkeeeerrrr MMMMeeeemmmmoooorrrriiiiaaaallll AAAAccccaaaaddddeeeemmmmyyyy SSSStttteeeeeeeellll BBBBaaaannnndddd wwwwiiiinnnnssss TTTToooopppp PPPPrrrriiiizzzzeeee iiiinnnn EEEEaaaasssstttt CCCCooooaaaasssstttt CCCCoooommmmppppeeeettttiiiittttiiiioooonnnn The Fire 'n Steel band at WMA in Highland Park, Florida, was the grand prize winner in the instrumental category in Universal Studio's annual Music USA Festival, held in Orlando on March 27, 2009. They were in competition with concert bands and other instrumental ensembles. The USA competitions, which are held in New York and Washington, D.C., as well as Orlando, are the most prominent musical events for middle and high school choirs and instrumental groups on the East Coast. In the competition with other steel drum groups they won first place, which then qualified them for possibly winning the grand prize. One of their members, sophomore Gopaul Sankar, was also chosen as one of five outstanding soloists in the festival The 18 members of the group, directed by Leonard Caan, are drawn from grades 7- 12. They must be able to read and memorize music, play rhythmically, and be members in the school band. Source: Southern Tidings 6/9 3 HHHHHHoooooottttttlllllliiiiiinnnnnneeeeee SDA College/University Enrollments Enrollment information available as of 17 November 2009 . Andrews University 3,589 students are enrolled, an increase of 170 students or 5% over the previous high- enrollment school year. Overall, headcount enrollment has increased by more than 30% over the last eight years. Additionally, the undergraduate enrollment of 1,816 students is the highest undergraduate enrollment since 1984. There are 483 freshmen overall (the highest in more than a decade). Graduate student enrollment is 1,625 students, the highest graduate student enrollment in more than 10 years. Atlantic Union College 461 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled, a 19% increase over last year. La Sierra University 1,857 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled. This year’s freshman class is La Sierra’s largest of the past three years, a 12.2% increase over last year. Oakwood University 1,861 students are enrolled this year, an increase over last year's record enrollment. The president of the OU has promised to do a high-board jump when it reaches 2,000. Pacific Union College 1,511 students are enrolled this year, an increase of 11.1 % over last year's enrollment. Southern Adventist University 2,891 students are enrolled, an increase of 4% over this past year. There are 603 freshmen, the second highest freshmen class ever. This year also marks the university’s 14th successive year of continuous growth. Union College 883 students are enrolled this year, a larger number than the school had anticipated. Walla Walla University 1808 undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled this year, an increase over last year.
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