Page Six CRAN^ORJMN. •*•> CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THURSDAY, 1UNE 4, 1970 seven semesters and was elected District 3, Gilbert Hoy, II, and marathon .table Bhuffleboard by ated from the Armed Forces to Phi Eta Sigma.- national schol- Rose Stoj, II; District 4, Council- sponsoring a marathon over the Courier School in Washington, m Cougar Nine's Streak Ends astic fraternity for freshman men. man Hartman, 14, and Ruth Fer- Memorial Day weekend. The mar- : D. C., and has been reassigned to rel 13. ath'pn lasted for ,72 hours. .: Heidelberg, Germany. Pfc. Walsh At 6 As Westfield Wins 1-0 Uni|er the*joint aegis' of the is home on a 30-day leave until Crynford High School's varsity Voting* Light sports and marathon- committees, June 15. baseball learn, lost a heartbfcaker Hearing June 16 the marathon started last Thursday day from Brigewater College, Brid- evening and continued non-stop 1o Westfield 1-0 in a 12-inning gewater Va.., She majored in At Primaries For Man Held through Sunday night. A total of fjaine at Westfield Tuesday after- physical education. 403 individual games were played, noon ami dropped to third place with""Hie" blu? team victorious by; On Driig Charge : in (he Watchung Conference. The In Garwood KENILWORTH -~ A hearing has a score of 202-201. The blue! team local team closed the season with Rosary Society GARWOOD — With no local been set for June 16 for Robert also won by total points scored, 'RESORT . MOTEL a 0-7-+ mark. contests in either camp, there Chelednik, 21, of 75 Arthur Ter., 3,858-3,721, pcaanfront at North Bath Am. The Cougars edged Scotch were only. 258 votes cast here in U»l Brmcn, N*. VPW) 229-1000 Of St. Theresa's who was arraigned- Tuesday in A total of 23 DeMolays and "Only 90 Ulnutm Mm H-YJCJ" Plains, this season's Watchung Tuesday's Primary. Election, rep- resenting about 10 percent' of the Elizabeth Municipal Court on a eight Masonic advisers partici- i^OO-Jt Mnta Btach-tHwl • CoffM- champs. 4-3, Monday and routed To Elect Slate charge of possession jpf marijuana. pated. A number of Rainbow Girls M«Pltt-)(Mt* Lounn • mt«ly paaelnc a Union 13-0 last Friday, 24 hours total voter registration. The total Cnt. • FUEE-Pirtlnt A Uxutgtt • Minutac KENILWORTH — The ' Rosary He was continued in $500 bail by were present during the weekend. to MpmiOUTH » FREEHOP RACEWAVSI# Second Class Postage Paid before the losers went out to cap- turnout included 158 Democratic VOL. LXXVn. NO. 21. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1970 Cranford. New Jersey 07016 .15. CENTS Society of St. Theresa's" Church voters and 100 Republicans. Judge John T. Soja. p p 8 3 Sections, 22 Pages ture the Union County Conference wi|l hold its annual June party The Kenilworth man was arrest- Froom $1$ 1 Daily |u bi: o cc M baseball championship. High'"vote getter here was Mayor Men In Service Monday in the Me Veigh Auditor- ed Monday after being stopped for PfC. Kerry D. Walsh, son of Mr., Jt.Y.ai2)253-7i7Yai2)2537i71 lJ1 Coach Bob Babetski's team htfd ium following 7:30 p.m. mass in John J, McCarthy, with 140 tallies a motftr vehicle violation at Broad in his unopposed bid for the Dem- and Mrs. Ralph A. Walsh of 407 ;i real hot streak.going,"having won the church. • • and E. Broad Sts., Elizabeth, by Central Ave., recently was gradu- It aw six in a ,,row before meeting the A new slate of officers will be ocratic-nomination for -reelection. Patrolmen Walter Berko and Blue Devils Tuesday. Harry Lin- elected from the following nomina- His running mates, Edward F. Mas- Rankin Haines. A search of the Board Decides to Reappoint Further Protests Heard terson and Clayton F. Costello, roth of Cranford and Rich An- tions: Vice-president; Mrs. Pas- vehicle by, the two policemen re- ON THE JERSEY COAST of Westfield were locked in quale, Scorese and Mrs. Pat Ivone; also unopposed in their bids for TOWN BEAUTJFIERS — A spring planting and cleanup program sulted in discovery j?f two partial- the Democratic noihinations for was carried out recently by the^garden department of the Garwood ly-smoked njarihuana cigarettes JUNE a scoreless duel until the bottom secretary, Mrs. Helen, Cahill and Borough Council, received totals of , of the 12th. Gist .tohnson walked, Mrs. Peter Matlaga; treasurer, Mrs. Woman's Club. Two azalea plants and an adromeda bush were and a plastic bag of marihuana. WEEKEND AVON INN 139 and 136 votes, respectively. and MOTOR LODGE stole second, moved to third on Ernest Hammer and Mrs. John planted at the Post Office in memory of. Mrs. Ernest Holt and Mrs. Chelednik also was given sum- EXTRAVAGANZAS An Enlii% Block on th« Oc»on Fr»nt SarriowskiasSuperintendent On Hike in Pool Fees Joe Monninger's single and came Sabplchick. Councilman Charles JL Horbacz, Charles Baniewicz. Members shown participating are, left to right: monses for failure to have his car WITHOUT BEING EXTRAVAGANT Seaside tour with lunch, dance Vincent F. Sarnowski will be reappoint- in on an overthrow. The win mov- Refreshments and entertainment unopposed for the Republican nom- First row, Mrs. Harry Dirscks and Mrs. Edward Tiller; second inspected and not having a driver's will follow. Chairladies are Mrs. ination for mayor, was accorded license and registration in his pos and show, conceit movie.. 4-day / ed as superintendent of>schools for a one- ed Westfield into second in the con-' row, Mrs. William Gilbert, Mcs. Edward Mousted and Mrs. David 3-night Plan from $54 each, two in Edward Romaine and Mrs. Michael 99 votes, while Councilmen Harry session. year period beginning July 1, it was an- ference standings. Murray; third row, Mrs. Arthur Schweitzer and Mrs. Alfred Mock. a room, including 400m, meals, nounced Tuesday night by. Richard J. An- The Cougars went extra innings Paoline. E. Hartman and Carmelo A. Cus- mano, unopposed for the Republi- arage, many extras. For reserva- Students Urge derson, president of the Board of Education. Site for New Facility also to defeat Scotch Plains on On Saturday, the Rosary Society mi call 609-3454454 COLLECT.; This will put Mr. Sarnowski on tenure. Monday. With the score tied at 3- together with the Catholic Daugh- can nominations for reelection to SHuffleboard 1 the council, received totals of 97 Thomas J. Geoghegan and 1 for 47, and Carmela DiBattista, 44; Charges that Township Committee is all after nine innings. Rich Maz- ters will host-a luncheon following Speaking at a public meeting at Cranford "blackmailing" the 1,600 members of the noon mass for approximately 200 and 96 votes, respectively. John L. Banyasz for the male mem- District 3, William. A. Hooley, 18, Public Support High School on the board's proposed school zella singled ,and was sacrificed to ber of the Democratic County and Doris McCarthy, 17; District 4, Marathon Record 'Present municipal swim pool to build a new second. Catcher John Van Brunt handicapped people of the Mary Local voters favored the Regu- buiIaTng"plahrMr. Anderson said the hoard lar-Democratic...Organization canr Committee in District-^.,-for-which Connie Lobue, 27: facility were made by Dr. Thomas Dooley, .fanned, *but reached"5a'se "when""the Varick First-Saturday'-of-the-Month- Set by DeMolay reached the decision after considering, the- 203 Holly St., Tuesday at another midnight Club. didates on the national and cojuinty there had been no petition filing. ' Votes for the unopposed candi- strong community support expressed for the 703 Applications ball got past the catcher. BobDia- dates for election to the Republi- •Brefnner Chapter, Order of D$- Of Referendum session of the governing body. kon tried to bunt, but popped to level. United States Senator. Harri- Unopposed candidates for elec- superintendent and after "conversations and can County Committee were' as fol- Molay, established new world and THE FRIENDLY HOTEL Another half-dozen pool members pro- the pitcher. The hurler fired to son A. Williams, Jr., received a tion to the Democratic .County A petition signed by 581 students urging understandings reached with Mr. Sarnowski." total of 126 tallies here in his bid Committee received vote totals as lows: District 1, Municipal Chair- International DeMolay records for tested the proposed $20 hike in summer swinv third for an attempted double play Scouts to Hold public support of the proposed $&2 million Following a report last month that the Thus Far Toward for th.e Democratic nomination for follows: District) 1-, Councilngton man Victor L. Nemeth, 31, and high school, expansion bond issue was pre- pool fees for next season while resdients of only. Jo_.throw...wildly and allow reelection, as compared with 25 for Edward W. Krempa, 47, and Jac- Doris C. "Mann, 32;' District 2, for- board intended to hire a new superintendent Myrtje and Garden Sts., which adjoin Me- Mazzella to race home." Arts Festival ONTHEiOCEAN . sented to theJJoard of. Education at a public and demote Mr. Sarnowski to assistant super- his opponent,' State Senator Prank queline Brezney; 44f District 2, SPRING LAKE, N. J. 07762 morial Field, site of the proposed new swim . KENILWORTH Kenilworth mer Councilman Henry W. Piekar- hearing on the referendum Tuesday night, Second Pool Goal _ Cranford pushed across a run in J. Guarini, while for the three former Mayor Edward S. Tripka, ski, 39, and Virginia Lombardo, 38; COAST-TO-COAST MOVERS intendent, there was .an outpouring of public pool utility, again voiced opposition,jp.locat-. the firsi.-Scotch-Plains took, a 2-1 Girl ScoUts will hold a "Festival PRIVATE BEACH % GLORIOUS.
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