Rain Dampens Antiwar Group Enthusiasm SEE STORY PAGE 17 Rain Likely Cloudy with occasional rain THEDAEY FINAL likely tonight, tomorrow and Itank, Fn>i'lu»lil f" Wednesday. \*m% Branch EDITION 30 PAGES Moiiinoulfi County's OutNtanding Home Newspaper VOL. 94 NO. 251 •RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, JUNE 19,1972 TEN CENTS iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiii IIIIIUIIIII iiuiiiiittiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii iiitHuiusminiiiitiniiiiiiiniii Apy Challenges Bedell on Taxes TRENTON - Assem- needs of New Jersey and tion? I urge him to present a state on the proposed tax re- tax reform proposals. It "Further, during the course blyman Chester Apy, R-Mon- Monmouth County. realistic alternative to solve form program. would be unfair at this point in of the Taxation Committee niouth, has criticized Assem- Mr. Apy, vice chairman of what is certainly the most ur- "Additionally," Mr. Apy time to expect the other legis- hearings, his position was blyman Eugene Bedell, D- the Taxation Committee, said gent problem in this state — said, "Bedell is a member of lators from Monmouth County made clear on numerous oc- Monmouth, chairman of the Mr. Bedell's "adamant nega- the nearly confiscatory level the Assembly Appropriations to arrive at a firm position un- casions. He found fault with Assembly Taxation Com- tivism" In regard to the tax of property taxes. Let him Committee and from that til they have had an adequate the proposals advanced and mittee, for "persisting In a ri- reform program is all the shjw — as the governor's pro- committee's deliberations on opportunity to study the de- appeared content to permit gid and thoroughly negative more difficult to understand gram clearly shows — the the state budget, became fully tails of the program. the present tax structure with stand" on tlip proppsed state "in light of the many com- benefits to the people of Mon- aware of the cost of funding "When the state Tax Policy its skyrocketing property 'tax reform program. mittee hearings he has mouth County and Assembly programs to meet the needs Committee released its report taxes to continue. He'called on Mr. Bedell "to chaired, the many pages of Dlstrct 5B." of New Jersey. in February, Bedell an- "Finally, last Thursday, present a viable alternative testimony we have heard, and Unique Position "Because both of us have nounced his opposition; when when the legislature returned for meaningful property tax the long hours of study and Mr. Apy said he and Mr. had access to the fiscal af- the governor presented his for the first time since hear- reduction and relief." discussiion we have devoted Bedell occupy a unique posi- fairs of this state through our tax reform program last ing Governor CahlU's tax re- to this program. tion among Monmouth County committee service, it is cer- month based on the com- form message, Bedell's con- Mr. Apy announced his sup- mittee recommendations, tinued negativism turned to port of the tax reform propos- "In die face of this, can he legislators in that both have tainly proper for our con: participated in the series of stituents to expect us to devel- Bedell again expressed his op- obstructionism as he: als last week, describing them continue in his opposition position. See Apy Page 2 Chester Apy as necessary to meet the merely for the sake of opposi- public hearings around the op a reasoned position on the Eugene Bedell 5 21 Airlines Cancel Flights in Strike WASHINGTON (AP) - Air- Some of America's largest Tuesday. from Newark Airport, only line pilots began a 24-hour airlines announced their pilots At Kennedy airport in New Eastern Airlines says it is worldwide strike at 2 a.m. would not take part in the York, IB foreign airlines an- being affected by the strike of EDT today to dramatize de- demonstration. Some pilots nounced they had canceled pilots today. mands for tighter security voluntarily agreed to man their scheduled flights into Frank Borman, the former against airborne hija- their planes;- others bowed to and out of Kennedy for today. astronaut who is an Eastern ckers. There was no imme- a court order barring U.S. pi- A spokesman for Eastern senior vice president, Issued a diate indication how many of lots from participating. said the cancellations would statement saying the line the world's 50,000 pilots were Heed Can cost the airline an estimated would be forced to close for a taking part in the work stop- But other U.S. pilots, and $2.5 million in revenues and 24-hour period between 2 a.m. page. But, even before the their counterparts abroad, much traveler inconvenience. today and 2 a.m. tomorrow. strike began, three U.S. air- heeded the call of the Inter- A spokesman for the U.S. Spokesmen for Trans World, lines and IB foreign carriers national Federation of Air Air Line Pilots Association American and United airlines announced suspension of all Line Pilots Associations to said there had been no talk of said their operations at New- flights for 24 hours. stay on the ground for a day any picketing by the pilots but ark would not be affected by "It's under way," said a to demonstrate the need for did not rule out that some pi- the threat of the Airline Pilots spokesman for the U.S. Air increased government action lots might picket on their Association to call a one-day Line Pilqts Association. He to stop air piracy and ex- own. strike to dramatize the need APWIrapholo acknowledged it would be dif- tortion. ALPA announced late Sun- for better protection against CROWDED AIRPORT — Passengers crowd around TWA ticket counter waiting for plane departure ficult to gauge the extent of Eastern, Northeast and day the strike Was on despite hijacking. from Logan Internationai Airport, Boston, last night. They were trying to beat the Air Lines Pilots As- the walkout in the early-morn- Southern airlines announced an injunction against U.S. "We will by flying," BiU sociation one-day shutdown starting at 2 a.m. EDT today to dramatize their protest against what they ing hours when few planes beforehand the suspension of participation. Liss, a TWA public relations normally are flying. feel is inadequate international cooperation to stopping aerial piracy and extortion. all flights until 2 a.m. GOT Of the major airlines flying See 71 PageS 118 Killed in British Jet Crash LONDON (AP) - A British minutes after taking off from them conditional absolution fed into computers to help the of nine, were British. Publica- jetliriir crashed Sunday just London's Heathrow Airport. no matter who they were." official inquiry into the dis- tion of the passenger list was after taking off for Brussels, The plane was full, many of The Department of Trade aster." delayed because the airline in- killing all 118 persons aboard. the passengers having booked and Industry said the pilot's BEA has operated the Brit- sisted on notifying relatives of It was the worst air crash on seats to beat the international last message to ground con- ish-built Trident for eight the dead first. British soil, and the dead in- pilots' strike today: trol said: "Up to 60." A years, and this was the first to The first Americans identi- cluded 29 Americans, spokesman commented: crash in passenger service. fied were G. P. Keogh of The Rev. Peter Knoll, a Ro- "This is quite a normal mes- However, airport sources dis- New York City; Mr. M. Obst Among the victims were at man Catholic chaplain at the sage. It means that the pilot closed that the plane that and Mrs. H. Obst of Bethesda, least 12 British physicians on airport,.reached the scene 10 was climbing to a level of crashed was rammed by a Md.; and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- their way to a professional minutes after the crash and 6,000 feet." cargo plane on the ground in liam E. Smith of Monroe, congress and several top lead- reported, "There was chaos July 1968. The Trident was out Mich. ,«.. , ers of Irish industry. inside the plane. Britain's aerospace minis- ter, Michael Heseltine, visited of service for six months Most of the Irish victims The three-jet Trident air- "It looked as though every- the crash site and said later: while it got a new tail and en- were members of a delegation liner, operated by British Eu- body had been killed in- "both flight recorders on the gine. of industrialists going to Brus-. ropean Airways, plunged into stantly. I could not get at all plane have been recovered Of the 118 persons aboard sels for talks at the headquar- a field near a busy road two the passengers, so I just gave and their information will be Sunday, 34, including the crew ters of the Common Market. Among them were Con Smith, president of the Con- federation of Irish Industry; Michael Sweetman, an econo- Experts to Explain Tax Plan mist and writer who was di- TRENTON (AP)-The leg- rector of the Irish Council of the program. even have a feeling how much bly, where all revenue-raising the European Movement; islature returns to Trenton One Democratic assem- support they have. measures must originate. today to study and talk some Ivan Webb, chairman of the blyman said there were 13 Some GOP sources, how- The Philadelphia Evening Council of the Irish Employ- more about Gov. William T. "solid" votes for the program ever, have said there are no Bulletin reported Friday that AIRLINER DEBRIS - The severed tall section of a British European Air- Cahill's tax reform program. ers' Federation; and Guy among the 40 Assembly more than 15 Republican a poll taken by mail and di- Jackson, an executive of ways |et, which crashed yesterday, in Stalnesi England, lies In debris- Administration legal and Democrats.
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