Monthly Community Paper | [email protected] | 206-501-2254 | Vol. 1 No. 10 November 2009 SEATTLE South Asian INDIA GIFTS GANDHI STATUE TO BELLEVUE Global IT nsideSpending Up Oct 17, Bellevue self-determination, and his quiet by 3.3%................. 02 The Gandhi Memorial Statue on i but determined leadership spoke the Plaza at the Downtown Bel- for those in the most humble cir- levue Library is a gift of the Gov- cumstances. Gandhi’s example, India - better growth ernment of India to the people of and affirmation of peace and jus- than US and China. 04 Bellevue as an act of friendship tice spoke—and still speaks—to and in recognition of the mutually all, here and abroad. Kids & Creativity.... 05 6th Annual Seattle beneficial ties of culture, commu- The City of Bellevue, KCLS and nity, trade, and economy that bind the Bellevue Library welcome Seattle South Asian Independent South us together. this generous gift. As an historical figure and wise teacher, Gandhi is Film Festival 2009...... This statue is a gift to all the known the world over, as a writer, ..............07, 10, 11, 19 Asian Film Festival, 2009 people of this region as a unify- thinker, and activist who earned 5 October 2009 Seattle: Indepen- ing symbol. Gandhi was a wise an honored and central place in dent South Asian Film Festival teacher who had a widespread, the archives of knowledge. As one (ISAFF), a celebration of the best positive impact around the globe. regional leader said, there is no independent films from the South His commitment to nonviolence more fitting place for this Gandhi Asian diaspora was organized by symbolized tolerance, justice, and (Continued on page 8) TASVEER, a grassroots, com- munity-based organization that is Gandhi Statue Gift- committed to bringing indepen- CREATIVITY & CONNECTIVITY FOR KIDS India to Bellevue... 08 dent progressive films from South Asia and the South Asian Diaspo- Kumarakom, Kumbla, Galapa- gin from around the world and in safe online experience. ra to the Pacific Northwest. gos Islands, Rasipuram, Sriran- so doing, give them a true global ZapZany’s uniqueness comes Community calendar gam, Kodaikanal, Bangalore – all from the fact that ALL content is and listing ........14-15 2009 was film festival was orga- places children, who are members created BY children, FOR chil- nized from October 2nd through of www.zapzany.com visited or dren and OF children. We could October 4th at Broadway Perfor- come from and chose to share never do it without them! What to Cook?....... 17 mance Hall, 1625 Broadway, Se- with friends and family around attle, WA, 98122 the world. BY CHILDREN Seattle Mayor on Living so far from our roots, how Children are invited to write or Noble prize..............17 often have many of us thought of draw around a theme for The Om- HAPPY ways to keep our children con- niBuzz and MiniBuzz, books that nected with their grandparents, are published online. The myriad One Girl’s Endeavor to uncles, aunts, cousins and the just styles, eloquence, experiences, help hundred’s........18 Nov 02: Guru Nanak Jayanthi the place WE come from? How thoughts, voices that appear here, often have we thought of how to speak volumes of these young cre- Astrology................21 share our children’s experiences ative minds, presented from vari- Nov 26: Thanksgiving Day with loved ones back home? ous parts of the world. CREATIVITY IS THE NAME Girish Karnad in Se- Nov 28: Eid-Ul-Adha OF THE GAME Ananya lets her imagination run attle .......................22 www.zapzany.com , is a unique experience. ZapZany is a forum, wild with a Swirlybops Adven- online platform, created to con- to encourage and nurture creative ture, in the MiniBuzz. Bollywood news..... 23 nect children of South Asian ori- expression among children, in a (Continued on page 5) Seattle South Asian November 2009 Page 2 Global IT Spending to grow by 3.3% in 2010 DESI SUPPORT Tuesday,20 October 2009 spending was expected to be flat seat anymore,” said Sondergaard. in 2010 after declining 16.5 per- Research firm Gartner has stated cent this year to $317 billion. that global IT spending is ex- Advertise in pected to increase 3.3 percent in Also, global telecom spending SYSTEM 2010. Though the IT spending is is expected to decline by four expected to decline by 5.2 percent percent this year with revenue BECOME A PART OF SOCIAL SUPPORT SYSTEM IN in 2009, but it is estimated that it of nearly $1.9 trillion, but it is SEATTLE SEATTLE will grow by 3.3 percent to $3.3 estimated to grow 3.2 percent in trillion in 2010. Also, generating 2010. revenues equal to 2008 figures SOUTH We need volunteers will take time. Global IT services spending is expected to total $781 billion ASIAN “While the IT industry will return in 2009, and grow 4.5 percent [email protected] to growth in 2010, the market will in 2010, while global software not recover to 2008 revenue levels spending is expected to decline 1-888-622- before 2012,” said Peter Sonder- 2.1 percent in 2009 and grow 4.8 and grow gaard, Senior Vice President and percent in 2010. 0941 Global Head (Research), Gartner. your “By 2012, the accelerated IT The IT budgets for more than 50 spending and culturally different percent of the CIOs will be zero approach to IT in these economies business percent or less in 2010, but “will will directly influence product www org slowly improve in 2011,” Son- features, service structures, and info@seattle .DESISS. dergaard said. Gartner said the the overall IT industry. 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India also indicators, India is 30 places high- that combines economic growth ranks highly on measures of social er in the final rankings because of COOK! 30 days of landing. together with measures of happi- capital, reflected in the percentage China’s poor levels of personal They would love to go some ness and quality of life, the Lega- of citizens who volunteer, give to freedom and democracy. Howev- Traditionally South Asian place called home and talk tum Prosperity Index ranks India charity, help strangers, and who er, there are some areas of concern Men take backseat when it to or spend time with a fam- 45th in the world, slightly behind feel they can rely on family and for India, particularly in the qual- comes to cooking. ily. Brazil (41st) but well ahead of ity of healthcare and education for China (75th). which India ranks 88th and 86th NOT ANY MORE. respectively,” said Dr. William We want to put them in the The third edition of the Legatum Inboden, Senior Vice President of driver seat. Prosperity Index, ranks 104 coun- the Legatum Institute. SEATTLE SOUTH tries (covering 90 percent of the ADOPT A STUDENT ASIAN INVITES SOUTH world’s population), based on a Finland tops the index, followed Families interested in creating a definition of prosperity that com- by Switzerland, Sweden, and Den- ASIAN MEN TO COME FORWARD AND SHOW ‘Home Away Home’ for these bines economic growth together mark; the U.S. is 9th and the UK students can email their contact with measures of happiness and is 13th. The index identified nine THEIR TALENT IN info and we will post it on Seat- quality of life. Although, China key factors that drive economic COOKING. tleSouthAsian.com. has outperformed India on several friends. In this area, India ranks growth and personal well being, economic indicators, India’s su- fifth in the world, ahead of the which are foundations of prosper- Interesrted students will perior overall ranking is achieved U.S, UK and Finland. ity. Each of these nine factors is Email your recipe with through its performance in the represented in a sub-index and a your photos and see your- contact you directly. critical non-economic factors “India is a classic example of a country’s final prosperity index self in print such as personal freedom which country whose prosperity stems ranking is generated by averaging Email: encompasses freedom of speech largely from its social capital and its scores across all nine sub-in- Info@seattlesouthasian.
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