BE NGREU ', "'' ,"- '{$*1: l,H:;'i[:;]fI":tt*'t" a I For almost 6$ years, 8e #erueryhas presented contemporary news and vlews of thina to the wotld in English and othet wiews agld amanysis on hot topirs related to (hina, Africa and fhina-Afriea relations over the past 30 years. Iind out about the world from a (hinese perspeetive. You will diseover in-depth analysis, special columns and comptehensive repotting by prsfcssiueral iournalists amd editors frorn [hina and around the world. Follow us on our lwitter, Youlube and tacebook aecounts atld keep up tryith the latest developmcnts. (01{TE1{rS v01.59 N0.34 AUGU$25, 2016 EDITOR'S DESK 02 AChancetoCgllLbute THIS WEEK COVER STORY WORLD 99 P9!!9r lal9ll'qt Hqyg, .... .,luPgf..r....on8l9.Tgr9J9.. WWll crime.s . .acknowl.edges NATION 34 Pin pointing Il'g.lLgP"lg"m l"*ii19,q.-'f .c ... ..Tegilgt 1neoii,in. attention BUSINESS y-ile r- 19 ll ! 9".t Ii lg-.- -9f s 0utsi.zed .seaplane.expands.China emergency,response capabilities. 38 MarketWatch . ?.3 2 i Collaboration for Joint 7.22, Universal Outreach Growth Hope rests on G20 for constructive CULTURE China's economy continues to underpin direction in world affairs 42 Sleeping BeautyAwakens in China Contemporary choreographer-debuts global prosperity . work in Beijing... ... Vr.2a4, I nnovativeness and 44 UnderstandiLg- 9t'in. ?.3 a; 1 An Economic Com parison lnclusiveness ..ILtPgel,!l.YYo.td9. of G20 Members Contributing to global economic governance at Hangzhou summit FORUM '*"= TimetoRethink 46 Will Relaxed Funding Controls i . 7.'.?-Z'z Promote Resealgh] Globalization A Shared Opportunity .. Widespread insecurity and China's G20 presidency will inequality call for a new type help strengthen the group's EXPATS EYE of dialogue legitimacy 48 The Cover Up w.1w.991. PS:qlgg.9n f_v_e-face wll ,a.27:, Chaos and Order ?.2 i Goodbye EU, Hello China! . .9c99!s9ry.. China's proposals can pave the way Britain looks east for support to a brighter future after Brexit Cover Design: Wang Yaiuan @2015 Beijing Review, all rights reserved. www.bjreview.com zinio Follow us on You@ BREAKING NEY{S u SCAN ME u Using a 0R code reader ti Beijing Review 0SSN lOOO-9140) is published weekly for USS51.OO peryear by Cypress Books,36O Swlft Avenue, Suite 48, South San Francisco, CA 94080, Periodical Postage Paid at South San Francisco, CA 94080. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Beiiing Review, Cypress Books,360 Swift Avenue, Suite 48,5outh San Francisco, CA 94080 EDII()R'S DESK A Chance to Contribute The 2016 Group of 20 (G20) Summitwilltake the G20 agenda. These measures display place in Hangzhou, capital of east China's China's determination to push forward struc- Zhejiang Province, on September 4-5. As a tural reform and opening up as well as its primary platform for international economic active role in maintaining global economic cooperation, the upcoming G20 Summit is balance and promoting sustainable develop- steering the world's attention to the middle ment kingdom. This summit has provided China The severe global economic situation is with an opportunity to play a more active role now underthe influence ofvarious social and in the G20 platform, marking a new starting political factors. The priority is to locate the point in China's engagement with global source of the problems that are slowing the economtc govemance. global economy down and devise a recipe As the second largest economy and a for economic improvemenL China has put leading driver of global economic growth, forward the theme of the summit as'Toward China has made use of the hosting of the an lnnovative, lnvigorated, lnterconnected G20 Summit as a chance to push forward and lnclusive World Economy." the opening up of its service sector. lt is Key topics for discussion at the sum- trying to ensconce itself deeply into the mit will includel a new path for groMh, new round of globalization. This will cast more efficient global economic and finan- a far-reaching influence on China's eco- cial governance, robust international trade nomic and social development in various and investment, and inclusive and inter- aspects. connected development. The focus is on Since it assumed the 2016 presidency addressing the most striking significant of the G20, China has analyzed the macro- and urgent challenges facing the world economic situation and tried to coordinate economy with a view to spearheading in- various policies focusing on toplevel design ternational cooperation. of structural reform. For example, China took Notably, China pays attention to the lead in formulating the Hangzhou Action strenBthening communication and policy Plan, to be issued at the summit, and has coordination with developing economies worked to fulfill the goal of "strong sustain- and industrialized countries alike so as to able and balanced growth." help further expand global economic gov- China has reactivated the lnternational ernance. Hopefully, guided by this summit, Flnancial Architecture Working Group. For the the G20 will inject new vitality into the world first time it has brought green finance onto economy for its better growth. I 134*2V4V*U2 V Sena an e-mail: [email protected] Please provide your name and address along with your submissions Submissions may be edited. CHINA RN,4B6OO USA USDI 70 AUSTMLIA AUD3OO UK GBP1 20 CANADA CAD260 SWITZERLAND .CHF260 ]APAN JPYl88 EUROPE EURO1 90 TURKEY YTL5OO HK HKD930 NEPAL RS4O +tr+1n, + Erl.tl l' hlxliil+1tl"j +.lr,F&, :ltElt+Eit j!,ft, ftll: :Lrifitrr,4trf,.b,t,tilr:+E $ r()orr:r fi++, +fili +eEl Er a/isiE IEit +tkd g{+ i1K, +'E; . trf- t, , n ,.x!.,.Jst t ."l& I, f, , R.l,1tl E! iljl, I ta' f Hi( rP fi !./r [F.1\,] lL,F.,E]H +ilh20r64 +31F1 ISSN 1000 q110 El611i-+Llg, cNrl 1s76/c2 Sliti\+, 2-e22 f gi+FIi[01718 :][,i,m.Hl+r]EiCirl H73ji trhTEit, ^Rfi6oo- htto:/iwww.bireview.com THISWEEK A OUAI\|TUM LEAP A rocket carrying the world's flrst quantum communication satellite, Micius, blasts ofl at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu Province on August 16. The satellite, developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is named after an ancient Chinese scientist. Circling the Earth once every 90 minutes along a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 500 km, Micius is designed to enable hack-proof quantum communication by transmitting undecipherable information. http://www.bjreview.com AUGUy 25, 20r6 BHJlllG RII/IEW l fi a n g o n g -2, which wi[[ accom- modate two astronauts tor up to 30 dags at a time, was delivered to the center in earig Jutg, and its canier rockets arrived one month later. Authorities' Responsiveness Govemment departments have been required to respond Faster and better to public concems, according to a circutar issued bg the State CounciL China's cabinet, on August.l2. "Regarding exceptiona[ emergencies, press conferences should be held within 24 hours, and responses to other topics should be made within 48 hours," said the circu[ar, which stressed that inForma- tion shou[d be regulartg updated. The document said that spokes- persons or departmental heads should be present at press briefings, and inFormation should be "accurate, we[.Founded and pertinenL" lt added that in responding to pubtic Appeal for Peace questions. officials shoutd be given a certain [eve[ oFdiscretion, and mis- Detegates from China South Korea and Japan at an assemblg on August 15 at the Memoria[ Ha[[ oF the Victims in to some Nanjing Massacre bg Japanese lnvaders in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. takes should be tolerated The dag marked the 7st anniversary oFJapan's unconditional sunender at the end oFWortd War ll. degree. The circular atso contains a two-gear plan to train a[ oFficiats in charge of pubticitg and spokesper- sons oFState CounciI departments Lawsuit other officials in charge oFtre specific Space Mission and administrations at or above areas concemed in cases'it said. countg leveL Requirements According to the SPC, those Chind s 5 h enz h ou-l/ spaceshi p, set who cannot attend should designate to take two astronauts into sPace, The Supreme Peop[e's Court (SPC) Wealth Report other government staff to appear on was delivered to the Jiuquan Sate[ite released a circu[ar on August 16 their behalf. Theg shoutd not have Launch Center in northwest China Guangdong Province in south China making it mandatory For relevant [awgers as their so[e representatives on August 12. has overtaken Beljing as the Chinese officials otgovemment bodies to in courL General assemb[g and testing mainland region with the largest persona[[g appear in court when The circu[ar also banned courts wi[[ begin at the center ahead oF the super-rich popu[ation, according trials invo[ving major administrative From retusing or delaging such vehicte's [aunch, which is schedu[ed to a report trom Hurun Research disputes take ptace. [awsuis, stating that principals ot For mid-October, said a statement bg lnstitute and Chinese insurance giant The stiputation applies to the courts tound doing so wi[[ be Chinas Manned Space Engineering Taikang LiFe lnsurance Co. Ltd. administrative cases that affect the disciplined and punished. OFfice. ln Mag this gear, the Chinese pubtic interes[ come under intense "Resolute efforts should be The spaceship wi[[ transport maintand was home to aboutl34 public scruting, and are [iketg to in- made to deter ang i[[ega[ act to personne[ and supplies to China s mittion high net worth individuals duce mass incidents. Courls shoutd interFere in and obstruct a court's second orbiting space [ab, (HNWls) each with assets overl0 atso issue notices to recommend handling of an administrative case," Tiangong-2,which is due to be mil[ion guan $].51 mitLionFalO.T officials' appearance in other cases, the circular said, urging courts to launched in mid-September.
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